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Posts posted by ReneeIW

  1. 21 minutes ago, Riverwalker said:

    And where were you wen Antifa and BLM were burning things, killing people and breaking things you withn these congress people

    I was where 99% of Christians were- at home praying for peace, taking care of my family and not sowing discord. I was also  hoping there would be an honest discussion about the police in this country, the untrustworthy press and how politicians exploit bigotry for their own gain.I notice that after Biden was elected, we didn’t hear anymore about BLM because the democrats didn’t need them anymore.

    I try my best not to get involved in this stupid stuff because that would make me just like the world, instead of the salt and the light. I don’t understand why Christians join these worldly movements that are not edifying.


    And I apologize  for my ignorance, but I don’t know who or what Antifa is and don’t want to know. I just want Christians to separate themselves from this mess unless they have a peaceful solution.

    • Well Said! 1
  2. I apologize, but I didn’t read the entire post but I hope it’s okay to comment anyway. The last thing we should do is make this an issue about race. Don’t play into the media’s hands (or politicians) that wish to divide us in that way. Christ loves all of us equally.
    I have two problems with what happened last week:

    1. The president had to have received intelligence that an attack on the Capitol was imminent, yet he told them to go there; and five people, three of whom served our country, were killed.

    2. Do foreign  terrorists now know how vulnerable and insecure the Capitol is? Imagine how scared some would be if the rioters had been Muslims from another country and Obama was the sitting president. Something has to be done and accountability is needed. And we need all new leadership in Congress.

  3. On 1/9/2021 at 11:25 PM, JohnD said:

    He was asserting their reasoning processes to realize he (Jesus) was and is in fact God incarnate.

    I struggled for a bit in my twenties to believe that Jesus was God. This verse helped me along with the verse “bring me back into the glory WE shared before the world was.”

    As far as why we believe people are good- we look at their fruit. When good/fruitful/Bible-believing people who are the salt and light if this earth are taken from us, out of grief, we question God. But I think we all know that us mortals are not “good” according to God’s standards. 

  4. 13 hours ago, missmuffet said:

    Has anyone heard of a new virus that is starting in Europe?


    It’s been dominating the news here in Illinois. There are confirmed cases in California and I believe Colorado and a couple of other states. It’s said to be more contagious but not deadlier. The current vaccine is said to be effective toward all of the variants that have been identified.

    The fact that it spreads more easily is scary especially since they are claiming we still have a post Christmas and New Years surge to go through and the hospitals are all ready running out of space.

    To me, it’s just a reminder that man/scientists can come up with vaccines and other solutions, but at the end of the day, the Lord will decide when this is over.


  5. On 12/22/2020 at 7:46 PM, FresnoJoe said:

    When Was Jesus Born?

    She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

    I actually like this topic because I will never forget the first time someone came at me very hard about my faith. It was a very passionate philosophy professor who was  causing a lot of students to doubt their faith, and of course one of his arguments was to call into question when Christ was born and how it was implausible that He was born in December.

    Some students react to that by thinking it does sound implausible, therefore, Christianity is implausible,  and they don’t bother to do any research- they trust the college professor their parents are paying thousands to.

    Fortunately  for me, I had taken a summer New Testament class prior to landing in that horrible  philosophy class, and the NT professor made a very strong and intelligent argument for Christ being born on September 11. He of course explained why we celebrate it on December 25. In the end it may not matter, but nothing wrong with seeking to know all we can about the Lord if the information is out there. And kids these days are asking a lot of questions and we should be ready to provide answers (even if incomplete) if/when we can.


    just my two cents.

    • This is Worthy 2
  6. 28 minutes ago, Mike Mclees said:

    Does the world emanate Christ. Don't get me wrong I watched TV every night. I would sit there all evening clicking to find shows that didn't use offensive words or exploit sex. There are decent fiction shows, but in the over all are we trying to the balance the scale. Have we become luke warm. I read many of the posts and did not see any that lifted up Christ. Are we seeing the world today. Would we be ready if Christ came tomorrow. Jesus once said when He comes back would he find faith on the earth Luke 18:8. Why would we indulge in things that bear no fruit. Every man must make his own choices. One night I started to do what we have been talking about and set my remote down with no  ideal I would not watch it any more.  


