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Mea kakau

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Posts posted by Mea kakau

  1. The window: The 8 X 4 foot window has been replaced with a 4 X 4 foot window. Started and finished today for initial framing in and drywall. And it looks wonderful. The drywall needs to be refinished with a textured wall and then painted. Our son found us a general contractor to do it. My husband cannot do something like this at this point in his life.

    The island and cabinets: Next the island needs to be configured with the cabinets. I took the kitchen renovation plan I designed and made a copy, removing all extraneous measurements from it. Now it's clear where the cabinets go in the kitchen. Our son believes that the contractor can help us put this together. He would do it himself, but he doesn't have time for it. That's why he hired the contractor for us. He's offered to pay them.

    The guest bathroom: The plumber, who is a close friend of my husband, has been notified and he said he'd change out the fixtures for us in the bathroom. Though he has yet to show up this week as he promised.

    The electrical upgrades: Our son is in the process of getting his journeyman's license as an electrician. So we've got ourselves an electrical company to get the upgrades done. After the kitchen cabinets are configured and in place, he'll take care of that part of the kitchen renovation.

    Insulation under the house: Long story which I'll make short as possible. The first contractor the flooring company hired never came through with their bid. The second contractor is coming on Monday, 13 November 2017, to measure and provide an estimate. We requested an alternative option of 1/2 inch hardware cloth instead of the plastic sheeting used against the insulation. So they'll estimate that as well. Our flooring salesperson's assistant is obviously new to the flooring industry and failed to understand where the hardware cloth attaches. She thought is was wrapped around the pipes and informed me that the contractor said they don't wrap pipes in hardware cloth. I had to give the assistant a detailed description of where the hardware cloth goes. I've got zero experience in the flooring industry and I'm not a contractor. I'm frustrated with all these delays and the confusion on the part of the assistant. She should've known.

    I definitely need prayers for patience. Normally I'm an extremely patient person and definitely long suffering, yet this whole situation has me feeling as if I'm going through another Job experience. I've been through several of those in my lifetime. My living room is filled with our kitchen dishes and pots and pans and the new appliances, and my husband's office stuff is added to the chaos. And then add my PTSD on top of it all.

    Thank you for your prayers.


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  2. I've prayed about this for a long time and now the Lord has answered my prayers. Our daughter-in-law is in therapy for the first time in her life. She comes from a childhood of severe neglect which she doesn't even recognize. I do because I've been therapy myself and I see the signs in her.

    Everyone in my son's family is in therapy except him. They all need it considering what's going on in their family.

    Praise God!

    Praise God that the funding has come through for them and that my daughter-in-law is receiving everything the state will offer their family. Insurance covers the two children's therapy completely. It brings tears to my eyes to see this happening for this family. Thank you Lord!

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  3. Praise God!

    Two answers to prayer for the kitchen renovation.

    Our son got a contractor out to the house today and the contractor and his crew got our larger window replaced with a smaller window. Now the refinishing of the new drywall starts.

    The contractor will be able to help my husband and I get the cabinets in place where they belong.

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  4. Hubby came home from the hospital with a special open toed shoe on his left foot. Now he's determined to get the special shoes which the podiatrist recommended. I don't think my hubby listened very well to the podiatrist. He thought it was a brace. And the ED physician said there is no infection. The toes are swollen and curled under and then the bones coming into those toes are moving and causing the problem. So a shoe which doesn't pressure the severely deformed toes is the key for less pain. My hubby already said the pain had almost completely disappeared with this open toed shoe. Also he has orders to stay off his feet as much as possible as that aggravates the condition. We got recliners which elevate our feet. ED doctor said that is highly recommended.

    Thank you for the prayers.

    My hubby thought nobody cared about his pain or what he was going through. I told him last night that I asked for prayers for him. He was shocked and pleased and thankful.

