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Posts posted by JoshuasonFlower

  1. 26 minutes ago, Davida said:

    No Sir, your posts are just getting quite shrill.  While it began with an over the top melodramatic reactivity & accusations, now is just hysterical ranting .  Please calm yourself so there can be an adult dialogue.

    The child here is you my dear. Vulgar insults toward people you don't like. Accusations that sound oh so familiar to that of Yowm, and Running Gator, and Shiloh357 , so as to make a woman's observation of stinking socks on this site appear valid.

    The only one not calm here is the harpie that vomits hatred in her entire post history that can be checked to prove it so.

    You my dear woman are a true shame.

    "You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace" (Gal. 5:4).

  2. Do the sisters and brothers in Christ here notice something? The thread that is in Christian news asking for prayers for the loss of these over 40 Christian Orthodox Coptic brothers and sisters who died on Palm Sunday, think of the immensity of this attack and its meaning on that special day for Christians, has hardly any responses at all.
    But this thread that assaults the more than 40 dead Coptic Orthodox Christian sisters and brothers is arrived at 12 pages of condemnation of them that died in the faith the author demon of the article linked in the first post states emphatically those 40 plus did not die as Christians.
    What does that mean in the Christian faith? Well we know don't we? It means they are bound for Hell having died in their sins because they weren't actually saved. As the OP linked author states from his seat as "Pastor".  The man thinks he's God! Thinking to tell his readers that he knows who is of God and who is not. Isn't it amazing how many side with him in hate and animus for the dead? But share not one iota of compassion for those lost to terrorism.


  3. 1 hour ago, inchrist said:

    No spock, this thread is an open assault on Christian brothers in denying their faith.  The title states lets not assume they are Christians....I was actually addressing the author.



    Of course it is. As it is intended by what we have come to learn is an agent of Satan itself. The sponsor of pulpit & pen doesn't speak as a pastor with a pastors heart infused with the glory and love of God. But as a demon that assails people to the point of them murdering themselves to escape his evil.

    And now that evil has decided to assault as a co-sponsor with the terrorists that are ISIS the faith of those who were murdered on Palm Sunday by ISIS. Doctrine doesn't have a pulse. People do. People were blown apart in church! IN CHURCH! On Palm Sunday! Because they were Orthodox Christians.

    And the Demon heirs right behind them publish an article lying about compassion that should be shown for those lost lives, when it says DON'T think they were Christians!

    What is that? Cry for people ISIS destroyed because they were Christians! But don't dare think they died as Christians!

    How does a devil know what a Christian is?


    1 hour ago, Davida said:

    How some love to take their accusations to the enth degree.

    Truth hurts.

    1 hour ago, Davida said:

    It is speaking of faulty doctrine , it is not a personal attack, but the reactiveness by some seems to be quite personal. We need to be able to discuss these issues as the Body of Christ without people flipping out & getting all melodramatic.

    Of course that's false. Every actual Christian here should be offended by the bigoted doctrine of Demons that attempt to slander the earliest church as not Christian because they are not Protestant.

    Melodramatic is what operates for the purpose of evil and spreading evil that is the author of the OP article and his work.

    Christians here don't stand idle and let it happen and they speak up against it. I'd imagine those in favor of slander and defamation of millions of Christians would say of Jesus when he overturned the money changers tables due to their betrayal of God's house that Jesus was melodramatic and reactive. Flipping out by flipping tables.

    While what is an example of melodramatic is that which thinks in the blackness of its evil it can write an article insulting the first church of Jesus Christ. What is fallen is that that demonic agenda is fostered, pursued, and defended as righteous.


  4. 17 minutes ago, Spock said:

    Yes, God went through a lot of suffering, both the Father and His Son, so that we can be eternally blessed with His presence and not perish.

    But, unfortunately, I believe far too many people over the ages have been deceived with "bad doctrine" trusting in their priests, which muddied the waters for them to be able see the simple message of the good news- John 3:16! 

