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Posts posted by PreacherM@n

  1. Jesus died for me, and I know this. This doesn't stop me from pornography, gambling, or smoking pot. I even some times defend the LGBT community. I must not be saved, as I'm far away from the true ways of living for Christ. I know God is going to bring down his wrath on me on judgment day, yet that doesn't change me. I don't even know if I've been baptised. If you're wondering where my moniker "preacherman" comes from, I just want to talk about Christ. I want to know why I can't move. I have a serious mental disease and it makes me ignorant to truth. I know I'm to blame, so I shouldn't blame my disease. Any idea why I can't just be grateful and show respect? Do I want to go to hell?

  2. assisted suicide.. marijuana legalization.. more abortion rights and access.. calling LGBT stuff the root of Canada.. letting in every muslim, but never taking in Christians.. he calls himself Christian for political reasons, not because he actually believes. any Canadians here with any errors to point out about justin trudeau? i think our country is doomed to vote him in again and again, until the day we don't have Canada to call home. everyone is in love with this carbon taxing schmuck that votes for the younger generation.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Yowm said:

    Ask whoever you are addressing, 'then why not beastiality, or pedophilia if there is no God, and if there is a God, why not obey His rules?'


  4. to sum things up: i am against gay marriage and the LGBT agenda.. i just wanted to point out that north america is godless politics at this point and gay marriage was easy to see coming. i just tried talking about it differently and came off pro lgbt. lol. i understand why i'm against lgbt marriage and that stuff. just wanted some different views, not always preaching.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Blueyedjewel said:

    If one is truly forming their opinions according to Gods word;there neednt be a discussion about this between christians!  Gay marriage defies what God has ordained. Without light darkness grows darker. Christians stand for the truth. We defend it at all costs.

    Oh and btw, our country IS founded on christianity.

    Why do you call yourself "preacherman"? 

    how was America formed on Christianity? i'm willing to believe you, it just seems like the quotes i read speak clearly of separation of Church and State.


  6. 2 minutes ago, simplejeff said:

    (1) YHWH says it is an abomination; sinful; detestable; leads to destruction/death; 

    (2) It's always demonic.

    (3) It's always wrong.

    (4) It's always detestable.

    (5) YHWH offers Healing/ Deliverance at GREAT PRICE - the COST OF HIS SON CRUCIFIED. YESHUA MESSIAH to set anyone free who calls on Him.  Those who reject Him,  no matter why,  remain dead/doomed in sin and trespasses, continuing in ultimate and total darkness.

    i understand.. but this was as predictable to see coming under a godless democracy as anything else. i kind of see where pro gay Christians are coming from with the taxes and human rights stuff.. even if they're pretending.. they're still paying taxes. this had to happen. i guess i know i'm against gay marriage.. i just wanted a different discussion.

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