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born twice one

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Everything posted by born twice one

  1. When Satan came to Jesus he was there. Satan did not speak to the mind of Jesus. Satan can only be in one place at a time. Satan is not in all places all the time, only God is. As Christians we have the Holy Spirit living within us. He reminds us of the word that we have put into our minds. Romans 12:2. What most Christians think is Satan putting thoughts in their minds is really our carnal nature. Romans 7. My new book "The Truth about The Liar" should be out in a couple of weeks.
  2. I have done a lot of studying on this passage. What do you think about these ideas? First, Christians fight two wars. The war against our carnal nature. It is stated well in Romans 7 and verse 23 uses the word war. The second war we fight is for the lost. Ephesians 6 is our fighting armor for war. Second, verses 18-20 are why we put on the armor. We are to boldly proclaim the Gospel. The Gospel the message of salvation to the lost. Third, Satan's only weapon is the lie. His fiery darts. verse 16. The clue that they are lies is how we extinguish the darts. Shield of faith. Faith (a noun) means "the truth we put our trust in". We put out the darts by knowing, doing, and proclaiming the truth of God. Fourth, the two references to Satan in this passage are verses 11 and 16 devil and wicked. Both are adjectives that describe the character of Satan. Devil means "someone who tells false things" and wicked means "malicious and hurtful". We don't fight Satan we fight his evil character with the truth of God. born twice one
  3. First, you need to spend time with other Christians. Living the Christian life is a team effort. The Bible calls the group a body, the church. Get connected. Keep looking. Next, I was born again on March 14, 1964. I can tell you everything about it. It takes about 5 minutes. When I am done the person listening knows how to be born again. I put in my facts about me, but then I put in the facts of the Gospel. The Gospel is the good news how someone can be born again. It includes only what is necessary. Three truths that must be trusted in and a decision to repent. Truth one: trust in the fact Jesus said that all humans are condemned. John 3:18 They that put their trust in him are not condemned, but they that don't put their trust in him are already condemned, because they did not put their trust in the authority of the only Son of God. Truth two: Jesus loves you so much he died in your place. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Truth three: Jesus has the power to save because he rose from the dead. 2 Corinthians 5:15 He died for all so that those who live would not continue to live for themselves. He died for them and was raised from death so that they would live for him. The decision to repent. Repent means to change your mind, values, and convictions, then committing yourself to change with action. Changes that will produce a totally new direction in your life. It is turning from something to something else. A willful choice to stop doing what you have been doing, that is opposed to God's standards, and a sincere desire to do the obsite right things God wants. Romans 10:9 Because if you acknowledge with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and trust in your soul that God raised him from the dead, you are saved. When you talk to not Christians keep it to the basic facts. Their sin has put them on death row, Jesus loves them, Jesus has the power over death, repent. Being born again is a thing between a person and God. The day I was born again was the first day I talked to God. Before that I prayed and said prayers. It was also the day God talked to me. When I read the Bible it was hearing from God. God shared with me one day when I was reading his word a verse about not Christians. 1 Corinthians 3:6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plant, but it was God who made the plant grow. You are a success in planting and watering the truth you share with others. Only God can make it grow. Keep sharing. Lastly: Satan or his demons can not put thoughts in a Christian's mind. Those come from your carnal nature. You can renew your mind by God's word. Romans 12:1-2 I exhort you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may discern, what is good, and acceptable, and the perfect will of God.
  4. Yes, devil. In some passages the adj. devil is used as a noun. Jesus did it also in John 8:44. So, I see it as a synonym for Satan. Revelation 12:10 is an interesting verse. This is the only verse were it talks about Satan accusing the brethren. The word accused (G2723 a verb) is found 22 times. This is the only place where Satan is involved. The word accuser (G2725 a noun) is found 7 times. This is the only place where Satan is involved. The big questions here are: To whom does Satan accuse the brethren? God. And what does God do with that information? Nothing. So, I have come to the conclusion that what happen between God and Satan makes no difference in my life. Like your thoughts. I will be praying for revival in Tahiti.
  5. I read Romans 7. The context is Paul's struggle with sin that dwells in him(and us). V17. It is V23 where Paul call this struggle a war. No where in Romans 7 is Satan mentioned. I would be interested to hear from you where in the Bible it says Satan can speak to the mind of a Christian. I have not found such a place. I have found places where Satan can do that to non Christians. Judas for one. James 1:14-15 says temptation comes from our lust. Now Satan controls the world(his people, things, commercials, etc.) that would cause us to be tempted. But, we are still responsible for our reaction to that stimuli. 1 John 2:16 Temptation is not sin, it is our reaction to the temptation that causes us to sin. Two places in the whole Bible where Satan came to a person and tempted them. Adam and Eve, Jesus. Then Jesus was also tempted like we are. Hebrews 4:15 Ephesians 6:10-20 is where Paul tell us about the war for the lost.
  6. As a Christian we fight two wars. The war within, against our carnal nature, and the war without, against the lies of Satan. The war within will be won when we act more like Jesus and the war without will be won when someone repents and becomes a child of God.
  7. It is true not everyone will be saved. But, it is their choice. Who God is and what he can do for them will be made clear. Romans 1 So, we should keep praying for them and looking for an opportunity to boldly speak the truth in love. Because until they die they can still repent and be born again. Yes, you should be careful when reading books other than the Bible. They can be very interesting. I have come to a conclusion about them. If God wanted us to know more about him he could have put it into the Bible. That is why I read and study His Word because His Word can speak to me. And it is always the truth. Part of why eternity will be so wonderful is we will learn things that now God has chosen not to tell us. Our journey as humans is really quite simple. We are given a choice to become children of God. If not, we suffer accordingly. If we repent and become a child of God we become a new creation. Then God starts a work in our life to help us grow into someone who is like His Son, Jesus. That is not easy because with in us is a lot of unright ideas and habits that don't please him. So we work with God to clean up our act. I have always said the most important verse for a new Christian to memorize is 1 John 1:9 Get rid of that unrighteousness. As we read His Word, God will point out what isn't right and we need to obey him and change. And if we ask him for help to change, he will answer that request. We are transformed by the renewing of our mind. Romans 12:2
  8. "And truth be told, Jesus did not come to save everyone, only those who are His... and not everyone can be His. Some Humans are truly the children of Satan and cannot be saved." Quote from Marlene S. I have heard this before and have done a lot of searching in the Bible and can't find proof that it is true. All of Satan's children will face judgement after they die physically but till they do they have the opportunity to repent. Hebrews 9:27, 1 Timothy 2:3-4
  9. My father was physically there but was to busy to be much of a father. He also never became a Christian so what was so much of my life he didn't understand. I am so greatful that God is a perfect father. I have a wonderful fellowship with him. May God bless you as God heals your past hurts.
  10. Children of God and children of Satan. 1 John 3:10 Why is this important? Because: the children of God are protected by their father. Satan can not do anything to one of God's children unless the father approves. I am a father. I will not allow a pervert to have access to my child's mind!
  11. I agree the church is muffled. I would add something that is not helping. Having a pastor as the head of a local body. In Ephesians 4:11 there is three who should be leaders of a local body. Evangelists, Shepherds, Teachers. All three are needed. Each equipping the people to do the work of the ministry of that body.
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