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Posts posted by Kevinw

  1. 18 hours ago, hmbld said:

    “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” 

    I am interested if anyone has something to say about the implications of this verse.

    Words are important. We should take care to speak good ones all the time. 

  2. On 7/7/2017 at 9:47 AM, da_man1974 said:

    Ugh.  I am having second thoughts about even posting this, but a question has been on my mind for a couple of days.  In the creation timeline of Genesis.  It says that there was evening and morning and that was such and such day.  How were the days measured since the sun and moon weren't created until the fourth day.  

    Additionally, it says that Adam was created and Eve was created and they were to tend to the garden and name all of the animals on the sixth day.  Seems like a long day to me.

    Finally, we are told that when the Hebrew word for day is preceded by a number it always means a literal 24 hour day.  But isn't that in contrast to Hosea 6:2.

    Again, I am NOT trying to start any arguments here so please be civil in your responses.

    Some people believe that "day" in this passage means "period of time." If that's the case, then the periods of time that we are talking about could have been much longer than 24 hours. 

  3. 18 hours ago, hmbld said:

    . . . I'm interested in why so many are quick to judge someones salvation by looking at their failures in the war of flesh and spirit?  

    I would say that one of the difficulties is that salvation is a word that different people use to mean different things. That being the case, I'm not sure I even understand what you mean by "judge someone's salvation." However, I think that one important thing for us to remember is that we need to believe in Jesus Christ and repent of our sins in order to enjoy the happiness that is available in Christ and through Christ.  And again, I don't think I understand what you mean by "judge someone's salvation,"  but I suspect that a lot of people are missing the happiness that they might otherwise receive if they would focus more on helping others to believe in Christ and turn away from sin than on speaking words of condemnation against those who do believe in Christ but whose faith is not strong enough to keep them from a particular sin. 

    In any event, I would say that it is good for us to remember that we should not continue in sin, and also that we should encourage faith and repentance in all people, even those who are improperly "judging someone's salvation."

  4. On 3/16/2017 at 5:06 AM, angels4u said:

    Can you see these things  happening around you and in which way?

    Is your church holding on to the truth ?

    The Way, the Truth, and the Life
    5“Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” 6Jesusanswered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”…



    I like the emphasis in the article that you quoted on protecting life and honoring God's laws about sex. The Bonhoeffer quote about cheap grace was also very interesting.

    One of the  things that I appreciate about my church is its emphasis on the doctrines of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance from sin. We also talk a lot about keeping the commandments of God and we have high standards when it comes to things like abortion and sex outside of marriage, both of which are strongly and openly discouraged.

  5. I believe that children are not accountable for their sins until they reach an age of accountability.  Until this time, they are alive in Christ because of the atonement of Christ.  In other words, newborns and infants are alive in Christ because of his atonement and shall be received into paradise if they die before reaching the age of accountability.

  6. I think the point of this verse is to emphasize the importance of faith in the Lord Jesus.  We need to believe that he is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, and that through faith in him we can be cleansed from sin and lifted up at the last day.

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