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Anonymous Aristotle

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Posts posted by Anonymous Aristotle

  1. Imagine if as many prayers were entered here as critiques against America, our government, and our people are in other threads. And by those who claim to be American no less. 

    God bless America. And keep her safe from all who are her enemies. Both foreign and domestic. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Well, one blessing of many with this current president and his administration. Citizens who care to pay attention are witnessing the worst common denominator showing itself within our representative government. That which operates in the shadows is itself voluntarily showing its darkness to those in the light paying attention. 


  3. 1 hour ago, WalkingMyFishLikeABoss said:

    And yet you made the claim of your own accord that Walter Martin knows better. How would you arrive at that conclusion?

    And they're not so quick to respond to that direct question as rapidly as they appear ready to critique you personally. 


  4. On 7/13/2017 at 0:58 PM, Blueyedjewel said:

    Pantheism is a belief that God is in everything and everyone  and everything is God.

    It is very gnostic .  People will tell you what they believe if we listen long enough and ask the right questions. 

     17For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated. 18Pay attention, therefore, to how you listen. Whoever has will be given more, but whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.”…

    God is omnipresent and sovereign. All things are God because God manifest into created form all that is, was, or shall be. 

    Jeremiah 23:24 Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.

    On 7/14/2017 at 11:18 AM, missmuffet said:

    Do you mean pantheism? It is a worship of idols. Christians much stay away from that doctrine.

    :41: Balderdash! 

    On 7/14/2017 at 11:01 AM, Wayne222 said:

    Roy Masters who I use to listen too is not a Christian. Walter Martin had debates with Roy on the long John Nebel show many years ago. I would stay away from his teachings.


    Walter Martin was a liar and a fraud. No Christian cleaves to his teachings. And no, I won't do the leg work to prove that. Anyone who champions Martin should care enough to know that which they espouse as credible for what he actually is. A charlatan. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Pudgenik said:

    I put a little humorous question out in the humor column. Just for a little fun. 

    I was thinking, "man, everyone is so serious here.". 

    And what are the responces, nothing to do with the question.

    All jumping around the title and " are you a Christian". 

    So for those who have to ask that question, if I am a Christian or not.  Why don't you go ask the Holy Spirit? It is the best Witness.

    Well, it is the proper forum for such nonsense isn't it? ;) You gotta laugh.  Because I've found folks that do that type thing are giving their own answer to that question. 


    Maybe remember also that the anonymity of the Net allows the worst personalities in the world to exercise their inner A-sphincter. Especially those that loathe Christians but pose as such in order to rag on actual Christians. 

    Know them by their attitude if you're to compare them to what would Christ do? 

  6. I checked Strong's. Pneuma , wind, spirit, would likely encompass ghost, being ghost is a spirit. I don't know how we'd find out about the original KJV translator's purpose in this translation method. That would be fascinating to find something documenting their process in translation. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Yowm said:

    'Non tolerance will not be tolerated'... sounds like a nightmare out of 1984.

    It's uncanny how America has been copying the governance in that Dystopian novel and as far as I can tell since the Clinton administration. Actually, maybe even as far back as the Reagan. 

    Did you ever see the Sci-Fi John Carpenter film, They Live? 
    It's like 1984 in that it "opens your eyes" to the proverbial secret government or men behind the curtain that actually run the world. 

    Wild film. 


  8. From the article. How many here actually read the whole long thing? This at the end synopsizes the evil liberal mindset rather well. 



    At first glance, it's difficult to understand why a liberal wouldn't be outraged at the prospect of a government in which every government official is empowered to enforce a dogmatic viewpoint, but when you understand liberal as "smug liberal," it makes more sense.

    What could be more smug than to believe a Christian's deeply held beliefs can be changed through government mandated classes or the threat of government punishment if they don't get with the program?

    To the smug liberal, the debate is over (they actually say that), the war is won, all that is left is the occupation ("occupy" is one of their favorite words). A little nudging (using the power of media and government) and everyone will believe what they believe. 


    From the Article: Christians who post biblical yet unpopular views on social media can be subject to business losses or unemployment. Steve Tennes posted a message consistent with his Christian views to his Facebook page and because of that his business was excluded from the East Lansing farmer's market.

