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Everything posted by LittleMan123

  1. If there was an immaterial thing called soul in the body and memories were stored there, there would be no need for them to be stored in the brain as well.
  2. I apologize for the late response, but I had no Internet for a few days (I had to replace the router). Science proves that memories are stored in the brain. They are not stored in a thing called soul that takes them with it when it exists the body. Therefore, when the brain is lost, memories are lost, just as feelings, consciousness etc
  3. Science. It is proven that parts of the brain handle reasoning, emotional responses, memory retention etc. Consciousness is more or less a series of synapses and electric signals exchanged through the nervous system. So I put two and two together. When the brain is over, existence is over.
  4. Yes, I published a novel about a demon seducing a priest (BTW, PM me if you want the link), but what does that have to do with anything? Unless you think that writing certain kinds of fiction is a sin. I don't recall ever saying I was a Roman Catholic. The truth is that, even when I believed in God, I was not a Christian. I considered myself a religionless theist or something. But anyway the question of this thread is not whether Christianity is real. It is whether God exists at all.
  5. A member PMed me and told me that nonbelievers get shadow banned. I've got no problem starting another thread to explain to you what arguments convinced me that God does not exist, but, first, tell me, will I be shadow banned?
  6. Sorry. It's been a long time since I last was here, so I didn't know all the rules.
  7. I would need to open another thread for that.
  8. Someone else might be happy believing that a dragon with 200 heads exists. But that doesn't make a dragon with 200 heads real.
  9. The thing is, without the link, the OP sounds as if I had just woken up one morning and decided to stop believing.
  10. I apologize for not posting in a long time. Here's my news. A few months ago, I became an atheist. I converted with a heavy heart, but we don't believe what we want to be true; we believe what we are convinced is true. I believed in God for years. The thought of a better world after this miserable life gave me hope. But now I know everything will end in my grave. And now, I live with no hope, no joy. Everything seems pointless to me, since I know that the death that awaits me will take everything away from me. It's pointless to get bonded with anyone when I know that I will never see them again when they perish. What does it matter if I love people? I cannot save them from eternal oblivion, just as they cannot save me. When I said the above to my mom (I don't know about her, but she's probably an atheist too) But I cannot simply disregard the fact that I'm doomed to oblivion and 'live my life here and now'. I'm depressed. I try to resume my everyday routine as before, but I have nightmares. The thought that there is nothing after death and I'm doomed to be erased from existence comes to my sleep. People on an atheist forum told me that what I feel is normal, that atheism takes some getting used to. But, having been depressed for months over that, I don't think I will ever reach the fifth stage of grief. They also told me to call suicide hotline if I feel suicidal. The truth is, I don't have any strong suicidal impulses, at least as of yet. A part of me wishes I had never found out. But another part of me is glad I did. As a Russian saying says, better be slapped with the truth than be kissed with lies. If anyone thinks I'm wrong, feel free to convince me otherwise.
  11. What do you think of this story? Fake? Genuine? https://www.catholica.com/letter-from-hell/
  12. I'll publish it on Amazon in a few days. It's about a demon that transforms into a woman to seduce a priest. Although it's fiction, which means that it's not exactly 'canon' to everything the Bible says, I have tried not to make it offensive to anyone's beliefs. Are you interested in reading it?
  13. I made a similar point on a feminist thread once (by the way, I was later banned) and one said, 'You're free to believe in whatever God you like, but you don't have the right to tell women what to do with their bodies. So shove your God up your a#$.' Then another one replied to that member with a clapping emoji.
  14. My experience has taught me that trying to discuss with them is like talking to a wall. Is there anything I could try telling them? Or is it not worth bothering?
  15. So, from the fact that Jesus was resurrected in a physical body, we can infer that the afterlife will be a physical state too, not just a spiritual one. But how old will our physical bodies be there? The fact that the resurrected Jesus looked the same as before his death can mean 3 things: -We will all be 33. -We will all be in the physical age we were when we died (in that case, I guess it sucks to die in an old age). -We will all be in our prime (25 or so). Jesus probably came back as an 25 year old man but no one noticed the difference. What do you think?
  16. One more question that might sound stupid, but I'm not very knowledgeable. I assumed one is enough, but sometimes I see more than one. Or maybe I confuse deacons with priests...
  17. Another question that might sound stupid, so forgive me in advance: If Satan fell before the original people, how come he was in Heaven in the first place when he tricked Eve?
  18. Perhaps the question sounds stupid, but I have always viewed him as a guy.
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