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By Faith

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Posts posted by By Faith

  1. By faith, not sure what you meant, that I don't understand the "right"  of WOF teachers.   What was that supposed to mean?


    What I am saying is that we are all not money grubbing, prosperity name it and claim it people. (Well, I am) but lot's of us are not. 



    You say a lot but what I would like to see is one who actually does what is written and and demonstrates in Spirit and in Power. Anyone can tell someone else they approve/disapprove of what they say or study the material and put out a lengthy post but I am wanting badly to find people who can demonstrate faith in action.



    Gary, have you ever been talking with someone, then something inside you just came up. You suddenly knew the right thing to say at that right time. When you said it, it effected the person, they saw something they could not see before, it became clear to them the cause of something or gave clear direction to them. 


    It came up to you through a Word of Knowledge or Word of Wisdom. The Holy Spirit helped you according to your faith and anointing on you. 


    Have you ever had someone just come up and ask if your a Christian without saying anything? 


    What they are picking up is that tangible power of the Holy Spirit on you and coming out from you. 

    being believers we get use to the presence of God on our life, don't notice a thing. Others will. 


    So go back, examine your own Life, and recall those times you knew God was involved. 


    It's not good enough we just speak the Word, the power and help from the Holy Spirit has to also be there else we won't get through to anyone. It's there in some degree.



    If you want to see this in action, then the best answer is go ask God to lead you to the place to grow in understanding and faith. Who the Lord tells you to follow and listen to is the one that has the example you need for your own ministry. You certainly just don't want to walk into any Pentecostal church to see them hanging off the rafters and rolling all over the floor. That might be a good example of crazy, but might not a real good example of what your seeking. Ask God, examine churches and the one that seems right will just become real to you. Don't go there to judge, just go to listen. 

    Heb_6:12  That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. 

    As a new believer years ago, I had an example of men who operated in the gifts. One guy came to me and said, the Lord told me to tell you this, and it was exactly what I was praying about and He knew things I never told anyone. I followed what he told me and God did some awesome things in that situation. I never had that happen to me, and it really impacted me. I realized God wants to help people more than what we think He does. In everything. 


    I wanted to be able to do that for others, Had no clue on where to get started though, I just wanted that operating in my life. I also wanted to speak in tongues, no idea how that was going to work out either. 


    What I did is start paying close attention to the men I was with, and grabbing all I could for those that "Claimed" to operate in the power of God. 


    years later, the Lord has used me in some amazing things, and still learning. 


    We are the body of Jesus Gary, we are connected to the Head. What Jesus did on earth, He would like the place in us to continue what He did. If we are decreased to where Jesus has full say in all we do, then you will see some amazing things.


    If you really seek Gary, You are promised that you will find. It may seem small at first, may not seem much, but keep walking in the direction the Lord has you and down the road you will look back and think what an amazing God we have. 


    Be blessed.

  3. Put simply,  an anointing is special touch for a specific purpose.     An anointing is God's enabling of you to perform a specific ministry He wants you to do.   God anoints some to preach, some to sing, some to teach, etc.


    That is a pretty good answer. Surprising from one that does not under stand the "right" WOF teachers. very surprising.



    Being anointed is to be chosen or appointed to a position for a purpose and is biblically illustrated by the sign of pouring oil on the one being anointed.

    I am not sure of the modern church uses of anointing.


    That needs some Work Gary.



    I tell the rest what the Anointing is.


    First, ever single believe has the Holy Spirit. I'll let the confusion of being Baptisted in the Holy Spirit as a power to witness with signs out of this. 


    Joh_16:8  And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment

    As a believer, we have Christ in us or Christ (The anointed one and His anointing on us) Christ means Anointed, or His Anointing. When we talk to folks, if we trust in that power on us, the Holy Spirit can deal with the heart of a person, and give us the right words to say. 


    How often have you talked to someone, and just had a scripture come up, or just knew what the real cause of someone's issue where, even if they did not see the root of the problem? That is the Witness with us to show Jesus.


    Every believer has some tangible power on them. It can be increased, or it can be set to almost zero.This power extends past our ability to reach hearts, and works with us and helps us. 


    Luk 8:46  And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me


    The anointing on us, Like Jesus can be so strong as to effect even the cloths we wear. Paul for example had a handkerchief that held the anointing that was on him. Peter's shadow went by people and they were healed. It was not his shadow doing the healing, but his close proximity. 


    In Jesus case, many were touching him and bumping into him, but one person in the crowd had faith, and came expecting something saying, If I could just touch his rob, I will be healed. The women with the issue of Blood through faith, connected to the anointing that was on Jesus. 