    When I watch a movie like Kingdom of Heaven (depicting the Crusades) you could see the masses being led to the slaughter all because someone is feeding them false information.   (Not saying that movie was 100% accurate, but accurate enough to get the picture.)

    Then, the  Bible was written and books were made in the 15th century so that now people can begin to read for themselves and figure things out with Gods grace. And of course we next come to the 16th century Protestant Reformation that also made the Gospel message of John 3:16 much clearer for all to ponder. 

    Yet today, there are so many voices of false prophecy!  Too many! Sigh!


    Have you ever read the history of how the Bible came to be?
    How many versions exist today? It is a fascinating study. In the beginning was God.

    Doctrine is what is arguing in this thread that the Christian can only know God by reading the Bible. This is one of the causes behind the early Christians in Roman held lands being referred to as people of the book.Because the pagans thought the faithful to Christ believed in a God that lived in the scrolls.

    That which is opposed will say, Um, that isn't true. But it is. This entire argument about doctrine is exactly what pursued Jesus to his death. The Doctrine of the Jews , their commitment to what was written on the scrolls, made them charge Immanuel was blasphemer. When before the scrolls, before the Bible, I Am was all.

    What doctrine did Jesus teach and champion? If we were to keep to what was written of him before the Bible we have today was ever invented, would Jesus have sent his Holy Spirit to reside in us? To lead, guide, and comfort us? Those without the Bible, who have never seen a Bible, is God unable to reach them? Of course not. God knew us before the world came into being. The scriptures say he wrote our name in the lamb''s book of life before the beginning of the world.

    He knew us then. The Bible, remember? All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

    We do not worship the written word. We worship I Am.  Those that worship the book are not of God. Because that is idolatry.

  5. 22 minutes ago, lemurchampagne said:

    Hi there, 

    I know of what you speak. And I have no intention of becoming that. I pray for such as that instead. That really ticks 'em off. ;) 

    Thank you for your kind words and your support. You're really eloquent. I like that. 

    A power surge not withstanding, I'm glad I returned if for no other reason than to read your kindness there. Thank you.

    I did see a violation of the rules here that came against you in a personal attack. I would suggest rather than be most kind to that in future that you report the violation. Likely that which speaks so is hoping you will say something they can report instead.

    I wonder if this will help those who do not yet know that God is not in the Bible but is in all that exists. And his inspired word was made so to reach the world by his authority. And yet, it was written by men. Over 40 authors in fact. And countless scribes translated the texts that became what was said to be qualified to enter what we know today as the closed canon. All man's doing. 

    How Did the Torah Exist Before it Happened?



    The Bible is the inspired word of God, delivered to the saints by his Holy Spirit. The words of God are not God. Does the Holy Spirit become a book? The word of God is alive inside us, when the Holy Spirit delivered the inspiration to write the Bible, and the Christian is sealed with God's Holy Spirit, they are not then absent from The Word. Because Jesus promised he would send the Holy Spirit to guide our steps after he left us. All people who are his as the Father wills. There are those that worship the book, biblioidolatry, as it is called. They rise up in anger against any who do not do as they do.

    The scriptures are poetry designed to inspire us to look deeper for the message within and behind them. Spirit speaks, man records, the faithful hold faith in The Word that was first before the word that is bound. Sister, you will never convince a biblioidolater they are gleaning what they think they know from the page alone. The Bible gives written evidence of God. The relationship the Christian has is with the spirit of God.

    Remember Jesus who chastised the keepers of the book when they did not see the holy spirit of God in Immanuel? Do we think this passage below is referring to a Bible someone has on their insides? Of course not.

    John 5:38 And you do not have his word abiding in you; for you do not believe him whom he has sent.

    How often did Jesus exhort his Disciples , But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness... Matthew 6

    Jesus told the Pharisee's they search the scriptures seeking him but they do not see Immanuel when he is there before them. Remember sister? Even that was missed.

    Let it be. Let it be.

    Those have the eyes to see shall see. Those who have the ears to hear shall hear. Those that are of Christ are in Christ. From the beginning unto the end.

