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stuart allen

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Posts posted by stuart allen

  1. the oil is Sanctifying Graces received during prayer

    pray as much as you can Nicky...and your lamp will be shining brightly when He comes!

    if you struggle to find 'something to say'...

    then pray His Word back to Him...The Psalms especially, they are the very prayers He used here on Earth

    they needn't be 'for you'...so your own feelings needn't be reflected in them

    offer them in prayer and Jesus will use them as He needs for wherever/whoever has that need in the world

    or you can simply sit in silence with Him

    if you're busy/on the go...just pause a moment and tell Him you love Him!

    or thank Him for His Suffering for you and for everyone

    or for some particular Grace/Mercy/Blessing in your life...or those you love...or those who offend you

    its all about prayer Nicky...prayer lights the lamp


    God bless you my brother


    • Thanks 1
  2. the End Times harlot is a 'church' guilty of spiritual adultery

    that is...embracing non-Christian beliefs/practices

    it teaches 'there's many ways up the mountain' and 'Jesus was just a human being, a great spiritual leader, but nothing more than that...someone like the Bhudda'

    that 'church' is already in evidence

    it is the Unitarian 'church'

    they call themselves 'free Christians'

    they fully embrace unitarian universalist theology and purposely include 'multi-faith' readings/prayers in their services

    some even have the accepted symbols of all world religions displayed outside their chapels

    they are welcomed by many as a step toward peace and an end to religious conflict

    (even the Quakers, a once staunchly Christian group, are increasingly falling prey to this tendency)

    it is this 'church' that the foe will co-opt as he tries to form a 'one world government/currency/religion

    it would seem that he may 'headquarter' it in Rome, seeking to ape the Headquarters of The True and Universal Holy Catholic Church

    in addition...some of his agents, both witting and unwitting (freemasons, communists, rampant homosexuals), have infiltrated the Holy Catholic Church and are attempting to destroy Holy Mother Church from within

    (and other churches too...check out the official position of The Holy Lutheran Church of Sweden on 'LGBT issues')

    so...the End Times Harlot is readily identifiable, it is the 'one world religion' encompassing ALL world religions promoted by the antichrist and led by the false prophet

    love to one and all

    Pax Christi 




  3. 'Christian mindfulness'...

    being 'present'...'in the present moment'

    the present moment is given by God...every beat of our heart, every breath we take

    every sight we see, every sound we hear

    all have been ordained...either Created (if Good) or 'allowed' (if not good) by God 

    they couldn't exist/occur otherwise...God is Sovereign

    God is in the present moment

    He isn't in the moment that just passed, nor is He in the moment yet to come

    His Power, Grace and Love are in this moment...though He is aware of every moment past, present and future

    it is this moment He holds in being...constantly, eternally, lovingly 

    He is here...He is now...He is Love

    thus paying attention to the (God given) present moment is paying attention to God/His Love

    that is prayer


    the difference between Eastern mindfulness and 'Christian mindfulness' can be illustrated thus...

    Bhuddist looks at a beautiful landscape and thinks 'wow...that's beautiful'

    Christian looks at a beautiful landscape and thinks 'wow...that's beautiful...thank you Jesus, i love you'


    in the monastic tradition it's sometimes put this way...do what you are doing

    then when you look, you will see

    when you listen, you will hear

    it's only paying deliberate attention to the activity you are engaged in

    and that may only be sitting quietly and breathing...in Gods Silent Peace and by His Given Grace

    all our moments then become prayer

    and that is the path to Contemplation


    St Theresa of Avila called it 'finding God among the pots and pans' (i assume she was washing up!)

    long before the current popular craze of 'mindfulness'

    it isn't about an ALTERED state of consciousness

    it's about a SIMPLE state of consciousness


    my guess is that those who have become ill while trying to practice this very useful spiritual discipline, have much misunderstood it and sought an altered state of mind more in keeping with Eastern understanding

    that of course is no place for a Christian to go

    deliberately altered mental states can result in mental illness

    deep meditative states can leave the individual at risk of very subtle enemy attack


    i'm told children are being taught it in schools, no doubt that will be in it's secular humanist/Eastern form

    with no mention of Him Who provides the present moment we live in/the air we breathe/the eyes that see/the ears that hear

    that of course is cultivating ignorance of God


    much love to one and all

    Pax Christi     





  4. in the revelations given to Vassula Ryden called 'True Life in God' Our Lord Jesus Christ makes a point of saying "when I lived among you in the flesh"...thus PROVING BIBLICALLY that these messages ARE from God 

    (His statement is on the very first page of the printed version of these Holy Messages...DO NOT SLANDER THESE MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN...THE HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF SPEAKS THEREIN, IN PERSON)

    and yet many here...Bible believing Christians all...refuse to accept Our Lords Love Hymn