    How to operate and increase the anointing:

    Gal_3:5  He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith
    The Holy Spirit operates in line with the Word of God, and hearing of faith. If your telling folks God is mysterious, and you just never know, there is not a lot of faith in that, so you would not expect any results. It was faith that connected to the anointing on Jesus and the women revived that power to heal her. 
    Eph_3:17  That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 
    Staying rooted and grounded in love, and having that constant knowing that you have the power of God in you. Christ in your own heart, Or the Holy Spirit the power of the anointed one in your spirit. Believing your anointed, gives confidence in God's ability in you. 
    Eph 5:18  And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
    Eph 5:19  Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 
    Saying to yourself Psalms, confessing scriptures to yourself, hymns of songs you know, singing in the Spirit (spirit) tongues and staying focused on the Lord and not thinking about a subway sandwich all day can increase the anointing. 
    Trusting in the Anointing to witness and help others.
    1Co_2:4  And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power
    Often times believers just give scriptures they know, and try to help people through their own wisdom, being ignorant that we should be hearing the Holy Spirit, telling us about the person and telling the person in power and demonstration of that power. It's easy to tell carnal help, with someone who is anointed in power to help. Carnal help often gives worldly advice with some scriptures thrown in.We can seek to do better and trust in the Holy Spirit in our life to be that witness. Not based on our own knowledge, but based on the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit and what he gives us to share.
    Special anointing for office callings and gifts:
    Eph_4:11  And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 
    A person anointed to be a teacher is not the same type of anointing or gift that a Prophet or Pastor would have. A Pastor not only is gifted in giving messages in power for his people, but there is also a mighty anointing to get direction for his church, keep the bills paid, and run the adminastrative part of His Church the Lord gave him. The Pastor's anointing is constantly on and covers many things to run a church.
    A teacher's anointing would be "ON" when He/She gets up to teach. A teacher would not be equipped to handle a whole church or do the other task a Pastor would have to do. 
    There are also anointing to do other things besides just speaking positions. To be a doctor, a lawyer, to serve God as a school principle. Everyone is called to do something, and there is ability to do those things.
    Trying to do good things in a area your not called to do, or have the anointing to do messes things up really bad, and you see this all the time. It causes the person frustration, and they are confused why things are not working like they should. If you go a couple years of no growth, and it's one mess after another, out of money, then it's time to check if your really in the right position and not trying to fill a position God never called you to do. 
    Just because it seems like a good scriptural idea, is no indication its a good scriptural idea for you. 
    Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 
    (Eph 5:17-19)
    you could write a book on this, who likes to read book length material on the forums?
    Be blessed. Shiloah gave a great and short answer. 
  4. There is no contradiction between James and Paul, at all.    Paul when referring to justification in say, Rom. 3:28, is referring to our justification by faith before God.   We are not justified/saved by works, but by faith. 


    James, on the other hand is not speaking on how we are justified before God.   James is talking about our profession of faith in James chapter 2.   James is talking about the justification or affirmation of our professed faith.   "show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works.   James is drawing the connection between what say and what we do.  Abraham was justified by works.  But that is not justification before God.  James is saying that we can know the authenticity of Abraham's faith because of his works.   Same goes for Rahab.   The point that James is making is that our claim to have faith in God is only justified when it is accompanied by corresponding works.


    James is a very practical book and is more concerned with practical Christian living.  It is not concerned so much with how we are saved (as is the case with Romans), but rather it is concerned with how we live out our faith in the context of community.


    Martin Luther was wrong.


    Martin Luther was wrong. 


    We are also justified by works. You almost understand what James is saying. Works is a justification before God.


    Jas 2:21  Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?


    If Abraham was Justified by Works, then who justified him? Abraham did not justify himself. Abraham's own works would have been as rags. 


    James is also not talking about just faith to be born again, Jesus is talking about how faith works, including being born again.


    here is a clue.


    Rom_16:26  But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: 
    Switch the Word works, with Action. Then Look at all the examples of healing and God doing miracles. Also look at what Action that would be. 

    yes who spoke to Moses and actually gave him the ten commandments written on stone tablets as often depicted - twinc

    The Bible says that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (Jn 1:1). The Bible also says that no man has seen God at any time.  It is the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, who has "declared" or revealed Him (Jn 1:18).


    So the answer to your question is that it was the pre-incarnate Word (whom we now know as Jesus) who spoke to Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments.  He called Himself "I AM" (in both Testaments) because He is God.  Whenever we read in the OT that the Word of God came to men and spoke to them, it was Jesus.  Unfortunately, "the Word" is not capitalized in the KJV to indicate who is speaking. Notice Gen 15:1 that the pre-incarnate Christ appeared to Abram in a vision and spoke:


    After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.


    That should read:


    After these things the Word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.



    Wow, a trinity Question, not a who gave the commandments. We also have a oneness Pentecostal here using the Word Triune. More likely a modalist,  Jesus being reduced to a thing, or a saying (Dabar) Just amazing. 


    It was the Father, that gave the 10 Commandments. Having a promise saying on this day a son Is born, on this day I have begotten thee.


