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Jonathan Dane

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Everything posted by Jonathan Dane

  1. Don't like the Germany comparison? Okay. What if you became truly convinced that our next president is corrupt, but it just so happens that he is a nationalist? Are you required to support him to avoid being called a globalist? Yes or no? Because I do not support Trump because I believe he is the Antichrist, how does it follow that that proves I am a globalist? It does not.
  2. Just curious, is there anyone out there that actually wants to discuss The Family documentary -- you know, the topic I posted on? (what a novel idea...)
  3. I am not being dismissive. I said I agreed with your sentiments and still do. Yes, it will be difficult to forgo food and water. I was not speaking to the difficulty factor or even to the fact the Bible commands us not to take the mark. Nor was I referring to brothers who have a different idea on how things play out. All that's well and good. But you said we must "prepare." I simply asked, "How?" Assuming one is a Christian and knows not to take the Mark, beyond that, how does one prepare? I hear post-tribs make the argument that pre-tribs will take the Mark because they won't be "prepared" for the tribulation. When I ask the question to post-tribs how they are "preparing" for a world set on fire, I don't get a clear response. As I see it, there is only one preparation we can do and that is to live spirit-filled lives in the Word of God and fellowship, something both pre and post-tribs do already. Beyond that, nothing can prepare you for the coming dark day -- nothing. Revelation says, "Blessed are those who die in the Lord." That is not a day one will want to live in. To die will be gain.
  4. Yeah, I knew you'd pull that deceptive line of reasoning, totally missing my point. That's why I added this part below, which you ignored altogether. Answer it please. --- "Don't like the Germany comparison? Okay. What if you became truly convinced that our next president is corrupt, but it just so happens that he is a nationalist? Are you required to support him to avoid being called a globalist? This is just one example of the absurd ways in which you think and the twisted standard you hold me to. One only has to read my testimony to know that I am not a globalist. You also know that. But truth matters nothing to you. You must always attack and do so falsely. You always have to make this personal -- like clockwork."- I AM NOT A GLOBALIST DHCHRISTIAN. I HAVE PLAINLY DENIED YOUR ACCUSATION. ARE YOU ACCUSSING ME OF LYING? YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO ATTACK MY VIEWS. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME A LIAR AND ATTACK MY CHARACTER WITHOUT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE. PLEASE STOP. As I have said, my testimony has been consistent on here and does reflect one ounce of globalist philosophy. You are making that up out of thin air. Provide one globalist quote I've made on here. Your charges are false and what's so awful is that you are fully aware they are false. On the Profile of a Man post, I gave my whole testimony for all to read. It does not fit a globalist philosophy. What I find absolutely stunning is not that there are people like DHChristian in the world, it is that there have been dozens of Christians reading his obviously fallacious charges on here (I defer to my Profile of a Man post where he puked these fallacious charges out in a never-ending stream of vomit.), AND AS A BROTHER IS PUBLICLY MALIGNED, NOT ONE BROTHER HAD (AND STILL HASN'T) THE GUTS TO COME TO MY DEFENSE. NOT ONE. ASTOUNDING TIMES WE LIVE IN. His reasoning is this, "Support Trump. If you cannot, you are a globalist spy and cannot be trusted." This is really scary stuff folks. Are all of you just going to let a brother receive false allegations and say nothing? Do you think the Lord is not aware you are reading this? He sees. Shame on all of you. By the way folks, do you not discern the focus of these comments? Are they on The Family documentary? No. DrChristian does not want to face that music. It's on my character. His reasoning is as follows: "You are a bad person and listen to bad people and therefore, you are a liar." I repeat, this is awful stuff and more awful that you all are silent. I recount in my book how on the final blood moon of the heptad back in the fall in 2015, a man whom I had never met, came to me and prophesied, saying, "You will go on a difficult journey, alone." It has truly come to pass. The LORD be praised.
  5. I can agree with your sentiments. But that sounds like something an unbeliever must prepare for, to put their trust in Christ. Believers have already done so and are secure in Christ, and therefore will not and cannot accept the Mark. All who take the Mark are damned. You cannot be saved and damned at the same time.
  6. I only read your opening paragraph (that's plenty). Here's one example of your false assumptions: You say: "You are a Never Trumper, You admitted as much, You are a Globalist, By Your Anti-Trump stance, In Your Hatred of Trump" So your logic is this: Because I am an anti-Trumper, therefore I must be a globalist because Trump is a nationalist. Okay, let me try that logic on you. If you lived in Germany in 1944 and were privy to things that made you anti-Hitler, would that by necessity make you a globalist because Hitler was a nationalist? Would that have made you anti-Germany? Guess what? The SS would have thought so. Don't like the Germany comparison? Okay. What if you became truly convinced that our next president is corrupt, but it just so happens that he is a nationalist? Are you required to support him to avoid being called a globalist? This is just one example of the absurd ways in which you think and the twisted standard you hold me to. One only has to read my testimony to know that I am not a globalist. You also know that. But truth matters nothing to you. You must always attack and do so falsely. You always have to make this personal -- like clockwork. Do you know what? Out of some at least 50 replies we've exchanged back and forth on this forum, there is only one that you never responded to. Just one. Do you know which one that is? It just so happens to be one I specifically asked you to give an "amen" to: "I think you and I can agree with each other on this -- In the end, when all is said and done, God will have the last word. The rest of us, like Job, will sit with closed mouths. Amen?" Crickets....(chirp chirp).........You never replied. (silence) My words speak for themselves - as do yours. On rare occasions, it's our silence that speaks loudest. "We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented." (Matt 11:17)
  7. How do you suggest Christians prepare? (It's a serious question.)
  8. Again, your entire argument is based on paranoia, suspicion and false assumptions. Rather than even discuss The Family, (or any of my posts) you resort to attacking the character and motives of the messenger and dismiss their claim as you label them as a shill, globalist, never Trump, liberal, Leftist, Deep State, Fake News. Example: on the "Profile of a Man" post, you made the claim that the AC must be Jewish. I unraveled your argument and even used your own proof texts against you. How did you respond? Did you appeal to Scripture? No. You accused me of being a Leftist. (ad hominem and calumny). When I answered your false charge, did you apologize? No. You just adjusted your character attack. I then became a "globalist shill." I answered that false charge. Now you are suggesting that perhaps I am a dominionist (even though I describe the doctrine as malignant). And now I'm paired with an Atheist/neverTrumper. When I respond to your bizarre statements and logical fallacies, suddenly that's evidence that I am being defensive and therefore am a wolf in sheep's clothing. And on and on it goes ad nauseum. Rather than letting my claims or a documentary speak for themself, you simply assume the worse and dismiss them out of hand and announce to the forum: "This man can't be trusted." (in so many words) At the end of the day, Trump supporters' tactics are: Either one is for Trump or they are not. And if they are not, they are a suspicious threat and motivated by _____. The end result is a person above any critisism. This is the kind of blind adherence I would expect if the man was truly the AC.
