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Scott Free

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Posts posted by Scott Free

  1. 19 minutes ago, Shilohsfoal said:

    The nations rise up and take Jerusalem at the time of the end.That is Israeli capital city Jerusalem.So yes,The Israeli government in Jerusalem is defeated in the end.

    The prophetic narrative is more drawn out and detailed. All the prophecies should be realized together. Armageddon happens at the very end in response to Jesus's decent from heaven. Before that a united world of peace is established for an undisclosed amount of time leading to the assassination and second beast idol declaration.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Shilohsfoal said:

    I've never read that anywhere in the bible before.

    That is because it is now reality to be observed. The prophecies are partial, it takes someone living in the time in question to know the missing information. Similarly, no one could make complete sense of the Messianic prophecies until Jesus rose from the grave. The Hebrews still wait for the conquering king as they interpret it, rejecting the suffering servant.

  3. 3 hours ago, Shilohsfoal said:

    If anyone overthrows the Israeli government

    No one is going to defeat Israel militarily. When the counterfeit Christ reveals himself, he will present himself as their awaited messiah. He is a decedent of David. That is, after he descends from the clouds in a bestial vessel that emits lightning and thunder.

  4. 9 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

    You or others seeing God's codes as to complicated is not relevant to the facts brother.

    God does not need to use hidden codes in the Bible. Visions often have their interpretations included or are tied to other visions that have them. Finding hidden cypher's only a few can find seems to lead to a rabbit hole of spaghettified thought processes.

  5. 8 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

    You have to understand it is God Speaking, not us, He communicates as He so pleases.

    Numbering systems have had many different meanings and symbology over the ages. Most scholars do not define the Bible in this manner, because it is maddening to try and make a coherent summery of the time values on an academic level. This interpretation approach is subjective, relying too much on the personal values of the reader.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Shilohsfoal said:

    The only government that reigns from Jerusalem is the Israeli government which is the little horn.

    The Israeli government will most likely transform to meet the needs of the new occupants. Much like Israel does now to accommodate NATO. The modern Israeli government is an invention of NATO forces to project their power into the Levant to prevent the rise of a new empire via Iran/Iraq. Many empires have done a similar thing to Israel.

  7. 46 minutes ago, Shilohsfoal said:

    Rome is not in the kingdom promised to the saints of God and has nothing to do with the time of the end.Rome is not any of the beasts in revelation or Daniel 

    Actually, Rome is the thighs of iron which continue into the next kingdom that of the legs which are also iron as the Holy Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire. Leading to WWI&II and U.S. global hegemony through domination of U.N./NATO.. The U.N. statehood model being a weaker union than the other empires as iron and clay.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Last Daze said:

    Granted, there will be manifestations in the natural realm.  What I was getting at is that even though the beast and his ten horns brought us the Roman Empire, their emergence from the abyss in the last days is not confined to the former Roman territories

    The Images are angelic views that incorporate all time and space into a single entity. Each kingdom lost their power by the conquest of a foreign country. The Idea that it should continue on as the Roman Empire is a misconception of what the Seven Kingdoms(hills/heads) are denoting.

  9. Just now, Shilohsfoal said:

    You believe that is the promised land?

    Yes, because they will instigate a global government with Jerusalem as the capital. The first supreme world leader will have the three nation army at his (and the three elders) disposal and rule with his throne in Jerusalem. After the assassination, the second beast will install the dreaded idol that starts the Tribulation.

  10. 1 minute ago, Last Daze said:

    They aren't bound to geography

    There is only one organization that fits the detailed description of the last empire created by this malevolent force, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. With 9 member nations plus Belarus or Turkey. They have the three nations to subjugate the world in a post-U.S.A. power vacuum, that is Russia, China and India alone have the might

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  11. On 9/15/2023 at 8:37 AM, choir loft said:

    Words reached my ears in mid-August of this year, from sources foreign to the American press, that the People's Republic of China intends to invade the island nation of Taiwan "sometime in early October."  This attack would be preceded by internal meetings and consultations on the part of aggressor nations.

    U.S. encroachment onto Asia's borders is causing tension. The Washington establishment will hand over a greater war to Trump to hinder him. Central Asia is the most likely point of next contention via Iran. Causing an existential crisis that will turn the world population against the U.S. and justify her desecration.

  12. 1 minute ago, teddyv said:

    There is ongoing research into this area that has developed certain lines of investigation. Processes like autocatalysis can result in replication of molecules. 

    The research only shows that specific elements can form naturally. The process that causes it all to fall together unto a completed form is not revealed in any document.  Waiting eagerly for the Resurrection to enable full exploration. All glory goes to God.

  13. Just now, teddyv said:

    This sounds like the "tornado in a junkyard" analogy which is not a great one since living systems are quite different than inanimate material objects.

    The question is of odds. inorganic material organizing into just one simple protein with a specific 3D shape would take half a quadrillion years to accomplish. Not to mention 100's of them together to make a life form. I see God's glory in all of it, just it is not as simple as we envision.

  14. 2 hours ago, Tristen said:

    Agreed - no mechanism has ever been observed that could make the types of genetic changes needed to give credibility to the Common Ancestry paradigm.

    Agree, the genetic pool of the planet is definitely being played with by higher intelligence. The odds of natural evolution as the sole explanation for diversity is like saying a working watch can be created be shaking the dissembled parts together in a bag.

  15. 1 hour ago, Starise said:

    I see no reason to believe these degradations in a creature seen as advantageous make the kinds of jumps that could give a fish legs.

    Quantum tunneling also has an affect on DNA expression. The factors that drive mutations are complicated. One example of a population genetically adapting to new environments is the Bajau people of South-East Asia who have developed bigger spleens for diving over thousands of years.

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  16. 6 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

    In Rev. 2:10 Smyrna was told you would have tribulation 10 days (that means for the COMPLETE Church Age, not 10 days

    That seems too convoluted. The reality expressed in Daniel and Revelation is only obscure and hidden to those without modern knowledge. A simple awareness of the times in question is enough to shed light on the meanings. Any comprehensive interpretation made before the 2000's is guaranteed to be in error.

    "But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”  Daniel 12:4

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