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Posts posted by RonaldBruno

  1. ... and he went out to conquer the world, could we interpret that "Crown" to mean "Corona Virus"? And could we imagine him shooting the virus with his bow? Interesting thought. It begs the question, how could this angel go out and conquer the world? Since this is part of the Great Tribulation scenario, we have to imagine that all evil is let loose. How could anyone control the world, given that it has hundreds of sovereign nations that govern themselves? By fear, confusion ... a virus! It sort of has everyone under this dark, mysterious cloud that spread so fast and has destroyed much of the economy. We are struggling to get back in the game, but here it comes again and maybe again after that. Yes, it is easy to imagine that this is the Rider on the White Horse. We are not totally conquered, no. But will we escape, has it conquered us? Temporarily for sure.

    Many have postulated that the vaccine could have an ID chip, which when administered by a simple bandaid will prove you've been vaccinated ... so that you can buy or sell. Isn't this mask wearing an introduction,  conditioning us to get used to complying with rules and a way of life (a new norm) with the powers that be dictating whether we should lock down, stay separate, forbid gatherings and being considered essential or non-essential, enforce curfews? Could it be the Mark of the Beast? That would certainly support the first assumption. What's next? MAGA? That's a hopeful thought, especially if none of these speculations are at all true. If they are, then America has seen it's better days. 

    I have faith that Romans 13:1, 2 is true, God appoints the leaders of the world. So whoever wins, it will be His Will and part of His plan. Let's dissect that. If Biden wins, we can certainly kiss America as we knew it, goodbye. This "Great Reset" will be ushered in. You know about that? The New World Order. But hey, it is prophesied that in the End Times, a One World Government ruled by the Antichrist will happen. But what if Trump wins? He is certainly bumping up against and delaying this Globalist World from taking shape. They tried to get rid of him since he became president. Everything they threw at him did not stick. And now, a new Supreme Court Judge. 

    Now ya'll know that this pandemic has been politicized. Even now, the spike in numbers, creating more fear, may effect the voters decision ... or will it? Not mine. But hey, you got hand it to this Rider on the White Horse, he's very effective, a conqueror at heart.

    What about the Rider on the Red Horse? He takes away peace from the world. Now, isn't that what has been threatened if Trump wins, that violence would escalate? I'm praying for extreme cold temperatures next week  - that will detour any trouble makers. Certainly you won't get massive protests when it's 25 degrees and windy out. But about the Red Horse. Does anyone think that has anything to do with Red China? I don't know, just spit-balling here. I mean, if Trump wins and further thwarts the Globalist agenda, they or should I say the Antichrist would have to play his final hand > Wars ... many ... taking peace from the world.

    The Black Horse, brings famine. Of course if there is enough wars and the virus continues to suffer the economies of the world, then shortages lead to famine. "A quart of wheat for a denarius." I looked that up and found that a denarius was about a days pay. And after you refine a quart of wheat, you get enough to make a loaf of bread. That's inflation about 30-40 times over. 

    The Pale Horse brings Death to 25 % of the planet.  That's almost 2 billion people. We have to assume that the pestilence actually got worse and the wars were nuclear. After that, the catastrophic events of the trumpets and bowls to come, killing another 3 billion. I'm sorry, it's depressing, but it's in the book. Many read it's as if it's not going to really happen in their lifetime.  I can wait another ten years or so, thank you very much. 

    Shall we take a vote? How many do not want any of this to be true and actually upon us now?

  2. 16 hours ago, appy said:

    Regarding the grandchild's name. You might try using “Maisie” When I looked Maisie up, web pages say it is of Scottish origin and is short for “Margaret”. The meaning is NOT the same as the spelling of Mazi, with a “Z”. Two different spellings and meanings.

    You might get away with calling the child Maisie with an “S” and not have your daughter and son-in-law raise eyebrows since it is close to Mazikeen while having a totally different meaning than Mazikeen. But I don't think you need to tell them that there is a difference. Knowing this is more for your benefit, than theirs.

    Your daughter and son-in-law made a decision that is out of your hands and control. I'm NOT saying you have to agree with their choice, but that, what is done, is done and move on. 

    You must trust the Lord with them, and leave it in His hands. I know that this is much more easily said than done. Take the wrong choices you are concerned about to the Lord, and tell Him all about it, instead of them. God calls us to take everything to Him. Pray without ceasing, and this is no exception.

    Ask the Lord to show your child and son-in-law, the reality of the name chosen for their child. Then ask the Lord to use the circumstance to bring about conviction and repentance, leading to salvation for the in-laws and your daughter for continued sanctification. Often Pray, and pray many prayers, both for your own ability to honor God in the circumstance, and for your child’s well-being.

    Then rest, knowing that the Lord will give you the strength and courage to hold fast to Him through whatever troubles your child encounters as a result of foolish choices. And remember, you were once foolish, like your grown-up child.

    On the matter of giving stern advice which has been brought up in the conversation. Irregardless of who it is, and even if you are right regarding any situation, no hearts or minds will be changed by harsh and judgmental comments or advice.

    Any unasked for comments, advice or opinions will be perceived as criticism or an attack on them rather than being seen as pearls of wisdom. Like it or not, people will be a mirror of ourselves when approached. What I mean by this is, that if you show animosity, the other person will also show animosity towards you. If you are polite and courteous, they will be too. The golden rule applies here, do unto others as you would like them to do to you.

    </  //

    I found resolve in all of this. I received wonderful responses and advice and after some prayer and time, especially after the letter I wrote her, it's not much of an issue anymore. I comfort in the fact that God is sovereign and He has a plan for all of them - regardless of their ways. Actually if many people would rest in Him, the peace is their. We should not fret when we know that He is in control. Like whatever happens on Nov 3rd or 4th or in the coming weeks, there is peace in knowing that He has a plan. Thanks for the advice, others said Mazi for short. I still like her middle name better, Serafina, Sara for short or just Princess. 

  3. 3 hours ago, LonerAndy said:

    I'm beginning to see why she doesn't want your input into her life.

    You asked for advice by coming here.  Now you are arguing with my advice, and I'm not even in your situation.

    As I said before, if you got it all figured out, then do what you want.   Advice is just that.  It's advice.  You can take it or leave it.