  9. "I dig through the motives and agendas of the individuals." Ad hominem logical fallacy. "You were a Never Trumper By definition, Therefore you are united with other never trumpers, irregardless of your particular ideology." Guilt by association logical fallacy. Why do people default to such fallacious tactics? Because they have no argument based on face-value merit and substance. Note that DrChristian is the most brilliant man on the planet regarding things he has never read (i.e. my book) or seen (i.e. the documentary). He's like the judge who, at the start of the trial, dismisses the evidence outright because he doesn't like the cologne the attorney is wearing. (Smells like a duck.)
  10. It appears that DhChristian is insinuating that I am a Dominionist brand of Postmillennialism, not to mention an anti-dispensationalist and a shill globalist. Which is pretty funny, considering the fact that I just wrote a book on the Antichrist from a fundamentalist dispensational perspective. Please take what he says with a grain of salt. If you want a taste of his character and intellectual "honesty," just review the last half or so of our exchange on a previous post of mine in this forum called, "Profile of a Man."
  11. "The Family" Netflix documentary -- The Whore and her Wolf King We are living in the end of the age. Many signs of the end are developing. One such sign is what Revelation 17 calls the "Whore of Babylon." She is the idolatrous "shell" of Christianity - the Antichrist's "state church" of the last days. In Revelation 3, she is referred to as the Church of Laodicea - the lukewarm church that Christ vomits out of His mouth. Presently, she has found a new lover. This is no ordinary lover -- it is the man of her dreams, the one she has been awaiting all of her existence. He is the "Chosen One." She affectionately refers to him as the "Wolf King." Jeff Sharlet's, "The Family" documentary on Netflix, peels back the whore's sheets to expose her filthiness. Ironically, I don't think Sharlet truly knows what he's dealing with. Evil is not fickle. It comes in all sizes and flavors. It recruits 24/7 and turns no one away. It seeks to destroy and corrupt what God has said is good. Sometimes it is overt, as in a mass shooting. But other times, it remains cool, working covertly and undercover (under the sheets.) This is the worse kind of evil, for it impersonates and parades as something holy and righteous. Yet it is only a counterfeit. It has the capability to craft "righteousness" to the extent that it is nearly impossible to distinguish it from the real thing. Daniel 8:25 says, "By his cunning (shrewdness) he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall become great." The KJV says that he shall cause "craft" to prosper. The "he" in this passage is the Antichrist. The Family is a 5-part documentary by Jeff Sharlet based on the 2009 book of the same name. The Family, originally called The Fellowship, was founded in 1935 by Abraham Vereide as a vehicle for followers of Christ to support and pray for our nation's chosen leaders. Loosely structured, it lacked the hierarchy of typical organizations. They met with politicians for breakfast/lunch and prayer. It was not driven so much by partisan politics but rather a desire to build relationships with these strong leaders - be they American congressmen or foreign dictators. In the early 1960's, the leadership of The Fellowship passed the torch onto a seemingly humble and contrite man, Douglas Coe. Under his guidance, the organization became simply known as "The Family" and a truly overt (secretive) operation. Coe is quoted as saying, "The more you can make your organization invisible, the more influence your organization will have." Sharlet describes The Family as "an invisible organization that had been hiding in plain sight for over 80 years." The big event for The Family is Washington's D.C.'s Annual Prayer Breakfast. The philosophy of this group is "Jesus plus nothing." To those like myself who adhere to salvation by Christ's saving work alone, that kind of language sounds great on its surface. It's under the surface (the sheets) where the problem lies. The 20th century gave rise to what may be described as "Jesus Onlyism." By that, I do not refer to Unitarianism, but simply a belief system that boasts of a return to the purity of Christ alone (Christ plus nothing.) In place of theology, the focus is the "teachings" of Jesus. This watered down Christianity is typically found in liberal, seeker sensitive and emergent churches, as well as groups like Promise Keepers, not to mention most of the drivel from modern-day quasi-Christian publishers. It's not so much what they say that is problematic. -- It's what they don't say. Commonplace is flowery talk of our oneness in Christ; how Jesus loves and desires a relationship with us; that we should be His ambassadors to a fallen world; that there is "power" simply in the name of Jesus; that the world will be united under a banner of that name and that, as Christians, this should be our mission. That's all well and good. I can "amen" many of those statements to a degree. Unfortunately, their "Jesus" is, at best, only a fraction of the True Saving Christ from Scripture. In point of fact, their message has no "saving" power at all. The part they leave out is the part that actually rescues a person out of the clutches of hell and Satan and into the arms of Christ. In The Family documentary, there is no mention of the cross - not one. There is no genuine emphasis on repentance, salvation, redemption -- specifically, Christ's death on the cross and our need to be born again. Rather, it's just a bunch of syrupy "lovin' on people in the name of Jesus." In many cases, these people loved on are some of the most evil modern dictators in recent memory. Many of these ruthless men realized that if they wanted an "in" with the U.S. government, nodding "yes" to this Jesus had fringe benefits in the form of money and power via the ears of official U.S. representatives. It is true that Romans 13 says that rulers of nations are ordained as instruments of God to punish evil. But nowhere does the Bible say that the Church will effectively convert governments under a submission to Christ. In fact, the apostle Paul said that not many of God's chosen ones were "wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth." (1 Cor 1:26) Christ asked the question that when He returns, will He find faith? The answer is: very little. He will certainly not return to a world whose nations are converted to "Jesus." Zechariah 14:3 says, "Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle." The Family is a child of Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology, itself a child of Dominion Theology, a radical form of postmillennialism. Post-mill teaches that Jesus will only return AFTER the saints have fully converted the nations under the banner of Christ. The return of the Lord happens after (post) the millennium. This conversion is a conversion of nations and their leaders, not necessarily all individuals. This is a malignant doctrine that denies the sovereignty of God and the utter depravity of man. It says, "We don't need Christ to set up a Utopian kingdom on earth. Man can do it himself (with God's help, of course.) Hence the phrase - Kingdom Now. Their plan is to usher in the Kingdom, not by evangelism, per say, but by building relationships with powerful heads of state throughout the world. Nowhere is this idea found in Scripture. This documentary is broken down into 5 installments titled: Submersion, Chosen, New World Order, Dictators Murderers and Thieves, Wolf King. (Important note: If you do not have the time to watch the whole series, I recommend you watch only episode #1, the first 20 minutes of #2, and episode #5. Netflix offers a 30-day free trial.) The show's intro really sets the creepy stage with an image of a giant serpent winding upward beneath an image of Christ with outstretched arms while a 1984-esk voice is heard saying, "Come. All worry will be left behind. All disappointment too will be gone forever." The intro ends with a greyed image of Trump's spiritual advisers all gathered around him in the Oval Office, laying hands and