    Psa_2:7  I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee
    That spoken Word did not return void, but came to pass, John Saying.
    Joh_1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 
    Jesus is not a word part of some god machine. He is Lord, not a piece of something, not just some words, but King of Kings. wow. The Word God spoke, was made flesh, he only Begotten of the Father.
    How hard is it to compare scriptures? 
    Fulfilled as mentioned in Acts
    Act_13:33  God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. 
    God fulfilled His spoken Word, the Word God spoke made Mary Pregnant. Not Jesus being some thing, or some word part of a triune god system.
    God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 
    (Heb 1:1-2)
    Who spoke in the days of the OT prophets?
    Who's son spoke when the last days started to tick down that 2,000 years?
    Who's name means the Word (not the physical and spirit word itself, but name means the Word) speaking in the last days? Does he have a Father? 
    It's in scripture, where is the confusion coming from?
    If Jesus spoke to the OT people, then the scripture must be wrong. 
  6. An average of 117 people die in day in car crashes.



    An average of 86 people die a day due to being shot. 


    53 of them Kill themselves. 30 are murdered, and a few accidents and police shooting. 


    People will find a way to kill themselves regardless. We don't blame the gun. 


    So if Christians are against Guns, then they would be hypocrites telling others not to own guns if they also road in a motor vehicle. 


    Sadly, being a hypocrite has not presented any stumbling blocks to many Christians. 

  7. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and suppliction with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    I confess this is something I overlook, tho every time I read it I think, 'oh yes, I must try this.'

    So this is supposed to guard our hearts and minds with God's peace. Interesting, since peace is something we often lack.


    The reason we are told to be careful for nothing, "Worry" "Anxious" is because making our request made known to God fixes the thing we had on our mind. Then we are told what things to think about. 


    He that comes to God must believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. Without faith knowing that the reward is coming, and that He is God that cares, there is no pleasing Him.


    Faith does not believe God can, Faith believes God will. 


    Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment
    (Mat 6:25)
    Jesus is just not telling us not to think about the needs, the healing we need, the place we need to stay warm because we are more minded on some eternal thing after we have died. He is not just giving us some good suggestion to make our worry less, and concerns not seem so bad. 
    Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things
    (Mat 6:30-32)
    Jesus said take no thought because God see's you need cloths, healed, family issues fixed and He will fix them. If you need food, God will feed you, if You need Cloth's He will give you cloths. If you need healing, He will get you healed. 
    There is no reason to worry or take thought for something God already said He would fix. Not is some way we don't understand, or in some after life He will wipe the tears away. God is here now, and Cares now. 
    Now if your going to worry, and fret over things, then physical things are carrying far to much weight in your life, instead of the Word built up in you is carrying. Your looking to much at things seen, and not focused on the Word which is unseen. 
    Peter focused on things seen, cost him one of the greatest miracles he experienced at that point and began to sink. If you don't want to sink, take heed to what your paying attention to the most. It will be that thing that invades your thought life.
    God will perfect those things that concern you. Psalm 138:8
  8. 2Co_5:19  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 
    Joh_12:47  And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world


    Col_2:14  Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross
    Heb_6:6  If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. 


    All sin of the World had been fixed and the punishment we deserved laid on Jesus at the Cross. There is no more Punishment for sin in this life, but only judgement to come for not accepting the sacrifice God gave the World. 


    When we sin, we have an advocate with the Father. 


    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 
    (1Jn 1:9)
    God is faithful to forgive, based on the sacrifice that was made, and restore back our right standing with him. 
    So, Jesus is not getting punished again, He already did that once. 
  9. I like the way the CJB translation puts it.

    James 2:17 Thus, faith by itself, unaccompanied by actions, is dead.

    18 But someone will say that you have faith and I have actions. Show me this faith of yours without the actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions!

    If you have faith in God, you are going to act on it.


    Just a couple of thoughts.


    I have thought about that verse, 'faith without works is dead'.  Where my thoughts led me was to the understanding of how we react to faith. Faith at the most basic, is a firm belief in the reality of something or how something works. I know this is not a good example, but it is the example that entered my mind when I was thinking about the verse. 


    Gravity is invisible. We can't see it. I was taught about gravity in school, so I would say that I believed that gravity existed and is real. But, if I walked around hanging on to objects so that I don't float away, I might be saying I believe in gravity, but in reality, my actions would say that I don't really have any faith that gravity is real and will keep me firmly planted on the earth. If we have real faith, we will act on that faith. I say I have faith in God, but if my actions show a lack of faith, then I might claim to have faith in God, but in the area of question, it is clearly a dead faith because I do not act like I really do believe. If a person really believes, has faith, it would be automatic to act based on that faith.


    I guess the best biblical example would be when Jesus was walking on the water, and the disciples were in a boat. Peter had faith when Jesus told Peter to come to Him. Peter believed that he could walk on the water because Jesus told him to walk to Him. Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking. Of course we know that Peter began to doubt, so began to sink and Jesus caught him, keeping him from sinking. But the point is Peter acted on his faith until he doubted.


    Awesome Answers here.


