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Posts posted by Juna

  1. I'm going to start with saying I'm single, autistic, still living with my parents. I have concerns about things such as possibility of future spouse and being submissive to my husband if I ever find one.

    See.. I feel a strong sense of loneliness, a desire for companionship, for someone to be there for me in ways my family cannot. A good Christian man. And, because I'm convert possibly a teacher and good influence as well. 

    But, on another level I feel it is best for me not to marry. As because when I read Timothy, about being submissive, and being saved by child-bearing and being silent and obedient and all that. And the reason I feel it is best for me not to marry despite my desire for a loving relationship, is because living as submissive and doing whatever I'm told to by a husband, the constriction would soon become Hellish. I don't know how to describe it, but I feel that living in a way without freedom and escape would cause more pain than living without love of another.

  2. Hi guys, I'm a writer, and a Christian, I am currently writing a First Book in my aspiring Series Between Heaven and Earth. A five book series about the Archangels, I would like to incorporate God and Lord Jesus into the story but without actually having them present, mainly because I do not know how I would be able properly write them and keep it worthy of them. The theme of the series is suppose to be comedic but virtual filled adventures of the Archangels trying to protect humans from the Princes of Hell.

    So, yeah. I figured I should ask more experienced Christians for advice, as I am only a convert and thus do not know Everything nor every practice.

  3. So, we've got a dog, and she's hyper, jumps up on the bed and stuff and I can only count the number of times I've had to move the bible to a shelf simply to keep it out of reach : )

    And I was wondering, if anyone has ever had any unfortunate experiences with Pets and Bibles haha

  4. Hello, I'm Juna.

    I am writing today because I have one sin that I can't seem to get away from. I try and I try and the longest I've lasted was two weeks. Mostly just a few days. I know it's a major problem and I want to stop because I know it's wrong and I pray and repent and try to keep myself from doing so I pray to God and ask for his help to keep me from it but I just can't stop. I'm not sure if I should say what sin it is cause I don't think it's appropriate to say online. I was wondering if anyone hear knows any trick any special prayer or habit to cease these most gripping sins?

  5. Hi, I'm Juna

    I'm hear to tell how God called me from my life of sin and taught me how to be a Christian. I am aware that some of those on hear, may find my testimony to be controversial, or odd. Considering the way of things and how they happened. So I issue this so as to not upset those who feel strangely about my words, I offer some explanations as to the way things have happened and perhaps the way I interpreted them. I am autistic, high functioning but still autistic. And the way I was raised by a English mother and a Australian Aboriginal father. Making our family a bit odd. I grew up hearing how a Priest beat my father with a stock whip when he was 5 years old. And my mother (she's a anthropologist and knows a lot about history) told me about witch hunts and stuff. I don't think she realized she made me think Christians were the bad guys. Anyway. I grew up believing in Paganism, Wicca, Buddhism, multi religion ideas. And I was encouraged by my father to acknowledge the spirit world from a very young age. So as I grew I knew things about spirits and spiritism. Such as I could see things sometimes, out of the corner of my eyes, black mists that were so quick you couldn't see them properly, sometimes white mists. Ruin stones for protection. Salt to keep spirits and demons out. I could (and still can. I think this is one thing I can't really get rid of cause I can't control it) feel energy of living things. Anyway.

    I was 20, I was getting curious about Christianity because one of my friends who does awesome art and knows a lot about the subject was making a comic about it. So I decided to do my own research on a character that intrigued me. The Demon Azazel. I was fascinated by him, I felt sorry for him because (remember this was before my conversion) God killed his family. I was obsessed quickly and began to know everything about the more I looked into him. Until one night, I woke up and the room was.. warm. Not hellish hot just.. warm.. like being in a swamp. I looked towards the foot of my bed and Azazel was standing there. I couldn't see him. But I could tell he was there. It was like.. you can't see something. There is nothing to indicate he was there. But... your sight just somehow.. makes a outline out of nothing, and I could see him even though there was nothing there. I got up and turned on the light and when I turned around to see him again he was gone. To this day I do not think he was there to hurt me. I know I shouldn't think like that cause I know NOT to trust demons and Only keep to the faith of the Lord and Jesus and everything. But I can't help but think and feel.. that he was just checking me out for some reason. As in my research I have found he tempts people into learning from him and he teaches people things. I think he was just seeing if I would be a possible student. I didn't fit the bill, so he left. 

