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Everything posted by Crosslight

  1. I read about the well being dug in Time Magazine when it came out years ago. I went back to find it later, but never could. I'm not good on micro fish files. There are many documented cases of people seeing, hearing, visiting hell, in one form or another. It can't be ignored. It is sad that it is the evil that can chase us to God, but, it is better to get to Him that way than no way at all. Too many don't experience the goodness of Him that would lead them to repentance as mentioned in Romans. And, whoa.. thank God for the dream of hell that brought damo1 back. Praise the Lord stace\o/
  2. Hey We need the schools where they gather. I am not talking about prophets who go around the country. I am talking about getting together in groups and learning more about how the Lord works through them together, edifying one another in Him. Yes, we can all hear God, but the office of a prophet is a real one. And they receive information that others will not receive because they are suppose to be busy in their own calls, not messing around trying to be the 'latest and best thing' for anyone. A pastor has pastorial responsibilities of which he/she will be accountable for doing or not doing on judgement day. Lives depend on us fulfilling our calls. The same goes for apostles, prophets, preachers, ect.. all the way down to someone who waters the flowers, or washes clothes, ect... Our fullness is in Him and we are to santify ourselves for Him and as He did, for His will for our lives. We need the prophets. There is much that needs to be revealed to the body of Christ through them that would bless everyone. But, if we reject the real ones just because of the fake ones, we are the ones who are hurt. I got this feeling that the true prophets are hiding. shalom stace
  3. Hey, I believe the prophets gathering and being a blessing is something the Lord wants. I believe there needs to be a school of the prophets where they come together, grow together and learn how to hear and discern what the Lord is saying. Each would have a part, a special area of hearing. I believe this is what the Lord wants. It is just hard to get them together. Oh, but what a blessing when they do. stace
  4. Hey, I like this type of conversation. It sure reveals alot. For example, if there were not any true prophets, why do we have 'false' ones? False ones are sent to make us throw the baby out with the water. Also, consider the new testament example in the book of Acts of the great blessing the prophets were to the Body of Christ. They gave warning of the famine that was going to happen. The Church believed them enough to redirect their actions and save up provisions, and help others. What about hurricane katrina? Wouldn't have been nice to have a tested group of prophets tell us specifically about it and warn us? You bet. I believe that is what the Lord wants. I believe He wants the prophets to gather and grow together in Him and bless the Body. What a glorious testimony the Body of Christ would receive and there would be many who would believe in Jesus because of their obedience. But, what is the problem? Too many immature ones, or false ones, or or or... I know of one who is a real prophet, called years ago into that office. Just only 8 years ago she yielded to her call. The spiritual persecution was almost too much. But for the precious call of the Lord Jesus and her relationship with Him, she would have quit a long time ago. She tells of how she is not ready, and she isn't. The information from the Lord has not been given to her yet to share. It is like a school, it takes time. A prophet must be accurate. When we find a real prophet, there is a blessing. I long for them to gather and begin to share with us what the Lord has to say to us. stace
  5. Yes.. we are. Lord help us to walk in righteous love. shalom stacie
  6. During prayer, I saw in the darkness the Lord's out stretched hand. I could see it because there was a flashlight shinning on His hand. In His hand were several small stones. I asked the Lord what this meant. He led me to I Sam 17:40: "And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine." David took his staff in hand that he used in keeping his father's sheep. Not a war weapon, but the tool he was used to. He went to the brook and picked up five smooth stones and put them into his shepherd's bag. Keeping his sling in his hand, he marched toward the giant who was mocking God and His people. David's trust was in the Lord. It was the Lord who had birthed this deep love in David, a deep love for the God of Israel, a deep love for his God that he'd spent many hours alone with in the wilderness. He trusted the Lord. Matthew Henry states that, "His confidence was purely in God's power, trusting the One who had put the mission into his heart could also put the right weapon in his hand. The giant was already fixed and ready for battle.. and had been for 40 days. Henry states that the giant cursed David by the giant's gods, sending fire-balls toward David, thinking that these would promise him success. Then Henry adds, "The security and presumption of fools destroys them." If I Keep My Eyes On Jesus I Can Walk On Water shalom stacie
  7. When I am fasting.. none of them When I am not fasting.. all of them
  8. I really look forward to seeing yur next pic. That is good. shalom stacie
  9. CG, You've taken alot of hammering because you say you hear from God huh? And most of it from Christians? shalom stacie
  10. In my early morning prayers about three months ago, the Lord told me of a civil war that was going to come about in the church. Since then, as I have sought deeper understanding on this, I have heard others mention hearing the same thing in context to the Body of Christ being divided with the gay issues and then again with the struggle with the prophetic group in Kansas. The Lord prunes His church, and because we are so limited in our perspective of time (like where one could see the civil war if they were looking back over 100 years). Hearing the Lord is the best thing that ever happened to me. The Word of God is full of statements that tell us that we hear His voice. As the matter of fact, we are commanded to hear Him. He speaks in our hearts, in our spirits, sometimes almost audiably, but when He speaks, one knows He has spoken. There is no greater peace than to talk to our Lord. Please, if you don't "hear" His voice, talk to Him about it. He desires to speak to you one on one. New revelation? no, or yes, sometimes, but it is a communication, back and forth, two sided, ... again, it is the best thing that ever happened to me and changed my life. The Bible is logos.. the written word. Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." the word "word" is rhema.. I am sure that if you read your bible, you are already familiar with His voice but just don't know it. You know when you read and pray and this certain verse stands out strong, and you remember it throughout the day? That is the voice of the Holy Spirit bringing it to rememberance. As you learn and grow, you become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit speaking and guiding you. He will tell you things like.. don't go that direction today, appoint this man to that office.. be quiet and wait.. on and on... you can find the examples of this in the book of Acts. shalom stacie