    His Call is a call for Christian unity and love...unity of the heart

    it is rejected by those who, from misguided zeal, pride and lack of love, are hostile to it's obviously catholic content

    and by those who are suspicious and superstitious regarding it's method of delivery...Our Lord Jesus Christ guides Vassula's handwriting, gently and steadily, with her full permission and cooperation as she hears His Words (locutions)

    1 John 4:1-2 PROVES IRREFUTABLY, BY THE VERY WORD OF GOD HIMSELF, GIVEN IN HOLY SCRIPTURE, that Vassula Ryden IS a genuine prophet

    and are we not taught...do not despise the gift of prophecy, simply test the spirits to see if they are from God

    these revelations pass that test...it's that simple

    who here will help Our Lord Jesus??

    who here will deny Our Lord Jesus?? His Word...His Will

    much love to one and all...always and forever

    Pax Christi   


    • Praying! 1
  5. yep, agree with that

    we certainly don't all have to follow certain behaviors or practices

    unity is not uniformity

    and Traditions are treasured by all

    but i know Jesus wants us all to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood

    He said so

    and that Precious Gift is simply not available in every church

    i met a very interesting Indian lady today

    she is a Catholic...and attends Holy Mass every Sunday to receive Holy Communion

    literally...The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ present in the form and taste of bread and wine

    why would anyone who loves Him NOT want to partake of Him?...

    (remember The Holy Bible contains a very stern warning to anyone who receives His Body and Blood without discerning for it...believing in/for it, they would eat and drink condemnation upon themselves...it's in one of St Pauls letters, can't remember where off hand but i promise you it's there...and why would that be included if The Blessed Sacrament were not His True Presence?)   

    ...and then she goes on to a wonderful Holy Pentecostal Church afterwards for some more worship, prayer and praise

    i do the same thing myself from time to time

    very different behaviors and practices...both very enriching/complimentary


    concerning knowing and reading The Holy Bible and accepting/rejecting teaching...

    absolutely we must read for ourselves

    we should also remember The Magisterium of The Holy Catholic Church has prayerfully pondered, digested and pored over Holy Scripture for 2000 years or so

    the end result is The Catechism of The Holy Catholic Church

    those teachings are worthy of consideration too

    even if someone wanted to dispute them


    the main 'problems' people seem to have are Mary, Purgatory and works

    all are easily answered...


    look again at Rev 12:1-5

    the woman (in v1) is identified (in v5) as the woman who gave birth to Jesus 

    so that's Mary

    and (in v1) as wearing a crown in Heaven

    so that's Holy Mary, Mother of God (Jesus is God), Queen of Heaven


    look again at the parable of the unforgiving debtor, Matt 18:34 & 35

    that guy is tortured...so he isn't in Heaven

    but he does get released once his debt is paid...so he isn't in hell either

    ergo...he must be in Purgatory


    look again at 1 John

    v23...we are commanded to believe in Jesus and to love one another

    v17, 18 & 19...we are told our love is to have practical charitable proof...good works

    (and of course these works can only be the product of Grace...apart from Christ we can do nothing)



    we are saved by Grace through faith alone

    (there is no other way...receive the gift of faith and confess Christ or be lost)

    but Jesus commands us to perform good works too...so we do


    please do read the verses for yourself and see what you make of them : )

    much love to one and all

    Pax Christi


  6. the End Times apostate 'church' will be a unitarian universalist 'church'

    'Jesus was just a good/wise man' and 'there's many ways up the mountain' thing

    the denial of Christs Divinity therein is part of The Great Apostasy 

    sadly, many people will welcome it as an end to inter-religious fighting, a move toward 'peace'

    this will become the 'one world religion' promoted by the anti-christ and the false prophet

    it will have elements of every world religion included in its 'non-doctrinal' 'doctrine'

    how else could it appeal to so many with already existing religious beliefs?

    very sadly, even some Christians will fall foul of it...and apostasize

    people of no religious belief at all will find in it an uncontroversial religion they can accept

    all who follow it will eventually accept the mark of the beast...or face starvation

    these 'churches' are already in widespread existence

    their name boards sometimes carry the symbols of all the major world religions   

    the vast majority of those attending do so in innocent ignorance of what is to come

    THIS is the vehicle the foe will infiltrate and use to form the End Times apostate church

    it will be obvious to us all


    another (possible) aspect of the Great Apostasy...

    it may even happen that there is an 'official' or 'semi-official' denial of/controversy over The True Presence of Jesus Christ in The Blessed Sacrament made/initiated by someone (a Pope even?) from within The Holy Catholic Church

    this man may be nothing more than a 'very silly billy'

    after all...many Christians already do not believe for the True Presence...no offence intended

    this too is part of The Great Apostasy

    it will be obvious to us all


    we can expect the foe to attack any move that would strengthen The Christian Church

    unity would strengthen us immeasurably

    hence the call for unity will be attacked...relentlessly


    if Christian unity does increase and the foe fear they face a losing battle they will change tactics

    they will attempt to subvert a more unified church from within

    they are already doing so...in ALL denominations

    indeed they have planned ahead and placed 'agents' ready

    freemasons and illuminati

    these are already active

    any destructive influence is 'worth a shot' for them



    infiltrating/hi-jacking genuine Christian evangelical dialogue with other world religions or moves to further genuine peace and non-violence would be a likely target

    we must be on our guard

    that attack will be subtle 


    but ultimately...what can they do?


