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Hidden In Him

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Posts posted by Hidden In Him

  1. 58 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

     Too bad. So much is missed by not gathering with the local body of Christ.  


    Don't get me wrong, Neighbor. I fully believe that having a good group of brothers and sisters in Christ to be in fellowship with is a tremendous blessing, even if they don't necessarily move in gifts as they should (provided they are at least alive in Spirit, and in love with one another and with Christ).

    I'm simply saying that taking the position that it is a law we should hold over believers gets into an area of spiritual oppression if we are not careful, where the Spirit is no longer free to lead believers as He should. I currently have no church, the reason being that most of the churches in my area would actually slow me down rather than bless me at present. And since I would not be in a position of leadership going in, it would be an serious investment of my time before they trusted me with a position (or positions) of leadership in the church to begin being a blessing to them. And that's IF their leadership honored my authority in Christ, which is always questionable. Some feel threatened by me, and are only comfortable with me if I sit in a pew and shut up, LoL.

    But you are correct. Much can indeed be missed by not gathering together with a local body. :thumbsup:

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 5 hours ago, stronggrace55 said:

    I have been writing on it since 2012. Its all about my recovery and ultimate freedom from schizophrenia! I am very excited and wanted to share the news!!! IF you want more details please inbox me and I will give you the info to order, or you can click on my blog link at the bottom for more information in the "It is Finally Here!!!" blog post.

    Wow! Praise the Lord for your testimony. :thumbsup: I don't recall hearing many testimonies of those who have overcome it, although I'm sure many have.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Gleason92 said:

    I'm too skeptical to go with the flow if this micro chipping seeps into worldly culture.  

    LoL. Let's hope it doesn't. I'd feel like someone's pet, like a dog wearing one of those electric zappers or something.

    Wait, it won't let me post my GIF. Darn! Where's the fun in that!  :)


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  4. 12 hours ago, Berean said:

    Do you believe that a person who does not go to church can still be a Christian and be saved?

    I certainly hope so, cuz I'm sunk if not, LoL.

    In my opinion, a church that is not operating in a full array of genuine spiritual gifts is not manifesting true New Testament Christianity (1 Corinthians 12:8–10, 1 Corinthians 12:28).

    Does that mean the people in that church do not belong to God? No, of course not. But trying to hold believers accountable to church attendance while ignoring far more weightier matters has a way of making me not all that concerned about people's judgments as to what believers are and are not supposed to be doing.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  5. LoL. 

    Well, personally it would give me the creeps, so I wouldn't be wild about the idea, that's for sure. But then I never cared for things like vaccinations either. :)

    See, I don't believe a microchip will be what the mark of the Beast actually is, so my answer may be different than what others will say. Believing it is actually NOT the mark or anything resembling it, I suppose I would just go with the flow and get a microchip if it were passed as a law. But that's just me. 

    Btw, I hope I'm not messing up your thread by saying that, LoL. Just throwing my two cents in.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Carm said:

    My kids dad was just killed in front of me in August.. 5 months later I started drinking bad.. now I'm trying a out of body experience to see him and if is ok.. will God hate me.. I love the Lord with all my heart.. I just need a confirmation


    No, Carm. I cannot recommend "attempting" any out of body experiences. This is an occult practice when you attempt to manufacture it. Occasionally the saints of God experience what might be referred to as OBEs (2 Corinthians 12:3), but for servants of the Lord Jesus Christ this only happens as God allows it to, not as an attempt to "try it out." 

    Please don't dabble in the occult, Carm. Any association with demons will only lead from bad to worse. They want your eternal soul, and will stop at nothing to deceive you. Just give the pain in your heart and the images you saw to the Lord, and ask Him to cleanse it from your mind. He will heal you from the pain and help you move on in life if you ask Him to. Eventually you'll begin to see how dangerous this proposal was that you were considering.

    God bless,


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  7. 6 minutes ago, KiwiChristian said:

    I would ask WHICH "original" Greek?

    He apparently meant all Greek texts, because his argument was there should be an agreement to go by his English translation alone. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Blood Bought 1953 said:

      My daughter heard this jewel.......Jesus did not write the Bible and since everybody lies the Bible is nothing but lies....