    After that. For three nights, I had a dream. It was a different dream each night but it all ended the same way. A round stained glass window, inside what I think was a Church with bright morning light entering the window and illuminating the room. After the third night, I didn't have any more dreams. Now by this point. I was like "Whaaaaaat." Cause although I knew things I had never actually experienced any first hand encounters. And then I asked myself. 'If demons are real... are angels.. well I know their real, but could God be all true.' And I was wanting to learn. Wanting to figure things out I wanted answers. And I know NOW that I am to contact God first and foremost and everything. But I was inexperienced I didn't know anything, I hadn't even read the bible before. So. I prayed and called upon Archangel Raphael. Mainly because I think back then I was more accustomed to actual individual entities rather than a full on God. And tbh, I didn't even think it would work, I was expecting no answer at all. So I prayed and then suddenly I got this feeling. My whole being, my whole body every fibre and Atom of my very soul was filled with a intense feeling of love. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. I feel that God had sent Raphael to me. At the time, it was like.. Raphael doesn't communicate with words, he put images in my mind that weren't images but were images. Of being healthier, of taking care of myself. (still struggling with that but I'm getting there). It was amazing.

    A few weeks after that. (Since I was a teen. I had something chasing me and after me. Something evil) And that night. It finally had me. It was going to get me that night. I could feel it. I had a horrible amount of fear in me. Gutwenching fear that means you know your about to die. Something pure evil. I was wearing my protective ruin necklace but it wasn't working (I know why now haha) so I did what I felt was my only option and prayed. Once again praying to a Archangel Michael (Like I said I didn't know anything back then.) And almost in an instant. All that fear I was feeling vanished. It was gone. I felt like.. a hand? a hand that I couldn't see but I could feel take hold of my hand. It was Archangel Michael. I felt safe. And as soon as he came the thing was gone. I felt his voice in my head, like I could hear him speak but in my mind and it was not my own thoughts cause I couldn't control it. He said to me. "Your family is your strength." And once the danger was gone and my fear taken care of he sent me into the lounge and I just watched a movie with my parents and little sister. He came back four more times. Once because of my paranoia. (By this time because of things, I was accustomed to this thing hunting me and I could feel anxiety and panic for no reason.) He was gentle and patient with me. Compassionate. The second time he was a little stricter. I felt his hand take my arm and give me a little shake like as if he was saying 'stop that. Your scared over nothing this time.' The fourth time a month later. I had gotten up at night and was in the hallway cause I felt fear again. And this time. I felt as if I was wrapped in protection, I felt his hand on my back, and a gentle voice in my mind that assured me. "Come back to bed.. there is nothing to be scared of." he didn't fully get rid of the fear this time but he stayed with me. And seemed to understand why it was hard for me to not be scared when I had grown to be scared of darkness and night time over many years. When I woke up that morning, I went to take off my ruin necklace and the string broke. I would have normally felt a urge to fix it but I felt calm. And I just felt. That this was God's way of telling me I no longer need it. To rely on him only. And I feel now. That this was God's way of slowly weaning me from my past practices, he was first making me rely on a being that could offer comfort and protection, because that was what I was accustomed to, so I would leave the ruins behind. And then eventually Michael stopped coming when I called. And I began to call on God and pray to Lord Jesus instead. 

    I went to a Church after that, not on a mass day but I went during a week day and I didn't expect honestly for anyone to be there but when I knocked on the door the Pastor answered and I had a chat with him, I told him all about my encounters and everything and he told me some things, gave me a bible and invited me to the church. Which I have attended for a while now, and I have learned a lot while being there. (Still learning). I now have to look for a new Church cause I've moved house but I feel that it was no accident in the way things have happened. That this was God's way of teaching me. By weaning me of other practices slowly and getting me to trust him fully.

    I also did meet Gabriel for several times and I feel a close connection with him, But Still, I only speak to God now.

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