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Walking Chipmunk

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Everything posted by Walking Chipmunk

  1. It is true, that after a fast, results will manifest. Even after 5 days post fast, things are changing...things that I thought about before and during...even cooler....things I struggled against for years before and even during the fast, have now been resolved. They are things through His strength I have no desire to pick up again... And after just a shorty fast. I gotta lotta junk. He brought some of the biggest issues into quick focus, and has resolved in my spirit a few others. Im still blown away....like a switch has been flipped inside, one or two desires just gonzo. God is good! W.C.
  2. Guess I've written all I have to say. I did NOT come asking for advice and ideas. Perhaps the biggest issue here. In OP and as a response, I asked for been there done that (BTDT) advice/wisdom/etc. If ya havent been there and done that, (or begun and then stopped) I cant think one would have much to say that would be proffitable. Everything I wrote is my own experience. 100%. I have no interest in defending myself, but do feel that those perusing any E/F, should have a place to start.
  3. So for those for whom a 40 day, or other extended fast is on your heart: If God has laid this at your heart, you know this is your direction: get on that horse and ride it! Go and go now! Toss cares and inhibitions aside and go! To try and come up short or fail, beats failing to try! If you quit, then learn and hit it again, with gusto! And, go with wisdom. Before you start or shortly after, a few bits of wisdom should be had. Learn from those who HAVE done this. Knowing what genenerally to expect is usefull. Look also to those who have failed, there is much to be learned there. Fasting of many types and durations is Biblical...knowing who how when and why, is good knowledge: you try a powerful tool like this and you can bet there will be abundant oppoition! Fasting is Biblically indicated. Fasting also has awesome medical benefits. Familiarity with benefits, drawbacks, warnings, things to be aware of....include acceptable counter measures to incorporate should you recognise that, say, your electrolytes are low or whatever else. Know also the medical reasons one should not fast if you possess them. Aside from those 4 or 5 exceptions, Fasting is medically indicated. It is usefull to be versed in the differences between extended (aka prolonged) fasting and intermittent fasting. Refeeding is also important to have a grip on. Ignore those who say it can't be done. It can, it has been in Scripture and presently, but knowing how is the wisdom to have. Check your motives: bunk. Hop on that pony and ride! As a fallen, your motives can never be pure. You get a couple days into not eating, and you can be sure you and He will be discussing your motives at length. God is good at serving humble pie during a fast. If you wait till your motives are lined up, you'll never go. A fast without prayer, is a diet. If you have much stuffola to deal with, and contemplating an extended fast: go for it. But be ready to see Him deal with you quickly, to where you stop your fast because things have been dealt with. There is a place where pressing in is indicated, but fasting just to count the days, doesnt accomplish much, other than to miss good food, and perhaps be walking in disobedience. If you have a lot to deal with, also allow Him to deal with perhaps one or two issues at a time. Be ok to stop fasting and walk out your new direction before working out the next issues or taking on another fast. He knows how much change you can handle, let Him set the pace. Also, the changes He effects first may also begin dealing with the things you didn't address in the fast. A fast is not to move God, but to move me so God can move in me. To those who spoke His heart, thank you. You are blessed. WC
  4. Adding to previous: some things were overtly "of darkness" and others were revealed as time passed and we trimmed and discerned. The pattern seems to be that while some things are easy to see the evil in, others were revealed in due time. Where God may reveal something to me about a book or movie, He may not give to others at the same time. Perhaps we see (a movie) and then begin to understand whats really in it. We learned rather quickly not to think less of a friend to whom He had not revealed the evil nature of a object to.
  5. Then I guess I was not asking you! Unless you have been elected to represent this crowd: who are you to answer for the 3000 (or however many) people here?
  6. Dear wife and I tossed a lot of items that we considered worldly. A lot of music, books, magazines, an other junk that didnt serve the purpose of drawing us closer to Him, or Would have served to draw us away: was given away. Sometimes we miss those things, and find the music online to listen to, but because the availability of those things is more difficult, we utilize them much less. We feel we are better off, as long as we dont replace those things with other junk.
  7. So the question remains, with my motives questioned (no harm there), has anyone fasted, water only for 40 days. Looking for experienced voices here.
  8. So its funny that the range of replies is reminiscent of Job's buddies. If you think any or extended fasting is not for you, un Bibical, useless today, or foolish; know that I'm not interested in convincing you otherwise, nor then asking your advice or support. Wisdom I'll hear. I guess bucket list might not be the right term. But it is an item that I know will get me to where I need to go. I've read Scripture and books and accounts of fasting, and the results. Those results are what I'm after. Some are spiritual, most are soulish, and a few are physical. Fasting is not to move God but to move me so He can move in me. Thinking is about logistics, bail out measures...ways to make minor changes to make it work whilst retaining the purity of it. Water only is the goal, but that may need to change as it goes. Prolly not much discerning going on...this is my path. So, looking for btdt wisdom and advice.
  9. So i'm thinking (discerning) pretty seriously about finding a way to do 40 day water fast. I have studied it in the past, and it is a bucket list item. I have various healings, both physical and soulish in mind. This will require some planning around werk, seasonal home activities (getting firewood in), any appointments or meetings or family events...missions trips... Perhaps i'll involve a doctor just to document and keep tabs, and then various spiritual supports. Any experiences here with a 40 day water fast? Or a link to a thread about? Blessings, W.C.
  10. There is tremendous power in having a confessor....someone to confess to and with. Western Catholics believe a.priest must be present to make intercession et.al. Eastern Orthodox say it is useful to have a priest handy to be there as an experienced voice, to help out. James 5:16 discusses confessing. So i confessed being very angry at someone for pointing out somethin about.me. my mentor asked me a few pointed questions, and i discovered a real root of pride. We discussed the implications of that root, and how to deal with it. Sin confessed. The spiritual transaction was for me to pray through (although my mentor would have walked with me through that): to ask God's forgiveness for walking in pride, anger, for allowing it to affect me for so long, repent from both, and whatever else seemed relevant at the time. WC
  11. Any body remember ibelieve.com before they folded? I remember someone writing a line to a song, and before ya knew it, someone had the next words or line typed up and posted. What was really awesome, was written prayer. Someone started praying for someone, and whomever was 'on' would continue the prayer. So several people, or several dozen people would pray. When Holy Spirit was finished speaking, everyone moved on. We "sang" entire songs, added new verses, prayed, probably prophesied, and loved on each other. It was a high time. WC
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