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Everything posted by Heleadethme

  1. Thank you for sharing this word....light for the path. I am wondering how we should seek the Holy Spirit as such, should it be more about seeking the Lord Himself and praying for what we have need of whether strength, light for our way, understanding, holiness, etc. and just in seeking Him He will give us what we need however He deems we need it. I'm leery of how certain groups are sort of fixated on the Holy Spirit and always seeking "a touch", or for Him to "come down" etc and how in spite of that they are going astray......always seeking "experiences" with God but not really following Him in other ways. But then again He says if we ask for bread He wont' give us a stone etc, so we are to ask and seek, but not seeking it in a selfish way for pleasure rather than to be able to serve and have bread or fish to give to somebody else in need. I wonder if the Lord stays away in order to make us thirsty for Him, to know our need, that without Him we can do nothing, and maybe to dry our land out making it fallow so that it will be able to drink in the rain when it comes. And also to test our faithfulness through times when we can't see or feel Him in that way.
  2. Amen sister, I do love it and feast on it....but was Paul biting and devouring when he said he wished those who are disturbing would get castrated themselves? I think you are taking things the wrong way as being legalistic....because of being hurt and seeing others being hurt by those wielding the word of God in a wrong spirit......I have seen this a lot in those who need healing of hurts etc, kind of a blockage in their heart causes them to get turned out of the way on some things. But His truth is true, it never changes, it's just sort of hanging there perpetually for all to see, a plumbline with no shadow of turning at all, and it doesn't matter what our feelings are or what we have experienced in life, the truth doesn't change to suit anyone's problems or sins, or whether they have sensitivities or too many comforts in life , or whatever anyone's situation is, it's just the same truth for everyone, and that's all there is to it, and wherever we find we are not true to plumb on some things it's up to us to seek the Lord and change. Is it possible that you have heard certain words spoken in a wrong spirit, so now whenever you hear those same words you are taking them in that same wrong spirit.....but that would be in your own heart in a case like that, not the one bringing God's word....and please don't take me amiss on that, I mean it kindly. Just that we don't accuse God of being unrighteous, because others have been unrighteous in His name. Something else too, where I was reading Heb. 13:22........that we need to ENDURE/SUFFER the word of exhortation, and elsewhere it talks about ENDURING sound doctrine. It doesn't always feel good to our flesh, it can be like fuller's soap scrubbing us down on the inside. But to profit from His word, we must gird ourselves and learn to endure it those times when it hurts some, and I find what it mostly hurts is pride, like where I thought I was righteous, but oops there's a nasty spot. That is not God being unkind, He is just washing us with the water of His word and sometimes there are some stubborn bits of flesh clinging that just need a little scrubbing.
  3. So many are ignoring what God said and Jesus taught to their peril..........they are making up their own religion and calling it Christianity.......meanwhile there is only one gospel that saves, only one way to life, and it isn't man's versions of it.
  4. Goodness......no idea what any of that has to do with anything that I have said, sister, though I'm sorry wherever you've been mistreated, or anyone for that matter. Maybe you are assuming I'm coming from someplace I'm not, because others have abused scriptures. I don't believe for one minute we need to stop bringing the word of God because people throughout history wrest it to their destruction......it's His word He teaches us.
  5. Well, maybe it's more like He asks us to walk with Him.........He's a rock that doesn't change, so we are the ones who need to.
  6. Of course........who on earth is talking about beating anybody or not being kind......I'm just talking about the difference between serving God the way that seemeth right to us and serving God the way He asks us to.
  7. Dont' you believe God friendnt when He says there is no one good but God? And that all our righteousness is as filthy rags to God? Or do you want to stubbornly believe your own mind and feelings.......which is ENMITY towards God. We need the mind of Christ to understand that Satan's kingdom is a mixture of both good and evil......fallen people are a mixture of both good and evil, it means nothing, they are still lost as lost can be and need to repent of all their sins even the "good" ones. Anybody can be kind and decent when they feel like it or for their own agendas.......that's neither here nor there. Sounds like you're starting to believe they don't need a Saviour.
  8. I wasn't addressing anything about your personal life at all, Reinitin, I have no idea of the details of your circumstances and it never came to mind. Well, I'll just say that whether we hear the commands or not, many will be judged by them one day.....Jesus saying to those who were rejecting His words, that He wasn't condemning them but that His words would on that day.
  9. ....."however He desires." Yes, and that will never contradict what He has written.....otherwise it's not what HE desires.