    Faith is not connected to producing Good fruit. That is not what James is talking about. The fruit of the Spirit (spirit) peace, Joy, faithfulness, Love come from character change on the inside. Not someones faith. 


    Paul said it's possible to have faith that will move a mountain but without Charity (Love) all the Mountain hears is brass symbols. 

    A fruit of the Spirit (spirit) works faith, it's called love. Without Love, and that fruit, faith won't even work. (Gal 5:6)

    So to say faith produce Good's works by fruit is putting the cart before the Horse. Character and fruit and love is something God and the Holy Spirit produces in us. Faith follows after that and responds, not the other way around.



    Faith without Works, is dead being by itself. James is talking about faith that heals the sick, moves things, changes circumstances. He is not speaking of some repentance thing. 


    James ask the question concerning a person who has faith without works, can faith save them alone? Many die believing God to heal, or change something, but have no works or corresponding action to what they claim to believe. 



    James goes on to say if you see a Brother or Sister hungry, and say Be at peace, Be filled with good food and be warm, but don't feed them, then your faith is in vain. 


    That sounds a whole lot like some Word of Faith, Faith confession. Be healed, be strong, Food come to you. 



    You can have people pray for you, pray all day yourself, but not taking action to what you believed you received just ends in failure. You have to believe what you asked is already done. (Mark 11:24) If you don't know if it's God's will, you best get that settled first. 


    What does Works then look like that would go with faith and activate it?


    I can remember a brother in Christ who decided to show God he was cured of diabetes by not taking his shots. He was activating his faith with some type of work. That went pretty bad for him and he ended up in a diabetic coma for a bit.


    Several cases of Parents who claim to believe God, must show their church they are not full of unbelief and refuse to take the child to the hospital. The child dies. 


    These are people who decide on their own what Work needs to accompany their so called Faith. Just as in the case of James, be full, be warm depart in peace, we are already commanded elsewhere to feed them. We have instruction already about that. 


    Our works is at What,???? That's right, even when you try to make something up like removing your glasses to prove to God you believe you can see good then go jump in a car to make it across town seeing two of everything. That does not always work out well. 


    Well, long enough. There are tons of scripture and examples of what that Work is. you try to come up with something on your own, we might be reading about it in the Paper. Mary said, Whatever He says do, you do.


    Be blessed everyone. 

  10. I am usually a very private person. I will only show those around me so much of who I am, what makes me, me. I don't like burdening others with my problems. I take them to Christ and pretty much leave it at that. I have a very successful career, a good home, and a great bunch of kids. For those who know, I am recently divorced. It has been about 6 months now and I am starting to feel the emptiness of not having a partner. It's true, any void should be filled with Christ and that should be enough. I have been riding on that for some time now but its starting to not be enough.


    God Bless,



    Not everyone can just live life without a (Human) partner at their side, some folks happy with a dog, or even worse, 10 cats running around the house. God created women to be a help meet, a ministry partner. Someone that prays for us when we get one of our crazy ideas. "I had a dream about a fishing boat, I think God wants us to spend all our savings on a fishing boat, and I am suppose to spend more time on the water being a witness to other fisherman. i am pretty sure that was God."


    Wanting someone to embrace, tell your day to. How someone can make you feel is selfish, and how the first marriage failed. A help meet and partner to do the will of God is someone more than just telling our day to and someone to snuggle up to. As men we love the wife as Christ loved the Church, it's never about us, or how we feel. Let me tell you, Jesus does not get lots of warm fuzzy's with a whole lot of churches out there. Full of unbelief, and Pastors never doing what He directs to do. He is still patient, still loves them, still willing to tell them again and again in case they don't catch on the first 100 times.


    Now you said the Lord said Put the Kingdom first, seek the Kingdom first. There's a revelation as he quoted you Matt 6, because Jesus also said if you do that, then all the other things in life will be added to you. You certainly don't have to wonder if you will miss something. You also hear God, something else millions are clueless about, so you have a lot of good things going here.



    Now you want one of God's daughters, someone you can trust, God is just not going to subject one of his to someone that looks a them as a snuggle post so they feel better in life. Millions of girls out there you can just snuggle and tell your day to. You might as well go grab one of them to fill your "Empty" space and flesh needs. 


    If you want a partner though, someone you can help get in her plan and get the plan of God going in your life. To where The Lord in your life is more than enough to keep you happy, and fulfilled to the point there is so much you would like to share that overflow of contentment and steadfastness. When there is no more fear of being hurt again, because there is no selfishness left in you, then go ask God for One of his daughters, who serve him and put Him first in her life.


    Otherwise, millions of girls out there, they snuggle just fine and can speak when you want to tell them about your day. 


    I have links to free teaching on loving your spouse as Christ loved the Church. It will help turn around some of these fears of being hurt again, and being able to be free, sharing your life with no fear of rejection or disappointment. 

  11. By Faith



    The Bible does not say we will be "just like Jesus" when he appears.   That is a misquotation.


