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Posts posted by cherubim

  1. On March 25, 2017 at 4:20 PM, Willa said:

    People will be judged for their works in the end and unless they repent they will burn in hell.  But our job is to forgive.  By that I mean to allow Christ in us to forgive the unforgivable, since he hung on a cross and prayed "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do".  That same Spirit lives within us when we receive Christ and are born again. What is humanly impossible for us to do, He can do through us and in us.


    Some acts perpetrated by evil people -  sometimes even Christians - are unforgivable.  I know the verse that you quoted, yet what about the verse: "IF your brother repents, forgive him?"  What if someone never repented? 

    I know that people will be judged for their works - it's just very difficult to see an evildoer, sometimes even a professing Christian, continue on doing damage and it looks like God isn't stopping them.  It's a dilemma I've watched play out for over 35 years.  Hasn't anyone here struggled with that?

  2. On March 25, 2017 at 4:06 PM, OneLight said:

    When someone pulls a verse out of context, they can make it sound like almost anything they wish,  In your case, you negelect the context in which you foudn the verse.  Here it is in its fullness.

    Matthew 5:43-48

    You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

    I didn't take a verse out of context - you just quoted the entire verse.  I'm very aware of lifting verses out of context.  I asked if others struggled with not seeing God's retribution on evildoers, as promised.  In the imprecatory psalms David prayed for the destruction of his enemies, and then Christ calls on us to forgive them. Even in Revelations the saints cried out, asking God how long it would be before He avenged them. I wondered how other believers have interpreted this.  I watched ID and saw where many family members pushed for "justice" for their loved one who was a victim, and prevailed.  If one is a believer, they may sit back and tell themselves "God will Avenge,"  instead of pursuing justice or revenge. It always has made me wonder where our responsibility stops and Gods begins.  

    Even Christ doesn't give any guidelines - such as how long you are to pray for your enemies, and what to pray. What do others pray, and how long?  I know someone who is an evil person, that has gone on for years causing destruction, and not being held accountable, and I can't understand why God hasn't done something to them.  I know scripture states that God causes His sun to rise on the evil and good, yet you would think He would stop an evil person.  I never agreed with believers stating the blithe "we're in a fallen world."   Yes, it is fallen, but God has made promises - you can't ignore that or explain it away.

    Then you get to the dilemma of what is "justice" and what is "revenge."  It's just something I've struggled with as a long-time believer.


  3. I have a question that I have struggled with for a long time. In The Old Testament psalms, David prayed for judgment on his enemies - the "Imprecatory Psalms" - then Christ said to "love your enemies, pray for those who use and persecute you." When someone does something despicable to you - how are you supposed to know whether to pray for God's judgment on them, or pray *for* them? I'm a long time Christian and this still stumps me.

    I have seen people get away with atrocities, and do not appear to have gotten repaid for the evil they did.  Even when Christ said to pray for your enemies, he didn't say specifically *what* to pray.

    Has anyone else stumbled with this?  

  4. Amen is right!  I got on my knees, as far as I could, and thanked God.

    It is a beautiful victory!  I pray this is the final judgment. Her ex made up lies, which they were able to disprove using 360 which records where you are.

    The most important issue, is that my grandson's voice was heard.  God surely heard my voice for my grandson!

    Thank you all for standing with me before God.  I hope that I can pray for your needs as well when they arise.

  5. 23 hours ago, worthy said:

    Its my pleasure!

    Romans 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

    Romans 15:1 We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

    Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

    Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

    You have my Prayers!

    God Bless You,



    God answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    My grandson went to talk with the judge, and I was praying heavily.  My daughter called and told us my grandson told the judge that his father and grandmother cursed his mom IN FRONT OF HIM.  He told the judge that he got a stomachache when he was forced to his fathers, and he did not want to see him again.


    I prayed something I read years back in one of Mark Bubeck's books:  Lord, put your holy finger on them and cause them to make foolish and stupid mistakes.  That is what they did!  After 9 months of not seeing his son, he's vile in front of him.  My daughter also received a timely call from CPS that her ex was "not cooperating" with them.  I think it was on drug tests. I told her to notify her lawyer.


    AMEN!  The judge told my grandson he wasn't going to force him to see his father again!  Finally a sense of relief!  My daughter wants something in writing so that her ex cannot come back like this again - it cost us a lot of money, and her ex owes her $10,000 + in back child support.  


    Thank you so so very much for your prayers and faithfulness!!!  