    I am very keen on resources that people who wish to venture in and learn more may do so. I know the denominations resource I posted was ignored by those dedicated to blanket condemnation of the Orthodox Christians in the world. I very much doubt this will be read either. But it is extensive and if you've the time well worth your effort. It may take awhile as you will see there is much to consider. Watch what spirit leads to respond to this now.



    Jesus Wants to Teach You Himself

    Come to me, .. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; ..
    Mat 11:28-29

    However when the Spirit of truth comes,
    he will guide you into all truth.
    .. and he will show you things to come. John 16:13-14

    But the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit
    and whom the Father will send in my name,
    will teach you all things. John 14:26


    God's blessings little Lemur,


  6. 3 minutes ago, OneLight said:

    Christ was not a bigot, yet He did take a strong stance against those who were the religious leaders of His day.  This is what Paul meant by "who bear the name brother".  Paul was not talking of sinners, whom we are not to judge.  He was speaking of those who claim to be a Christian.  Those we should judge with righteous judgement to help them stay in Him, which is being accountable to each other.

    The question is a good one.  The problem is, too many include hatred in their actions instead of love.  For those who "bear the name of a brother" and continue in such sins need to be addressed, and in some circumstances, deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. 1 Corinthians 5:5

    Read all of 1 Corinthians 5 to get the whole jest of what Paul was saying.

    To correct you on the first statement brother, I never said nor implied Christ was a bigot.

    Yes, context is vital. All of 1 Corinthians 5 and Corinthians epistles themselves are important to understand Paul's ministry and demeanor. I do believe the context issue was part of that linked resource Lemur shared.


  7. 33 minutes ago, LPTSTR said:

    Ok, but what shall we do then? Shall we do steps 1-5 I described above or not? It is not clear from replies so far.

    What did Jesus example in his ministry? If he exampled steps 1 through 5 where would the world be today? Did Jesus die for a select few? Or did he die to take the sins of the world upon himself that whosoever, whosoever, believes in him shall be saved?
    Bigotry is not of Christ.

  8. 1 hour ago, lemurchampagne said:

    I think I thank God you're not airport police. 


    It's a pitiable thing anyone that would say the victim of the assault this man suffered deserved it. A broken nose and two busted teeth the price for flying United. And no, the flight wasn't booked. That's something that is already known by those who participate in this new report because they were there to read the old threads reporting of that fact.  Victim blaming is pathetic. Airport police weren't doing their job. That's why they were suspended for doing a job on the United passenger.

    But you are right. This story when it was new news became quite heated. Now it appears that is the intention of this new update being the victim of the assault by airport police won his claim against the airline so quickly.

    Maybe this victim blaming campaign will stop if people don't defend an attitude that is not anything that would do Christ's legacy proud.

  9. 2 hours ago, lemurchampagne said:

    Didn't Jesus tell us all that was required to be saved? The Word made flesh? Were the first people before Torah unaware of God? 

    John 5:37-40
    You have neither heard the Father's voice nor seen his form. 
    But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe.
    You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 
    But you are not willing to come to me that you may have life.

    I very much enjoy your way of seeing God and Jesus Christ's work. As you know , you're going to be met with a great deal of reproach from that which has no idea what you're speaking of. Stay in your center of peace sister as you have been. Do not be led to behave as those opposed to you hope for. The peace of Christ is an inward spring that flows and nourishes the thirsty traveler in The Word. Let those who have no cup continue on opposed to the offering of that which quenches thirst. As you have been doing. That's why you'll notice the temper of the opponent spirit shall rise. Hoping to make that peaceful spring boil with his rage inside the daughter of the King.

    I know from reading you this much that God will never let that happen in you. While the effort to that end speaks even more as to the wisdom and insight The Word intends to deliver through them and the example before us. How many have departed because they will not suffer the slings and arrows? The enemy accomplished in his intent.

