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Everything posted by mamav

  1. Hello all, I am wondering if people have any good resources (and advice) on learning how to really pray well? I am realizing that first off, I am sure I don't pray enough. And I think part of why I don't pray enough, is that I often don't know how to pray or what to say, really. And then because of this, my first instinct (especially when something happens or my anxiety kicks in) is not necessarily to go to God. But I want it to be - I want to feel like my prayer is changing me and developing a relationship with God, and of course increasing my faith. So, I am looking for any good input, books, sermons online, other resources, that will help me both in effect learn how to pray and also help me to make it a habit, if that makes sense? Thoughts?
  2. Thanks again to everyone for the awesome help. I have a questions about one particular verse, and I am hoping people can help shed some light: Romans 8:28 (NIV) 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I know this is often used as comfort in "bad" times of struggle and pain, to know that God is using everything for your good, but my question is about the last part of the verse - the "who have been called according to his purpose." What does that mean, exactly? It feels like a conditional statement, and not sure if that applies to me! Thanks for input!
  3. Thank you, everyone, for all of this awesome input! It's so awesome to have a platform to be able to share and get feedback! yay! I've got some reading to do!
  4. Hello! I am new to this forum - I am not a new Christian, but I am finding out how little I actually know about the Bible and am trying to seek God and figure out what it really means to have faith and trust God. I deal with quite a bit of anxiety and hypochondria, and so much of this renewed interest is in the effort to clear out this anxiety and remove these fears/learn from this experience whatever it is I am supposed to learn! I am hoping people can help me find some Bible verses. I find myself, when reading certain stories or passages of the Bible that are directed to a particular person, feeling like the message was meant for that person, and doesn't necessarily apply to me. One example is Joshua 1:9 - when God is telling Joshua not to be afraid because He is with him wherever he goes, I feel like my automatic response is that God was with Joshua, but that doesn't mean He is with me, or feels the same about me. Can anyone help me here with suggestions of stories or verses that can help reconcile this disconnect in my head? In theory I know that God loves me, but I do struggle with my worthiness and I think if I could find some scriptures to back this up, it would be helpful!! Thanks!!!
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