    Paul quoted pagan writers more than once.  Don't see the problem you are having with that.


    Jesus was not affirming that mankind are gods.  He was quoting Scripture and making a point about corrupt leaders.   I think I made that point clear, but you are unwilling to address that point.


    We are created in God's image, but we are not "like God."  The Bible is clear that no one is like Him.   Show that the verses I posted say otherwise.


    Where does the Bible say we are in the angelic class????   The Bible says we are created a little lower than angels!



    I completely get what Jesus is saying to the Pharisees.   He is quoting Psalm 82 which is a condemnation of unjust judges (elohim).  Jesus is drawing on that as a criticism of the unrighteous Pharisees.    That is the only correct exegesis of that passage.


    You can't (so far) offer up any kind of refutation of any point I have made.   All you have done is parrot the same false teachings and complain that I have the audacity to expose them


    Well, posting scriptures to refute you is not going to help. 


    Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 
    (1Jn 3:2)
    If we are not like him, then what is John talking about?
    I also never said we are in the Angelic class, and no we are not lower than angels, Jesus was made lower than the angels..... Made, because at one time he was not. We judge the angels. They are servants, we are sons. If God wanted more servants, he would have made the. He wanted Sons and Daughters, Like him. A family. 
    For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. 
    (Act 17:28-29)
    Paul is not disputing that their poets are wrong, they just picked the wrong god to be offspring of. Paul was using their concept of god, and compared the right concept to the Godhead. Now if we are not God's offspring because Paul quoted one of their poets as it's pagan, then the Godhead also must be a Pagan concept. 
    However, if your called a Son of God, your still His offspring. Born of the Word, which according to John is God, the same. 
    I could be approaching this wrong.
    What do you think you are? 
    I said though your approach is wrong, I play the video and see my favorite preacher "Benny Hinn" is being put down, then you just discredit yourself for me because I have been following Benny Hinn for 20 years and your just some guy on a forum. 
    Now if you want me to understand that praying at Kathern's tomb to gain anointing and power is messed up, and you want to help me, you don't start off by slamming the guy I have been following for 20 years. 
    Great post in the Hell thread, but then the same level of quality you used there is not here. Be consistent. 
  12. By faith,


    I you don't think you sin, you have a problem with Scripture, that's all I can say on that.  Where did I claim I am not immortal???  I am a regenerated person, a new creation.  I will live eternally.  I have never said anything contrary to that.  


    Kenneth Copeland teaches that we are in the god-class. He teaches that God was reproducing Himself.  I have even have him saying so in the OP, if you listened to what he said.  He may not claim that we are all powerful, but he claims that we are reproductions of God, which is heretical and is not in Scripture.   The Bible never says that we are exactly like God.


    To the contrary, the Bible says that there is NO ONE like Him.   "No one is like you, Lord.  You are great and your name is mighty in Power." (Jer. 10:6)   Is. 40:18, 25; 46:5,9 all declare that there is no one like God and that he is the only deity in the universe.


    When Paul said that Jesus felt it was not robbery to be equal with God, Paul was saying that Jesus, though he was equal in deity with God the Father did not exploit his deity to his own advantage.   You need to check that out in the Greek.   the KJV does a very poor job of translating that verse in Phil. 2.


    We are created in God's moral image, but not in His exact image.   You need to be careful how far you take that "image" thing.


    Jesus did not say, "ye are gods."   You are ripping that from the context.    Jesus was quoting from Ps. 82:6.  The word for "god" is elohim and it is a word that, depending on the context refers to angels and to judges/magistrates.    Jesus was comparing the unrighteous judges mentioned in Ps. 82:6 with the corrupt Jewish leadership in John 10:34.   Jesus was not calling men "gods"  in the sense you are using that word. You need to study up a bit on exegesis.  


    We are not born of the same "word" that Jesus was born of.   The Bible NEVER says that what you claim is theological heresy.


    When Paul was saying that we are "his offspring"  in Acts. 17:28-29,   Paul was quoting a pagan poet and he was making a different point.  He was challenging the stoic pantheism and epicurean materialistic deism that was part of Greek philosophy.   He quoted the poet to make a didactic point that God was the creator and sustainer of the entire material universe including mankind.   The point the poet was making about us being the offspring of the gods was Paul used to make the case that God is the source of all life. 


    Paul was not saying that we are offspring of God in the sense that we emanate from Him/His deity.  That would make us part of God and that would be pseudo pantheism.   So your argument that we are little gods runs into contradiction to the point Paul was trying to make with the Greek stoics there on Mars Hill.


    So I am not throwing  away Scriptures.  I am showing why the notion that we are little gods is a heresy and is not part of the authentic new testament faith.   It is all part of a huge false gospel.


    So we will be just like Jesus when he appears, yet not born of the "Same" Word? What other word is there?


    Also, Paul is quoting something Pagan and not speaking by the Holy Spirit?


    Jesus also said, Ye are gods, yet you claim he did not say that.


