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Everything posted by kenthomas

  1. You know, I often think about "sola scriptura". Yes, I think the Word of God is inerrant, but I also believe God speaks to us in parables. Jesus spoke to His followers in parables and stories many times in order to teach a larger life lesson, and when Moses wrote Genesis, for instance, I imagine that God explained the creation of the universe in ways Moses would understand. He also explained it in ways to help us "current folks" to apply His story to current science and understand it all the better. In my own heart, I can't really apply a literal translation to all the Word because it seems so limiting to my God of Israel Who is limitless. Not saying I'm right! Just saying this is where i'm at in my journey with faith to this point.
  2. Hi, I'm a new member - but I just want to say that all the while I was reading your first post, it never ONCE occurred to me you were in any way bragging or telling us "how wonderful you are". Not once. It seemed thoughtful and introspective and with genuine desire for clarity on your question. Actually, I think that's fairly remarkable on a number off levels... Now! On to your question.... Yes - I think you should get what you need. It's possible you could reach even more lost or entangled souls with a better computer and besides that, you're such a long way from gluttony or coveting your neighbor, it's ridiculous. Happy shopping!
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