  10. Being unequally yoked is making an alliance but not by His Spirit. Back when I was trying to fellowship with unbelieving religious Jews the Lord rebuked me good and soundly with that scripture from Isaiah 30. And that would apply to any ecumenical interfaith alliance which is being propagated now......it's humanistic.... ways that seemeth right to man but leads to death....instead of just obeying the Lord. I'll mention another time the Lord brought me up short........I was visiting at a Gentile church for a while and they were holding a Passover seder, not for any reason, it wasn't a Jewish outreach and I'm pretty sure if memory serves there weren't even any Jewish members of this church. I was seeking the Lord about these things at that time, whether I should celebrate Jewish feast days or not etc , so I decided to just go to this seder and see if I could ascertain God's will, wisdom etc.......turned out I got there a tiny bit early and they had almost finished setting the tables....except somebody forgot to get lamb shanks, so somebody else was sent out to run quickly to the store to buy some and couldn't find any in a hurry, so they came back with a box of dog biscuits in the shape of a bone. I was really shocked, it didn't seem right....and I wondered what the Lord was trying to say. Well we got through the whole seder with these dog biscuits.....I did not have any sense of God's presence or that He was in the seder. So I left and went home, still in a state of ignorance and not being any clearer as to His will or wisdom, but just this vague sense that He was trying to say something but I knew not what. I just chalked it up as a failed experiment that had led nowhere. But then soon after getting home I happened to open my bible right at the following passage: Isaiah 66:3 But whoever sacrifices a bull is like one who kills a person, and whoever offers a lamb is like one who breaks a dog’s neck; whoever makes a grain offering is like one who presents pig’s blood, and whoever burns memorial incense is like one who worships an idol. They have chosen their own ways, and they delight in their abominations Well, can you imagine my shock and fear at reading that.....suffice to say I was on my face repenting, not only for myself but for all who were doing what seemth right to them. I was in literal fear for myself and for that whole church and begged God to forgive. You know sister, the only times the Lord has severely rebuked me like that has been concerning my dealings with Jews or things Jewish........seems He is very particular about how He wants things to be done when it comes to His people Israel, the apple of His eye.......He doesn't want them fed any mealy mouthed, humanistic, wishy washy, namby-pamby diluted gospel. So.......that is why I try very hard to look for HIS will and way.......in fear and trembling. I mean, He is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, and He is particular about how we worship and serve Him at all times too. His way, not our way.......He doesnt want our strange fire. Just do what He says, no more, no less, adding nothing, taking nothing away.....very simple.
  11. I am nothing in this world Reinitin, and just an ordinary believer, nothing to boast in but the one who saved me out of the world. It concerns me a lot though when Christ's followers seems to be getting discouraged from correcting leaven and from keeping themselves separate from the world, so that is why I seek to clarify for everyone's sake when I see things like that.
  12. Reinitin if you find something has been misunderstood here of God's word, then why not say what it is and edify. He Himself magnifies His word even above His Name and we are not to go beyond it because that is often the pride of trying to be more righteous than God.
  13. I am wondering what understanding you have of the command to be not unequally yoked with unbelievers......sounds like you've got the wrong idea of what it means to me.
  14. Praise the Lord for your son's salvation Reinitin......the law being a tutor that led him to Messiah, how wonderful, amen. Now here since I'm on a defining kick sister, I would want to define what it means to respect the faith of others. I understand not offending the Jews and being like a Jew or Gentile to win jews or gentiles, yes. As long as we don't take it too far......the ancient Israelites were told by God not to do as the pagans do in the land where He sent them.......I wonder if some of them thought they were being respectful of their pagan neighbours by taking up some of their pagan practices, and wound up in bondage, under judgment. There is an aspect that following the Lord will always offend in some ways, the offence of the cross that we must bear the reproach of and not try to do away with it. And an aspect that we are to remain separate from the world, not yoked with them, and I would have to include unbelieving Jews as still being of the world. Love and respect people, always, but that doesn't mean we necessarily have to do as they do in order to respect them....absolutely not when it is against Jesus commands. I think that is the snare that the world and churches have gotten caught in now. Even many Christians are doing yoga and new age or buddhist meditation now, it's like the walls are broken down and the world has invaded the church. But we are to be a city on a hill.....lifted up, above the world, and separate from it, so that the world can see it's light, and know where they need to come.
  15. Reinitin, I think it would depend on how we define what an attack is, and what love and grace are......whether we are using man's definitions or God's definitions, because God's ways are not like man's ways. Disagreeing and discussing and bringing truth is not attacking a person, it is the love of God, just the same as He loves us enough to correct, rebuke, instruct, chastise us as His children. And we are to judge those within the church.....fornicators, teachers bringing false gospels......if they are corrected and receive it not and don't repent but continue to sin and bring leaven, then for their own good and for the sake of not defiling the Body of Christ, they even must be put out of fellowship.....their flesh turned over to Satan so that their spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.....that is God's wisdom that came to us through His apostle. And granted that would absolutely need to be done out of a spirit of love and obeying the Lord, certainly not in a wrong attitude. Sister, I think you would agree that we very much do need to discern what is of Satan and the world........so that we can stay separate from it, and not become unequally yoked to it, as well as for the sake of others in the Father's house. So it just depends on what is meant by these things.....we are not to bite and devour one another, a big amen to that....as long as we don't define simple correction or disagreeing necessarily as biting and devouring. I just wanted to try to clarify some of these things because there is often so much room to misunderstand on the internet......is it just me or is it increasing that people seem to have so many different understandings of the same words, confusion trying to reign, evil spirits interfering. Help us Lord just to be of the mind of Christ and anchored to your word alone........bringing our thoughts captive to your word alone, amen.