    "Surely God has heard my prayers, He has given heed to the voice of my supplications."  Psalm 66:19

  6. 4 minutes ago, worthy said:


    I am thankful for your prayers and encouragement. I have to fight fear, because you don't know how bad his father is - and he has an evil lawyer who cares nothing about jeopardizing a young boy's life - just about money.  Please pray to break any alliances that are not of God. There are spiritual forces of evil in high places.  My grandson isn't the only one whose stomach is churning.  This is evil.  It has to be fought spiritually.

  7. Another fiery dart - my daughter's ex lied and falsely accused my husband & daughter of trying to run him off the road.  We're in a terrible spiritual battle with my grandson hanging in the balance. I told them both to tape all interaction and my daughter did something wrong and it didn't tape.  It is upsetting. They knew they were dealing with a snake. His lawyer wrote a letter falsely accusing them.  So my husband has 360 which proves they were away.

    I am upset that my daughter won't come to her own relationship with God, and I have to fight this battle without her help. My husband is not very strong spiritually - his job takes everything out of him.

    My grandson goes to talk to the judge tomorrow.  PLEASE PRAY THAT THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.  I know my grandson does not want to see his father.  What child would want to witness his father abuse his mother?  That judge is ripping my grandson up forcing this. The day after that judge forced my grandson to go to his degenerate father's, my grandson had to stay home from school the next day from a stomachache.  They are hurting him!  


  8. 39 minutes ago, Redemption79 said:

    i am really sorry to hear this

    i can only imagine how difficult it is

    may God bless you and your family and bring about complete resolution to this soon.

    God bless you!

    Thank you.  The visitation was as expected - my grandson dutifully went and did not want to be there. I knew her ex didn't change.  My husband went up to his house and knocked for my grandson, and his derelict father belched out "I have one more minute!" My grandson scrambled to get to my husband.  All her ex is concerned about are HIS RIGHTS not whether this child had food, clothing, or shelter.  I had such anxiety today, even though I prayed.  I hate to keep asking so much, but please pray until the 31st.  That judge should not have been allowed to do what he did, after her ex assaulted our daughter on an exchange. It's asinine to force a woman to interact with her abuser.  I can't wait until it's over. There is "spiritual forces of evil in high places."

    Does anyone know of any good, solid teaching on spiritual warfare?  I've read books over the years, by Bubeck, Unger, and Prince.  I can't seem to overcome things quickly though, in spite of protracted praying.  Has anyone experienced this?

  9. On March 18, 2017 at 10:27 AM, worthy said:


    Please pray - I am under unendurable stress, and feel like the world is crashing down around me. What that judge ordered is abnormal. The ex who abused my daughter, and his wife, who exposed herself while urinating on the floor came out to meet my husband and daughter, acting like everything is normal.  IT'S NOT.  I thought God was answering but we've all been arguing from the stress, (a man's enemies will be those of his own household...) and my grandson went into the den of devils.  I did not want him to go, but my daughter's lawyer advised her to make him go.  It is sickening. I sought God all morning and feel terrible - the ex is in the 'honeymoon stage' being on his best behavior, but he will return - "a dog returns to it's vomit" - and all this is doing is ripping us up emotionally.  When the judge interviewed my grandson, my grandson said he did not want to go to his dad's, because he hit his mother.  So the judge in court stated that when he interviewed my grandson, he told him that he wanted to see his dad.  That is a lie.  I asked my grandson three times if he wanted to see his dad, and he said "no".  So you see what we're up against.

    Satan is hitting me relentlessly, and I've prayed and prayed. One heavy trial after another.  Now I'm worried that my grandson could be swayed by his father's wooing - just like the serpent did to Eve.  My faith is being tested beyond belief.  I thought God was answering, and it appears as if evil is winning. I'm so weary and upset that judge is playing with my grandson's life in this way.  There are evil people in positions of authority.  Please continue praying for us until this is over.  It makes me sick to think his father's disgusting life may be thrust on my grandson.  I feel like the bottom is dropping out of my world.

    If any believer wants to become involved, this will give you some insight into what is being done to children, and it's ugly. http://civicresearchinstitute.com/toc/DVAC2_TOC.pdf


  10. On March 17, 2017 at 10:09 AM, TheMatrixHasU71 said:

    I would for starters try to talk to your kids about changing their numbers and blocking her from their emails (or even changing their email addys totally). Tell them how you feel about what is going on.