praying. Voice-over says: "Fear him, love him. Submit yourself completely. Then you will be his disciple." Words on Trump's chest: "Spiritual awakening - One in Christ." Does the voice-over suggest that it is Trump who submits to Christ? Hardly. It is a word for US (the sheep) to submit to Trump -- the long-awaited Wolf King. Before the intro even starts, Sharlet concludes: "This is what the family's been waiting for. He's God's man." George W. Bush is heard in the same intro saying: "What we have begun, we will finish." The author starts his journey in search for a well-educated and seemingly grounded friend who suddenly went missing before he was to marry his fiance. His relatives feared he had joined a cult. This friend ends up recruiting Sharlet into the Ivanwald House training and recruitment center where his friend was staying. While there, he was taught the ways of a servant, not of Christ, but of the political elite. Friend: "We are not Christians, we are followers of Jesus and we just serve." Sharlet: "Who do you serve?" Friend: "Men who are chosen by God for leadership...politicians." Sharlet: "Is there an organization?" Friend: "No, no church, no ministers, no rules and rituals." On the surface, these look like a bunch of zealous young Christians on fire for Jesus. But recall, not everything is as it appears. There is a real cult-like conditioning that takes place. People's wills are broken into a total submission to the "leader" whom they often refer to as the "Son," or "Jesus." But the discerning Christian will ask, "Which Jesus?" Sharlet says, "We'd pray to be broken. We'd pray to be nothing. We'd pray to obey..They said, 'This is our prime relationship with this Jesus." (notice the word "this.") Towards the end of the series, an image of a sign reads: "Annihilated Individual Conscience." The young recruits do not study the Bible, only a booklet called, Jesus, containing the Gospels and Acts. A scene depicts a round-table Bible discussion. One guy reads a quote from Jesus while everyone takes turns offering their "impression" of what it means in lieu of contextual Bible study. Unfortunately, this all too common approach to Bible study is a plague in our modern-day churches. The goal is not to discover what a verse means, but rather, what does it mean to "me." As stated, there is no mention of the cross and what it means to TRULY be a follower of Christ. It would be fair to call them a "Jesus only" cult. Sharlet says, "What surprised me is that even though most of these men were scripturally literate, they didn't care much about the Bible...There's not a whole lot of theology. There's no wrestling with God, with conscience, traditional concerns of fundamentalism. They don't talk about the devil. Just Jesus. That's all." Even their study of Jesus of the Gospels is based on cherry-picked verses that paint the kind of twisted Jesus they desire to portray. Rev. Eric Williams and Leslie Kern, founders of Clergy VOICE says in the film, "This organization has created a small-group process of raising up this charismatic figure. But my take is that they really cherry-picked who this Jesus was and what this Jesus did. I think they used Jesus as almost a kind of mascot."..."If you are a member of The Fellowship (The Family) the word, Jesus, takes on a number of different functions, more than meanings. It's like a talisman... to hold the people who participate in an ideology. But there's a shared understanding that what we're really about here is POWER." Make no mistake, the emphasis of The Family is not contrition, it's not repentance or redemption, it's not salvation via Christ's sacrificial death. None of that. The emphasis - the goal - is POWER. The Family rightly believes that God appoints leaders, good and bad (Romans 13:1). But nowhere are Christians commanded in Scripture to cozy up to these appointed leaders to further the political agenda of the Church. In fact, many would argue that the Church is STRONGEST in times of opposition and even persecution, e.g. China. This unbiblical philosophy is 4th century Rome all over again, but under the guise of evangelicalism. Remember, these are not Christians, and therefore cannot be "evangelicals" in the true sense of the word. The heart of their philosophy is perhaps the most cunning evil because from a distance, it appears as the real thing, but up close, it will damn you to hell -- beautiful from a far but far from beautiful. In Scripture, the Whore rides on top of a beast. Rev. 17:1-2 says, "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk.” The Family believes in a twisted sense of God's sovereignty. Christ didn't just die for the sheep, he also died for another group -- the wolves. These are also God's "elect", His chosen ones. But these are no sheep, they are men of great power. According to Sharlet, The Family believes the sheep will "get the message, but not in unvarnished form. They can't handle the truth." Whereas Christians are called to be servants, the wolves are called to be ferocious and powerful leaders. They don't abide by any such set of rules. Because God has chosen them as kings, they may do as they please. They are not chosen to be sheep. They are chosen to be wolves. Sharlet: "And that's the problem with The Family, right there. There's no sense of challenging that power...because it's just...'I'm chosen. It doesn't matter what I do."' Towards the end of the series, Sharlet reiterates The Family's position: "God cares most about the elites." As mentioned in my other posts, I wrote a book about Donald Trump before he was elected. In it I provide documentation that he has ALWAYS considered himself destined to be a king. Rev. Eric Williams says in the film: "Young Donald must have eaten that up -- that he was predestined to GREATNESS, to do GREAT THINGS, to be a GREAT LEADER." Jeff Sharlet then discusses the influence Norman Vincent Peale had over Donald Trump. Below is a quote from my book, Rise of the Little Horn: "After recounting his visit with Great Faith Ministries, Trump recalled the African-American church’s great achievements throughout American history, and concluded his thought, “This is the power of faith. It’s the power to heal. It’s the power to unite. It’s the power to make all of us live better lives; all of us.” Here, Trump’s influence under Norman Vincent Peale is again unmasked. According to Donald Trump, Christianity is not about Christ’s saving death on the cross, but rather a system that teaches one to acquire faith for the purpose of manipulating circumstances to achieve power. Faith is a tool for the glorification of self; it makes one better, stronger and more powerful." (Rise of the Little Horn p. 215) Douglas Coe would often speak of the "Parable of the Wolf King." Recall that the documentary's final episode is called, "Wolf King." It opens with Donald Trump being asked if he had ever asked God for forgiveness. Sharlet recounts being taught this parable: "When I was a member of the family, ALWAYS we were talking about strength. Jesus says, 'You must go to those with positions of power.' And I remember one of the senior members talking to me about the metaphor of the sheep and the wolf. He says, 'You think Christ came for the sheep, right?' And I said, 'Yes! Yes! Of course.' He said, 'Ya know, it's good to love the sheep but who's gonna love the wolf?' And you know what? If you can get the wolf alongside you, the wolf will get everyone else in line pretty quick. And so, you don't worry about the sheep. We must go out and reach the Wolf King. How do you get the Wolf King? You show him you have a great power." (Scene cuts away to the U.S. Capitol Building.) In the previous episode, Sharlet and his house brethren are being taught by their "house leader" who boasts of King David's sin of adultery, conspiracy and murder as if it is just one of David's fringe benefits of being God's powerful elect. In his words: "He was chosen. Interesting set of rules. Isn't it?" He then went on to explain that even if any of those young men in front of him - training up to be the next generation of the world's power elect - were to rape three young girls, he wouldn't think of them as bad people. He is there for only one thing --- JESUS. (Apparently Jesus was cool with King David's sin.) He continued: "We elect our leaders. Jesus elects His....The future king is coming, not just of America, but of the whole world." We are left with the impression that this future world leader is not the true Jesus. So, who is this coming Wolf King? The Bible calls him the Antichrist. A couple minutes past the above segment shows a scene of The Family courting government officials. This passage of Scripture was read: "All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." (Matthew 27:11) (I couldn't help but wonder if the father and son they envisioned were not the Father and His Son Jesus, but Satan and his coming son, the Wolf King (Antichrist). The Family have been in search for the Wolf King. They are no longer searching. They have the ultimate "Chosen One" -- the Wolf King. It's President Donald Trump. With an image of Trump and his spiritual advisors in the Oval Office, Sharlet says, "This is what The Family's been waiting for. He's God's man...Some would go so far as to call him, 'God's Chaos Candidate."'