    This reminds me of something I read at another Forum one time. This guy was adamant about claiming there was no Devil, so he angrily proclaimed to another poster, "There is no Satan! Read your Bible!

  9. 11 hours ago, Marion said:

    I got into Christianity properly about 2 years ago, before that I would remember God when I felt desperate, and go to church on Christmas and Easter. Unfortunately, since then, I’ve been trying to find a church. I’ve tried church after church after church. Everywhere I felt excluded and left out. It got to the point where I felt so alone at my last one, I would cry myself to sleep the night before I went every week. I have stepped out and talked to people, but I always feel the fake smile of “hi, how are you today?”, the typical politeness, and that’s as far as it would get. I’ve stopped going. It’s a good sign I guess, because no one’s followed up on me since I’ve left (I attended for 3 and a half months).

    I don’t have any friends that seem deeply involved with Christianity, they’re I guess casual Christians. One of them defined their relationship with God as “distant, but I know He’s there” when I brought the conversation up.

    Not only that, God’s been quite silent over the past couple months since I left that church. I’ve prayed honestly. I’ve read my bible with whatever diligence I have left. But honestly, I’m starting to not care much. I don’t want to read the bible anymore. I’ve looked up spiritual burnouts, and it just feels like people are throwing my problem in my face. “Sin might separate you, pray more diligently. Read the Bible more. hang on, God’s up to something. Get involved with a church community.” I haven’t found any good encouragement. I’m going numb, to the point where I don’t want to talk to God anymore. You might say it’s a bit like Job. I don’t see any solutions there though. And then there’s Joseph. I don’t have the strength to hope anymore. Rom. 8:28 is beginning to sound really annoying. And I don’t want to talk to God, because giving up on Him would be “sin” and “worldly thinking” and I don’t want to talk to Him about it, because He’s been mostly silent for the most part.

    I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a support system that can help me in this situation, and my own resources are running out. And God’s mostly silent.
    I’ve reached a point where I don’t care, I am spiritually and emotionally exhausted, and I can see that, which is why I’m writing out for help. Matthew 11:28-30 just seems like an empty promise at this point. 

    Any help would be great,
    and if you don’t have any advice, could you please pray for me.


    I would agree with Gandalf here. Good counsel involves finding out exactly how He made you, and what things are most important to helping you fulfill your calling in Christ Jesus.

    For some, fellowship with others is deeply important. For others, not so much. We are all made different, but if good fellowship with other believers is vitally important to you, just rest assured that He will provide it for you if you keep asking Him to with all your heart, even if it means just getting to know people at this website for now. 

    That having been said, let me encourage you that God sends the Holy Spirit as our Teacher, and if you ask Him to begin teaching you, I can promise you He will. Many just go through the motions of trying to pick up the Bible and read through it. But without asking the Teacher to explain it to you, this often just results in very dry study times where your mind wanders off into things that happened yesterday, or things you need to do tomorrow, or would prefer to be doing today. Just focus for little bit on spending some time in prayer (maybe a few days) asking Him to become your Teacher and lead you to places (in scripture, on TV or radio, or even in the real world) where you can receive genuine revelation from God that quickens your spirit, lets you know He is active in your life, and gives you personal exhortation to lift your heart and spirit. Also spend the time in prayer telling Him exactly what you are telling us: How you now feel burned out. Trust me, you will not offend Him because He knows where you're at already. Ultimately, He probably has just been waiting for you to turn to Him this whole time, knowing that those you were with were not able to help you much anyway.

    So take heart. Even very strong saints of God go through periods where they experience similar things. Sometimes it comes through spiritual oppression. But the trick is to wait Satan out in such instances, because he can't keep it up forever. The dark clouds eventually part and the sun comes out again.