    It's acceptable to exclude Christians from governmental positions. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Chris Van Hollen voted against a Trump appointee due to his orthodox Christian beliefs. When the Department of Education recently hosted a panel discussion on fatherhood, LGBT groups protested its inclusion of conservative viewpoints. 

    There are attempts to force Christian hospitals to provide abortions and gender reassignment surgeries. Christian crisis pregnancy centers are being forced to promote abortion.

    Christian adoption agencies have been forced out of Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. An attempt to do this in Texas failed.

    Christian wedding vendors have been forced to choose between their conscience and keeping their business. Many Americans don't support religious freedom for Christians in these circumstances.

    In Colorado, bakers can refuse to write a Bible verse on a cake but aren't allowed to decline to make a same-sex wedding cake. The Supreme Court will decide next year if Colorado got that one wrong.

    Big government is only part of the problem. Big business also frequently discriminates against Christians. Many Christians have experienced censorship on prominent social media and video sharing websites. One site allows porn but won't allow ex-gay Christians. LGBT advocacy groups are also pressuring businesses to stop placing ads on websites offering viewpoints they dislike.

  9. Realizing the only way this sorry human rights tribunal could have issued this fine is because the muslims reported the "offense", this tribunal has no authority to press the matter. I'd see them in Hell before I'd pay a dime of it. And I'd tell them that to their faces. Canada can only become a Muslim country if Canadians don't have the guts to fight the devolution of their country to that backwards standard. 


  10. On 7/15/2017 at 10:21 PM, wingnut- said:

    When I was that age, toilet papering someone's trees was what we did for entertainment.

    The people of England are disarmed. These evil brats aren't able to get guns on the streets so acid is their weapon of choice. Ideally they'd be punished in the same way. And then sentenced to life without parole so the rest of England is free of their evil. And that evil is caged where it belongs. Fighting to survive among greater more numerous evils. But England is in its depraved concessionary stage at the moment so that isn't going to happen. 


  11. The world is slowly being turned over to the antithesis of Righteousness. 

    And the inroad for proselytizing the enemy of God's truth is media. Not just the twisted example that is the named Democratic party in America, but television shows and programs running in prime time. When children are awake and likely to watch. Dark Satanic shows that revere Lucifer, Vampires, Demons, Satan, the possessed, zombies. Zombies galore. Who watches that ick? 

    Children are being sexualized more and more in recorded music media. Demographic marketing to 7- 8 year olds the worst garbage ever heard. All about sex, violence, choosing their own way to live. 

    Homosexuals are being paraded on TV and in our streets. And naked! As in NYC's recent going-to-Hell proudly and naked, homosexuals march. How did not one naked Sodomite get arrested? Or beat down? OH, I know, it would be intolerant and not PC. 

    Now there's a mentally ill little boy on TV with his own reality show. I am Jazz. He thinks he's a girl. And he's on TV inspiring impressionable minds to think it is OK to be ill, not OK to recognize body dysmorphic disorder is a travesty. Not freedom. 

    It's going to be an interesting century. Sodom and Gomorrah, the sequel. 


  12. On 5/14/2017 at 3:24 PM, Guest said:

    Who first said the Bible was the inspired word of God? Was it God himself or a historic figure? Scriptures and names welcome. Thx

    Paul would not have known what we call the bible today. He knew the Torah. But he was teaching an oral doctrine in the name of Christ. 

    The bible is said to be inspired. The curious thing is that men in councils over many years, when the bible itself took over 1400 years to arrive as the current canon, decided what writings were qualified to be "the words of God". 

    Later, others said, it was an inspired tome. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, Rick_Parker said:




    Saul referred to himself as an Apostle in all his own writings. Not once did the actual Disciples of Christ, the anointed, appointed, Apostles of our Lord do so. 

    There are many differences in Saul's teachings to that of Christ. Namely Saul doesn't refer to the time of Jesus when he was alive delivering his ministry. In fact, after Saul's encounter with the light on the Damascus road, two different accounts recorded about that, he avoided the anointed, appointed, Apostles of Christ and for years. 
    Even going so far as to curse them, in his epistle to the church in Galatia. Galatians 1. And expressly verses 8 and 9. 

