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  1. Thanks for all the advice guys, i read a book called "What The Watchtower Society Doesn't Want You To Know" and their teachings are truly dire. They say they have received 'new light' from god which is a way of saying the 'old light' was wrong AKA god was wrong, we all know god is perfect and therefore cannot be wrong. Also the people who created the NWT were not proper scholars, infact only 1 of the people had any education in greek and there is no proof that any of them had an education in hebrew. They claim that only one of the 144,000 can lead the society and is 'anointed' enough to interpret the bible, yet according to them the 144,000 was filled up by 1935 so by their own rules the current leader of the watchtower Don Adams is not anointed and therefore cannot interpret the bible. TALK ABOUT SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE FOOT.
  2. ok thanks guys, i'll just have to distance myself from her and pray that God speaks truth into her heart
  3. What should I do if I've fallen in love with a jehovas witness but I'm a Christian? Should I pray about it and leave it with God while I may lose her? Idk what to do
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