    Christ told us the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church

    and by that i assume He meant ALL of it...united or not 

    we need only hold fast to the doctrine of The Holy Trinity and The Divinity of Jesus Christ

    any 'church' (united or otherwise) that discards those fundamental Truths has been 'got at'

    and any that doesn't...has not

    and it will be obvious to all of us


    so...do not fear the call for Christian unity

    it is a call given by Christ Himself the night before He died


    love to one and all

    Pax Christi


    for friendufthaylorde...

    may God bless you and grant you peace 





  7. one more point...

    who do we think continued to produce copies of The Holy Bible in the 'dark ages'?

    Catholic monks

    by hand

    and often at risk of their very lives amid Barbarian persecution

    SO was the Word of God preserved

    SO was Light still shone upon the Earth amid darkness

    Pax Christi


  8. for anyone...

    Protestant martyrs...(and there were many)...never should have happened

    Catholic martyrs...(and there were many)...never should have happened 

    who was behind both, urging those responsible on to hatred, cruelty and barbarity?


    that's why we MUST forgive...and forget

    or we risk playing straight into the hands of the enemy

    memory is so often a sign of REcrimination

    and all the rancor that goes with that

    Who is our ultimate role-model?...Jesus Christ

    what does He do when He forgives?

    He forgets

    so why don't we imitate Him?

    if we cannot, in our human wretchedness, forget

    can we not then choose to see such memories ONLY as an opportunity to love and forgive?

    love and forgive

    Catholic...love and forgive Protestant

    Protestant...love and forgive Catholic

    at least stop dredging them up as an opportunity to bash one another about

    where is the love in that?


    remember the past or?

    the likelihood of Christians literally burning one another alive today is...NIL (please God, surely that is so)

    if anything, that happens, metaphorically, here on the internet

    and it shouldn't, lest we DO (in heart, thought and word) repeat the horrific events of the past

    and where is the love in that?


    love to one and all

    Pax Christi



    for JustPassingThru...

    hi brother : )

    i made no mention at all of any supposed 'false teaching'

    Catholic teaching is established by The Magisterium of The Holy Catholic Church and has developed over 2000 years of prayerful examination of Holy Scripture and prayerful contemplation

    am i absolutely convinced it is devoid of HUMAN error?

    no, i'm not

    human beings make mistakes

    but nor do i think it will be far 'off base' either

    2000 years of scholarly and prayerful examination would make that unlikely

    do i think it could ever contain corrupted teaching resulting from darkness?

    no, not a chance


    of darkness itself...yes, that i did mention

    but your quote is incomplete

    i referred also to the infiltration of such darkness into The Holy Lutheran Church of Sweden

    look at their reported position on LBGTQ 'issues' and see for yourself

    it comes straight from the pit of hell 

    i think such attack will become increasingly evident in these Last Days

    here in UK another paedophile priest scandal has just hit the headlines

    this one in The Holy Church of England

    as for nailing grievances to doors...clearly i should not be the only one

    we must ALL be vigilant

    thank you for your love my brother

    love is a precious gift

    every Christian brother and sister is precious to me

    i love you

    peace be with you




  9. the post about Catholicism/Protestantism/teachings and Scripture prompted this...


    for anyone...

    i'm Catholic

    i believe i am saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ

    there is no other way to be saved

    no faith, no Grace, no sanctification, no salvation 

    i also believe my Savior requires, indeed He commands, good works from me

    i believe He sees these as further proof of my love for Him

    a practical outworking of His Love and Compassion from my heart 

    and He wants me to show love for others partly in this way

    the Love that He has given me and commanded me to share

    these works include...

    feed the hungry

    give drink to the thirsty

    clothe the naked

    shelter the stranger

    visit the sick

    visit the prisoner

    He said so

    so i do my best 

    enabled always and only by His Grace and Provision 

    to do them

    in obedience to Him

    (it's not necessarily any more complicated than that)

    if i may be so bold...

    so much for the faith v works controversy...it's really just smoke and nonsense


    now consider this...

    faith (the absolute requirement for our salvation) without works is DEAD (James)

    DEAD...non-existent in Gods sight

    so for God 'no works' equals 'no faith'

    He said so...in His Word

    and the 'goats' on Judgement Day...did none of the above good works, and get condemned (Revelation)

    saved by works then?

