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Everything posted by unworthyservant

  1. This is for everyone who remembers when you could live on $2000.00 a year.
  2. To paraphrase an old quote, Did you ever wonder why the wicked seem so strong. It's because the Christians sleep while the devil leaves the porch light on. It's kinda thought provoking if you ask me. While Scriptural discussion and study has it's place and is necessary to understand God's plan for our lives (and there's several learned and Scripturally sound individuals here from whom to glean new insights), it's all for naught until we put those teachings into action. (Faith without works is dead) That said it can sometimes seem overwhelming because the devil does indeed leave the porch light on 24/7 and there's always a party there to which everyone is invited. That just means that we must be ever vigilant and work even harder to keep up. Just remember that the Gospel is one of action and somewhere close to you, the devil has a house with the porch light on. Sometimes doing God's work means getting your hands dirty or as the old song says "Put your hand to the plow and hold on". I've seen talk of social and political activism on here and I just wanted to remind folks that activism in the name of God is the best kind and the most rewarding. You can see the physical results every time you extinguish one of the devils porch lights. God bless
  3. I don't see much about the event itself or the cause in general that should "sow the seeds for social unrest and breakdown of family structure" as those seeds are being sown every day by much more compelling forces than this so any effect it might have on either will probably be so small as to have little effect.
  4. I am of the belief that the best way isn't to convince them (as that can fall on deaf ears as you note and I've never had any luck with it) but rather make sure and keep them so busy doing God's work that they won't have the time to experiment and hope that they'll be so full of the blessings that come from doing God's work that they'll not even want to risk losing them.
  5. Wow, that speaks volumes about something really wrong there. I'm not quite sure why but for some reason I imagine it's not an isolated incident either. I'm glad you found a better home!
  6. Yeah, the Baptists, being the largest Protestant denomination in the US seem to have quite a few differences in belief between the "Conventions" and all the various independent branches from Missionary to Freewill to Primitive Baptists. Personally I prefer Independent churches in any denomination as I feel there's way too many issues with having one corporate entity to decide Scriptural beliefs for everyone. Although I don't subscribe to all their beliefs I kinda like the Plymouth Brethren's Sola Scriptura tenant which states that only the Scripture is the supreme authority for church doctrine. They have never liked talking about themselves as a Denomination but rather as a network of independent like-minded free churches who each use only the Scripture to form their Church covenants. I'll be curious to hear what you learn. Hope it's all good.
  7. That being the case you have several issues when dealing with lawyers who are dealing with other lawyers and unfortunately they're not all ethical ones. You REALLY do need your own ATTORNEY with whom you have given a retainer (to insure the attorney/client privilege and who is adept at these sort of legal wranglings as there are so many possible issues in such a situation such as you describe.
  8. That's an old GC trick that's been used to cheat sub-contractors for years but most reputable firms only stoop to such things if the stakes are high enough to risk the reputation for filing frivolous lawsuits.
  9. Did you share details without giving a retainer to ensure attorney/client privilege? If so shame on you, if not sue them for the breach. Again, since it's a prestigious firm I'm going to bet it's the former.
  10. They can't stop anyone from putting them in a book or a tweet or anything else as long as what is put out is either publicly available information or properly vetted private communication that's been obtained legally.(Else every newspaper in the country would be sued into oblivion every week) That usually includes Court actions unless the Court has them sealed for some reason (then comes the question of how you obtained them anyway) or there is a non-disclosure contract in place that the info would violate. Otherwise, to my knowledge anything so obtained and documented is fair game but again, consult an attorney who's experienced with your particular situation with whom you can discuss the details and be covered by attorney/client privilege.
  11. Oh, were you a litigant in any of those actions or stand to benefit from anyone who was?
  12. True Christians or followers of Christ aren't pretentious but rather should be humble but firm in their beliefs and dogged in putting them into action.
  13. Dust on the Bible, dust on the Holy Word The words of all the prophets and the sayings of our Lord Of all the other books you'll find, there's none salvation holds Get the dust off the Bible and redeem your poor soul
  14. Between posting or replying to various discussions or questions I often listen to music to refresh my soul. I just finished listening to one that I posted recently (shameless promotion) called "Farther Along". For those not familiar it says; "Farther along we'll know all about it Farther along we'll understand why Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine We'll understand it all by and by" Good advice if you ask me. It's about wondering "Why are the evil so strong?" but could apply to any number of things to which we seek answers. While productive discussion can be a good thing it's also comforting to remember that there are just some things we'll never truly understand until God reveals all in that day, "Farther Along". Sometimes it's just the simple lyrics or message of a song that can have as much to say as all the words we could collectively put together in discussions. God truly has chosen the simple things of this world to confound the wise. (paraphrase Paul).
