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Posts posted by furrychristian

  1. On 7/13/2020 at 1:27 AM, Equippers said:


    are you really a Christian?

    because if you are, you would know not only Scripture predict people will turn against God, but the trend will get progressively worse.

    if you don't think something is necessarily ungodly?

    well, you did say you are more or less a liberal.

    i rest mine case.

    I think you're reading something into my posts that isn't there. When I say philosophies will come and go, I'm not and never was saying that they will be replaced by "more godly" philosophies. Only that secular philosophies come and go--this philosophy you call "social justice warrior" philosophy will be replaced by another given time. I'm not saying it'll become better, necessarily. Only that different modes of thinking come and go--humanity is fickle like that. One could argue that we shouldn't get caught up in it, as we are not of this world.


    And well. Why don't we start with what you think is so terrible about social justice. Should we not seek to improve society and to stand up for the marginalized and oppressed?


    For the record I'm not 100% on board with everything about it myself. That said, "social justice" is a very broad mode of thought with a lot of variance in it, and "social justice warrior" has become little more than a buzzphraze the right uses. Very few people outside of Tumblr actually call or consider themselves a SJW.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Equippers said:

    that is not what the scripture says. Scripture clearly tells us in the end of time, people will turn against God. And we see this very clearly in the developement in recent times. So don't try to tell me that somehow some magically new philiosophy would come on the horizons and replace the Ungodly ones.

    Yeah, it will. Eventually. Doesn't mean it'll be a philosophy that's better or worse to replace it, but so long as the world remains these things will absolutely come and go.

    And aside, what if I don't think it's necessarily ungodly? What if I don't think it's a terrible philosophy?

  3. 9 hours ago, BeyondET said:

    How do people who are victims of molestation from the same gender view homosexuality. would they view it as bad or good.

    I could flip the question on you--how would people who were victims of molestation by the opposite sex view heterosexuality?

    The answer: it depends. I was molested as a child by a male and I am female. I have never viewed heterosexuality as scary or bad. Neither did it turn me gay. (I am bi.)

    Either way, it's irrelevant.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Equippers said:

    i am not playing this game with you

    like i said, what we are seeing today is not a pendulum, it will not swing back

    10, 20 or 30 years from now, we are not going to see people changing their mind about gay marriage or abortion etc

    it will not come and go.

    it will only get more extreme



    What game? I'm not saying it'll "come back around". I'm only saying that we're seeing the same thing the entire world has seen through it's history, different philosophies come and go. We are not of this world, so it doesn't matter.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Equippers said:


    since 1960s, the world has become increasingly liberal, it is plain enough for everyone to see.

    it is not a pendulum, it does not swing back


    I think you're missing my meaning. I'm talking, and have been talking, about the way things change over decades, centuries even. What's considered liberal one decade or century, will be conservative the next. I'm using the definition conservative here to mean "preferring the old way of thinking". What's today a liberal way of thinking, will become the conservative thought in a few decades. Such has always been the case.

    I'm not saying "oh, they'll become conservative again", I'm saying that time will bring about different modes of thought that effectively render today's liberals the new conservatives. The definition of conservative, in the definition you're using, changes with the times. What's conservative today wasn't what was conservative a century ago.

    At any rate, I'm more or less liberal myself, so.

  6. 3 hours ago, Equippers said:

    if you think the radical left academics and students are going to abandon their beliefs, either you are very naive or you don't pay attention and hence have no idea what is going is going on.

    Given enough time, their philosophy will be replaced with another. Today's liberals are tomorrow's conservatives.

    That doesn't mean that today's right wingers will remain the same either, of course.

  7. Honestly, while I'm new to the site and not all that active....I've seen worse. I've been on a couple other specifically Christian forums. One was nice, if rather inactive compared to this one, and the other has fighting all day every day......they also were very inhospitable once I made it known that I'm not straight. (It got so bad that one member was threatening to contact my actual church about me.) This board has been very nice to me about my sexuality.

  8. I recently downloaded an app called Moodpath. It asks you questions about 3 times a day and keeps track of your mood, then gives you an analysis after two weeks. Honestly, it's almost more thorough than my actual mental health professionals.
    While I don't consider myself as suffering from depression, at least not as an ongoing illness, the app is telling me that I may be experiencing a minor depressive episode. Which makes sense I guess, considering recent things that happened. I also notice that I get depressive for a bit after my anxiety flairs up, so I guess that's what's going on.

