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Posts posted by Jewels7

  1. 1 hour ago, Ezra said:

    When you grasp the fact that ever since Abel, justification has always been by grace through faith, then it is not difficult to understand when the disciples were saved.

    Just as Abraham believed God and it was imputed to him for righteousness, the disciples believed God and were justified by grace through faith.  And that is when they forsook all and followed Christ.

    While they may not have fully understood the plan of salvation, that did not prevent them from being justified.

    Thank you for having participated in this Christian thread. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Your closest friendnt said:


    These events took place before the Cross.

    We can not say that the disciples had the understanding that Jesus had to die first. 

    When Jesus died the disciples agree that Jesus was not the Christ, because at that time they believe that the Christ will never die. 

    At supper time, the disciples were not born from above, they were not one with the Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus. 

    Before the Pentecost, and after the Cross and the ressuraction , the disciples believe that Jesus was raised from the dead , and he is the Christ. 

    That's when they were born from above, and they were one with the Heavenly Father, on account of Jesus Christ,  and that was before the Pentecost. 


    Please consider Acts 2. Pentecost occurred after Jesus ascension. Not before the cross. 

  3. 56 minutes ago, other one said:

    I would agree with that, but the wrong team won...  

    Neither team was my favorite.Though I was very happy the Patriots won. That was a very respectable comeback. Had the Falcons won I'd have been just as glad for their strong play beginning to end. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, other one said:

    Any country that has Muslims in it is a danger.....   period.    but that seven is in turmoil and their governments are in such disarray that there is really no good way of vetting the people coming from them.....    that's the large part of the problem.

    I do agree with you. I think that's inability to securely vet potential refugees should preclude transporting refugees into the country. 

    Other nations are at risk as well when they permit refugees entry. I think it naive to imagine ISIS wouldn't insert its operatives into such a program. 

    The idea that western nations and government should be magnanimous is what propels the idea that they should also be tolerant and allow refugees sanctuary. I don't think any nation is beholding to being tolerant of a transport vehicle that holds potential for its enemies to gain entry.

    President Trump spoke of safe zones in Syria. I am all for that. Protect those seeking refuge in an area in their homeland. The expenditure would certainly be less than it would be to sustain them here for the rest of their lives. When ideally refugees are suppose to return to their home country after the danger is passed how many articles have we read that report that occurring over the years we've allowed refugees entry? From any country? 

  5. 14 hours ago, Prophet of change Lou L said:

    From Jesus view point some time prior to His prayer in John 17 were He says to the father Ive lost none but the son of perdition that the scriptures might be fulfilled. When they were born again might be a different Question. In that prayer He sees us being saved by faith thru there words. verses 20-21 but the reality of that is  only realized when we are born again. I am pretty confident i was a lost sheep before that thank God we have a good Shepard.

    Sorry forgive me did not mean to split hairs on that question it is a good one i know what you meant. Went with first scrip. that pop into head. I know better. Truthfully i don't know.  

    Thank you for your insight and honesty. It is an interesting question because we really don't know . 

    1 hour ago, Yowm said:

    They were saved the same time all mankind was saved that would be saved ...nearly 2000 years ago on a hill outside Jerusalem.

    That's sounding like universalism. 

  6. On 2/12/2017 at 1:43 PM, RevelationWriter said:

    - Beware that there are well meaning people of God who are now

    attributing America with scriptures for Jerusalem and Israel-the children of God whom He is married to. - Jer.3:14

    (the marriage of the lamb is not to Israel)


    - For there is only One Land Mass on earth which by God's Own oath He entered into Covenant with.

    And it's not America. But The Land Mass of The City Of Jerusalem. - Ez.16:8


    - Man does not create Covenants for God to enter into. Only God creates the Covenants He will enter into with man.

    - God is not obligated under anything Dedicated to Him from man as a Covenant between them and God.

    Case in point: At no time did God tell His people to support, fight and die for the right of all gods to be worshiped among them as He is.

    "Freedom Of Religion" is from the governing of man, not God.

    Great reminder. :) 

  7. On 2/13/2017 at 6:41 AM, other one said:

    It would be interesting to know where the others came from. Maybe we might not want to just look at Obama's pick for what's dangerous.

    As I remember the twin towers guys were Saudis. I do hope the President is looking into those also.