    While Saul did fulfill Christ's prophecy and warning in, Matthew 24.  And interestingly enough, Saul did fulfill all the signs in that warning. He claimed to have seen Christ, a light, on the Damascus road. The Christ that healed the blind , in Saul's encounter blinded Saul with scales on his eyes. 

    Saul claimed that his working wonders and miracles in later epistles were signs he was an Apostle. His epistle to the church in Corinth. 2 Corinthians 12:12 

    Follow Christ. :) And ignore those who would hope to insult you when they could have simply said nothing if they didn't appreciate your thread. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, ENOCH2010 said:

    Really!!! Do tell us all things so we can choose wisely 

    Please be aware, you're asking this of a person who in a different thread purported to be Christ! 

  15. On 7/9/2017 at 7:07 PM, Tyler22 said:

    This is not the whole question.  I have been undergoing attacks from the enemy for a while.  They are like arrows.  He puts a heavy, realistic, feeling over me, that seems true, telling me I'm going to hell.  


    So how much power does he have?  And I won't be satisfied with an answer that undermines his power.  I am a normal active deep worshipping Christian.  Yet even in my closest moments with God, he will strike.  

    To the heart of your question, how much power does Satan, the enemy, have? As much as God allows him. 

    The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it." The LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil. He still persists in his integrity, although you incited me against him, to destroy him for no reason." Then Satan answered the LORD, "Skin for skin! All that people have they will give to save their lives. But stretch out your hand now and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse you to your face." The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, he is in your power" (Job 2:2-6). 


    Don Stewart :: What Is the Extent of Satan's Power?

  16. On 7/8/2017 at 2:07 AM, Riccardo said:

    What happens to a person who has never been introduced to God in any shape or form, they have lived an honorable life much better than you or I, who stole a piece of food to feed their starving child.

    Are they doomed for eternal torment for all eternity, by a so called loving God? 

    This concept is insane, those that die don't really die. But suffer for all eternity by a loving God, the same God that says mercy is better than sacrifice. How contradictory if that be the case.



    If they've never heard of the gospel then no, they're not subject to Hell. They're innocents. 

    Of course, one has to decide if Hell makes sense in the context of an omnibenevolent God that predetermined the world before he created it. 

    No, I don't think it does. In fact, Hell was an invention of the Roman councils acting to manifest what is today's catholic church. Scare people to convert. Hell fire for all time. Show people what that means by burning them alive tied to a pyre. Instant converts. Convert or burn. 

    When really, death without God is separation from God for all time. Which is in itself impossible because all things are God because God is all that is. 

    That is why within the words of the Bible we are told to seek understanding and study to comprehend. And do not believe every spirit. 


  17. 25 minutes ago, OldSchool2 said:

    Didn't most Protestants on these forums arrive sometime after the Reformation?

    "It is a most invaluable part of that blessed 'liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,' that in his worship different forms and usages may without offence be allowed, provided the substance of the Faith be kept entire; and that, in every Church, what cannot be clearly determined to belong to Doctrine must be referred to Discipline....

    "And now, this important work being brought to a conclusion, it is hoped the whole will be received and examined by every true member of our Church, and every sincere Christian, with a meek, candid, and charitable frame of mind; without prejudice or prepossessions; seriously considering what Christianity is, and what the truths of the Gospel are; and earnestly beseeching Almighty God to accompany with his blessing every endeavour for promulgating them to mankind in the clearest, plainest, most affecting and majestic manner, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Saviour."

    Preface to the BCP, Philadelphia, October, 1789.


    What does that have to do with the book of common prayer? 

  18. 16 hours ago, WorthyNewsBot said:

    A 6-foot stone adorned with the Ten Commandments will be re-installed on the grounds of the Arkansas state capitol after the original one was destroyed last month.

    View the full article

    EXCELLENT! :thumbsup: And hopefully with a security surveillance system in place so the next atheist vandal that tries to destroy this one is recorded, identified, and arrested. 


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