    Others gave good advice, without being judgmental. You made all kinds of false claims  about going to church means nothing and where her heart is as if your life is better, not trusting people and life sucking, etc. With an outlook like yours, probably shouldn't be giving advice.





  4. 5 hours ago, LonerAndy said:

    As you well know, growing up in a good church means nothing.  Absolutely nothing. 

    Disagree. It does mean something. It means you have been exposed to the Word. How much of the Word that penetrated is questionable though. Your motivation for going ( and I am aware that kids initially go, not willingly always, but because their parents take them), is important. Your response to the lessons; your attitude on your way there and and on your way home; the interactions with your Pastor all others who are there, reflect your experience.  Your overall disposition counts. Are you a happy person? Do you give your parents a hard time? Are you spoiled, glass half empty, complaining or saying and doing mean things to others?

     My daughter scores high in the fruit of the Spirit. Her attitude has always been bright. All through school and church, her relationships with her teachers, pastors in Children's church displayed warmth. My Pastor said we were his favorites. I never had a problem with her as a child growing up ( until she hit eighteen and started dating a bad boy). That didn't last long and she learned a good lesson. She never complained about anything. She wasn't spoiled. I would have to ask her over and over again, What do you want for your B-Day or Christmas and it was like pulling teeth, never wanting things. Like me, she was not much of a consumer, doesn't like to shop. 

    She believes in Jesus - who am I to say otherwise? I know her heart and it is good. Was Jesus hanging around with sinners, the sick, tax collectors, prostitutes, stinky fishermen and did He not love Judas? My daughter loves others and does not judge them. I am more judgmental and critical of others. 

    It is just that she is following her husband - whom she knows I don't favor. And to get back at me, subtly rebels in his ways. She doesn't do or say anything mean to me, not purposely would hurt me. It is just my mature Christian views bump up against her immature ones. 

    5 hours ago, LonerAndy said:

    In fact, even of the Pastors own kids, only 2 out of the 4 of them still go to church.

    So, the Holy Spirit does not go out void. The Pastor has instilled Christian principals in his children and sometimes they go off, like the Prodigal Son, wanting to go their own way. The Word remains dormant in them. They aren't quite ready to commit and so must go off and live - learn the hard way. And God knows this, has a plan and draws them in at a later time. But all is not lost. If the kid goes way off the track in the opposite direction, gets into drugs, is evil and wicked, what can say? Did David murder to get Bathsheba? Wait a minute, I thought he was a man after God's heart? Didn't he sing songs, give us the Psalms that we all cherish?  In fact, does not God turn the murderer around in prison and they become a light to other prisoners?


    6 hours ago, LonerAndy said:

    And being married to an Atheist is a pretty clear indication of where her heart is. 

    Lee Strobel was an atheist, an award winning investigative reporter who set out to disprove Christianity and what happened? He became a Christian, who is an effective minister in Apologetics. We just don't know how God is working out His plan for people _ my daughter or her husband as well. 

    My father was an atheist until his last years of his life. We are all unbelievers until God draws us at that particular moment in time.

    6 hours ago, LonerAndy said:

    I was taught that the Bible says believers should not be unequally yoked to non-believers,

    That is true. But some do not know all that is in the Bible or understand it completely. If we couldn't become Christians until we did, not many would be Christians. The Body would be miniscule to the point where it would have no effect on the world. 

    So, Christ says, be careful, judge not, lest be judged and he who is without sin cast the first stone!!!

    6 hours ago, LonerAndy said:

    The fact she not only dated, but married a non-christian, pretty much tells you where her heart is.

    Well, you do not know her. But what about you and your heart? In another thread (Trusting In God's Plan) you said that you remained single because you didn't trust people and this: "I assume that at some point, people will betray me." And in another thread you said, "I don't care about anything in this world" ... "I kind of knew this life would suck since High School".  I don't know you, but if I just went on those statements, I might think you did not live life in the full as Jesus wants us to - in this world. I might also think that by saying you don't care about anything in this world, that also means anybody? You said you don't trust people which is why you are alone, single?

    It's also hypocritical especially when in another thread, (The Church Inward and The Church Outward), you advised someone about doing what you just did, " Let's not make assumptions about people before we ask them or know them." 

    Where is the fruit of the Spirit in your life? You should be more concerned about looking in the mirror at your own life, rather than trying to give advice to others!!! 

    • Well Said! 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Justin Adams said:

    This has interested me because of the popular idea that God and His Council is not in our time. This tends to deflect this idea of time as far as God is involved. I suggest this is not quite accurate. If we check the Tanakh and the later writings, we see that God has indeed entered our time in order for His accomplishments to occur. He is capable of moving out of our time reference when it suits Him, but for the most part, the scriptures are recording time and circumstances in a seemingly linear fashion.

    The 'half hour' is interesting since in a vision that is purely allegorical, how can time be measured? There is a great deal our 'doctrines' have taken for granted and assumed. I find that quaint since we are talking about issues that are far different and above our realm. We seen in a glass darkly and our timepieces are sporadic.

    As we progress in our 'understanding' it seems rather out of place to mention a mere half hour when most prophets seem to be  divorced from it. However, God deemed it necessary to have this half hour mentioned by the writer, so we had better take a very close look at it in its original context.

    God was showing John a lot of events. With each seal, The angel said, "come and see", taking him to a different place and time or different vantage point. He was shown in minutes visions if a 3 1/2 year period of time. The pause of what seemed like a half hour, was a separation of time between the opening of the 7th Seal and the blowing of the Trumpets.

    This may sound off to you but I understand the Scroll as a written play, some call it a Title Deed to the earth. Its a book of prophecy handed to Jesus when he arrived in Heaven in 32AD. He took it and opened it back then. We are just shown each seal represents in the future and so John was taken to that future time with each seal, "Come and see".

    The scroll represents the orders but the actual Great Tribulation may not begin until the trumpets sound. So the story is like a transparent sphere, with all the events inside. As you turn the sphere you see events overlap and different vantage points. Lots of it is happening simultaneously, but God can only show us one thing at a time. This view has a multi-dimensional facet, that Revelation is not in a linear chronological order of events happening one after another - they accumulate as does the destruction and death.