    Are you suggesting that entertainment in and of itself, even if appropriate, is sinful because it does not lift up Christ?

  7. 4 hours ago, GandalfTheWise said:

    This question arose in my mind in another thread.   Why is it that some people like fiction stories, (be it books, comics, graphic novels, video-game story lines, oral story-telling, TV shows, movies, or whatever media)?  Why do some people not care about them or to actively dislike them?   I'm not talking about preferring particular genres, but rather liking, not caring, or actively disliking fiction stories in general.  I'm not talking about what details cause someone to dislike particular stories (such as profanity, graphic descriptions, non-Christian world view, etc.).  But, what is it about fictional stories that they even exist and that some people like them?

    I didn't phrase it in a personal way in the title, but what I am curious about is why different people here are drawn to consume fiction while others have no interest and others might be actively repelled by fiction.   What is it that drives your feelings toward fiction stories?   I'm hoping this thread can be one of constructive reflection where we can learn from each other and maybe explore a topic that doesn't get talked about very much.

    This is such an excellent question but one I can’t really answer. I loathe fiction but I don’t know why. 

    First, I will never understand why people get offended when I say that I don’t read fiction, but they do, so it’s always been kind of a sensitive subject. Even my high school daughter said it didn’t make sense to her since I watch movies that are fiction.

    I don’t know what the answer is but I can tell you I am greatly repelled by it. I’m not name dropping when I bring this up(I’m a total nobody and can count on one hand the people who love me) but the Christian author Paul Young did a favor for me, and in exchange he asked me to read his book The Shack. This was over a year ago and I still have not read it. I opened it up to a random page and almost wanted to cry when I saw the dialogue. I’ve heard he is a gifted writer, so I wasn’t repelled by his writing, I just cannot read fiction at all. 

    I’m obsessed with real people, real stories, and of course faith-and that’s all I read. 

    I remember being judged because I would not read CS Lewis’s “Screw Tape Letters” which is fiction. It was like I was a bad person because I chose not to read something that could  be “immensely helpful to Christians.” The Bible is plenty helpful enough!

    • Thumbs Up 3
  8. I can’t bring myself to read fiction. I’ve read Pilgrim’s progress to my kids but besides that, I have only read half of a fiction book (because I loved the movie) since college. I can still remember the two fiction books that were assigned to me in college and those are the only two I have read as an adult.

    I own five fiction books and promised myself I would read them because two were written by people I know and the other three were said to be outstanding legal dramas, but I just couldn’t get past page one.


    As for your book, it sounds extraordinarily offensive and I would not read anything about a demon, much less a woman being a demon and tempting a man even if I did read fiction. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. It doesn’t remind you of the information that has come out about the Catholic Church?

    As far as Obama, I thought that he caved to political pressure. He definitely should not have threatened to withhold funds. There were companies and sport teams all speaking out about this issue and I can’t remember what happened to cause the conversation, but it’s hard to come up with an easy answer over night. I’m still confused as to why anyone was showering at school in the first place.

  10. I’ve actually experienced peer pressure from other moms who beg me to allow my daughter to go to sleepovers. They’ll say that our kids are suffering from isolation. I received hours worth of texts and then a phone call with pleas to allow my daughter to attend a sleepover with about five girls.
    And the sad thing is that photos from the sleepover were posted on Facebook and,  two weeks later, another sleepover has been planned and I was asked again even though COVID cases in our state are among the worst in the country.

    There are even parents upset that in-person learning was canceled by schools. I can’t imagine what it would be like if kids were in school here. It’s overwhelming when it’s adults making poor decisions.

  11. You have already received excellent advice. Just wanted to add that if it’s an actual addiction, I would treat it as such. You may benefit from reading the book titled “Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.” You can find the PDF free online. Although it’s about alcohol addiction, the steps are applicable  to addiction in general. 

    I would pray all day long, even after you have given into temptation.  Continue to ask for help and forgiveness. The fact that you feel guilty about it  and want to change has to be coming from a spiritual place; which hopefully means that same spirit will lead you to recovery.