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  5. Please pray for my son's sole worker besides his journeyman electrician (A team of three). His left knee swelled up huge. He requires surgery. The doctors aren't certain what the issue is with the knee either. Infection or injury? He's had an MRI to rule out problems yet it didn't help much in the diagnosis.

    Thank you.

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  6. On 9/15/2017 at 6:31 AM, Annette said:

    How is your husband doing?

    Well, not so great. He's on his way to the hospital right now to have his foot worked on. My husband went to the foot doctor twice for the problem. The second time the podiatrist, who is very thorough—thank God, noticed some not so great blood work results. He called my husband's primary physician and read him the riot act. The primary didn't pay attention to the test results, glucose 160, so the foot doctor got on the primary's to get the ball rolling for some intervention—Get my husband into the hospital to get his foot worked on. The podiatrist said the issue is beyond the scope of his practice. He didn't elaborate on it and neither did my husband. Hubby came home with his foot in a bandage and wrapped from toe to mid calf from the podiatrist's office on Monday. I believe it's an infection.

    Because of being in the middle of renovations to our kitchen and bathroom and his part time job, my hubby couldn't get away to the hospital on Wednesday. Though he was supposed to get a call from his primary on Tuesday. The doctor never called. I think my hubby needs a new primary.

    And our son, who's supposed to help around here and lives on the property, is too busy with his business. Our daughter-in-law came over last night to check up on my husband per the request of her husband (our son). Our son was sick in bed.

    And then there's the car situation. When it rains, it pours. Our major transportation needs a retrofit on the serpentine belt because Dodge never changed their blatant mistake. Even the newer models have the same issue. If it rains or snows the belt gets wet and slips off. Hubby purchased the fix for it and now our son needs to get it installed. Luckily he's good at anything electrical and mechanical.

    Thank you for your prayers.

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  7. The kitchen, dining room, and utility room floors are finished and look beautiful. It's better than I thought it would look. And anti-skid. Love it!

    Now the bathroom floor needs to be done. However, my husband has placed a monkey wrench in the workings. He wants the bidet placed in it. We've got a new sink configured to fit a smaller space, a toilet, and a bidet. So the fixtures aren't a problem. It's just getting the plumber out to change the floor in the bathroom. So I guess this is prayer for the plumber to get here ASAP to finish that job before flooring gets in.

    The kitchen cabinets arrive on Monday!

    Thank you all for your prayers. Keep them coming.

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  8. There were some details the flooring company left out such as where the stove, dishwasher, and refrigerator were to placed. So most of those items ended up in our living room along with loads of boxes filled with dining room and kitchen items. In a way, it's a blessing because I cannot eat out, allergic to our 25 foods/spices, and need the refrigerator close by. Though it's a cramped space. Today the flooring goes in. At least that's the schedule. And then the stove, dishwasher, and refrigerator go back into place.

    There was a leak with our dishwasher. The flooring company thought it was from the original rat damage so they took more stuff out of cabinets below the sink. They didn't find any damage. Breathing a sigh of relief.

    Some sealant was used on the floor and something on the mold, both of which I must be allergic to. I'm itching all over and had other reactions as well for the past two days. I didn't make the connection until late last night when I read the ingredients on the mold abatement product. It's made with an antibacterial/antifungicide that I'm allergic to. I finally took a dose of dye-free Benadryl about thirty minutes ago.

    I'll be so thankful when the floor gets installed!

    Thank you all for your prayers.

  9. Finally! The kitchen and dining room floor is going in this week. Also the bathroom floor will be done. The crew comes here Wednesday and should be finished except some of the appliances being moved back into place. It's been a long haul from rats which caused water damage under our home.

    Please pray that everything goes as planned for the flooring crew and the movers.

    Thank you!

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  10. Well, thanks to me and our prayers my therapist is on the mend. Praise God!

    The first doctor she saw didn't know what happened. He had never seen a brown recluse spider bite. I saw pictures online after she had shown it to me and those confirmed that she had it. Two doctors worked on her arm and performed surgery on her to remove infected tissues.