    He had to open the scroll when arrived. How else would we know what was in it. No one was worthy to open until He died and rose. I guess some think He took the scroll, with everyone worshipping and celebrating His accomplishment, (dying for the sins of the world, raising Himself from the dead, ascending into heaven), and now in anticipation the One Who is worthy to open the scroll just puts it on the shelf for another 2000 years or tells them, "Sorry, you'll have to wait to see what's inside ... but I'll allow John to take a peak in 60 years or so."

    No. Knowing what was inside the scroll proves He already opened it.


     I think it was in Johns past, since Revelation was probably written around 95AD. Its like a program of a performance, a schedule of events written weeks before the play starts. 

  6. On 10/16/2020 at 1:54 AM, JohnR7 said:

    For me, whenever we die - if we are a "believer" - we are raptured up to be with the Lord.

    Our spirit goes to be with the Lord when we die. That is not the resurrection (rapture). Jesus was resurrected, both body and spirit. When Stephen was stoned to death, his spirit went to be with the Lord.

    The multitude of souls in heaven to this time, have not been resurrected. At this appointed time in history, at the last trumpet, their spirits will be joined with their new resurrected bodies. These resurrected bodies will be multi-dimensional, as Jesus' body was, able to appear disappear, ascend in and out of the physical and spiritual realms. This is why it says the dead shall be raised first, then we who are alive will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Also this is the First Resurrection. All unbelievers will be resurrected for judgment, to be thrown into the Lake of Fire and destroyed.

    On 10/16/2020 at 1:54 AM, JohnR7 said:

    "The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were complete". (Rev20:5) Here we are told those who reign with Christ for 1,000 years will be resurrected. 

    This differentiates the dead who are resurrected at the sound of the last trumpet (1st resurrection) with those who die after that trumpet (who will be resurrected after the Millennial Kingdom.

     The last trumpet is not the end of the Great Tribulation. Trumpet #7,  I believe is the last trumpet and then the wrath of God comes in the Seven Bowls released at that time - so many will die between that trumpet and the Millennial Kingdom.


    After the Millennial Kingdom, there will be a Second Resurrection. Judgment will therefore be experienced just prior to the Millennial Kingdom and again after. The difference is, Death, Hades, Satan and his demons, and all unbelievers are thrown into the Lake of Fire and destroyed along with the first earth and first heaven. A New heaven and new earth will be created. No more pain and suffering.

  7. 3 hours ago, BeauJangles said:

    Bro, I think by now you are getting the message. Open rebellion against you, the Lord, and the entire enchilada plate special with a side of refried beans, rice, and tortillas. They're making a statement and standpoint. It's clear they are parading all this for your benefit.

    Lol, I would have thought it worth the trip if they had enchiladas. I only stayed 3 hours. They drank and had appetizers but didn't even start the barbecue until I left!

    You are spot on - a set up. They think they are smart, to do that with a smile on your face. But strangely, my daughter and I love each other so much - we connect - but Dad is no longer #1. Though my wife said the letter was beautiful, the scripture gave a stark rebuke. 

    If Luke Sykwalker couldn't give up on his Dad, neither will I give up on them.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. Something more disturbing has happened since I wrote this OP. I went to her Baby Shower/Halloween Party if you can believe that. Initially, I asked: Hey, men don't usually come to these things and then she told me it was also a Halloween Party as well - so both. I don't celebrate Halloween, but went anyways.

     In the middle of this party, she told me: "Dad, I know how you feel about Homosexuals but we have a  gay couple coming to the party ... they are our best friends ... and we asked them to be the godparents!" 

    It's as if she was testing me or maybe her husband knows this and wanted me to make a scene in front of everyone. But I played it cool, didn't respond negatively. In my mind I reasoned quickly that most godparents never really fulfill their duty and thought well, no need to squabble about this yet.

    I just  told her that they have their own lives and do what they want and so they will do with their daughter's life as well. I was actually surprised why she would tell me this in the middle of the party? Her husband also showed everyone a mask with the name Mazikeen on it. And I said, So you are firm on the name? He said, absolutely.

    He, I think, wants to stick it to me (my religion, views), rebelliously and I am aware that this is really rebelling against God, yet my daughter is naive to this. 

    I chose to write her a letter, educating her on the traditional meaning of "godparents".   Both parents live long enough till their child is an adult but tragedies happen. I offered our love and welcome home to their child if some freak accident happened to overtake both of them suddenly. But I close the letter with, Whatever you chose to do, God's plan for you and your daughter supersedes that. And I gave her a scripture stating my view about people - specifically the ones she was considering for her child. I don't think she ever read this and I am sure it was shocking.

    >Romans 1:16-32

    She had no response to that. The last verse is kind of judging those who approve of this lifestyle as well.

    Oh, everyone at the party were Democrats and it's as if they all knew I was for Trump and were just waiting for me to say something. I restrained myself, but the in one conversation, a name came out of my mouth and one person just got up and said, I can't sit here and listen to this. The name I spouted was George Soros and the topic was the riots. I was just listening to one guy talk about it.

    There are more things we need to concern ourselves with, what's will happen after Nov. 3?

  9. On 10/24/2020 at 2:21 AM, LonerAndy said:

    So my first thought oddly enough, is that your daughter isn't a Christian, or is married to a non-christian.   Because I can't see any Bible-believing, active in the Church Christian type person, watching a show called Lucifer, and naming their child after a fictional demon.

    Well, she was brought up for 12 years in a good church, baptized and considers herself a believer of Jesus, Who died on the cross and rose on the third day. She does not practice, continue to attend Church nor read her Bible, but claims to believe. Now I would have to say that millions for centuries prior to the Printing Press, knew little, nor did they have the scriptures available to them and had faith in the basics. I am not making an excuse for her, I would have to say, I see love, the fruit of the Spirit in her and she is a light. Jesus hung around the sinners, whom the Pharisees criticized Him for, yet the sinners were in need of a physician not the righteous. 

    However, the notion has come across my mind - that she's a liberal Christian, who allows things in her life, maybe ignorantly and doesn't think there is any harm in it. A fictionalized name does not carry any curse. Her husband however does have influence in her life as she must run everything through him for approval. He is an atheist. 