    There is nobody like the creator, One Lord God. I agree with that. Without God we are lost, and not anything close to being a self sufficient immortal being (Theos) of our own. I agree. Yet your twisting scriptures up here to avoid seeing what we are. We are more like the Father than anything he ever created. 


     I can quote you Psalm 82, God stands in the congregation of the el's and judges among the gods. I said ye are all the Children of the most High (gods) but you shall die like one of he princes (Satan) 


    you don't get what Jesus was saying to them, and why He responded the way He did. We are in the Immortal class, higher than the spirit angelic class. Your missing the reason for the judgement and the importance of how we act according to our very nature and why judgement has to be eternal. 


    Now I agree with you that making people think they are "G"od's as in like Satan thinks he is, and called god of this World a title. Is going to get folks in error. One reason I would not use the term "little gods" as it's not even in scripture to explain confidence in the Father. Just because I don't agree with the terms or how some folks word things, does not mean there is not something there. 


    With 60,000 people here though, you should really consider coming across different before putting down a person someone might listen to. If all that beat the drum with you are those that think like you, You have accomplished nothing. 



    For example. What does everyone thing about the Little god's Doctrine? 


    Then post your scriptures and explanations. You speak bad about someone that someone likes, they shut you off, and you do nothing except rally the folks that believe like you anyway. It makes no sense if your actually trying to reach people. 


    Sort of like me going to Catholic mass and telling everyone that praying to Mary is Idol worship and a stupid thing to do. Now listen to what I have to say. It's just not going to accomplish anything. 

  13. but we are no more than human beings.  We are sinners, not gods.   We are redeemed sinners, but we are still sinners.


    I would certainly stop sinning. If you need prayer, let me know.



    Also, reading the Hell thread you had some amazing post, but now you claim your not immortal. Theos means deity of uncertain origin or immortal being. bit confused on your stance there. You don't believe we are spirits then? 


    I don't think anyone is stupid enough to think they are exactly like the Only Lord God of Israel. Kenneth Copeland certainly does not preach that and I can only speak for him, not the others and to have Benny Hinn in the Same video makes me a at a loss for words. Benny is on his own planet, God bless him, but I don't get half of what He says.


    Thing is, we don't just throw away scriptures because we don't like what someone teaches, that is just ignorant. We examine things, pray about it and weight it out. We also just don't take clips of things people said without taking everything they said, that is also childish, with no level of excellence. We need to demand more from ourselves because we represent the King of Kings. 


    First, Kenneth does not believe we are all powerful like the only Lord God. He has never taught that. He teaches to obey God, and give your best for him. Kenneth hates Evolution, and teaches we are beings created with a purpose. This is why he brings up we are not some half a cut above a monkey, we are exactly like God. 


    Which brings the question, How is a flesh human exactly like God?


    God said let's create man in "OUR" image. The Worlds were made for the Lord Jesus, all things made through him and for him. So the term "OUR" would have to be Father and Son, not just Father. It really depends on if your a true Trinitarian, Modern Trinitarian, Modalist, Oneness or somewhere in between how you understand that.



    Paul said let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who thought it not robbery to be equal with God.

    Jesus said be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.

    James said man is created in the homoiōsis of God, Like, God, in resemblance to God.


    Jesus said ye are gods............ There is a very good reason he said that.


    We are born of the same Word Jesus was born from, Like Him, One in him. 


    John said when He appears we will be Just like Jesus. 


    We are God's offspring, each seed produces after it's own kind. 


    So we don't throw away scriptures because we don't understand what someone else is saying. I don't care to explain it, Jesus made it pretty clear how we are like the Father in other verses. 


    We are more than some sinner saved by grace, far more than that. We are not God the Father though, but we do have his emotions and a whole lot of other things. 



    It would be best to study something out for ourselves, forget what others post or said. 



    I personally Would not bring up the Little gods thing, it just throws people off, and I would rather people listen and not be offended before I get speaking.






  14. "When He ascended on high, He led captive a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men.

    What is 'He led captive a host of captives?' Really tired of ignoring that one.




    Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth
    (Eph 4:8-9)
    For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; 
    (1Pe 3:18-19)
    And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. 
    (Heb 2:15)
    I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death
    (Rev 1:18)
    O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 
    (1Co 15:55)
    Paul here is using the expression that Jesus took what was captive to the fear of bondage and death, and He himself took that bondage and fear into captivity unto Himself. 
    Jesus went to hell and preached to the spirits there, brought many out of the grave which were seen and delivered us from the fear of death by which we were afraid of at one time. Death has no more sting for us, no more victory over us.
    What was once captive, Jesus took that and made it captive unto himself. 
  15. What way has God answered your prayers? How can you tell your prayer has been answered?


    He answers prayer according to our petition. It's been answered right after you have prayed. Mind you, there is a bit more to that, but it's just that simple. 


    As for the ways? Have to respond as OneLight has. 