    NO...we are saved by faith alone (there is no other way, confess Christ or be lost)

    good works an optional extra after that confession?

    apparently not...not according to Jesus they're not...they're mandatory...He requires them of us 

    and i believe He takes a mighty dim view of disobedience

    because those who have chosen not to do them are condemned

    (Lord have mercy on us all)

    all who call upon the name of Jesus will be saved (Paul)

    yes, but also from him...

    work out your salvation in fear and trembling (Paul)

    in other words...

    'welcome to Gods Family...now live to serve and please Him'

    and according to Jesus...woe betide us if we don't

    because clearly we could then find ourselves counted among the goats

    what are good works?

    well Jesus gave us the above list and told us to love one another

    so perhaps we could also say...

    a simple kindness

    a gentle gesture

    a loving smile

    a kind word

    a helping hand

    most especially when given to the poor

    the things WE ALL DO ANYWAY because we are Christians

    because we love Jesus

    and we want to please Him

    they're good works

    within our families

    within our workplaces

    our towns and cities

    all these are witnessing for Christ

    IF people know we are Christian

    do we wear visible symbols of our faith so that they can know?

    a Cross?

    a Crucifix?

    a Rosary? (yes that too is all about the life of Christ)

    a JESUS baseball cap?

    a JESUS t-shirt?

    clearly visible for all to see

    wearing those and loving anyone and everyone

    that also is good works isn't it?


    for the person who adjudged The Holy Catholic Church to be a servant of satan, leading people into error...

    we are all repentant sinners

    we have all made mistakes

    some of my own have been grievous 

    but you need to be aware that your comments are hugely offensive

    you need to say sorry to Jesus for that one my friend

    The Holy Catholic Church is every bit as much His Church as is your own

    just say sorry, His Love and Mercy are unfathomable, He will forgive you

    most especially if you have been misguided by others or floundered in confusion

    and He knows too that your intention is only to be zealous for Him as best you understand that

    offered in love

    (i have posted elsewhere regarding the infiltration of 'enemy agents'...homosexuals/paedophiles/freemasons/illuminati into HRCC...trust me we will not be the only one's to suffer so in these times...eg see Holy Lutheran Church of Sweden reported position on LBGTQ 'issues')

    Pax Christi








    love to one and all

    Pax Christi 


  10. My basic point is this...

    why is this still supposed to be something worthy of memory and discussion?

    i wasn't there

    neither was anyone else reading this

    there were many and numerous guilty parties involved...may God forgive them all i pray

    dredging up events, however dreadful, from hundreds of years ago is detrimental to Christian unity today

    only the foe want us to remain divided

    a divided witness is a weakened witness

    does anyone seriously believe Jesus wants THAT???

    discord, bitterness, rejection, resentment, animosity, hatred...all of this comes from our enemy

    choosing to remember past wounds plays straight into the hands of the foe

    and is especially nonsensical when we weren't even there 

    LOVE (and only love) mercy and FORGIVENESS comes from our God

    when we stand apart from our brothers and sisters in Christ, in heart or mind, in thought, word or deed

    whether those family members be Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant (conformist or non-conformist)

    then we are FAILING 

    failing to love 

    failing to forgive

    failing to accept (our own family members...Father Gods family members)

    and that failure to love and forgive is SIN

    we have torn apart the Body of Christ

    and CHRIST has felt every tear...all 33,000 of them


    unity is not necessarily uniformity 

    if we cannot unite organizationally/theologically we can UNITE IN LOVE 

    and acceptance

    and forgiveness

    of one another

    it's time to stand together, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand




    dredging up barbarous events from hundreds of years ago has no place in that whatsoever

    love to one and all

    Pax Christi



    • This is Worthy 1
  11. Hi

    not sure if this'll post on forum yet...i'm a newby

    dreadful what happened back then

    but Bloody Mary not only one guilty of savagery

    Henry VIII murdered many, many (Catholic) Christians

    simply because they wouldn't acknowledge HIS self appointed/supposed 'right' to rule Church

    or acclaim his divorce

    then Elizabeth I took her 'turn' at judicial murder based on denomination

    time to put ALL that behind us

    seem to remember Our Lord Jesus suffered at the hands of judicial murderers

    AND told us to love and forgive, love and forgive, love and forgive...

    as for doctrinal issues...if we love Jesus, that's all that really matters

    when we stand before Him He won't quiz us on our theology

    He will look for the love in our hearts

    love (and forgive) one another (no exceptions) as I have loved (and forgiven) you

    love to one and all : )

    Pax Christi




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