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Blog Comments posted by Estrella

  1. This has been written for some time, but this piece of what Pat has written here is "timeless". I would say what he has written is indeed insightful and (not but) i like to add. I think, there is "the loner" inside each of us; just to a different degree, just like what Pat has said, "each loner is different". There is part of us where we would want to be "left alone". There are some "loners" out there who do not hide themselves physically from people at all. They laugh, joke, voice out their opinions and well they may even be one who takes the centre stage or are often, (if not always) , the centre of attention. These people often make their presence felt, it seems like they "have it all", but nothing is further from the truth. Behind the scenes, they fight their own battles in life, where they silently struggle, their battles unknown to many. These type of loner understands for they usually have the best of both worlds; putting some part of themselves "out there" and some part locked "in there". Perhaps this is true for the majority of us. I am one such person. Now going back to pat's article... oh i certainly agree that once we reach out to the loners or "hermits", as they are often described, we would be amazed at what they have to offer. I personally have had and still have the experience of reaching out to them. More often than not, they become the source of comfort or a pillar of strength for me instead! They amaze me with their intelligence and "who would have thought they actually have deep understandings on matters that even "normal everyday people" are not aware of. And yes, as reserved or as expressionless they seem on the outside, they have a broken, battered heart that is filled with emphaty, compassion, love and understanding within them. (i could add more adjectives here.. but we all get the point). When chanelled correctly, they can indeed be an instrument that God can use to richly bless others. I personally can say they have been such a blessing for me in my life. God can use anyone living under any condition or circumstance to impact people's lives at any place, any time. To these loners who has deeply enrich my life, i take this opportunity to praise God and thank you from the bottom of my battered and broken heart for being there for me, for noticing me, for being my guiding light. 

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