    God bless, and welcome to Worthy. If you should need any help or mentoring, please post any of us in private. There are several strong believers here who would be more than glad to help you out. :th_wave:  

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  10. 8 hours ago, Abby-Joy said:

    Yes, exsctly. People want to be "special" so satan deceives people with these ideas ...like that they are Jesus, or as this woman, she will conceive a "God-man" in a supernatural visitation.   YIKES!!  It is sad how many people she has brought along with her in this deception. Thing is, she already had a huge following which she gathered through subtle flattery and flowery "prophecies" ... but they didn't know that behind the scenes she believed this mess. And why she singled me out is a mystery because I do not desire a spotlight, nor even believe that mess (that the 2 witnesses will be conceived in the same manner as Jesus). That is completely against Scripture, which gives us clear descriptions of them.

    You had me a little curious as to who this was in the first post, and now I want to know for real. If you don't think it's appropriate to post it publicly, send me a conversation about it. It now has me wondering.

  11. 2 hours ago, Abby-Joy said:

    Several years ago, a woman tried to tell me she was to be the mother of one of the witnesses and that God showed her I was to be the mother of the other witness. ? Even stranger, she claimed we both would conceive by "imaculate conception" just like Jesus ...that the 2 witnesses would be sons of God just like Jesus Christ. 

    Needless to say, I sat her straight and sent her on her way. But she has a HUGE following on facebook because, sad to say, people are a sucker for flowery words of so-called "prophecies" and flatteries. 

    Wow. That started out funny, but got a little scary towards the end there... Prophecy is returning to the church in keeping with Joel 2:28, but Satan has always been notorious for counterfeiting the gifts whenever they surface, and she sounds like a case in point. With the near deification of Mary in some Christian circles, you can see why that seduction would sell for anyone who was seriously deluded. 

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  12. Technically, Melissa, my only objection would be that He actually did visit a big city, starting at age 12 (Luke 2:41-43). :) 

    But that's a beautiful piece, and whoever wrote it has a talent for being inspirational. :thumbsup:

    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Berean said:

    I've heard that we must wait on God to tell us what to do before we launch out to do whatever it is God wants us to do. Others have said something like "You can't steer a parked car." What say you?

    Not sure what you are waiting on Him for, but I relate this discussion to something I seek after greatly which is spiritual gifts. There is a Christian movement which has gained popularity in the last 10 years or so that teaches all believers should just "step out in faith" and begin laying hands on the sick and administering "healing." While some minor healings do appear to occur, most of it is obviously just hype. And I don't see the healing gift as something every believer receives (1 Corinthians 12:28), and even with those who are called to it I think it is something that one waits on God's timing for, so as not to enter into temptation or handle the gift irresponsibly.

    That having been said, I think the principle of waiting on God is a wise rule to live by. The number of horror stories that have resulted from believers NOT doing so are too numerous to count, especially regarding things like marrying the wrong person.

    • Praise God! 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, GandalfTheWise said:

    I'm not sure it's so much the exact words, as the authority and faith behind them.  From what it sounds like, I don't think you have any problems in that area. :) 

    I was already typing this up when GandalfTheWise posted his response. So I'll include below what I was going to post, which largely chimes in with what he was saying above:

    About your second situation, the obvious verses would be Psalm 34:7, with the singular "angel of the Lord" referring to a commander of the heavenly host, since the sentence mentions how he/ they will encamp around (i.e. surround) those who fear God. A very strong example of this 2 Kings 6:17, though it will doubtfully take an entire army of angels to protect your household.

    Just take a bottle of anointing oil that you have prayed over and walk around your entire house, proclaiming Psalm 34:7 over your home and anointing the corners of the house and every room you feel led to bless, including things like closets. Take your granddaughter with you, and remind her not to let anything in your home by her own volition by participating in anything occult.

    As for the first, just repeat what you did last time, the key being to speak it in faith. You could also recite the verse that He has given us the power to tread on scorpions and snakes (Luke 10:19), and then say "therefore...," and command them in Jesus' name. That would serve as a warning to any demons that if they dared in ANY way whatsoever to manifest, they will be cast out.

    It's mostly attitude, Melissa, which comes from true faith. The greater your faith, the less you will tolerate, and the more steadfastness you will have in expelling them. Faith increases as you grow in His word and in your relationship with Him, so keep focusing on that and you will be fine. 

    • Thumbs Up 2
  15. 1 hour ago, ayin jade said:

    Periodically we come across folks who think they are either Jesus or one of the two witnesses. Thats pretty much as off the wall as it gets.