  16. By Faith,


    Please look at the OP to see what the thread is about.   This is about Contemplative Prayer.


    yes, took me reading every page and hunting up the links given to even grasp what it was. I read things such as chanting Jesus over and over, clearing your mind, whatever that is and getting in quite rooms. 


    years back I caught a brother with his eyes closed, His wife just left him, and he had a whole lot of issues. He really just wanted God to fix things. The Lord said to me, "Stop your brother, He is trying to have me give him a vision to show him good things and show him about his marriage coming back.


    You can get in error this way, and there are more spirits out there just willing to step in and help you see what you want to see. I went and corrected him. I am not against visions, but seeking them can cause serious issues. 


    This thread reminded me about that situation years ago. 


    Reading through some of these practices, to "FEEL" closer to God, and to Get messages makes me believe that it might not be so much a knowing of pagan practices but a serious lack of faith. God said he would never leave you or forsake you, good enough for me. It may not look like God is there, may not feel like God is there, they even told you God left the building and was not going to be there. I can tell you, if he said He is there, then He is there despite how you feel, or what it looks like.



    Worked with a Pastor one time that would come in my service at times and chant. Come now Holy Spirit, just over and over and over and over. Out of respect I never said anything, but I was wondering where he thought the Holy Spirit might have taken off to. Miracles come by hearing of faith, not by chanting.


    I think people just want more of God and not certain how that works, so they do things not scriptural and the wrong spirits move and show them things confusing them. There is a difference in someone that is confused and someone that knows they are actually practicing witch craft of some sort. 


    Thank you for pointing these things out, All brand new to me. Might have seen it, just did not know what to call it.

  17. God communicates with us through other people at times, and the Holy Spirit does witness to our Spirit, but as far as sending messages.... No.  


    many religious cults  get started by people who claimed they were getting "messages"  or "special revelation" from God.  Every false prophecy is a "message"  someone had from God.   If you are getting "messages,"  it is not from God.


    Just trying to sort through this. I hear God all the time, just a few days back when my daughter went missing. I certainly expect to hear from him. So what your saying is very strange there. You ought to be able to hear God. 


    On the other hand about letting your mind go blank, or chanting things, that certainly don't seem right either. Through My years of speaking with God, I find He speaks when he decides to speak. Trying to get a forced message and your going to hear what you want to hear, or what some devil wants you to hear.


    Another thing, we don't hear God in our head, but inside, in our spirit. It's easy to tell what comes from the head and what's inside. 


    Now James said anyone that needs wisdom let them ask God which gives to every man. If we say God does not speak to us, then certainly that is not asking in faith, so we won't qualify for getting the answer as we want to dictate how that answer is to come. 




    I guess part of the confusion is that I am talking about receiving messages in terms of extra-biblical revelation and theology.    I am not saying that God doesn't speak to your heart about decision you need to make about something.


    I am talking about people who are claiming that they have received messages from God about some new thing and are wanting to spread this "doctrine" they claim they have received directly from God.


    God speaks to us through His word in terms of what He wants us to know about Himself, his character and operations.   If people are claiming that God is giving them messages containing additional revelation not contained in the Bible, that is wrong.


    That's the kind of "messages" people are getting in this contemplative prayer and that's what Sarah Young is claiming to receive.

    Good discernment should be in place.I agree.There is  getting messages from God that is not Biblical.



    Whole lot of folks here seem to need taught on how to Hear God, what it looks like, and how to know the difference, but what you posted is right. There would be no new doctrine outside the Word. 

  18. I don't waste my breath on folks who say there is no God. Devils even believe there is a God, but they sure don't activate their faith with that knowledge. We were made above the angelic class, even the angles look into what is revealed to us. So if a person is that dumb to think there is no God, it would take the Holy Spirit with His Wisdom to tell me to go talk to someone in that sorry condition. Certainly nothing I could say with my natural reasoning would change their mind, it would have to be with the wisdom and power of God that can reach a heart. 


    My 2cents worth.

  19. I can see the trinity all over the new testament even thought the word "trinity isn't used, I understand the Father , the only begotten Son of God, the Holy Spirit of God,point to One God

    I am not exactly sure what your seeing. The True and Original Trinity doctrine Never was about Monotheism. Modern man twisted the precious original doctrine to suite their own twisted understanding of scriptures and to split whole churches with their fake versions of the doctrine. I can post the true and first trinity doctrine if you like.

    One more time. Jesus is of the same substance as His FAther, God of God. Not one God, but of the same substance as............. Not a created being, but begotten of the FAther. Always has been here, always been the I am like hist FAther, but not his FAther, and not lumped into a one God mess. Oneness did that, not Trinity.

    It was much later Rome decided to lump them into 1 God, and call that a mystery. The TRue Trinity Doctrine does not do that, and much different than the modern fakes. It's why Trinity purist have worded their Modern version to match the original which was created to defend the Deity of the Lord Jesus. Jesus is of the same "Nature" as God, God like His father, but not His Father.