..."Doug Coe preaches the parable of the Wolf King. How do you get the Wolf King? You show him you have a great power and you offer that power to him. The Wolf King will come alongside you. They're not thinking Trump is going to get religion and turn sweet and mild. Just the opposite. 'The reason we work with Trump is because he's NOT a sheep. He's the Wolf King.'" (It may be noted that Donald Trump was born on one of the most significant super wolf moons in the 20th century -- June 14, 1946). Some will protest, "This is just more FAKE NEWS!!" To that I say, Let me be clear... I do not suspect the writers or producers of this documentary are Christians. (Perhaps they are, but I don't know.) Jeff Sharlet clearly comes down on the side of some liberal ideas. Does he have an agenda? Of course he does. Does that automatically make his reporting false? Of course not. To those who simply dismiss reporting as fake news because the reporters had an "agenda" is preposterous. Question: Was Luke (of the Gospel of Luke) a reporter? Of course he was. Did he have an agenda? Of course he did. Does that automatically make him "fake news?" No. The same skeptics will retort, "But Luke was not merely a reporter, he was one of them, an eye witness to Jesus and the brotherhood." My response? "You mean like Jeff Sharlet, a man who was an eyewitness and part of The Family's brotherhood?" As discerning Christians living in this day of deception, we need to have the eyes of a hawk and the nose of a bloodhound so that we may be able to see through the bias, and in some cases, deception. Let me be very clear -- The validity I give to this documentary is not based on isolation. If I were to put my trust into this documentary simply based on the film without additional research, that would be foolish. But in fact, I've done my research and wrote about "The Family" in detail 3 years before this film was released. I just called them by their true name -- The Whore. Please note also, in case you think this doc is simply a slam of Trump, it is based on the writer's book -- written in 2009. Below is an excerpt from my book, Rise of the Little Horn: Revelation 17 speaks to the religious component of the Whore of Babylon. This Whore is a religious system, active during the last days, which will temporarily share a bed with the Beast (Antichrist)...In any local church congregation, you will have individual genuine believers and individual genuine fakers. In other words, any given church will include people who are not saved; not genuine Christians. They may look like the real thing; talk like the real thing; even smell like the real thing. But they are not the real thing. Many think they are saved, but are, in fact not. A saved person is one who “knows” Christ. I do not mean “has a knowledge about” Christ. They know Him. This is an intimate knowledge; a relational knowledge. If you are not “in Christ,” you are not “of Christ.” If Christ is not “in you,” you are not “in Christ.” Come judgment day, many will plead with Christ. His response will simply be, “I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:23). The knowledge Christ speaks of is relational. As God, Christ has knowledge of all people, but is relational only with the elect. --------- (Rise of the Little Horn p. 206) My book continues to document various scenarios where Trump has "slept" with this harlot. In fact, some of Trump's quotes from the documentary are also in my book. What the writer failed to pick up on is that at one of these 2015/16 Conservative gatherings, Trump was heard in one of his rare moments of quoting Scripture (He stays away from it for good reason.) Observe that the passage he read was from 1 John (John's tiny epistles are the only place in the Bible where the Antichrist is referred to by that name. Ironically, in so many words, John refers to him as "a faker.") The Scriptural image of a harlot riding a beast is not a woman on horseback, it is a salacious image of harlotry. Like Israel in Old Testament times, it pictures a last-days Church's betrayal of Christ in favor of intimacy with "Rome" (civil governments and rulers). The relationship between the Whore and the Beast (the Antichrist) is one of quid pro quo. They support one another. One provides political power via votes; while the other, power via policy. This relationship keeps both in power. Scripture says that the Whore will eventually persecute the saints. Rev 17 continues: "And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus...And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth.” (Rev. 17:6,16-18) Please note, neither the Antichrist nor the Whore have come into there ultimate position as indicated in these verses. This is still down the road a few years. What we are seeing today are only the initial rise of these entities. In case you are wondering, we are not yet in the Tribulation. Some Christians believe that in order to reach really bad people, they must water down the gospel. To the contrary, "it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes," including the really nasty people and the few nobility God is pleased to save. To most in The Family, their level of "lovin' on" Trump has reached the point of idolatry. The Old Testament says that Israel became a whore. Why? Because they fell into idolatry - they worshiped pagan deities. Trump likes to talk of his lovers, be they beautiful women, or rather stout Asian dictators. But Trump has only one true lover -- his "family" -- The Family. Sharlet: "They'd say he (Trump) was clearly not a pious man... (pointing to a Bible) "I thought this Scripture still mattered but I hadn't learned a lesson from the Family - 'We don't need this Book. Trump understands that too.' Trump doesn't know anything in the Bible. Of course he's not....it's just in his heart.'" Leslie Kern says, "I am fascinated by the rhetorical self-impretzelment that's necessary to justify an allegiance to Donald Trump on the part of faith leaders in the Religious Right." Bottom line: Is The Family evil? Yes. Is every individual caught up in the plans of The Family evil? No. I have no doubt that many sincere Christians are caught up in this scheme. They are deceived, having little understanding of God's prophetic program. Yet God has these people there for a reason. It is also possible that the Lord has Christian "undercover agents" inside this evil manifestation that are very aware of The Family's true intentions. THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE AT ITS MOST EXTREME. IT DOESN'T GET ANY THICKER THAN THIS. We are literally seeing the manifestation of the Whore of Babylon appear right before our eyes. Please note that The Family are not just made up of self-professing evangelicals, they are Christians of every sort - Mainline, Catholic, Liberal, etc. They are also Jewish, Hindu, Muslim. This crosses all denominations and faiths. Its tentacles stretch into every country. A representative of The Family says in the film, "We want diversity to emerge. We want frankly multicultural involvement. I think you are going to see in the future multi-languages being spoken." At one point in the film, Sharlet's notes are pictured. Clearly