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Mea kakau

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Posts posted by Mea kakau

  1. Please pray for me and my body to heal. Lots of issues going on at once.

    Please pray that God would speak to me and guide me in the direction to go with my music production. I feel his presence doing that already. Just want to remain steadfast in his direction for my life.

    Thank you.

    • Praying! 7
  2. The officer passed on Saturday.

    I ask for your continued prayers for all involved especially fellow officers. She was a K-9 officer as well. Her dog was not injured.

    It's interesting that as I was praying on Saturday I changed my wording in the middle of my prayers. As I knew she was going to pass. And she did within a couple of hours.

    I've always had an uncanny ability to know when someone had passed on or was going to and got the timing down to the hour.

    • Praying! 3
  3.  This happened in the middle of August in a mid west city in the US. The officer who was shot is not expected to recover. She was taken off life support yet still lives on. She's an organ donor.

    Please pray for all involved including fellow officers, friends of the officers, the partner of the officer, and their families.

    This request came through an online game I play. The woman requesting the prayers is a friend of the officer and her husband is the partner of the officer.

    Thank you!

    • Praying! 10
  4. Received the audio studio desk fully intact in its crate.

    Later thought there were missing pieces. Just found out that the instructions for assembly were changed as this desk is an updated version. So the pieces were intentionally missing.

    I got the audio studio desk in white and it's a limited version.

    Thank you for your prayers.

    • Praying! 1
    • Praise God! 1
  5. On 8/17/2022 at 4:09 AM, Starise said:

    If you want technical advice let me know. I'll do my best to help. I have been using DAWs for years.

    Thanks for the advice offer. I'll keep that in mind.

    My housekeeper just happens to moonlight as a music producer and a DJ so he's helping me out. He's also a Christian. Great guy. He's assembling my studio desk for me. We ran into a snag, but that's been resolved.

  6. 15 hours ago, Strict Machine said:

    i prayed for you, just curious, are you doing audio books?

    No. I hadn't thought about that angle. Can you do one with music?

    I used to be a music and English major in high school and community college. So I thought I'd combine them since writing poetry comes natural to me.

  7. I haven't had a reaction like this since 1980 when I found out the hard way that I was allergic to Ampicillen. Now it's Doxycycline and a rash all over my body. It's not as wide spread, meaning I'm not glowing red everywhere like before yet I itch something nasty.

    Thank you for your prayers.

    • Praying! 6
  8. This is my new hobby, writing my memoir through creating music and writing poetry.

    My audio studio desk arrives Tuesday.

    Prayers warriors needed to see to the audio studio desk's safe journey and arriving intact and not scratched. Thank you for your prayers in advance.

    I don't want to have to wait for a new one or replacement parts.

    I'm doing something foreign to me and yet not foreign in other ways.

    • Praying! 7
    • Interesting! 1
  9. This post isn't for the faint of heart.

    My father accidentally killed me when I was 10. It occurred during some prolonged torture and abuse and him leaving me suspended between two trees in the forest.

    He brought me back to life using chest massage. He was into necrophilia and apparently did this to me as well. I just remembered this part over the last couple of days. I'm still in a state of shock over this.

    The death part of this I remembered over a month ago. My therapist thought maybe it didn't occur until I told her everything which I remembered happening to me. I had many waking nightmares and awakened to find my lifeless body at 10 years old lying next to me at 68 years old on my bed in present time. I finally realized I was remembering that I died. Then in one waking nightmare I relived being resuscitated by my father. I actually heard and felt my ribs crack and the pain of his fist pounding into my chest. My chest ached for several hours after the nightmare.

    I need prayer for everything about this horrid nightmare of a memory.

    My father was/is a serial killer/pedophile/trained assassin.

    • Praying! 5
  10. Those who had an autoimmune reaction and SAT from getting the COVID Vaccine did not have prior thyroid problems.

    Their symptoms and signs included heart arrhythmias and palpitations and racing heart rate among those directly affecting the thyroid gland. Also elevated sedimentation rate and a couple of more tests which indicate an inflammatory reaction in the body.

    I had also read that getting SAT is a one time deal. So I never expected to get it 7 more times after the first one. Maybe it's a one time deal because they never got the flu vaccine again? Who knows.

  11. 51 minutes ago, Chicken coop2 said:

    I'm also curious to know why if you had such a bad reaction did you continue to be vaccinated so many times? I would have stopped long before 8.  Was there some reason why you continued to be vaccinated so many times?

    I failed to connect the dots as I suffered from a longstanding problem with getting my thyroid medications adjusted to the correct dose. This went on from 2003 when first diagnosed until 2008.

    It wasn't until during a visit to my endocrinologist and going through the subacute thyroiditis [SAT] rollercoaster again that a phlebotomist suggested thinking about not taking the flu vaccine. It was the phlebotomist's last day. So I guess she was going for broke and giving me another option. Maybe she had the same problem??? Who knows.

    It was fall and near the time I would take the vaccine again. I didn't. And stopped having my problems that fall.

    The reason I continued was I had gotten myopericarditis in 2006 and didn't get diagnosed until September 2007. When I spent nearly a week in the CCU with the serious illnesses they insisted that I consider getting the flu vaccine. I didn't think once about questioning it because I never had it before. I had no SAT prior.