    The show is inaccurate really. Lucifer was the most glorious of angels, beautiful, powerful --- until He rebelled and became Satan. Still, the idea/connotation will have a negative consequence in her life.

    On 10/24/2020 at 2:21 AM, LonerAndy said:

    ...then my advice to you is to stay out of it, because you likely don't have any influence in this situation.

    I have been warned to stay out of their marriage already! So you are right. She gets defensive if I say anything.


    On 10/24/2020 at 2:21 AM, LonerAndy said:

    then you and your Christian logic are likely unwanted in this decision.

    Absolutely, but we still must voice our opinion whether they like it or not. Silence and no opposition sort of means acceptance.


    On 10/24/2020 at 2:21 AM, LonerAndy said:

    As for what effect this will have on the child?

    Likely none. 


  10. On 10/16/2020 at 3:42 PM, Dennis1209 said:

    Lately there have been threads and topics dealing with ouija boards and tinkering with the supernatural spiritual world. What if that tinkering became full blown and is on steroids, with billions spent? I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions. What do you think the results may produce if they are successful; I'm speaking of The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Is it for scientific research or delving into the supernatural spirit world and other dimensions? I propose the latter. The Higgs boson particle; appropriately dubbed "the God particle".

    In the tribulation there's going to be angels with keys to the bottomless pit, releasing monster supernatural locusts, four bad, bad angels confined under the River Euphrates, etc.. What if the Lord in part, gave the keys to those angels because of mans efforts in trying to conjure up the spirits? Okay boy's, you tried, now here they are.

    In a number of places in the Bible; heaven opened; doors of heaven opened. In modern terms, we would say a 'gate' or 'portal' opened to another dimension. The Lord allowed the Witch of Endor to conjure up Samuel for Saul. The goings on at CERN don't seem to be benign, benevolent, scientific and innocent for more reasons that I'm going to mention. 

    There's no doubt they are looking for the key to another dimension. Your thoughts?






    Sci-fi thinking. They spent lots of money to find a particle linked to the missing part of the equation of what, a causal component of the Big Bang? Theories of quantum physics, origins .... they are all grasping at the unknowns, hidden forces that are not physical. That's just it, the missing components of this physical universe and how it all started and how it is held together lie outside of the physical realm - which is why they will never understand completely. "For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.  And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist." Col. 1:16-17

    "Consist" can be translated "held together". That means His power holds together this universe from the smallest partial of energy outward to the entire universe, not by something that can be explained physically.

    Now as for us being able to open a doorway to the Abyss or another dimension, no. Itz is the angel that cones down and ooens the Abyss physically. It is a physical place within the earth and the entrance to this location exists near the river Euphrates. The Syrian/African Rift goes right through the Dead Sea area (where the ground opened up and swallowed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire.) All through this 3700 miles from Syria to Africa are dozens of dormant and active volcanos. The Dead Sea has evidence and history of volcanic activity. Thus wilderness area is where Jesus cast out demons into pigs, where he was also tempted by Satan and where the Israelites sent out the scapegoats riddled with their sins. It is known to the Jews throughout history to be where demons dwell, beneath the earth, just east of Jerusalem. 

    So what actually happens when Jesus returns? A mountains splits in two, a massive earthquake and this very possibly caused by a super volcanic  eruption opening up a fissure in this rift area, a literal and physical crack in the earth, out of which comes demonic locusts and later demonic horsemen. 

    It's not a spiritual dimension they are coming out of, it is THE Netherworld, the Bottomless Pit within the earth. IMHO

    • Thumbs Up 2
  11. On 10/18/2020 at 9:44 AM, BeauJangles said:

    Thanks for sharing this with me. Your daughter belongs to Jesus. You have this hope and it's the greatest one that a parent can ever have. Regardless how she and her husband conduct themselves and choose their own way, Christ has a claim and He WILL NOT  so easily relinquish that determination for her eternal soul. No doubt you've heard the term of the Lord being the "Hound of Heaven". Now I will leave you with these two verses that have come to mind. Keep them close to your heart and cling to them. This is the message our Saviour wants to give to you today.

    John 6:37 KJV 37All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

    JOHN 10:28 KJV KJV "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand." 

    That's right, her and her household. I comfort in the Lord and know that HE IS SOVEREIGN. He has a plan for her and her family regardless what what they have in mind. 


    • Praise God! 1
  12. 13 minutes ago, BeauJangles said:

    Hi Ronald, 

    I completely understand you and your wife's concern and so would I in your situation. I'm also to take your daughter and son in-law aren't Christians. Without knowing any family background about your personal faith, it is a bit perplexing to me that your daughter resisted coming to Christ from youth up. Perhaps Jesus came into the picture later on in your marriage. Otherwise, it does make me wonder why she and her husband would want to take this name for the demonic entity. I am curious if this character is truly evil or neutral but decent acting? 

    Admittedly, these occult-based programs have influxed the airwaves of satellite television and many popular subscriber's sources such as Netflix and Hulu. They are addictive just like any form of entertainment and it's never going to change since the invention of the TV picture tube. It sounds like this program is all the rage. The suggestion of Serafina for seraphim does sound wonderful and it's not an uncommon name. It implies exactly what indicates. A wonderful angelic being of the Lord. 

    If the kids are "hell-bent" on this, excuse the usage of the pun here, it's not likely they will change their minds. It is kinda sad, however. It doesn't even sound like a name that rolls off the tongue with any nice ring to it. Oddly named children grow up generally to have an extreme dislike for these types of weird names and will typically choose a nick name, insisting that others refer to them with a what they would prefer. Your concern is will the child be cursed by this? Probably not, since it is imaginary. All you can do as grandparents now is pray for her. 



    Thanks for your comments. I was a single parent who brought up my daughter with 12 years of church going. She believes in Jesus, no doubt. Unfortunately she is on the liberal side and married an atheist - a good fellow at heart but maybe thinking God would change his view over time. She knew him for many years as friends and he had his eye on her - just didn't have his act together. She is a lovely person, has many friends and always happy, smiling and laughing. We have a great relationship - between me and her, but since her marriage and to someone that she knows I did not receive well, it's "Love you Dad, but stay out if my marriage!"