    I've run into the two witnesses one before. Someone believed that a woman might possibly be one of them. Unfortunately the Greek uses the masculine, which would make her the wrong kind of woman indeed...

    maybe a witness for the LGBT community, but that's about it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. There's the belief that Jesus was actually a full-blooded Cherokee Indian, because one of His names in scripture is "Chief Cornerstone." 

    On a serious note, I actually read someone teaching that a certain English Bible translation was more reliable than the original Greek. That one almost made me fall out of my seat. :fryingpan:

    • Haha 3
  17. Just now, LadyKay said:

    I blame that on auto correct and that my kid is always talking to me when I am trying to type. :rofl:

    A Ha Ha Ha! I have a cat that sits on my lap, or directly in front of the computer screen. He even likes to lay down near the mouse and then tries to slowly push it out of the way to get my attention. I also have a ongoing feud with auto-correct, but I can't say as I can blame either one of them for my illustrious education in the public school system, LoL. :stong:

    It has a way of rearing its ugly head when I least expect it.


  18. 3 hours ago, LadyKay said:

    I feel I am having so many butting head issue on here because no one seems to want to learn anything. It is like you know your right about some topic. You post that topic on a discussion bored which means people are open to discussing it, but there seems to be no room for discussing. The poster knows they are right in all that they say about the topic and is only posting the topic so that other people join in with agreement with them.  This is not how I think  a discussion bored should be. Thus I think the reason why I have so many issues with other posters at times. No one is listing to anyone else and no one ever considers that maybe they are wrong in their thinking. They just say "this is how it is end of story good bye!" I mean what is the point of all of that? I post topics not because I think I am 100% right, but because I think I could be right, but I want to run this by some other people and see what they have to say about. If they can show me I am mistaken in my thinking then I consider that. But so many topic posted on here are just "I am right and if you disagree with me you disagree with God" type of post. It is like trying to debate the Sunday morning sermon with the pastor while he is preaching it.

    Dose anyone else see this going on here? Maybe it is just me? Maybe I need to take some more time off?  

    I've been considering this issue quite a lot lately. Most believers don't realize it, but even the apostle Paul or the Lord Jesus Christ Himself could post incognito on a topic, and for the most part it would go right passed them and they would begin arguing. The reason is simply that we are not in a place in church history where many have ears to hear. Most just adopt a certain doctrinal line on a subject and then take it upon themselves to become a "defender of the faith." 

    But what's usually missing is a combination of humility and genuine scriptural knowledge. The lack of humility makes believers insist on saving face even when they are clearly being disproven, and the lack of genuine scriptural knowledge makes them defensive if someone posts something that contradicts what they've been taught, or if something they post gets challenged. 

    Look for mature believers, and interact with them. They are usually easy to spot. Often they are older (though not always), but what you will see is a habitual practice of manifesting respect for others, even during debate. James, Chapter 3 addresses this. The wise man can be distinguished from the foolish by how he behaves, not just what he teaches, which makes how they behave sort of a dead giveaway. I have friends of different persuasions, doctrinally and politically, with whom I very much enjoy discussing things even though we disagree, because I know they are of the right Spirit and even if I am wrong they will not insult me.

    Unfortunately, these types of believers are in the minority, but they are around. You just have to take note of people, watch their responses (i.e. their behavior), and learn what to expect. I haven't been here long, but there are certainly a few good ones here I've noticed already. :thumbsup: 

    Btw, the proper spelling for "bored," at least the way you are using it, is actually "board." :)  Just thought I'd throw that in there while the context was about being good-hearted. :)

    • Thumbs Up 3
  19. On 3/11/2018 at 11:33 AM, sotphmfm said:

    I have come up with the following questions and would like your advice on the questions I have come up with before sending this out.

    LoL. I would have to agree with Bk1110 and Debp. That questionnaire is liable to be answered by someone in ministry, and they may have too much going on with people who already are members of their church to be that worried about spending too much time on someone who may or may not become one. 