    Welcome here. I'm quite fond of your approach. God's blessings abide in you always. You do indeed know the bible. I find that invigorating and deeply refreshing here.
    Peace unto you,



  10. 7 minutes ago, Judas Machabeus said:

    I'm a bit of a history nerd. I love this kind of stuff. 

    As do I. Particularly that which applies to our faith. For me it was a natural curiosity. Where did all those denominations of Christians come from when Jesus was a Jew? And as was said before , Christianity is the faith about Jesus. While the faith of Jesus was Judaism.

    Notice how the denominations are often named for the men that worked the words of Christ into a creed they authored?

    Have you ever seen the affirmation, no creed but Christ? I find it curious that denominational Christians have among their number those that are passionately opposed to the idea of Orthodoxy.

    That's why I posted the link to that site. Education can take people over the hump of conflict. I'm glad you enjoy the site. Lots of reading there.

  11. The Orthodox Christian faith is the foremost religion in Russia. Putin is Orthodox.

    I can't say I blame them for refusing to tolerate the tenets of Jehovah's Witness, or Mormonism, or even Xenu for that matter. ;)

    Jehovah's Witness makes no sense whatever. Mormonism does not either. It's founder was less than qualified to call himself a man of God.

    Russia isn't going to suffer Islamic extremism within its borders. The one true faith they uphold as Orthodoxy being there is nothing in scripture that says all other faiths are righteous and of God. Christianity is an exclusive identity. One God. One way to God. With this order and certainly more to come, Russia can one day be said to actually be a Christian nation.

  12. 20 hours ago, Jeff2 said:

    Great and accurate article! Gnostics don't like being called Gnostics. The source of their belief is not grounded in Scripture, but Gnostic philosophy.

    If they can't find it in Scripture, it likely came from "somewhere" outside of Scripture!

    I think what is at work in this thread and the other that exposes the false teacher and online terrorist of children , J.D Hall, are Gnostic's , and reformed Calvinists.

    Tell me, in all your years have you ever seen a campaign of attack like what is transpiring in this particular area of the forums? Assaults on denominations and all under the header of one member and his very similar sounding accounts.

    Just like the wolf in sheeps clothing J.D. Hall. Who I personally believe is here carrying on his assailant personality as he does with his personal blog. What is concerning to people I associate with in a Bible study group and have linked this very board to so they could give their feedback to me in private is, how this community appears because this kind of assault is ongoing.  This as we understood it was to be an outreach site. The image it delivers in this particular area is anything but.



  13. 10 hours ago, Jeff2 said:

    If someone cannot read plain English, their post should be removed.



    I don't think that is likely to happen here when personal attacks on an entire denomination of Christians is within the rules of Christian ethics, a minor deficiency like not knowing the English language or failing in functional literacy would not be an issue either.

    18 hours ago, Davida said:

    Ok well, that article is full of complete nonsense, imo, it is a blogger with no name on it or credentials. LOL! ironic name as I do not think they know how to rightly "divide the word".   They don't believe in the Trinity, nor that Christians go to heaven...etc...  They don't state their Faith or Christian beliefs, but they've written many pages lifting up their own strange opinions - groovy for them, but I'll just stick with what the BIBLE says. And naming a bunch of famous Bible teachers that they slander & call "ungodly". Sorry but how can I agree with that? They don't identify what issue they take with any of these people individually.  

    You laugh a lot over very serious issues . Is it a difficulty for you to delete the article URL and just go to the www.wayloflife page to find you're wrong in your criticism of whom is the author? http://www.dividingword.net/

    I don't think you are able to judge .
    Chuck Swindoll has long been known to be a false teacher. https://www.wayoflife.org/search/search.php?zoom_query=chuck+swindoll


  14. 4 hours ago, Dennis1209 said:

    I don't want to argue or mince words but... How many top Generals and strategists in history, other than modern times, would consider fighting to a stalemate not a loss? Our military is crippled under the whims and restrictions in combat of a president, the Geneva Convention and public opinion. Discounting the extreme financial burden, but the cost of all those whom gave their last measure of self, for what, a draw? If it's not gain, it's loss. At any rate, it's just a cessation or pause if you will, as we are technically still at war with North Korea. No peace agreement was ever signed or agreed to.