     But she, like other young adults want to live their own lives and though she had the Biblical fundamentals engrained in her, feels comfortable to walk and function in the world - without any judgement from God or anyone else _ since she has been forgiven. She will learn the hard way.

    I don't think kids appreciate the discipline and wisdom passed down from their parents until they have kids of their own - then they find themselves parenting in very similar ways - with their minor improved adjustments of course.

    You brought up a good point; that if Mazikeen gets too much negative reaction to her name - she'll change it and give herself some derivative nickname that she'll insist others call her!


  13. My daughter and her husband have decided on a name for her first daughter, Mazikeen. When I heard of this name, I thought it was odd so I looked it up. It is a fictional name from a TV show that she thought sounded cool. Well, the TV show is Lucifer and Mazikeen is a demon. It is based on a DC Comic.

    So, what's in a name? Why would she name her blessed child after a demon (albeit fictional)? The middle name she chose is Serafina, a derivative of Seraphim. So we now we have both, the demon and the angel child.

    My wife and I have a problem with this name. The only way I can get around it is to call my Grandchild by her middle name or Sera for short. The only way I can reasonably accept "Mazikeen", (since they will be adamant and offended as they usually are when I criticize or advise them in "THEIR MARRIAGE" in any way), is to say,  Well _ we all are sinners ... sometimes we're angels and sometimes we are devils! Let's hope her character develops in a godly manner. And obviously a name will not dictate her character, but there is another aspect of all this to consider: and it has nothing to do with what my daughter, her husband or the grandparents like.

    How will Mazikeen be received by others? Will she constantly be questioned about her name? "What's your name again??? ... What kind of name is that?...  What does that mean? ... What were your parents thinking?" And then the brunt of jokes by kids once they google it and find out. "Here she comes, Satan's girlfriend!. Or here she is, the evil one ... the one who brings harm _ or whatever." Will she be ashamed, and not wanting to give her name?

    Well, that's it. Any advise? The date is coming in November. My wife urges me to try to change her mind. If you know me, I think the world is going to end soon anyways so what's the difference?

  14. 11 hours ago, Biblican said:

    But Revelation speaks specifically about fish being killed by a lack of oxygen

    Where does it say that?

    It says the seas turns to blood and the fish die because of something like a mountain ablaze is cast into it. Prior to that, the first angel casts down hail, fire mixed with blood.

    Fish cannot extract oxygen from blood. But maybe you are alluding to the effects of "Global Warming", (a false Left Wing theory)? The bible does say that later that towards the end of the Great Tribulation, when the Seven Bowls of wrath are released, that the sun scorches man - that would be God causing the Global warming!

  15. 4 hours ago, Biblican said:

    Today, amid all the chaos and mayhem of the present hour, many of God’s people in Christ are searching the scriptures seeking what His word says are the signs of His coming. One of the surest indications that we are in the last days and Jesus is on His way is found by observing the oceans.

    In the book of Revelation we are shown that before the Lord returns the oceans will be “as the blood of a dead man” (Rev. 16:3). This means that as a dead man is lifeless and has stopped breathing, his blood has become devoid of oxygen. Today there are many places in the seas that are without oxygen. Scientists call these areas “dead zones,” and these dead zones are expanding. Scientists have warned that ocean dead zones have quadrupled since 1950. The Bible tells us that there will be a time when one hundred percent of the oceans will be devoid of life “And every living soul died in the sea “(Rev. 16:3).

    We are also told that “when the fish are taken away” in Hosea 4:3, that it is the result of God’s judgment upon man’s sin, especially the sins of those who profess to be believers. God records their sins in Hosea 4:2. – “… swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out and blood touches blood.
         Therefore shall the land mourn, and everyone that dwells therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yes, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away” (verse 3).

    Every once in a while on the news, it is reported that great masses of dead fish are washed up on the shores in locations all over the world. All we have to do to understand the cause of such events, is to look into the pages of God’s word that reads like a newspaper as it chronicles the times we are living in now. So next time you see it reported that large amounts of sea life are found floating lifeless on the ocean, or their carcasses are strewn on a beach somewhere ruining someone’s vacation, you can turn to God’s word and examine your own life as a possible cause of these calamities.

    God is calling all of us to become spiritual conservationists at this hour and repent. For it is obvious when man turns away from God, humanities’ rebellion has consequences that are reflected in nature. Therefore children, watch the oceans for they are dependable indicators of the times and the timing of the Lord’s return.

    In Revelation 8, the Second Trumpet sounds and something like a huge mountain on fire gets thrown into the sea and kills 1/3 of the life in the sea and destroys 1/3 of the ships in the sea.

    Although I believe that earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, even possibly violent storms are becoming more frequent as we move closer to the Great Tribulation; and as well instances of dead fish washing ashore here and there periodically, the scripture is pertaining to a catastrophic event - one that you cannot mistake. An asteroid the size of a mile striking the ocean would cause 100-300 foot tsunamis for thousands of miles in each direction could sink 1/3 of the ships in that part of the world and also kill 1/3 of the fish - but totally kill 1/3 of the fish in the world. That quite different than a few thousand fish washing up here and there due to red tide. But then it could also be what it says, "a huge mountain thrown into the sea"! That could be a super volcanic eruption like Krakatoa. Krakatoa ejected about 6 miles of mountain and was 13k times stronger than the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. Still, I don't think it caused as much damage as the one coming. So it will be more devastating. Yellowstone is said to be capable of that? It does seem that lots of activity of earthquakes in the area of Indonesia - that's where Krakotoa was. 