    Well, soon after I had my first SAT yet didn't know it. Neither did my doctors at the time. I wasn't seeing my endo then. When my thyroid tests went whackadoodle again I was back to seeing my endo. Still he didn't figure it out and I didn't either until that phlebotomist said something. Then I did my own research and discovered a SAT autoimmune reaction to flu vaccines, especially those with H1N1.

    And now the possibility of it from the COVID vaccine concerns me because those cases on the endocrinology websites were with severe symptoms accentuated by the adjuvants.

  12. Now I found where it has the same issue that flu vaccines have with the adjuvants. Those are the additives which enhance the antibody effect in the body. I got subacute thyroiditis every time I took it which made me ill for 3 to 9 months. I had to stop taking the flu shot.

    Actually read it is quite rare to have this reaction to the flu vaccine. I had it 8 times.

    Read several accounts of this reaction to the jab with the patients having to not take the second dose. Those are written by endocrinologists. These reactions are considered autoimmune responses to vaccines.

  13. I've been leery of getting the vaccine because I have a history of both pericarditis and myocarditis, having both at the same time. They nearly killed me. No joke. These are rare inflammations of the heart to get and mostly young men in their early 20s are more susceptible to getting them. I was in my early 50s.

    I had to do research to discover which one of the vaccines had the least problems with these two side effects. And I researched whether or not any of vaccines caused inflammation of the heart in any way. I'll tell you that it's not easy finding out the truth about these things. I researched quite a few sites online with reputable doctors and researchers.

    On of these sites a well known and reputable doctor cautions people who've had these two serious inflammations of the heart to make certain those giving the vaccine know this especially for the second dose.

    So I am one of those in a bind about getting the jab.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. I was forced to be in the presence of pure evil as a baby, toddler, and child. My father was a serial killer and forced me to watch him do his criminal acts from their inception to their finish. I saw things I can never not see. Believe me I've prayed about this and it will not be taken from me. The images have stayed for years.

    My father may not have been a satanist yet he was using Satan's hand to wreak havoc on so many people's lives. That's how I believe I got involved in the new age movement as a teenager and adult.

    Fortunately a neighbor and his wife started praying for me to find Jesus. I'm so very thankful for their obedience to God.

    • Praying! 2
    • Praise God! 1
  15. 21 hours ago, Starise said:

    Rotting teeth can cause weight gain? I didn't know that. How does that work? Just curious.

    Rotting teeth cause more than that. They cause inflammation. I didn't know this either until I started seeing my new dentist. The first place this inflammation causes problems is in heart disease and hardening and narrowing of the carotid artery. Inflammation causes a cascade of issues in the body. Autoimmune diseases can be caused by not flossing the teeth. My late, not-so-great husband never flossed his teeth. He had Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    The weight one I was quite skeptical of until about one month after my teeth got removed. I started losing more weight without changing my diet. This still astounds me because I didn't have a clue about inflammation and tooth decay.

    Little Billy might've gained 50 pounds because his parents and maybe even grandparents encouraged him to eat more. This happened to my late, not-so-great husband.

    As a child I never had a weight problem. It wasn't until one of my teeth got broken from a cherry pit and then my problems snowballed.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. 13 hours ago, truecrosstrueshield said:

    Your diet is hard to beat. I'm not talking about Pepsi I forgot my v8 Ha h aha ha .

    I'm on a diet. But not anything like yours really. It would be too hard to make a commitment like you do. At least I'm honest about this. I am on a low carb diet and lower calories less salt and less sugar if possible. My diet is about less. Not to eliminate sugar or salt.


    I was a way over eater and eating constant junk and out food. . While I can't get to healthy level I still feel a lot better how I eat now. When I tried to eat hardly no sugar I felt weak and even depressed also. . I realized it is not a sin. Add some sugar in. It helps believe it or not. It's naturally grown at least to a certain degree. What really got me in trouble was too much bread and any kind of pastas. Plus burger king etc fast foods. It's these things really making me gain weight. Candy nor soda does not push me up. . It's also what I call a reward. Why be so hard on myself everyday and every hour. . And you reminded me in your post. I have to take my vitamins. This heat in the house distracted me too much.


    I found two things which helped me to lose weight. A lot of it wasn't my diet for most part. It was my level of stress and rotting teeth. I never was told that rotting teeth could cause weight gain. Ever since I got my five teeth pulled about a month and a half ago my weight loss has gone even faster than I have expected it would. My dentist said I should notice a change after a month or so. He was right.

    The first thing was stress. Stress increases cortisol levels which leads to eating junk food and cravings. Since my late, not-so-great husband died last year I've lost more than 10% of my body weight. I know this because I required a lowering of my thyroid medicine by 3 doses. My endocrinologist is quite happy with this change. My late husband was abusive.

    I haven't eaten cake, cookies, pies, or ice cream since he died. I haven't wanted these things.

    I drink 9 to 12 glasses of water per day depending on how warm it is. I take my vitamins, especially my D3 and K2.

    For me I've found that pasta is okay as long as I don't have it everyday. It's my carb-loving day food. That's my cheat day food. Years ago this trainer taught me to allow one cheat day a week and then only one of those meals.

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