    Thanks - that situation resolved and she finally backed off.  I sent her an email wishing her a happy birthday, but she's holding a grudge against me, when she was the one who did wrong.  I did what I could.  A worse trial hit - so I'm ready for a rest.

  11. 10 hours ago, worthy said:

    Yes He always has a reason.

    Neither can I. This situation is actually gone to make your faith stronger in the lord. Letting you know not to lean on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him. This is a testimony of how faithful our God is to those that trust and believe in him with All of their heart and soul.

    Praying For you.

    And may The Most High God Bring You Peace, Comfort, And Renew Your Strength so you can continue to walk with the lord as a living testimony.

    God Bless,


    It has made me seek God harder, and there may be a lesson for my daughter in it.  I have told her she needs to seek God because we're up against something evil.

    I sincerely appreciate everyone's prayers.  I recall I read "The Adversary" years back, and Pastor Bubeck said that he has seen a big difference when a body of believers pray.  My grandson means everything to me, so this is a frightening trial.  I am also concerned for my husband and daughter. I can't believe the court never did any kind of check for weapons or psychological test, since there was domestic violence - it's beyond understanding. 

    Please continue prayer against this attack until it's done on the 31st. My daughter has to take my grandson over there tomorrow. I anticipate trouble, but know that I need to continue to bring prayer pressure. I am concerned.  My husband, who is usually fair with people, can't stand her ex - it's the only person I ever remember him feeling so strongly against. Her ex is very aggressive and wouldn't hesitate to get in my husband's face, and my husband is wound up from this, and it can get bad fast.

    I am very concerned about my grandson being hurt psychologically by witnessing this, and the other domestic violence. I am trying to strengthen the laws regarding this, but never even heard back from our senator. So I'm going to have to find another avenue. I hope everyone gets involved - we are churning out a generation of damaged children from this.  Satan has a war on children.

    I appreciate everyone's continued prayers - I cat wait until this is over - I need a rest.

  12. I am getting concerned the closer this gets because of her ex's history of violence.  I am appalled that my daughter has been ordered to interact with her ex who was convicted of domestic violence - it's conscienceless - who would order a young woman into a dangerous situation, with the implied threat of fines or jail if she doesn't comply?  Her ex assaulted my daughter and pushed her out of a moving vehicle. My daughter is being forced into a risky situation, and my grandson is being traumatized. I tried to think of whoever I can call who has power to stop this.  I contacted our local senator, who didn't even answer the email I sent - and I explained the entire urgent situation.  I asked repeatedly if he was going to read it that day, and was told he would.  High taxes are extracted from us, and I never got a return call.  This is despicable. I repeatedly told the lawyer I was afraid for my daughter, and he told me to stop contacting him.  I would like one of those people to be put in the same situation. I contacted a number of agencies, but no one helped. I was offered counseling for her and my grandson. They aren't the ones who need counseling.

    My husband said he is going there with my daughter, and I worried because that judge never even ordered any kind of safety precautions.  We have no idea if her ex has a gun.  

    I have been praying all through the day.  I know God has heard me, but it doesn't take away all the anxiety.  

    Please continue to pray for my daughter and grandson, and also my husband. I hope that anyone who has read this will become involved somehow. We need believers with high integrity to assume positions of authority.  Even if you've never held public office, you should consider it.  There are multitudes of others, just like my family, who are being traumatized and even killed.  We need to get involved.   

    Can everyone please continue to pray and ask God for a hedge of protection around my family? I would sincerely appreciate it.

  13. Please continue to pray for us until this is over. No one knows just how bad it is until you go through it. It broke my heart that my grandson was being forced, but we are fighting for him.  What of the children whose parent won't fight, or can't? I spoke with a woman from a domestic violence hotline, who said my daughter is fortunate to have us - that there are many single mothers with no one to help. Think of how horrendous it is for a child to be forced to go to an abusive parent's house - some have even committed incest - yet children are being forced.  It is very frightening. Please consider getting involved to help children.   http://www.cooleyhandy.com/blog/avoiding-contempt-when-a-child-refuses-to-visit-with-a-parent.html

  14. 15 hours ago, worthy said:

    Praise GOD!!! 

    Yes I shall continue to pray for you guys.

    Thank you!  I am in shock - God heard me - and you and everyone else who prayed.  I am still a little shaky because we have the visit Sunday and the court meeting the 31st. So I'm going to continue in heavy prayer.  I felt so beaten down since I have no earthly power, but God showed Himself as the power over everyone. Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.

    Please continue praying until this threat is over the 31st.

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