    So as far as a sign, I think this coronavirus is and very possibly in scripture. The Rider on the White horse brings with him a "crown" (which the virus looks like) and it goes out to conquer the world -- It kinda did almost - with fear and was also surrounded by lies, changing numbers. Today I heard the WHO saying now that a lock down is not necessary! Oh, well, thank you very much for telling us that NOW! Idiots! Seriously, when you think about this, it's diabolical in nature as if Satan has cast a spell over the world that became crippled with fear. He is the father of lies and puts doubts in our heads - can fool the brightest among us. And now today also, I here that England and France are having another wave/spike in cases worse than in March! What's going on? What do the elites, the super rich want? They want a One World Government and too abolish all other governments, which means they need to weaken all governments, crash the economies, then come up with a solution which we will be happy to take _ on one condition _ we all must relinquish our sovereignty. George Soros said the USA is the big obstacle for this. The Paris Climate Accord ( and way back in the 90's it was the Kyoto Agreement) is really a disguise for Global Governance, redistribution of wealth. Soros owns part of this Wuhan Bio Lab and several others under different names in the US. The implications that we can draw from this is horrible. Our we now being conditioned to be controlled abruptly and without a fight, to relinquish our daily freedoms? They must destroy our culture, teach our children the America was really evil and the Constitution really obsolete. This movement has been in effect for decades. A One World Government is prophesied in scripture, ruled by the Antichrist - for a short 3 1/2 years, but still, this is what we are heading for. 

  16. America has descended in a downward spiral since prayer was taken out of schools. Then abortion legalized and recently Gay Marriage. 9/11 was one type of wake-up call to Islamic terrorism and the spread throughout the world. In 2008 we all had an economic wake-up call and deserved the appointed president, Obama, to set the stage for what was to come - Globalism. Let me make this point clear, ALL LEADERS ARE APPOINTED BY GOD FOR HIS PURPOSE! (Romans 13:1, 2) It's just confusing sometimes to figure out what that is.  We do know the Great Tribulation will come but the stage must be set. During Obama's administration we had a period (that is still going on) of sin being exposed: Enron, Madoff, drugs, political  scandals, you name it. He set the stage for division, racism as his henchman Soros funded protests such as Occupy Wall Street and BLM. So the upheaval caused by anarchists in Ferguson, Baltimore and now in many cities is being funded. Currently, Soros has funded $150 million to BLM.  By the way, Soros is a partial owner of the Wuhan Bio Lab and owns several bio-labs in this country - the implications one can draw from this are horrendous. So if anyone wants to put blame on someone, point your finger at him. His sole purpose to is destroy America as we know in order to ---- cause us to relinquish our sovereignty and join the New World Order, a One World Government. He said it, "The US is the obstacle to this NWO." And now, it has been more clear who these elites are and some even above Soros, the Rothschilds, Gates, etc. Gates himself invested $10 billion in vaccine research labs. Here's a guy who is an atheist (as is Soros) who believes the world is over-populated and should only have 500 million. So how will they decrease those numbers from 7.5 billion? I won't go there.

    I think Trump knows these elites, knows where they want to take America and tried to stop them. And they have done everything to get rid of him ... and so far, failed! Why? It is not part of God's plan _ yet. Maybe he will lose this time and America will be introduced to this NWO - whether they like it or not. Listen to Walter Chronkite's speech to the UN in 1999 - he said it will be a hard pill to swallow for Americans ... to relinquish our sovereignty. So it has been in their plans. Oh, with good intentions: to solve world hunger, world peace and maintain order, a Utopian ideology! How nice, but it has been tried before and failed. Why? Because there is sin in the world and leaders, in power, will inevitably become corrupt.

    This One World Government ruled by the Antichrist is prophesied so when it happens, it just means we are there! Can Trump thwart this from happening? No, but he has a purpose until it does. Maybe we needed Trump expose them for who they are and for people to take a stand, draw the line in the sand. But also we needed to beef up the military to prepare us for WWIII - when it comes and it will, and we will need someone who will not hesitate to press buttons when we are attacked. 

    So like Hanity, Rush and many people out there say, if Biden wins, IT'S OVER. We will see our liberties that we cherished disappear and we will see this big picture come into view. This whole Covid -19 was part of our conditioning. Government control intruding into our lives (with apparent good intentions) but enacted with fear, surrounded by lies, uncertainty. Now we have become used to complying with these drastic orders, rules. So when a Socialist Government is finally achieved, we'll take it without a fight!  Satan deceives us, causes doubt and controls by fear and the world has been under his spell. It's very likely we are in the Beginning of Sorrows, a time that precedes the GT.

    Just my perspective -- could be wrong?


  17. On 9/29/2020 at 6:30 PM, JohnR7 said:

    Clearly Jesus was resurrected. His physical body was raised up from the grave. We are told there were 500 people resurrected when He died at Calvary. We are told that He emptied Abraham's bosom out and those people are in Heaven now. Although there is very little written in the Bible about what happened to those 500.  In Heaven we are told we leave our physical body here on the earth to "sleep". Our Spiritual body and our soul goes to Heaven.  

    Where does scripture say 500 were resurrected? 500 witnesses saw Jesus ascend into heaven. ???

  18. 26 minutes ago, tooldtocare said:

    WorthyNews: Trump says Saudi Arabia among 7-9 countries expected to make peace with Israel

    But, but, but can you believe anything trump says---????????????

    The Washington Post has tallied all the “falsehoods” that have spewed from Trump’s mouth and fingers since January 20, 2017, to April 27, 2019. Per the Post, that’s a whopping 10,111 lies in 828 days. After telling a mere 5,000 false and misleading statements during his first 601 days in officehttps://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/04/trump-has-told-more-than-10000-lies-since-being-inaugurated-washington-post?verso=true

    pathological liar 

    A pathological liar is someone who lies compulsively. While there appears to be many possible causes for pathological lying, it's not yet entirely understood why someone would lie this way. ... Compulsive lying is also a known trait of some personality disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder.27 Aug 2018

    Pathological lying, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is the chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying.

    Unlike telling the occasional white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble, a pathological liar seems to lie for no apparent reason.

    Some pathological lying may result from a mental condition, such as antisocial personality disorder (sometimes called sociopathy), while others appear to have no medical reason for the behavior.


    Trump is one very sick puppy

    No, he's not! You've been duped by the Fake News! Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and all who've conspired against Trump with a fabricated Russian Collusion Story, a fabricated Impeachment, and more fake news coming. They are the liars!. They are socialists, liberals who are seeking to destroy America as we know it. They hate the Constitution, hate our history (only focusing on the blemishes and disregarding our achievements). The Democrat party was the party of the KKK. How they try to twist it against Trump. The southern confederates were all Democrats, who fought to keep slavery. How twisted they are to distort the truth. Lincoln started the first Republican Party whose mission was to end slavery and so we went to war. 

