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Eleni Shining Light

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Everything posted by Eleni Shining Light

  1. All exactly as I originally thought. Was not so sure of it but now it's very clear and more solid. Thank you, Someone professor mixed me up when he said that the wise men only got to Jesus nearly 2 years after He was born because the wise men came from the East and it took them that long by traveling with camels and he did not think that the nativity scene was legitimate saying it was paganised. So then I started thinking overtime and reading up as I've written before checking up on him and wanted confirmation. The professor was correct about other things of pagans traditions of the Christmas tree etc... God bless
  2. Thank you for the welcomes and Bible verses. Be blessed Colossians 1: 1-28
  3. Was Jesus born in a manger or in a house? And was it wise men who visited him at the manager or a house and was it, wise men, that visited Jesus or scholars? These points triggered me to look up and confirm what I've always thought it to be. I looked it up in 4 different Bibles, Thompsons Chain-Reference Bible, New International Version, NKJV, KJV, Sprit Filled Life Study Bible, Yes, in Mathew 2, it does say Jesus was visited in a house by wise men. All my Bibles show that it was indeed by wise men (traditionally wise men, Magi) who visited baby Jesus and I never knew that Jesus had been visited in a house. Always thought it was a manager and still do because it still states so in Luke. My Holy Bible YouVersion app on my mobile is the only one that states, scholars from the East and not wise men visited Jesus. Yes by the time the wise men got to Jesus, He was about 2 years old and younger seeing that King Herod ordered the death killings of all males of the age 2 and under at that time. I was surprised to learn of these points. So, was Jesus was visited at about the age of 2 or younger by Wisemen or scholars at a house in Mathew 2, and not as a baby in a manger/barn with animals BUT In the book of Luke Chapter 2: 7 And she (Mary) brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn. Verse 11: For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12: And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger." 16: And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger. So maybe the wise men visited Jesus first and the scholars later when Jesus was 2 years old and younger? Just a bit mixed up and would like for someone to help me this these few answers
  4. Hi there. I'm Eleni Thank you. This helped heaps. Feel blessed to be a part of the Worthy Network. Can't wait to get started. God bless
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