evident is a notation that reads, "Genesis 11:6 -- BABEL." I looked up the verse. It says: "And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." Make no mistake -- this is the true rebuilding of the Tower of Babel with the tower builder Wolf King at its helm. Christians are SO CONSUMED with the Illuminati, The Masonic Lodge, the Globalists. Is it just possible that Satan has used these conspiracy theories as a smokescreen? Or perhaps these conspiracies were originally Satan's plan and God through down His own "trump card." I am suspicious of conspiracy theories. But The Family is one secretive organization worth looking at. Again, I must stress that there are many sincere believers mixed in with these "wolves." There does appear to be solid Christian men like Robert Jeffress, Franklin Graham and David Jeremiah in close proximity to the president. Are these men genuine believers or impostors? Only God knows. I am confident that God has them there for His good pleasure. If the Rapture doesn't take them out, I pray they heed the near future warning to, "Come out of Babylon." And here's the rub, soon many of the evangelicals that currently support Trump will turn when they understand that he is the beast. And when they do, all war will break out between Trump and the true saints. Trump is ALL ABOUT LOYALTY. And he has truly supported The Family's agenda. If Christians turn on him, for Trump, that will be the ultimate betrayal. All Christians will then have to say a pledge of allegiance, not to the flag, not to America, but to Trump. Will this shift happen before or after the Rapture? I pray it is after. I encourage you to watch The Family documentary on Netflix. A word of caution: By watching this, you are peering into the heart of darkness and deception. Avoid extreme reactions of black and white. There are both evil people and saints rubbing elbows. I leave you with two quotes from my book: "After sharing this book’s premise with a friend, she responded, “Oh great! Another ‘Boy That Cried Wolf’ book. We have thousands of those.” My friend’s comments align with those of other critics, who point to the many prior incorrect identifications of the Antichrist. However, in all of the prior attempts, I have not found what I consider to be a single thoughtful, systematic and documented work vast enough in scope to fill a large book. Furthermore, the fact that others were incorrect does not alter the fact that the Antichrist will appear at some point. Neither do the prior failures alter the fact that the true Antichrist can and will be recognizable as such when he does appear. I later responded to my friend, “Fact is, the boy eventually saw the wolf, and warned people about it. Nobody believed him.” (Rise of the Little Horn p. 42) "While rare occasions may demand a sheep peek into the wolf’s pantry, he best not linger, lest the wolf arrive unbeknownst and invites him to dinner. Tread lightly." (Rise of the Little Horn p. 35)
  12. I think you and I can agree with each other on this -- In the end, when all is said and done, God will have the last word. The rest of us, like Job, will sit with closed mouths. Amen?
  13. The disciples asked Jesus about the end of the age. The first words out of Jesus mouth, "The nations shall be united beneath the fulfilled dream of the global elites." (Oh wait a minute, that's from the global conspiracy-hunter websites. My bad.) Here's the verse, "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.." (Matthew 24:7) Of the Antichrist: "Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house." (Isaiah 14:16-18) For all of you that believe the AC will be the product of some globalist conspiracy dating all the back to the building of Solomon's Temple, let me assure you of something. -- The source of this garbage is not Scripture, it's the occult. The AC will be a global dictator, not a globalist. (Yeah, there's a difference.) And yes, he will enter into a national league of some sort, as all nations do in war time. But he will simply laugh at the globalists. He will uproot their plans and take the whole pot to himself. Armageddon starts with nations battling EACH OTHER. (Rev. 16:12; 19:18-19; Joel 3:2; Daniel 11:21-45; Zech. 14:2). In fact, nationalism will continue right into the Millennial reign of Christ. "And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles." (Zech. 14:16) "And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD..." (Micah 4:2) Are there "global" movements at the time of the end. Yes. But these will be usurped by one man -- the Antichrist. Yes, he will have 10 (7) kings in league with him as well as the Whore of Babylon. But this is not a democratic globalist-driven agenda where national sovereignty is eradicated due to some kind of ancient secret cabal. Rather, it is driven by direct super-natural satanic power that is delivered into the lap of the Antichrist. With such power, he will invade nation after nation for its wealth, Egypt, Israel, etc. His Mark will make him invincible: "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Rev. 13:4) As far as the charge of me being some kind of "global shill," I assure you -- I am a nationalist, through and through. I am not, however, an isolationist. (Neither is Trump.) In the small world in which we live, making a nation have no relationship with their neighbors is like me trying to instruct my fish in my aquarium to swim in one area of the tank. Not gonna happen. The world has become an aquarium and the fish have teeth. Addendum: I do acknowledge that a New World Order - an ancient plan of a few elites to rule over the masses - exists. Absolutely true. My point is that nowhere does Scripture say that AC is a product of such plans. Who knows? Maybe Satan has attempted to insert pro-globalist men such as Obama to head up this AC role. That's possible. But that decision rests solely with the Lord, not Satan or the elites. The Lord does as He pleases. He is not handcuffed to any such satanic Utopian delusion. Satan and the Antichrist are ultimately His servants. They cannot step outside of HIS will. This ends as the Lord decrees, no one else. I repeat, we need to take our cues from the Word of the the Lord -- the Bible. DrChristian has turned this very personal and nasty now. I believe the difference of tone in our replies is self evident. Because of that, my responses to him will be very limited, if at all.
  14. You have gone from calling me a Leftist to now ranting on about me being some kind of secret globalist spy in the midst of a Shill attack. (I must confess, that's a new one. I wouldn't have previously known what a Shill was. Interesting.) Question: Do you hear yourself? Seriously, stop a moment and try to step away from whatever it is that has such a powerful hold on you and just re-read your reply over again. Your kind of scary rhetoric with what appears to be paranoid-laced language, as if my entire life is one big lie for the sake of some kind of covert globalist spy operation, is really bizarre "off the reservation" stuff, and the kind of almost hypnotic delusion I would expect from some under the grips of a powerful force. I suppose these are the times in which we live. Forgive me for making this personal. But honestly, I am personally (and spiritually) concerned for you. I pray for you, dear brother, that the scales would fall from your eyes, so that you may see (and think) clearly. Speaking of clearly, this conversation has now degrading to you, not only accusing me of lying, but of making up my life testimony. This is really awful stuff. I've talked about names. I'll end with the definition of mine. Like Daniel, Dane means, "God is my Judge." May the Lord be the Judge between me and you. You have the last word, if you choose. (No doubt, you will.) By the way, I meant what I said. That comment wasn't for you, it was for others with eyes to see. As scary as your reply was, I expected you'd reply in the manner in which you did. May the readers choose between our fruit offerings. Remember those Christians that thought Obama was the AC in whom you pointed out are now so full of hate? Re-read over that 2nd to last comment of yours. Who's the one filled with hate now? In the words of prophet Nathan, "You are the man."