    Democrats started the Welfare System, which keeps poor people poor and stuck in the system, removes their ambition to achieve the American Dream. Some push through, many don't. The worst thing you can do is to give someone a free living. They relax and their dignity is shot, their self respect and then the government comes along and says, "It's not your fault!" So they believe it. BUT LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. Whether you didn't have a father or grew up in the slums, you can learn to read a book, then two, then two hundred and before you know it, you've graduated college and off you go. A strong work ethic has always been the answer to poverty. The Bible says so: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”2 Thes. 3:10.


    If you listen to CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC, and believe what they tell you, then you will hate Trump.  The news is fake, they ARE the left wing machine, and have abandoned the truth for political reasons.
    George Soros spent $150 million to manipulate BLM. The anarchists/terrorists that are burning, pillaging and plundering are being paid for by the LEFT. Soros also owns part of the Wuhan Bio Lab in China and also several Bio Labs in our country. And btw, Gates invested $10 billion in vaccine research labs. He is also am atheist, believes that the world should only have 500 million and so who knows what his vaccine will do. Some speculate that there will be a computer chip in it to detect if you have received it. ???
    George, Gates, the Rothschilds and the rest of the Bilderberg members have a  soul purpose  to destroy America as we know it. They want the whole world to relinquish their sovereignty - what do you think the Paris Climate Accord is? A disguise for their global agenda.You see, this is a push towards GLOBALISM, A NEW WORLD ORDER. It has been in the plans of the UN elites for decades. The Rothschilds owned the banking system in Europe for hundreds of years. You never hear of their names cause they own the Media. Some estimate their worth in the trillions.
    So my friend, this whole thing is a push towards this Socialist New World Order.
    They indoctrinate our kids in school to believe that our country was evil, only focusing on the blemishes. They took prayer out of schools, and are in fact antichrists. They believe that the world is over-populated so must. thwart its growth in some way - so they legalized abortion. They promote gay marriage - only because these couples don't procreate. They hate our Constitution and want to abolish it. They hate capitalism - want everyone to be dependent on BIG GOVERNMENT.
    Finally, this is prophesied in scripture - the Antichrist will rule the world for 3 1/2 years during the Great Tribulation.
    We are now in the beginning of sorrows (Matt. 24). And guess what -  the rider of the White horse in Rev. 6 for a out to conquer and brings a crown with him. Crown = Corona virus. This virus went out to conquer the world, not completely, but rendered most of us paralyzed in fear. It has been surrounded by lies and deception since it began. Satan is the Father of lies and he renders us impotent as he casts his spell of fear.
    So, its quite a different perspective than what is being reported.



  19. On 10/2/2020 at 4:04 PM, HAZARD said:


     As far as the Antichrist goes, when and from where he rises to power, we must go to the book of Daniel.
    According to Daniel, there will be ten kingdoms formed inside the Old Roman Empire territory. We can call these ten kingdoms the Revised Roman Empire for it will be the present twenty three or so states inside the old Roman Empire territory brought down to ten kingdoms and ruled by ten kings. Then and only then can the Antichrist come. That these ten kingdoms are yet to be formed in the future is proved by Revelation 17:12-17. In these passages the ten kings fight against Christ at His second advent, so they must be latter day kings and not ten barbarous tribes that overran the Roman Empire in the third, fourth, and fifth centuries.

    If ten kingdoms are to be formed inside the old Roman Empire from the twenty three present states in that territory then it is clear that there will be at least another war in Europe, Asia and Africa in order for this to be fulfilled. When these ten kingdoms are formed, then Daniel 7:23-24 will be fulfilled.

    After this tri-continent war has been waged and is over and the ten kingdoms are formed and they exist for a short time (Rev. 17:8-12), then the Antichrist will arise out of one of them, one of the ten kingdoms.
    He will come from one of the eastern four of the ten, and he will start another war.
    He shall subdue three of the ten in his rise to power over the ten (Dan. 7:23-24; 8:8-9, 21-23).
    He will make a seven years covenant with the nation of Israel and break it in the middle of the seven years and start another war (Dan. 9:27; 11:36-45).
    It will take him three and one half years to get power over these three kingdoms that he subdues. By that time the countries of the north and east unite to make war on the nations inside the Roman Empire. In these circumstances the other six of the ten kingdoms he does not overthrow will give their kingdoms to him and make him their leader against the countries of the north and east (Dan. 11:40-45). God puts it into the hearts of the ten to give their kingdoms to the Antichrist and to help him in these new wars (Rev. 17:12-17). The Antichrist will become the victor over these countries in the last three and one half years of this age and he will become the ruler of Russia and Germany.
    He will then gather these newley conquered countires against the Jews and seek to stop Christ from setting up His Kingdom (Ezek. 38 and 39; Zech. 14; Rev. 19:11-21).

    We can narrow down exactly from which country the Antichrist will come from in the book of Daniel.
    Daniel makes it clear that he will come from the ten kingdoms of the revised Old Roman Empire Territory (Dan. 7:7-8, 23-24), and from the four divisions of the Grecian Empire, which are four of the ten, as in (Dan. 8:7-9, 20-23), but it also makes it clear that he will come from the Cyrian division of the four divisions of Greece, as plainly taught in (Dan. 11). The king of the north of this chapter is Syria, and the king of the south is Egypt. Wars between these two divisions of Greece are pictured in Dan. 11:5-34).
    Verses 35-45 portray war between these same two kingdoms "AT THE TIME OF THE END," showing the result of the last war between them.