  16. Brother, I am often not able to keep up with all the posts, I think I skimmed that bit and didn't understand what he was trying to say. Amen, for sure no one can work out their salvation.......until they have salvation to work out. So is this poster saying that all are being saved........not according to the bible, I'm afraid........that is some man-made kind of thing, not the gospel. Why then did Jesus suffer so and die, if all are being saved without Him.
  17. Bless you Reinitin, I love hearing testimonies.....sounds like you were convicted by the "hell" word, which was for your good sister, but you just didn't understand it as a youngster......and who is forgiven much loves much.........how wonderful and gracious is our God.
  18. "They didn't have to stop being Jews and give up Judaism to accept Christ." Yes, that IS what I addressed in my post.....it's easy to misunderstand on the internet. The only thing is that I hope anyone, Jew or Gentile, would not bring strange fire........so that part of Judaism I hope a Jewish believer would learn what God commanded as opposed to what man made it into. We just are to do what God says in His word and not add or take away from it. Amen, Jesus/Yeshua is saviour/messiah to all, by faith in Him, Jewish and Gentile without partiality.
  19. Assume that by continue being Jews you mean continue practising the Law, since no-one can change one's ethnicity anyhow and certainly don't need to. Most Jews are secular anyhow and don't keep Law. For those that do and come to faith in Yeshua, I don't believe anyone should be telling Jewish believers to stop practicing the Law, whatsoever is not of faith is sin. We just believe God that the Law is fading away, and let it fade away in His time. The important thing is how anyone is cleaning both the outside and the inside, by faith or by flesh, and there is no reason to hold back on preaching and teaching the truths surrounding that....to all.
  20. It's the sad reality of the days we are living in now. In a way though, all this is showing us how much God is in control and working to fulfill His purposes and bring things to a conclusion......and how close we are to the Lord's return. He is doing exactly what He said He would do. Yes, glory to God in the Highest! Amen sister! Yes I was such a lost and wandering sheep, just following the world merrily along until I got pregnant and began raising my child alone....wasn't the life I had pictured for myself, but the Lord used it to humble me and one day in 1986 He made me His own. I had questions about life, but I wasn't looking for Him in particular, I was completely agnostic at that point, and I'm so glad how He arranged things and came looking for me and it was just like the song, I was blind and now I see. Thank you sweet Saviour.
  21. Yes to all your questions sister.......i was baptized as a baby and raised in the Catholic church as a child and had opportunity to observe some things in hindsight after coming to faith in Christ. Amen, there are a lot of common denominators and all the false gospels are going in the same direction......back to Rome, which is peddling the interfaith delusion.......which will bring the whole world to worship antichrist.
  22. Working out our salvation with fear and trembling is in Philipians 2:12. We do not earn our salvation but the same grace that saves us is also there to help us learn and walk in obedience to the Lord. Without holiness no-one will see the Lord, that is also in scripture, along with Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. So we do not run as one beating the air, we need to know what we are aiming for.........holiness, obedience, sabbath rest, overcoming, perfecting our faith, living to please God.......but not in our own strength, it is by His Spirit. As Blue-Eyed Jewel said, trying to follow the Lord in our own strength and flesh is pride....it's self-righteousness, rather than the righteousness of Christ in us, where it says I no longer live but it is Christ who lives in me. If the right hand keeps letting the left hand know what it's doing, that's because it's coming from self-righteousness and flesh.
  23. I agree brother, I saw what looked like arguing at cross purposes on some things, and tried to reconcile the argument, but not very well I guess. At this point I will just say that useful little word, oy.
  24. I dont know anything brother, my job is just to trust and obey.
  25. According to scripture it hinges on a few things. Faith must be proven....tested and tried. We will reign with Him IF so be that we also suffer with Him......we too must carry a cross and there is such a thing as filling up that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ. The Lord Himself chastises us as sons for a reason, so that we may partake of His holiness, so we must endure chastening. Salvation is just the beginning of the battle, we have a whole walk to walk with Him yet and Christ ever lives to make intercession for us, for a reason. We have things to overcome, we must work out our own salvation, we must fight the good fight, we must endure to the end. To the FAITHFUL He shows Himself faithful, so we also need to be faithful. It is the obedient who will get to eat of the fat of the land, not the disobedient. There remains a sabbath rest that we must not fail to enter. So yes salvation is by faith, but continuing in it and making it to the end hinges on a lot of things...we have a part in it and that part is to humble ourselves and obey the Master, and even that is by His grace and strength so no glory to us, when we do these things to glorify HIM. Just want to add.....brother, we have to run so as to WIN the prize!
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