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Everything posted by VOG

  1. Hi Maryjayne Living in this world will direct us to different roads that we take to move on journey of life.And in this journey sometimes without realising we get stuck on highways and try to cross to move in the journey .However,one May trip and fall as humans are fallible.The highway consist of all sorts of cars,and those cars are darts which are thrown by the devil knowing the vulnerability that you are lying down.For eg whe you are down with disappointments and allow them to set in ,by just lying there,the devil will throw another dart of doubt on your ways.The cars represent the many forms of darts of the devil.And we have a choice ,to get up and move on from there or stay there and let the cars hit us.Many a times,we may feel like staying in that situation coz there is no strength to move on as the devil would have thrown the hardest dart that impacted you but it’s amazing because Jesus in all His love and power ,stretches His hand and picks you up and nudges you to run the race.His power is made perfect in our weaknesses.So in this journey of life,one cannot simply lie and allow the devil to throw the darts.One has to move on by ensuring we keep on falling back to the Source of life Jesus Christ.Weapon the word of God and prayer.Amen
  2. Peeps.Which highway are you lying on?Well,you can’t stay there for good.You have to get up and move on.Are you sucked in by worry,sadness,anxiety,discouragement,hopelessness,Everything and anything?The bad news is ,you allow it to stay Long,it will suck you in,one car after another car will hit you on those highway.Have you fallen down?Then get up.No strength?Then call the Saviour.He will stretch out His hand and lift you up.Why are you lying on the highway road in self pity and wallowing.Rise Up And cross.Its time to move in the loving grace of Jesus.Will you?Thank You Jesus.Amen
  3. Hi peeps.When you say Let your will be done,be prepared to go through molding,smoothening of your rough edges inside out,outside in,to be stripped of pride and instead covered with humility,to be exposed by The Light and also covered in the Light.Remember His ways and thoughts are higher than what our limited brain can hold.Let Your Will be done,Jesus and not mine.Are you game enough to say it and mean it.Then do.And you will realise how amazingly Jesus is working in your life to bring the best in you in His perfect heavenly plan So say it.Amen
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