    There is a Big difference between the Nicene Original and the 2 hundred year later. The Athanasian Creed came out for much different and self serving purposes than to defend the deity of the Lord Jesus. A junk Doctrine that somehow just got mixed in through the years with the original and the rest of everything else man makes up.

    Be blessed.

    Correction the new "Creed" came around the 1500's, not two hundered years latter and was only accepted by some Western believers.. Rome finally adopted it.

  20. I do not see where these passages have anything to do with Paul having a choice to live or to die.



    Philippians 1: 21 "To live or to die" means that we imitate the example of Christ and we pursue the knowledge of Christ.It also means that we are willing to give up anything that presents us from having Christ.It means that Christ is our focus,our God.


    Philippians 1:23 means that the souls of believers are at death,absent from the body and present from the Lord,where they wait their resurrection.


    Philippians 1:24 means "for your sake" in order to be of service to God I am willing to remain on this Earth.

    I'm referring to the "yet what I shall choose I cannot tell." in vs.22

    Simple answer. Yes.

    We are all apointed to Die ONE TIME, then Judgement. There is a time to live and a time to die. I can only grab one scripture becuase tablet refreshes page if I get out of browser.

    Heb 11 says some refused to be delivered, to obtain a better ressurection. How it's better?Never tried it, so just know it's better.

    Paul said God is faithful to deliver us from Evil and wicked men. So, it's not like anyone could kill us as that is WORD. Not all have faith though as Paul stated.

    2Ti 4:6 kjva For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

    Paul said I am now ready.......................... It's pretty clear he was going to turn himself in somewhere and doing so would end his life. When Paul was ready, his choice.

    Paul talked a lot about running the race set before us, The devil is not big enough to stop any plan of God if we fight the good fight of faith and stay out of fear and unbelief. It takes faith to do the will and plan of God.

    We need to walk by faith, and learn from Paul that no matter how many stones they pick up, Jesus said nothing by any means can harm us. (Not that stones don't hurt) but nothing can stop us from running our race, but US.

  21. Hello everyone. New here. Just reading over all the post about Trinity. A whole lot of you are not Trinitarians, but Modalist actually, and some of you have crosed over into Apostolic Oneness. I have studied the amazing doctrine of the Trinity for years. It's a pretty amazing document.

    Being a purist of the "Real" Trinity Doctrine and not the many fakes that followed as many are split on the real and the convulted Athanasian Creed, and certainly not the modern junk that followed. (Though some have changed their wording to follow the true and original)

    Trinity doctrine in 325ad came about to protect the deity of our Lord Jesus. A fellow named Arius was going around stateing that Jesus was a created being and Rome would have nothing to do with that. Rome was so upset, they called a council meeting to declare and define the Original Trinity Doctrine. This is where it all started, right out of the Roman Cathloic church.

    The Docrine states that Jesus is begotten of the Father, God, of God, of the same substance (Essence) as God. Not the creator, Not created, but begotten of the Father. Always has been here with the Father.

    The Doctrine also adds you must be Roman Cathloic but we tend to forget that and take parts of the doctrine we like.

    The Trinity Doctrine used no scriptures that were mentioned, and 1 John 5:7 came into scriptures 100's of years later. First recored sighting of it was at least 1522, so that scripture was not even considered.

    In 381ad the Holy Spirit was added as one of the same substance as God.

    Much later, these 3 where all seperate beings, the FAther the creator, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit (God's Spirit) Became one God. Rome added that in with zero scriptural support which thay admitted (Cathloic encyclopedia 1912) so they called that a Mystery of Christain faith on how 3 distinct beings found in scripture are just one.

    In 1914 Oneness was invented and split the Assymblies of God Church in 1928. Oneness uses scriptures much like I seen posted here. Their favorite is John where Jesus becomes a Word Part of a God system. (The Word made flesh and dwelt among men) They also use other scriptures proving there is ONE God such as in Isa, to say God manifest Himself into 3 different personalities.

    Oneness is 1 that become 3.

    Trinity is 3 that are 1

    Most folks that claim they are Trinity are really Modalist and not true trinitarians at all. You can tell a Modalist by their vain attempts to prove Trinity in Scripture when the folks that made the Doctrine have already offically stated it can't be proven.

    Fasinating doctrine though, don't take my word for anything, go look it all up.

    Have a awesome day, everyone.

  22. Seems a bit complex. My experience is you can get numbers to say anything as proven through the years of how none of them ever predicted what people thought they would. Jesus said no man knows the day, or the hour. Also, about every year is a doomsday year, when someone has a prophecy, nubers added up and so on. It's been going on for 100's of years.

  23. I just signed up. :)

    The short answer is the unjust steward was commended by the Lord for acting wisely. The children of light are dumb when it comes to money. We need to be just as dilligent in the World of money and things as the unsaved. Not dishonest, but just as tough.

    Also not being broke is good, when their money system fails and ours of reaping and sowing wins out, they will welcome us. Folks always welcome those with money or something to give.

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