    It's a foregone conclusion that N. Korea will eventually invade the South and most likely achieve military victory. As I stated earlier, our government and the American people don't have the resolve anymore to take the actions necessary to achieve total military victory and remain steadfast and loyal to our allies. Korea will go the way of Vietnam and the middle east before long. If history is our teacher, we will get involved in the conflict, spend billions of dollars we don't have, sacrifice thousands of our servicemen's lives, decide the cost is too great, have massive public protests and riots, lose our will and resolve, and both halves of Korea will be united under communist rule. 

    As an aside, ever notice how many of the political elites, elected officials sons and daughters are war heroes, served any time in a combat zone, or even have been in the military? Compare that percentage to the general American population. What message should that send us?

    I think when it isn't a war the U.S. actually lost because it wasn't an actual war, mincing words arrives at claiming the U.S. lost the Korean war.

    Which just isn't the case.

    3 hours ago, other one said:

    The fighting in Korea was a UN function and not an American war.  North Korea had invaded the south and the goal was to rout them out. China did not want western armies on its border so it fought against due destruction of the North Korean government.

    We did achieve the goal of kicking them out of the South, but the north refused to make peacekeeping but agreed to stopping hostilities.   They have been at war with us all along.

    I don't know if getting rid of Un would solve the problem or not. The whole culture there would not fit directly into a real democracy....

    Thank you. A man that knows of what he speaks. God's blessings,



    Evangelicals Turn Toward … the Orthodox Church


    By Jason Zengerle


    Ellsworth’s story is hardly unique. Most of the approximately 150 members of the Orthodox parish he now leads are former evangelicals themselves. Even Ellsworth’s transition from evangelical minister to Orthodox priest is not uncommon. Of the more than 250 parishes of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, some 60 percent are led by convert priests, most of whom are from evangelical backgrounds. And, according to Bradley Nassif, a professor at North Park University and the leading academic expert on Evangelical- Orthodox dialogue, the Antiochian Archdiocese has seen over 150 percent church growth in the last 20 years, approximately 75 percent of which is attributable to converts.

    While it’s unlikely that the Orthodox Church–which, according to the best estimate, has only 1.2 million American members–will ever pose any sort of existential threat to evangelical Christianity in the United States, it is significant nonetheless that a growing number of Southern Baptists and Presbyterians and Assemblies of God members have left the evangelical fold, turning to a religion that is not only not American, but not even Western. Their flight signals a growing dissatisfaction among some evangelicals with the state of their churches and their complicated relationship with the modern world.

    I've heard it said that from time to time Evangelical types will try to convert Orthodox Christians to the faith of Christ. I would believe the brothers would show great sympathy for one such as that, being they'd be considered an innocent who has no knowledge of the faith of Christ that Orthodox Christians uphold. However, this is a surprising bit of news. Especially the number of converts finding their way to what some call a living relationship with our Lord.

    Enjoy. I hope this feeds the spirit of charity and compassion here.

  16. 21 hours ago, a tryer said:

    Nice sound polemic but I have a curly for u....the thief on the cross could be presumed to know enough doctrine to say what he said and Jesus extended grace to say "Today, you will be with me in paradise"...you agree?

    The whole of the Christian faith begins with grace. Now that you are aware of this, how do you know the thief on the cross that Jesus promised paradise didn't hear Jesus when he was ministering to the multitude? How do you know that thief on the cross wasn't nailed there for simply stealing a loaf of bread so he could eat? How do you know that thief wasn't baptized?
    The scriptures say God wrote the names of those who would come to his son by his grace in the book of life before God created the world.

  17. Actually the American military involvement in the so called Korean war was not a loss for America. It was a success in that north Korea sought to take over south Korea and turn the region communist. Which did not happen. Therefore, America's involvement in that regard was a success. Otherwise, the war was a draw.


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