  15. This comment is an answer to the false charge against me of having a Leftist agenda. Please note that the ONLY reason I am focused on politics in this comment is to answer this calumny. Would sooner not do this, but occasion demands, so here goes. Here's a sampling of this gentleman's quotes: -- "As was Obama, and Clinton, and Carter. The media has Long been the propaganda arm of the leftists, Trump has nothing to do with exposing them, they were exposed a long time ago.Seeing as you praise them shows the true motive of this post which is agenda driven." -- "Those people that pointed to BHO as the Antichrist are now full of hatred, because their theories have fallen on their face. The fact is, that this now has become the new political attack in this day and age on the WWW to discredit opposition, each side with their trolls and shills at work pushing the opinions of men."..."Keep politics out of the church, for then you become nothing more than a mouthpiece for one faction or the other." (Note: He went on to praise Trump's policies in detail. If he denies it, I'll throw down some quotes.) -- "These are the words of someone who believes the propaganda of the media and their non stop assault on this man since being elected." -- "Yet DJT is standing up to the globalists beast, Pretty much alone, and he is taking a beating for doing so by the media whom you hold as a beacon of truth" (notice the political statement that Trump is standing up to anti-globalism) -- "Your whole article is a political hit piece." (I did not write an article. That was an excerpt from my book.) -- "Your Post and your book is just another hit piece on someone you dislike, and thus you see as antichrist. Unfortunately this is the level that this culture has gotten to. We went through this for 8 years with BHO as well, and all the people pushing this theory had similar lists of proofs such as you have here.... I could post them all, but it would probably take a small book to post them all." -- "Your motives have been exposed, and that is your prejudice against DJT. This post was not written to learn or to teach others but to dictate an opinion based on faulty assumptions. Plain and simple it is a "hit piece" and it is disgusting and unchristian." (Note: The accusation of "faulty assumptions" is in and of itself, a faulty assumption. He didn't read my book and there is no proof of "motive" in my excerpt.) -- "Why would I want to read a book, if the author is unable to honestly approach the topic and has a political agenda? That is like willfully falling for propaganda. I Just allowed you to make a show of your intellectual superiority and condescending heart towards us "little guys" on the internet." -- "The hypocrisy with which you accuse me attacking your character, when your book is a hit piece on the character of a person you do not know personally and based off of what you have been told by Media sources who have an agenda to malign that person is laughable. These are just the facts of my assessment of this Post. If you cannot handle it, do not post stuff here for critique." -- "Yes, go all the way back to OP, and my first comment regarding that as well to where Mr. Dane was "not talking about trump" but he really was talking about trump, and how he has a leftist agenda, but does not claim to have a leftist agenda, How he says he is not influenced by the media, yet he continual quotes their slanderous remarks and reporting." (In this entire thread, I do not recall a single instance of "quoting the media's slanderous remarks and reporting.) -- "I saw this sort of false accusation go on for 8 years against OBAMA, and now here we are repeating it for Trump... Not one of those people who claimed to be Christians and said BHO is the Ac has apologized, and now it is coming from the other side by "leftist leaning" Christians. Quite frankly, It is disgusting." -- "Criticize him on politics all you want, criticize him on his hairdo all you want "Orange man Bad"... But do not falsely accuse him based on false and misleading reporting from left leaning media people" (end of quotes) Frankly, it is rather sad that I am having to answer these vindictive and malicious charges. In point of fact, politics is not my thing. I probably should care more about it than I do. Let me tell you about my supposed "Leftist" background. Here goes: I became a follower of Jesus Christ at 7 years of age in 1972 while praying with my father after a church service. He was the pastor of a humble Baptist church. I raised my hand during prayer to accept Christ. I still remember the day vividly. My dad's theology was dispensational -- right down the line. Solidly pre-trib. His favorite book to preach was Romans and to teach -- The Revelation. He's been in glory for nearly 25 years. I remember a conversation I had with him before he died. We were talking about the rise of the Antichrist. He told me we will not recognize him because his identity could only be known after the Rapture. I said to him, "But doesn't Daniel say 'The wise will understand.'" ?? He was passionate about the faith. Occasionally this got the best of him (but more often, somebody else). I remember one time after a couple of nice young Mormon gentlemen left our house. I looked over at my dad and said, "I hope they didn't wet themselves." But Dad was a bold person with a sensitive heart. I remember one time hanging out with him and the great prophetic teacher, Dave Breeze after a tent crusade. Dad was probably having some disagreements with someone regarding eschatology. He looked over and said, "Hey Dave, come straighten this guy out." LOL Fun memories. I was maybe 12 at the time. Mom and Dad would some times take us to perform on Grandpa and Grandma's 6:00 A.M. live Christian radio show. Grandpa was head over what would have been considered a mega church at the time and ran an FM and AM Christian radio station. (This is turning into my life story -- moving on.) My understanding of Scripture has not changed much since being under Dad's influence. That said, a few years back I was a member of a solidly reformed church for over a decade. I was immersed in the doctrines of Sovereign Grace. I am a strong believer in free will -- if by that you mean the free will of God to choose whom he chooses. Salvation is a gift of the grace of God. I reject "cheap grace." Salvation is a super natural work of the Holy Spirit Who resides in every believer. Therefore, that person will undergo change -- sanctification -- at some level. If they do not over a stretch of years and continue to blatantly and publicly practice unrepentant sin, it is fair to question whether they are truly born again. I follow the historical-grammatical method of biblical interpretation. I read the Bible "plainly." The Bible says what it means and means what it says. (Yes, I allow for symbolism and figures of speech, e.g. hyperbole, etc.) I believe in the saying, "Never read a verse." Scripture must be studied in its grammatical and historical context. Who's speaking? To whom are they speaking? Etc. I believe in six literal days of Creation. I am an old-earther yet reject evolution. (Yeah, it's possible.) I believe the miracles in the Bible literally happened as they are described in real space/time history. Noah built an ark. Jonah was swallowed by a fish. Moses talked to a Burning Bush and split the Red Sea. God stopped the sun. A donkey really talked. Three men with weird names really stood in a fiery furnace. Jesus walked on water, fed 5000 and raised bodily from the dead. He is truly the Eternal Son of God, and since the incarnation, fully Man. The Holy Spirit is a person and is God. I could go on and on. Jesus is Coming again to judge mankind and to take His rightful place as King in Jerusalem to preside over an overhauled earth for 1000 years. There is a literal and eternal Heaven and Hell. In short, I adhere to the orthodox teachings of