    She thanked me numerous times today for telling her the wound looked serious and she should get help. She heeded my warning and canceled her appointments for the next two days after she saw me. And she was grateful for me placing her on a prayer list. She is still on serious doses of antibiotics, a second round, and had a tetanus shot as well.

    So prayers still needed as she continues to recover. Thank you everyone.

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  11. My father forced me to shoot someone. In the memory I couldn't figure out if I killed the person or if they were dead already or even some other answer. During therapy I learned that the person was possibly not even a person. Maybe just the head of someone on hay-stuffed clothes. There was no blood when I shot him. "The body" moved and that was all. It was another lie by my father which he often used to brainwash me into believing I was just like him, a killer. My father was a serial killer/hit man.

    This is an huge answer to prayer and such a relief! Thank you God for the new understanding and the revelation that I didn't kill anyone.

  12. During our therapy session I mentioned that I used to be an RN. She said she normally wouldn't ask me what she was going to ask me. I knew what she was going to say. "Can you look at it?" She knew it was a spider bite and the way she described the spider told me it might be a brown recluse. Though I've never seen a brown recluse spider bite. Yet when I saw her arm I knew it was that. I've heard what the bite can do. I told her to get to the ED ASAP and which ED to go to. There's one nearby which isn't the best place to go.

    Thank you all for praying.

    • Praying! 2
  13. The ED gave my husband an extra large dose of prednisone and then sent him home with a prescription for the same for four days and then taper that off to his usual smaller daily dose. He's still hurting but not like he was, thankfully. Thank you God for answering my prayers and everyone here for praying.

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  14. My husband has Rheumatoid Arthritis and is having a huge flare in spite of being on his infusions every 6 weeks. His left foot and part way up his leg is swollen, numb, and painful. Yes, painful and numb at the same time. He doesn't get how he can feel both symptoms at once but he does. I prayed for him this morning as he was scheduled to take a ferry to the peninsula and to a job site to take photographs. The job site was 50 plus miles from the ferry. He had already driven 30 miles to get to the ferry.

    My prayers were that if his foot was still swollen that he'd call off his trip. Well, he got on the ferry, took it all the way to the peninsula, and then told them to take him back. He wasn't getting off the ferry. The staff was so worried about his foot they brought him back to the island. Prayers answered.

    Prayers now for emergency room doctors to figure out what's going on with his foot. He shouldn't be having this kind of flare up.

    Thank you everyone.

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  15. My husband purchases vehicles which need restoration with the intention of doing the work himself or having someone else do them. The only problem is he isn't capable of doing the restorations on his own due to rheumatoid arthritis. So he relies on someone else for that and they don't get the work done. Besides we don't have the money to get the work done be someone else.

    He's bought two project vehicles like that without me knowing about it until the vehicle shows up in our yard. He also bought a small boat that way and had some other guy fix it up while he used it.

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  16. GBU?


    I had tremendous anxiety problems when I went to the appointment today. Had to remind myself to breathe normal. Yes, this woman is the right therapist for me. She's got a sense of humor. She's easy going. And she can hear my horrors and she doesn't flinch with them. She had me talk about my very first memory. I think she was seeing if I dissociated and/or had alters. I think I dissociate and possibly have alters. Don't know though. Only she should be able to tell.

    She informed me that the women therapists who violated me like they did should've been reported to their boards and have lost their license to practice.

    I start my therapy in two weeks.

    The office manager suggested a way for a lower cost for my appointments. However until my husband gets rid of the many vehicles he owns, we won't qualify for that type of assistance. I know the rules because I've been on that type of assistance before.

    Thank you for your prayers.

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  17. I've put in several puppy questionnaires for getting a new Leonberger puppy. I forgot how daunting the task of applying for a new puppy is. It's a long, drawn out process because the breeders don't do it for a business, at the ones who care about Leonbergers as a breed. They do it for the love of the breed.

    So although I filled out the questionnaire, we most likely won't see a puppy until this winter or early next year.

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