    As I recall they were not all from Saudi Arabia. Catching terrorists before they can strike no matter where they hail from is always good news. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, worthy said:

    (GRID - Gay Related Immune Deficiency). They changed it because homosexuals said it was offensive. The government has been changing things for years to make the LGBTQ feel comfortable while at the same time they try to force those who don't agree with their lifestyle to comply. 

    Yes, I knew that. I think the supermodel Gia  Carangi died of GRID and before the medical community knew exactly what that was. 

  9. On 8/3/2016 at 9:00 PM, coheir said:

    I just heard on Fox that New York protects 31 different genders,what has gone wrong there?

    New York doesn't trump God's creation of two genders; male, female. 

    Have you noticed? Weird policy changes seem to be making news of late and in NYC? 

    Are they the launch point for wacky politics or what? 

  10. 8 hours ago, heretoeternity said:

    Homosexuality goes against God's very creation, when He created man and woman, male and female, for procreation....homosexuality cannot do that and the only thing they can produce is deadly diseases..guess that is God's curse on them.

    AIDS/HIV isn't exclusive to homosexuals. 

    However, homosexual males do suffer horrific injury and certain cancers as a result of their behaviors. Terrible choice to make.

  11. I think we are prideful to imagine God is constrained in his authority and power to do, by only what is contained in the Bible. 

    Scholars know that the Bible was authored by over 40 different people. It was canonized by councils of people. God did not take his finger, and even the male pronoun isn't proper to apply to what we are told God is, a spirit, and write on parchment his own words. The first act of faith the faithful exercise is to believe the men responsible for compiling what is today's Bible when they say, we wrote this but it really wasn't us. It was God who inspired us to write what is there. 

    If someone in their grief is comforted by believing their departed loved one and especially if it is a little baby or child, is in Heaven as one of God's angels watching over that family, how can we say that's not possible? As if we know God would never do. 

    Rest in peace implies soul sleep as far as I can tell. People believe in that. Some people don't. It's all defensible in the Bible whatever you believe of what happens after life. Soul sleep or a return to the God spirit that gave life in the first place. 

    What does, "God have mercy", say when offered to console a grieving person? Especially if that departed loved one was a Christian. God have mercy on them because they need it after the life wherein they were told to believe they were saved by God's grace? 

    It's grief. People grieve differently and they're comforted in unique ways. Are we really going to break down according to our preferences and understanding about scripture that which works to console others when we're at a funeral? Are we going to dare preach or debate someone weeping as if their heart is breaking into pieces? 



  12. 18 hours ago, gdemoss said:

    I was hoping you had something to share that would have helped me see your thought process that I might learn something new.

    The Zachary person has been removed from this discussion. Maybe we can redeem this whole thing so that it arrives at a place wherein it reflects the teachings of Jesus. 

    To that end I have come to add this scripture should that which wishes to sow discord among the church enter into this thread as it has others here. 


    I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.(Romans 16:17-18)

    Conditional salvation isn't new to members of the church is it? 


  13. On 9/20/2015 at 8:28 PM, Pamelasv said:

    1 Timothy 4:7

    How does one do this do you think?  I need more godliness, especially after my recent trip out to the grocery store.  I react in my mind ALOT to crap I seem to get. Of course, I was crabby and hungry/ getting a late supper. But I kicked somebody in my mind in the butt because of something that happened.  I think, 'I can do this and stay godly because word says I can.'  Then poof, it didn't happen.  Actually, I need to stay away from this place.  Come to think of it, it causes me to sin so I need to pluck it out and throw it from me.  Just avoiding the longer drive.  

    A mental kick in the butt visual. :laugh:That could come in handy in traffic and those aggressive drivers that I can't stand. 

    Don't beat yourself up overmuch. Jesus hand fashioned a whip and took after the money changers in his Father's house for their misdeeds that upset him. 


  14. 50 minutes ago, missmuffet said:

    The WOF and prosperity Charismatic teachers put the pressure on their congregation to give. If they do they say that they will get double the amount back. Many of these pastors are wealthy.

    Have you ever undertaken a Google image search of such pastors homes? Or even compounds as some boast of owning. 

    I see that and think of all the people that money could have helped had the owner thought to live humbly and give to projects that would save the homeless , the abused, and the hungry from their suffering. Would Jesus have lived so? 

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