the Christian faith as represented in Scripture and the creeds of the Church. The insight I have on the Antichrist is neither because I'm an amazing theological scholar, nor because I am some prophet on par with Scripture. I do believe God has gifted me with a unique understanding of the Scripture - not because I hold some "holier than thou" status, but simply because God has been abundantly gracious with me. My political affiliation -- In 1984 I voted for Ronald Reagan (On a side-note, I have personally performed for President Ronald and Nancy Reagan on multiple occasions, one of which was the opening ceremonies of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games. I was 18 years old at the time. I still perform at the Reagan Library on a yearly basis for Republican events.) In 1988 I voted for George H.W. Bush. In 1992 I voted for a very wealthy anti-establishment business outsider, Ross Perot. In 1996, I voted for Bob Dole, in whom I believe would have made a great president. (Although a little too "insider" for my taste, he was an honorable man -- something I crave to see again.) In 2000 & 2004 I voted for George W. Bush. In 2008, I voted for Mitt Romney. Although perhaps more unpredictable than Dole, he too would have made a fine president. In 2012, I voted for John McCain, although his campaign did little to inspire me. In 2016 I voted for everything on the ballot, minus the president. I live in California. The presidential results are a pretty sure thing out here, with or without my vote. I have never once voted for or financially supported a Democrat in my entire life, much less a Socialist or Leftist. Typically, I vote straight down the Republican ticket. If I've done my homework and actually researched the Propositions, I do not stay married to a ticket on a singular proposition. I vote with my brain. I am solidly Conservative on a vast majority of issues. It is fair to say that I am more conservative than most Republicans. Frankly, I don't recognize the Republican Party anymore. It died on May 3rd, 2016, the day Barnum & Bailey Circus' elephants gave their last performance and the Elephant Party named the greatest ringmaster performer in history as its presumptive nominee. In this entire thread, there is not one mention of a Democrat (certainly no positive one). On my Rise of the Little Horn Facebook page, in all of my some 300 posts, there is not one comment of support for any Democrat Congressperson or policy. NOT ONE. I am solidly pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-smaller government, pro-liberty, pro-defense, pro-protection for churches, and to the extent he favors that, I am pro-Trump in that sense. He is doing some "incredible" things for our nation. No argument from me. But at what cost? Fundamentally, he is systematically denigrating decency, compassion, empathy, affection, respect, sacrifice, selflessness, goodness, purity, honor and the archetype of all of it -- TRUTH. If we loose those things, the good things Trump is doing will matter little. The battle of the end times is ultimately a battle for truth. Hence Pilate's question, "What is truth?" In particular, the end time battle will be a battle of names. We are taught that the Falling Away (Apostasy) is a falling away from the faith. And and it may include that. But the apostasia can also be a falling away by means of a rebellion or revolt. I now have come to believe the apostasia is far far more fundamental than a falling away from faith or from order due to a rebellion. IT IS A FALLING AWAY FROM TRUTH ITSELF. Words will lose there meaning as actions lose their vulnerability to accountability, i.e. when actions have no consequences. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have arrived. The Antichrist is anti-Christ because he is anti-Truth. He's anti-Truth because he is anti-Word. He is anti-Word because he is anti-Logos (which brings us back to anti-Christ). The AC is THE LIE. He is the man of deception. He plays the trick. He always trumps. I get asked, "Do you hate Donald Trump?" In Trump's world, hate has no meaning. I believe that. Hate and love is not something Trump "feels." It's something he "does" to move pieces around his game board. Trump has been quoted many times, "It's all a game." He is either moving people towards or away from him. It's all for power, to extend himself forward. That's why Trump can absolutely love a person or group one day and absolutely hate them the next. Transition to hate is easy for Trump because there was no genuine love to begin with. That's why Trump does not show empathy. He does not have it within him. Love can be faked. Empathy, not so much. That is because love is often reciprocated. Empathy is not. Do I believe this because I am some closet Leftist? That's laughable. Au contraire! I say it because it's true. It's not too terribly difficult to prove my book and posts are not driven by some secret Leftist ideology. Such a system is anathema to me. It is clear that I am a genuine conservative and follower of Jesus Christ - a Christian. This is evident from my posts and my book. Leftists are typically Marxist and Atheist. Karl Marx was solidly Atheist. No Leftist holds Scripture in such high regard as do I. And certainly they would never adhere to the plain reading of the Bible. No Leftist is looking for the Second Coming. And no Leftist would give ANY credence to a literal end-times Antichrist. Leftism and genuine Christianity go together like oil and water. If one describes themselves as a "Leftist Christian," I can guarantee they espouse some form of Humanism, not Christianity. Can one be a Democrat and a Christian? Sure. But as I have shown from my background, I am not a Democrat. Never have been. Never will be. Has this person read my book before unrighteously judging me? If he had, he would have read the following on page 10 of Rise of the Little Horn: Even before Trump, some believed President Barack Obama to be the Antichrist. I never bought into this. He falls short of the mark in terms of very basic characteristics and particulars that will be addressed as this book progresses. Nevertheless, he fulfilled an essential place in God’s program. His Leftist agenda left many Americans feeling like their beloved country was heading in a fully un-American direction. Obama brought change, but many did not want that kind of change. Socialist ideas, previously only at home in college campus life, had taken root in our culture, and America was heading the way of a crumbling Europe. Judeo-Christian principles were being replaced by Marxist ideology. Republicans faced two major foes: Progressivist indoctrination in our schools and illegal immigration. The Republican Party was quickly becoming the old white-man’s party. The radical 60’s Baby-Boomers were now grandparents with two generations before them who lacked the solid Christian influence from which previous generations had benefited. Conservatives were being marginalized. Whites in Los Angeles were now the minority. Movements like the Tea Party arose to try to “take back” the country they felt was being ripped from their grasp. Then, Congress passed Obamacare, which, for many, was the last straw. In various elections, Republicans ran on overturning this legislation, but ultimately, nothing got done. Before long, distrust of those in Washington rose to a fever pitch. Politicians became associated with elitist crooks. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court gave us the legalization of same-sex marriage. The country was adrift in the current of Socialism. Between Barak Obama’s first appointment to office and the end of his second term, the nation had morphed from one that was divided, to one with a massive chasm running between its citizenry. Yes…he gave us change, indeed. "I see a man in his first day in office sowing seed on the White House lawn. Eight years later, that soil would give rise to a tyrant." Progressive thought turned out to be the child of postmodernism. Gone was the concept of absolute truth. Gone were universal principles and morals, as well as critical thinking―even language lost its meaning. Words ceased conveying their classical meanings and were deemed, unsafe. Facts were replaced with feelings. Right and wrong were characterized as preferences. Character was replaced with celebrity; substantive policy with empty rhetoric; battle of ideas with personal attacks; integrity with deception; thoughtful argument with emotive trigger words. We no longer wanted real leaders. They just let us down and were, frankly...boring. We just wanted a show―Entertain us! In place of a Senator, we opted for a Gladiator with a big sword―It was 5th century Rome all over again, and Gladiator Trump was suited up and ready for battle. The Left preached to us that judging was out and tolerance and acceptance were in. And so we became a thoughtless nation, tolerant of anything. We lost our radar. And underneath that radar crept in something evil. (end of excerpt) Does that sound like my book is a Leftist political hit piece? Hardly. I could copiously quote more, but what's the point? One final point. I started writing my book in April of 2016 and was 90% finished by the following July. Why is this significant? For starters, few thought that Trump would actually win. But more importantly, the liberal news media -- that this slanderous person claims I was so influenced by --were not yet maliciously attacking Trump. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS DURING THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES!! The media were salivating at the possibility that Trump would become the presumptive Republican nominee. According to the polling at that time, TRUMP WAS THE ONLY ONE OF THE REPUBLICAN FRONT-RUNNERS THAT HILLARY COULD BEAT!!! They all had their fingers crossed IN FAVOR OF TRUMP. It was only AFTER he became the nominee that the media really turned on him. By such time, my book was already written. Does the person that slandered me truly believe I am a Leftist? Or that my piece was a Leftist hit piece? If he does, he knows little about Christianity versus Leftism. Truth be told, he is fully aware and chose to falsely witness against me. The malignant charge was also done in hypocrisy. He told me to keep politics out and later posted a list of Trump's policies he favored. How many pro liberal/democratic policies did I post? ZERO. TRUE -- Obama was targeted by over zealous, hateful, and biblically ignorant Christians because of his Leftist politics, iconic charismatic appeal (based on the faulty idea that the AC is charismatic) and in some instances, because he was black. In short, he was attacked because he was a political threat. The supposed biblical parallels they came up will are paltry in comparison to Trump. Do people like myself claim Trump is the AC because we are "Leftist Christians?" Absolutely 100% false. Most all of us are genuine conservative born-again believers. (Yes, non-Christians throw the word "antichrist" around, but in no meaningful way.) With Obama, the political motive was evident. As I have shown, no motive is evident for myself -- which greatly strengthens my claim. That's why the slanderous charge was made to begin with -- to deligitimize and dismiss my claim, out of hand. It allows my opponents to avoid actually examining the CONTENT of my post -- which nobody thus far on this thread has done. I'll end with one of his quotes: "I saw this sort of false accusation go on for 8 years against OBAMA, and now here we are repeating it for Trump... Not one of those people who claimed to be Christians and said BHO is the Ac has apologized" Now that I have shown this malignant charge to be false, should I hold my breath that an apology will be forthcoming? I will not. Instead, I will breathe easy knowing that when you stand on the side of truth, truth eventually triumphs.
  16. You forgot one. "Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them." (Ephesians 5:11)
  17. That is a logical fallacy of guilt by association. Just because people got it wrong on Obama is not evidence that it is wrong about Trump. That's like sayin' that because a person has been found innocent of murder, the next person indicted for the same crime must also be innocent because the prosecutors got it wrong the first time. Fallacious argument. There's is only one way to prove or disprove a claim -- look at the evidence. Mine's in my book, which I assume you haven't bothered to review. (Not that I'm asking.)
  18. No, what is unchristian is slandering me by falsely accusing me of having a "Leftist agenda," and insinuating that I am merely a "so-called Christian" when that is the farthest thing from the truth. If you search through my some 100 replies on here, you will find very little quoting of the leftist media (I don't recall any at the moment.) I don't need the Leftist media for my claims. All I need is raw video and tweets. But again, a comment addressing your smear of me is forthcoming - no spoilers. Just know this -- I get it. Ad hominem is a real temptation when you've run out of argument.
  19. I'm with you, bro. It totally makes sense that Trump would troll people like myself. There must be, at least -- what? -- one hundred of us by now. (Small but mighty) Your logic doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But there's something to be said for consistency. :>)
  20. Oh yeah -- that's totally the same thing as Trump's recent statements, for sure. I'll betcha the AC says, "Happy Holidays." Bastard!
  21. Briefly, I will address your "You're just under the influence of Leftist media propaganda" ad hominem slander in a separate comment at a later time. Stay tuned. For anyone interested, see my response to DrChristian's post of Arthur Pink's excerpt defending that the AC is Jewish. In point of fact, I respond to each point - IN DETAIL -- and yes, I effectively prove such theory to be in error. I sent that reply on Aug 9th.
  22. Yeah, I don't think Trump was reading from the Psalms, my friend. He quoted Root's words about him being the King of Israel and The Second Coming of God. Are you seriously going to compare that to a president reading the Psalms? This happened on the very same day that Trump stood in front of the media and said, "I AM THE CHOSEN ONE." -- while bending his head back, and looking into the heavens. If your argument is that Trump's motivation for such a statement is because he is now aware (through his spiritual advisers' teachings, no doubt) that all presidents are "chosen by God," how is it that on the same day, he tweeted that he was the King of Israel and the Second Coming of God? Really? And this is just like Obama. REALLY??? Or that he was just "being funny." If that's your argument, let the record show. Just like Obama?? NO MY FRIEND. It's not just like Obama. Obama was singled out because of his leftist leanings (and sadly, in some individual cases, because he is black.) I repeat, Obama never did or said ANYTHING like this. NEVER--EVER. By the way, if this was a Tweet to"sew up his evangelical base or gain Jewish votes," insinuating you are the "Second Coming of God" is not the wisest way to do it. (Such statements cry AC to the evangelicals and is just plain silly to a Jew who isn't looking for the 2nd coming, but the 1st.) Oh the irony that this is in the news within a week since I unraveled your, "The AC must be Jewish" theory. I couldn't have orchestrated that any better.
  23. Yes, he is. But in this case, he happens to be trolling that he is the "King of Israel" and "The Second Coming of God." (I know, he probably read our conversation.) By the way, if that was intended as a troll for the Leftist/Liberal/Socialist/Dems, virtually NONE of that group believes in those things.
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