  15. Hallelujah! I try to do the same but I still take fire from both sides when I try and urge others to refrain from such partisan political discussions in order to not taint the impression of their testimony with those who have conflicting political views
  16. Not at all. I wish to quell all political argument among Christians! That's why I take no public stand on politics in general because just as when you say "conservatives and Christians" do or should do this or that there's some presumption of correlation (just by the fact that they are seen together) that could be insinuated even if not actually intended. Ditto if someone said the exact words but inserted "liberal" or "socialist" and Christians do or should do but it's going to be the other side that could take umbrage. So, either way by inclusion or exclusion, partisan political stands are so controversial these days (with both sides crying God is on our side) and since I don't believe that God supports any political party (unless it's for His reasons that we can never know) it just hurts me when I see Christians taking partisan stands on these issues to the possible detriment of their testimony with those of an opposite political view. I would hate to think that someone would have reason to dismiss my testimony with either "How can you be a Christian and a Republican?" or "How can you be a Christian and a Democrat?"logic. Neither of which I personally believe have much validity but it's just something I prefer not to have to explain in order to share the Gospel with ANYONE of any party.
  17. Now you've put a whole different perspective on the entire discussion. You are correct that prestigious law firms don't file frivolous lawsuits. That's how they become prestigious in the first place and why I took it serious and didn't even mention that possibility. But you added "the book" to the mix. Now if I assume that this is a for profit book that you intend to have published commercially you so must remember two things. First is that if there are libel or slander issues involved, while they may exist to a small degree just shopping the manuscript to publishers, they may wait til actual publication before taking action as now you have the profit motive in play. Second, legitimate prestigious publishers will assess legal ramifications before publishing anything that's even questionable. (they have a reputation to uphold, too) Now the smaller independents and "Vanity" publishers are a different animal all together and I urge any Christian (or anyone else for that matter) to shy away from the "Vanity Publishers" at all costs and use that money instead for something more productive (watching it burn as you start a fire would be more productive although I don't recommend that either). Again since I don't know the subject I will only say if you have an attorney who is well versed in the legal issues that may exist and knows enough about the subject matter to make that call then take their advice and NOT MINE as I can only speak in general and from my own limited knowledge. (I'm no attorney for sure)
  18. Just curious, you lump conservative and Christian in the same statement. What's the correlation there? Is it that conservatives are Christians or are Christians supposed to be conservatives? I don't understand.
  19. That's why I don't get involved in the political mess. Look at your comments and then tell me how are you ever going to be able to minister to a Socialist (Yes God loves them, too) if that person had seen this thread? I figure either side I come down on I have just alienated half the population because political views are so volatile these days. So, my only thought on the matter is think "Is it worth alienating those lost souls who may hold an opinion opposite mine?" before you state controversial political opinions. If you feel stronger about the opinions than the risk then by all means have at it but "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" and I won't involve myself in taking hard stands on anything that could affect my testimony with anyone who might not agree with an opinion that has nothing to do with Salvation or living for the Lord. I just think it's a dangerous slope that I'm not willing to compromise my Testimony for. I think that when Christ said "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesars and unto God that which is Gods" he was talking about much more than the tax (or tribute) in question. That said, shouldn't this thread be in the Politics section where folks who like to discuss such stuff hang out?
  20. There are versions of this song with better sound but young Emma makes this one special in her own way.
  21. Truer words were NEVER spoken and believe me when I say that because "NEVER is a word I SELDOM use". God Bless you and God Bless Tyler, too.
  22. First Tyler let me say that the advice from Jayne and Who Me are solid advice (I didn't really read any others). So I would only add that if you truly have Faith in Christ and His Sacrifice that is necessary for Salvation and you still have these feelings why not instead of trying to find God's love in the quiet time, try getting out and doing what Christ taught us to do, share God's love with those in your corner of the world that are in need. Share that love however you can and with whatever talents or earthly wealth you have at your disposal. You'll find that God rewards efforts of this nature and you'll find that He'll fill your heart with the joy that comes from helping others along the way and the peace and love that only God can impart. Not to mention the gratification of just knowing you were a blessing to someone and that God has blessed you accordingly. Christ taught a Gospel of action and when you put it into action the blessings will begin to flow in ways you can only imagine. Just be sure and give God the glory every time and He'll keep the blessings flowing. In the end you may find yourself just praising God and asking for the strength to do it all again tomorrow so as to keep the blessings coming. But remember it's a two way street, as God sends the blessings you must share them in order that He will refill them or they will dry up as soon as you start trying to hoard them for yourself or take credit for the works which God has wrought! Hope that helps and God Bless.
  23. You mention no specific question here and upon a quick review of the topics on which you have posed questions in the past, I would start with a simple answer and that is to start with an understanding of Faith. Paul tells us in his Epistle to the Hebrews "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. Faith is the first step to understanding. With that as a start if you wish to research scholarly discourse on your more specific scientific questions, might I suggest you visit the folks at the Institute for Creation Research here; https://www.icr.org/science They are scientists from different branches of the Physical, Earth and Life sciences and have quite a variety of discourse on Creation based scientific topics as well as related subjects. Some pretty interesting theories with solid research and scholarly writing in plain language if you ask me.
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