    I don't want to discourage you or anything; I'm just saying you might want to trim that down to the bare essentials. Without it being intentional, your list also has a way of coming off like you will be the type to hold them highly accountable, and despite not having even met them yet. :) Most pastors already have members like that, and they generally aren't too wild about them, LoL, so I'm guessing the number of responses you get will probably be minimal.

    It would certainly be a way of giving yourself plenty of heads up if it worked, but in the real world that probably won't work out the way you hoped it would.

    God bless.

    If you'd like a word of advice, along with searching around, make sure you PRAY often for the Lord to direct you to a good church. Even sometimes when we think we have found the place God has for us, there may be factors involved that we don't realize, but the Lord can protect you from getting overly-involved in a situation that looks right but actually isn't. 

  20. 1 hour ago, enoob57 said:

    Well good now that that is said let's see what Jesus said about what would occur in teaching others what His Word teaches:

    Luke 12:51-53
    51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
    52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
    53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
    Heb 4:12
    12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    and even though in love and gentleness we speak we can expect this result... 

    Actually, enoob, I think the OP was from the outset addressing Christians discussing the word together, whereas your Luke passage is a reference to the word separating believers from those who refuse to, and instead stand opposed to Christ. The context is different, don't you agree?  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  21. Mary, I want you to pray for me. It shocked me to read the first few sentences of this, because it is precisely where I left off in a conversation I was having with some Messianic Jews recently over the feasts. I have been working on my own spiritualized interpretations of the feasts in relation to the path each New Testament believer in Christ is supposed to walk. But that is admittedly a spiritualized application, and I believe in partial, literal and even spiritualized fulfillments of prophecy. In other words, I also found their arguments about the fulfillment of the feasts to be very interesting as well and something I wanted to look into, but didn't have the energy.

    By His grace I need to get into this with you, and badly, but it will take His grace to devote myself to it fully. So pray He gives me the time and ability if you would. 

    P.S. Should I not respond to this again, please post me privately. It's as if the Lord is requiring me to deal with this, so He's leading me right back to it, LoL.

    God bless, 


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  22. 1 hour ago, Pillar said:

    In response to Hidden in Him's question, That old man would require help, yes probably. However, it sounds like the exception to the rule and I don't think we should write the rules based on the exceptions.

    If this is a double post, forgive me. Still slowly figuring out the quirks at this site, LoL.

    Thanks for your response, Pillar. My response to this would be that I think we simply need to return to a proper understanding of what the rules originally were. While I don't wish to get into strife with anyone over this, I do actually agree to much of what Alex posted. I think where the church went wrong is by reintroducing the Old Testament practice of tithing under the guise that it was the same thing as "giving and receiving," which is clearly not the case at all. Giving and receiving was voluntary, and mostly involved simple exchanges, like with food and clothing. There were larger exchanges, such as the sale of lands to provide all things common to believers (Acts 2:44). But again, this was all voluntary. Tithing on the other hand is compulsory, and in the modern era the application of this doctrine is what has opened the door for massive abuses in the name of Christ, even by conservative preachers, which seem to completely contradict the example Paul was trying to set that it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

    I do not stand in judgment over others, including those who disagree with my position on this. God is their Judge, and will judge justly. I simply think the church would be reaching the lost more if the example we are setting returned to the original New Testament doctrines laid down by the apostles. I see no problem in giving and receiving when there is true need, but obligating believers to give massive amounts of money that tempts ministers to live exorbitantly at the expense of the church needs to be corrected, and it will only start when we finally correct our understanding of what true "giving and receiving" was meant to accomplish among the brethren. 


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  23. 41 minutes ago, Light1414 said:

    I recently started gettling closer and closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and I stopped my sinful ways and I have been resisting the devil, and lately I've felt attacked by him... I'm scared. I don't know if getting closer to God is attracting all these things.

    The Lord is now allowing these things to happen in your life to reveal to you that the faith you are rededicating yourself to is indeed real, as is the spiritual war that the written word of God talks about. :thumbsup: He is now granting you an understanding of how real your spiritual enemy is, so that you can begin to arm yourself with spiritual strength against Him.

    As other posters have already stated, you have authority in Christ, so the Lord apparently now wants to see you move into that authority, and walk closer than ever to Him now.

    God bless, and welcome to Worthy Christian Forums!

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