    It states that the land of Egypt shall not escape the king of the north in this last war, thus identifying Syria as being the country from which the Antichrist must come. If the king of the north was Russia as many Bible students now teach, how could Daniel 11:44 be fulfilled? There are no countries north of Russia that could fight against her, as required by this verse?
    There are no countries north of Russia, thus proving that the king of the north could not be Russia. We must understand the reference to be the northern division of the Grecian Empire, Syria. The Antichrist comes from Syria and is called the king of the north who will fulfill all of Dan. 8:22-23; 11:35-45; 12:1-7).
    This statement is proved by the following scriptures. He will reign over only ten kingdoms that are yet to be formed inside the yet to be revived, Old Roman Empire. (Dan. 7:23-24). Only these ten kingdoms will give their power and kingdoms to him. (Rev.13:1; 17:12-17). Certain countries will escape his rule (Dan.11:40-44). Certain countries will make war on him at the very time he is supposed to be ruling the whole world (Dan. 11:40-44). Because he will reign only over ten countries inside the Roman Empire territory and because America is not inside that territory and never will be, and because certain countries will escape him we can scripturally conclude that he will never rule America or be a world-wide dictator. Therefore, multitudes of people of many nations will also never take the mark of the beast and they will never be killed by the Antichrist for not doing so. The Bible speaks of many peoples of many nations that are left after the reign of the Antichrist, people who will be alive in the Millennium and will go up yearly to worship God (Zech. 14:16-21). This further limits the kingdom of the Antichrist to only part of the world and also limits his ability to kill every one who does not take the mark even in his own empire. According to Rev. 14:9-11 no one who has taken the mark will go into the Millennium, but will be sent to eternal Hell. That multitudes go into the Millennium proves they have not taken the mark of the beast and have not been killed, as taught by many Bible students. If the Antichrist were to kill every person who does not take his mark, and God sends to Hell every one who does take the mark, then there would be not one person left to enter the Millennium. Also, The mark of the beast will not be 666. That is the number of his name.

    We'll sees soon ... buckle up!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  20. 12 hours ago, HAZARD said:


    The Bible definitely tells us where the Antichrist comes from. The book of Daniel not only makes it clear that he will come from the ten kingdoms of the old Roman empire, as in Dan.7:7-8, 23-24, and from the four divisions of the Grecian empire, which are four of the ten, as in Dan. 8:7-9, 20-23, but it also makes it clear that he will come from the Syrian division of the four divisions of Greece, as plainly taught in Dan.11. The king of the north of this chapter is Syria, and the king of the south is Egypt. Wars between these two divisions of Greece are pictured in Dan. 11:5-34. Verses 35-45 portray war between these same two kingdoms "At the time of the end," showing the result of the last war between them.

    It states that the land of Egypt shall not escape the king of the north in this last war, thus identifying Syria as being the country from which the Antichrist must come.

    The Ram was the Medo-Persian empire. The Goat from the west destroys the ram - that was Alexander the Great. Then He dies leaving four generals and splitting up the kingdom. Antiochis Epiphanes IV, was the king of the north, who exalted himself as God, even describing himself as God on the coins. He marched into the Jewish Temple - so that was the abomination that caused desolation.

    Whether that has a duel meaning for the future Antichrist, I don't know, some interpret it as such.

    I am not so sure about this revived Roman Empire. No one seems to mention the Ottoman empire, and how this empire fits into prophesy. How the Ottomam Empire fell but has been rejuvenated and spread throughout 80 countries, is a dominant religion, is anti-Semitic and anti-christian. It is in the forefront of Middle East news, has warred against Israel (as all former kingdoms have) and in fact is a beast composed of all countries that surround Israel. The end times specifically speaks of all countries attacking Israel. And we have a current Peace Treaty among them in the table.

    Iran is an axis of evil, the #1 terrorist organization, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Antichrist came from this region and that the 10 nations were all Islamic. If so, we have just seen 3 horns plucked out, Saddam Hussein, Mubarak and Quadhafi. One of the remaining 7 horns took a hit (Syria's Assad) and maybe he is the 8th.???

    I am sure Soros is an Antichrist, mayne not the BIG one, but born a Jew, an atheist, so he is working for Satan - at least to weaken our country as he has others. His days are numbered, since he is 90 years old.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  21. My guess is George Soros is the Antichrist.

    He is partial owner of Wuhan Bio Lab in China and owns several bio labs in the USA.

    He spent $33 million to make trouble in Ferguson.

    He has. Spent $150 million do BLM, hiring ANTIFA anarchists to the fronts lines to an act lawlessness against police and innocent people (Trump supporters).

    There may be someone bigger than Soros, who uses him as his henchman, someone we don't here about who has greater wealth, owns central banks, owns the media ... Rothschilds?  It has been estimated that they are worth $trillions.  ???

    The Rockefellors used to run this country, even they have power.

    They all have been meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel for decades, behind closed doors, secretly scheming and discussing this New World Order. 

    TRUMP knows this and is actually fighting their cause. But even he won't mention their names. Even he was on their side, why would they being trying so hard to get rid of him?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  22. 1 hour ago, Biblican said:

    We need to understand that Jesus saw the tribulation beginning when the antichrist is revealed. That is when the devil's wrath is released on all those who will not worship Him. After Jesus sends His angels to gather His elect after this event, then  the fullness of God's wrath ( 7 bowls) falls on the devil's kingdom, Babylon is destroyed and all the plagues that were released in chapter eight come to their fullness affecting 100% of the planet.  The tribulation can't occur until the remnant churches/candlesticks (Rev. 11:4, 1:20) are removed first in chapter 11:12. Then the seventh trumpet sounds signifying the beginning of the tribulation.  That's how I see it anyway.

    Jesus said in Mathew 24 that the begging of sorrows would occur prior to His Coming. This includes pestilence (Covid-19), famines ( most likely resulting from plagues of locusts in E. African nations), wars, earthquakes, etc.

    Keep in mind, the rider in the White Horse had a crown (corona) and he went out to conquer the world. It didn't say he would destroy of kill many but this pandemic struck the entire world with fear, as if empowered by Satan. It has been surrounded by lies and deception, changing numbers, manipulation, etc. Satan is the father of lies. It can be argued that we are in the beginning of the GT. Other aspects of this pandemic have been our separation from each other, inability to go to church, temporarily, but still, Satan always uses fear and doubt as tools to do his deeds. The Red horse brings war. Is it a coincidence that the virus came from Red China? Imagine if we weaned ourselves off of their products and eventually set a goal to stop doing business with them - difficult as it would seem. It could just be an announcement by Trump. He already blaims them ... maybe he wants to get them back someway - that is his style. That would destroy their economy and result in war!

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