  9. Anyone else into anime?


    My favorite series include:
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
    Soul Eater
    My Hero Academia
    Blue Exorcist
    Madoka Magica
    Date A Live 
    Hunter x Hunter
    Dragon Ball Z


    Right now I'm watching:
    BNA (Brand New Animal)
    Dragon Ball Z subtitled
    Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
    Fire Force
    Fruits Basket (2019)
    My Hero Acadamia season 4
    Kill la Kill (rewatch)

  10. Did you know there's an entire theory behind MBTI personality typing? I was sort of into it for a bit, but fell out of it. But basically each person has four primary functions associated with their type, there are shadow functions as well. I forget exactly what functions go with my type, INFP. But typing someone is based on figuring out which functions they use, and in what order. Online tests don't take this into account, and tend to be biased towards intuitive types--hence why so many people end up as INFP or INFJ according to the online tests.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 3 hours ago, David1701 said:

    If no-one thinks like that, then Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party didn't exist.  There are no Neo-Nazis and the people who went into the school shooting pupils and teachers, wearing evolution tee-shirts weren't real.  Richard Dawkins doesn't exist and there was no eugenics movement in the early part of the twentieth century, Revolutionary Communism is a myth, etc, etc.

    Besides that, you missed the point, which was that, without an objective standard (i.e. something that is guaranteed to be right, regardless of anyone's opinion), you cannot defeat ANY philosophy, because it's just one person's opinion against another's.

    Nations are founded based on what the majority can agree on, if it's a democracy. Or at least, they have some sort of document they base their government and laws on. Checks and balances are in place so that these standards are protected. Most can agree that they do not want to live in a society where people are allowed to harm others without consequences. Is what I'm saying.

    I don't necessarily disagree that our faith is the origin of morality. However, we live in a fallen world, and we are not commanded to form a theocracy, not anywhere in scripture. You'd think if that was so important the Bible would say something about it. God will come and set up His kingdom, which will be ruled entirely according to His principles. Until then, our task is simply to make disciples.

    The Puritans tried out that theocracy thing. I promise you it did not work out. Humans are incapable of doing God's job for Him.

    Now then, I'm done with this conversation.

  12. 3 hours ago, JTC said:

    This is truly going to become a new normal. Hey maybe it will be a more moral normal.

    Hey, maybe. In Japan, it's normal for people to wear masks when they're sick and have to be out and about. Maybe people in the US will start doing that, and not just because they fear COVID.

  13. 11 hours ago, anynmsfmly said:

    So do I, i Have the same problem.... Diagnosed Bipolar 1, With Psychotic Features, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder................. When I am treated, or quite frankly, when i am not treated i just end up in the hospital, and without advocates, I would probably end up dead or homeless... Without advocates..... There would be nobody to get me admitted to the hospital................

    That aside, since i am usually hospitalized as soon as i quit treatment, and i mean as soon as.... If i even miss one dose, I can go towards mania............., I don't really spend much as my hospitalizations are covered by my insurance................ and i am in the hospital, not spending anything........ !!!!!!!!!!

    But, while i am out, i am really good at keeping up with necessary bills, however i don't save much................. It's become quite the conundrum, in my mid thirties........ :unsure::huh::mellow::rolleyes::emot-eek::hmmm::emot-questioned: Soooo, it has become quite the conundrum, as i am aging................ I'd like to blame age, on the spending as well... However it does not seem to be clearing itself up............... I am going to be getting rid of my car, most likely and relying on family for transportation, which seems to be the better solution for me right about now, 

    and follows along with my belief system as well................. [Single young female... Doesn't need to be going places alone, as little as possible] ............... Without a car to go wherever to buy whatever i feel like, whenever i feel like, and only relying on family-parents, to take me places like shopping, I am feeling like this will be a better set up for me............... There are always things we can do to help our health, and mental as well, and i wouldn't recommend to everyone, to dump their car, but for the next few year or so, that seems to be where i am headed.... We will see, for sure...............

    I wouldn't recommend that route to everyone............... But, i think it's going to work out for me, for the next few years, until we get a new car, for all of us to share. Even then... I will have less access to it, when dad is at work etc.................. Ironically, speaking, having less access to a car for the next few years, is actually going to help me save, and sharing a car with family, is actually going to help me not spend so much, so maybe i can save to move out!!!!!!!!!!! Probably not going to happen anytime soon... But, it will help me catch up.............. From where i should have been, now................ C'est la vie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My catch is clothes..... And i now regret all the clothes i bought, isn't life grand sometimes ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arent't he things we do to ourselves just ducky hahaha (is there a duck emoji ? ? ? .... hmm, no ducky emoji.... ah well..... Isn't life and what we do to ourselves just lovely sometimes.......... Whether from an illness, or lack of self-control, we can certainly get ourselves in to quite the pickle............................ Anywho.... Hopefully i've found a solution to my spending for the next few years... And hopefully it is getting better with age, as well.... As for the meds...  Well, those i will probably always need! Gltu!!! Good luck to you. 

    I remember reading that bipolar comes with impulsive behavior and such, especially when you're manic. It sounds rough. Of course, being part of a mental health peer group, I know quite a few people with bipolar there. Good luck to you also fren.

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