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Everything posted by RosiePosie

  1. Hello all! I asked this of my friends at a Bible devotional group, and we had a lot of fun discussing different stories and what it would be like to experience them firsthand. So, feel free to answer with your own preference, I'm open to learning about different biblical stories I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  2. Hello! Personally, I think blaming God for what is evil and corrupted does not make much sense. In Genesis, everything that He created was good, for He Himself is good. As it mentions in 1 John 5:19 "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." therefore, rather than blaming God for what is wrong with the world, we should also be aware of the devil's hold on this world. Furthermore, blaming God or even anyone else for our own insufficiencies, shows a lack in taking responsibility for our actions. When I was younger I blamed God for many things that went wrong in my life, but as I matured, I realized that I need to take responsibility for my words and actions.
  3. Hello! Sorry for the late reply, it has been a rather mediocre week. The summer heat is dying down a bit and I am excited for fall and winter! I can't wait to wrap myself in my blanket and drink tea while reading the Bible
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