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  1. First of all, happy New Year and God bless everyone :) I'm new to this group and hoping to be welcomed. :) I'm a little confused right now and I have been praying these thoughts since last year. Here's the scenario. I have a guy friend since college. We'd hanging out since we're in the same organization. Then we graduated but we still have communication. We still hang out. Then 4 years ago, he referred me in his workplace and he's now my co-worker. As a long time friend, I'm expecting us to be close like we're used to in college but it's the other way around, he's acting like a stranger to me. We didn't even take a picture together because he's shy that we will be teased as a couple. I talked to him about this but he explained that we've known each other and we're always together so we need to be with new groups. He even told me that he didn't see the point why should we be close at work , that we're okay outside of work? I felt that he's not proud of me. Should I give up our friendship?
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