    And if you can confess it to someone you know who can hold you accountable, that may help as well. That has always helped me with things I’m struggling with.

    ”Confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed.”

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. On 11/9/2020 at 6:46 PM, R. Hartono said:

    Im sure people will only mock me if i tell them the story.

    But it appeared beside my bed for 2 hours at night, it came from the well inside the house. My body was frozen n cud not even move my finger, its eyes were 3x size of man n of fire like candle n bent like whip.

    It also tried to kill our housemaid who screamed horrible for help at 3 oclock am n when we reached her she said a tall dark shadow choked her neck n she wrestled n screamed, i knew it came from the well n tried to kill me 7 times, the last time it pushed me from the back to the water tank n i cud not raise my head, n started to inhale water into lungs n everthing was darkened, but then my housemaid came n screamed n she took my head out of the water. It came from the well inside the house.

    You wudnt believe if i say that tall black demon spirit might caused many death to those who lived be4 us at that house n caused many strange tragic accidents at the road around the house, one day i narrowly escaped in a split of a second from a car which tried to sueeze my belly to the electric pole, too bad the next day, a young girl was sueezed there by a car to the electric pole n passed away. At the same spot.

    The book of Enoch explained the spirit of hybrid died of the flood n haunting. Their creation was not acceptable n sinful.

    Did you guys call the police? Sorry, I couldn’t help but ask. That’s been asked a lot of me lately by men.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Mike Mclees said:

    Im looking for truth to find out if what we see s real and any here that can set the facts strait by shareing your own exsperiernce by loved ones of your family who became victims off Covid 19. If this sis true Im sorry for your loss    

    The assistant pastor at our church contracted  it and we were asked to be in constant prayer for him but he died just  days after experiencing symptoms and testing positive. He was 67. His wife also tested positive but recovered. They stopped holding in person services after that.  
    My daughters best friend’s mother is a Covid nurse and I don’t think she is lying about how bad and overwhelming it is.

    Hope this helps.

  14. 21 hours ago, JohnD said:

    If someone showed you from the Bible what you believed with all your

    heart to be absolute truth may not be true...

    would you at least check it out?

    Or would you hold stubbornly onto to what you believe / made up your own mind

    is true?

    This is a good question. If I’m honest, I probably would be stubborn. For instance, I have met several people who claim they can prove that Jesus Christ is  not God. I would not give those arguments  the time of day. At this point in my faith, I just feel tired and want to rely solely on the grace and beauty of Christ and avoid theological discussions though I recognize how important they are for the Church as a whole.

  15. I know a stay at home mom who is always calling people asking if they need help because she is bored, lonely and eager  to live out her faith through service toward others. I know you want/need income, but I’m glad you are not suffering from isolation and loneliness AND that you are there for those who come to you for help. Not everyone treats their mom right, let alone their mother-in-law.


  16. Biden looks like the winner but he won’t have the Senate. I don’t like divided government. It looks like suburban moms gave Biden the win. I do like that Arizona, the state John McCain represented, did not vote for Trump (if these numbers hold). He disrespected the McCain family while they were still burying the senator. I’m glad Arizona did not forget that. Someone has got to stand up for human decency. 

  17. I can’t imagine any Christian not thanking the Lord before a meal even if only out of habit, though it should be from the heart. And hopefully Christian parents have taught their kids to do this from the time they were able to understand what prayer is. Thanksgiving should be no different from any other day in a Christian household, with the exception of more food and family(if you are blessed in thy way).

    Good Friday and Thanksgiving are my favorite holidays!


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  18. 4 hours ago, Mozart's Starling said:

    As others have said we should pray for him regardless of our personal feelings of him. Will do so tonight. Found some sources saying he is worse off than his group claims.

    His doctor said he had mild symptoms and is improving. I’m hoping we can trust a media al team to tell the truth. When he walked out of the White House on his way to the hospital he looked fine. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  19. This has been all over the news for hours. Been praying for him and the 207,000 that have lost their lives. And praying the Lord protects my family. Trump is not the only person that thought it couldn’t happen to him and who made fun of people for wearing big masks. 
    Maybe now his supporters will start wearing masks and the numbers will stop increasing. 

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