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Posts posted by furrychristian

  1. Just now, Starise said:

    What kind of show? I am working on some ableton tracks for live work.

    Uhhhh. :thinking: It's gonna be controversial for this forum haha. It's very much, ahhh... adult (language and dialogue-wise, also contains themes of abuse, drug use/addiction, and sexual assault) and has controversial stuff when it comes to our faith. I love it for many reasons, but one of them is the themes of sin and redemption. The protagonist is actually very Christ-like and compassionate. God is, at least, non-existent in this show (the angels having been the ones to create humanity in this series), or else I'd be more conflicted about enjoying it.

    Sooo. I'll name it if you want, but yeah.

  2. That's rough. If she's lying to you, I'd cut her off. I've had to cut people off before who wouldn't stop asking me for money..... once in a while? Sure. Every single day? No. I had to actually drop a friend entirely cuz she wouldn't stop asking for money and it was getting suspicious. 

    It is hard though. I've been on both sides of this equation. At one point I had a spending addiction and had to keep borrowing money because I'd have spent my entire paycheck on fast food two days after payday. Understandably, people got tired of my begging and stopped helping me. Honestly, that was the best thing for me.... I needed to hit rock bottom in order to get motivated to defeat the addiction.

  3. I've never attempted, but have been suicidal to some degree or another for many years. I moreso felt like a coward for being scared to actually face death tbh. It's an extremely difficult situation to be in and those who are in so much pain that they want to die deserve compassion rather than browbeating. It's really just wanting the pain to end, and seeing no other way for that to happen.

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  4. Apparently only Christian songs are allowed to be shared here, so I will stick to only sharing those

    This song is very clearly written with faith in mind, even if not explicitly stated. The artist (Owl City) is a Christian, and has sung hymns and stuff as well. I love the lyrics

    "It's another werewolf
    All dressed up in sheep's wool
    And changing when the moon is full
    Will You show me the way?"



  5. If fiction is "unwise" because it doesn't directly correlate to faith, then let's hope you don't play chess, checkers, board games, go to zoos, or enjoy anything at all that isn't directly connected to glorifying God...... gosh, that would be a miserable life.

    What I do understand is a caution not to let such things rule over our lives and become idols. Anything can. And enjoying things vs letting them become an idol can sometimes be a thin line. I know I've been guilty of it more than once in my life.

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  6. Ok, I have to go to work like in 10 minutes, so I'll make this post as quick as I can. Fiction is my life. I'm always diving into some kind of fictional story. I watch anime, I used to read a lot as a kid, I play video games......I even do roleplay of my favorite characters online. I guess in one sense it's a way to pass the time, but I just....connect well with fictional characters and worlds. Fiction lets you do and explore things you could never in real life. And we tend to respond to fictional characters as if they are actual people, we can even admire them in the same way we might admire actual people. Some even develop crushes on fictional characters.

    I also find that allegories are a good way for me to connect to God and Biblical truths. At least, that was the case in my teens. Reading an allegorical series (I forget the name, but it had to do with knights) helped to jumpstart my relationship with God and helped me to develop a closer relationship with Him.

    I read, watch, and play fiction. I've lived thousands of lives.

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  7. Here's a site if you want to know more: https://idpwd.org/

    I figured I'd make this thread for disabled people and those who love someone with a disability to talk about their challenges and life. If you want to.

    Though I have mental illness, I don't consider myself disabled as I'm still able to work and do things I need to do. I had a stepdad who was, though. In 2001, we were on a family vacation and he began having a hard time walking. One night he couldn't get out of the van, and we had to call an ambulance. A disease had settled in his spine, and he became paralyzed from the waist down. He was also bedridden, which, turns out you need to be able to move around because your body isn't designed to lay in one place all the time. So being bedridden led to other complications and the development of other chronic illnesses. My stepdad spent, I think, the first two or so years of being disabled in the hospital up north near where we had been vacationing, and was eventually flown back down to where we live to stay at the local hospital.

    We eventually made room for him at home, set him up a space with a hospital bed and a computer so he could play video games to pass the time. He was still in and out of the hospital on an at least yearly basis, if not every few months.

    We had just over 10 years with my stepdad before he finally ended up in the ICU with many many complications and we made the decision to pull life support because living on a breathing machine is no life to have and he didn't want that either.

    Disability can happen to anyone at any age. The years we did have with my stepdad were good ones, and he had the chance to be a parent. My stepdad was very smart and practical and I learned so very much from him. I was 19 when he passed.

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  8. So a big part of my testimony is the mental health crisis I had in my late teens. That was a solid decade ago now.

    I've had OCD since my childhood. When I was 11 I was washing my hands compulsively and terrified of contamination. I never sought professional help for it, though, and in fact I was able to eventually stop washing my hands obsessively without clinical help. My OCD is probably relatively mild in comparison to most who are clinically diagnosed with it. (I am professionally diagnosed with OCD.)

    The biggest mental health crisis I ever had was an addiction. But not to drugs or substances. Have you heard of video game addiction? Mine was similar, but it was a TV show. I was addicted to it in such a way that the only way to feel normal and happy, was to indulge in that show. If I tried to quit and if I didn't watch it for a day or so, I was hit with severe withdrawals and was afflicted to the point of wanting to die.

    I had grown up in church. I "accepted Jesus" at the age of 5, but I have no idea if I was truly "saved" or not until I was 15 or so. At that point I decided to "rededicate" my life to God, and I saw big changes in my outlook and attitude take place. 2009 was probably the best year of my life, faith-wise. I remember feeling very close to God and learning a lot from the Bible.
    2010 was the absolute worst, and darkest, year of my life. That was when the addiction took hold. (Interestingly, addiction is considered to be "on the OCD spectrum of disorders". So the fact that I fell victim to it might be attributed in part to my OCD tendencies.) I eventually conquered it, by the grace of God, and with much prayer and support from two people--my stepdad and an online friend. But I lived with clinical depression for a long time afterwards.....addiction affects your brain, and it took time for my brain to heal from the damage the addiction did.

    God was with me in my suffering, though, and I found much hope and comfort through Him. One night I was lying in bed listening to a worship song on the radio, and I asked God why I was so sad inside even a year later. He told me that the wound I had inflicted on myself was a very deep one, and I was still healing.

    These days I am depression free, though I still deal with anxiety and OCD episodes that I take medication for.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Willa said:

    I prefer a teacher/exhorter who expounds on a chapter of Scripture.  It is better if they relate it both to its setting in ancient times (expository) and to how it applies to modern times.  But for any teaching to be effective it must be empowered by the Holy Spirit.  He needs to both direct the words of the Pastor and to open the ears of the listener.  Some people are very knowledgeable and are teachers in the flesh but not empowered by the Holy Spirit.  A former pastor was like that.  He taught in a seminary but it fell flat in church.  Yet he was a great exhorter and kept us on the edge of our seats, sometimes laughing at our own foibles.   Now my pastor is an excellent teacher in the Spirit.   He explains the history, relating it to other Old Testament and New Testament passages as well.  Yet he gives a lot of illustrations from his own life how the Word applies to present situations, which is the style of an exhorter.  We may spend several weeks on the same passage as he uses different approaches.  However, until we have applied the word to our own lives it is not truly "ours".  We meditate on it and it becomes part of our very being, hidden in our hearts.  

    I actually meant to say something about this in my previous post! Yeah, I like it when they do that.

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