  11. We're not going to get around this class without passing it with flying colors. The Church is built on the Corner Stone of Jesus Christ, with the foundation of the five fold ministries. The five fold are listed in Ephesians by Paul, one who knew best the order established by the Lord. We won't go into the study of the five fold at this time as I am sure that most already know about the offices. What I feel impressed to discuss is our schooling on a very personal level in each of our lives. Who is the authority you are placed under at this time? Is it your pastor? Your husband? Your parents (as some might be lead to remain at home during this time of training), maybe it is your boss at work? It might be a combination of the above, or some that I have not mentioned. We don't want to limit the work of the Holy Spirit in our training. He can use anyone He desires. Not only can He use anyone, but He will limit whom He chooses. He will not confuse the issue. As I mentioned above, this is an area where the Lord will not allow any passing grade short of an A+. When we locate our God ordained authority over us, count yourself as blessed. You are in His school. Be careful to whom you submit yourselves. Every minister out there is not God ordained for you. We should always respect the office, and give honor to the one God has placed in the position of leadership, no matter the degree or calling. Great humility to the ways of God must be held to. Understand what is going on and then stand firm. What do I mean? There are different types of authority. For example, maybe across the street there is a little momma with three children who are truants. So, you begin chatting to your other neighbor about how terrible the little brats behave. Nope.. wrong way to go. Remember, this is your training, your schooling and we have to grasp the depths of the importance of this thing. Maybe the children are little nightmares, but your position is to pray and perhaps be sent to address the mother about the problem, seek to assist, or spend time in intercession for the whole family. See, the mother is a leader in her home. (We are assuming there is no husband in this family.) We have no right to impose ourselves over her position. We can come along side if that is where we are led. Critism should never come out of our mouths. We should never gather at the 'mother's coffee chat' and discuss the matter unless all involved are at the point that something must be done due to neglect or other legal issues. Then, we should lead the group in prayer and in the Biblical way of handling the situation. But, I don't want to go too far in this example. Let me bring up another example.. how about our employers? In their domain, they are the authority. We must hold them high in esteem and support them unless they overtly oppose the Lord. (Never do we disobey the Lord to obey man.) Look, the higher your call, and the higher your potential authority, the more damage you can do in someone's life if we don't heed these things firmly. Rebellion to the authority we are placed under opens the door to witchcraft. I am sure most have heard about this, or experienced it. But, again, this could and should be a whole new topic. I want to stay as focused as I can to the topic.. our training and the authority we are place under for our training. So, if you are not sure, take a minute and locate the authority the Lord has placed you under. Now, tell me if I am correct. Is that person just a bit less than perfect? Maybe enough to iritate you? How about just right enough to keep your prayers for situations neutral. By that I mean you don't have to pray that the person is caught and convicted of a murder, that would to clear cut. But, rather, a lot of the time, you have to seek some deeper understanding to find out what you are senseing as being wrong. But, the wrong will never be a wrong-wrong. "What is a wrong-wrong?" you ask. Okay, let me go a little specific. I work for a wonderful christian man, but he is a businessman. He is 76 and has been self supporting, self employeed, and sucessful for over 50 years. On the other hand, I am not a business person. I don't think the way he does about many things. It is not that the things he thinks are 'wrong," but rather sometimes, I feel that he is not quite on the mark in doing something the best way. Let me stop right here and explain another thing. I know that I do not have the business mind he does, nor the experience, but I do know that the Lord has me in the place to learn more of God's ways. I put in my time in the prayer closet and seek the Lord on issues that we have at work. Without doing this, I know I have no right to even have a different opinion. We are not talking about being trained by the Lord to have a personal opinion, but to have the heart of the Lord in matters. So, when I say that I feel that my boss is not exactly on the mark, I am saying that I heard the Lord in prayer say that this or that is a better way of doing something. This allows me to test my hearing and understanding of what the Lord is saying. But, never does the Lord allow me to assert myself and tell my boss that he is doing it wrong. This is the submission I am talking about. We are going to have to pass this type of training with an A+. This type of training hits every part of your soul and assists us in being renewed into the ways and methods of our Lord. Did I lose you? Let's try an example. I will use one from work. I use my work because I know that this is a place that the Lord is teaching me to submit to. I will use a very neutral situation (in the world's eyes, but not neutral in our Lord's eyes.) To get an overall message to the tenants here in the park where I co-manage, we often type up little notices and give them to the tenants when they pay rent. Everyone pays rent, so everyone gets a notice. So, when the city officials send out a notice about pick up days for the trash or something like that, we type it up and pass the word along. Usually, we try to be very very simple in the instructions so that their is less confusion. You wouldn't know it by this long post, but I like to be very simple and to the point. So, I sit down and type up a note just as simple as I can. It would read just the days and the hours. I know that the tenants read very little english and most barely read the notices anyway. But... the boss, he will sit down and write a whole thesis on the matter. He describes to them what trash is and what it consists of. Then he will go on and describe to them in a long letter what the city has said, what he expects them to do, how he wants them to do it, ect. And, yes, we are talking about taking your trash out. So, after I have typed up a short little notice, the boss reads it and then begins to add to it. He pulls out his black pen and adds about 500 or more words. What do I do? The first time I bit my tongue. I was insulted. I felt that I should be able to at least write a note well enough for him. I felt that the tenants would not understand what he was talking about, nor even read it all. My heart erred. What the Lord wanted from me was for me to support him. Clear and simple. Well, it took a little time, but I finally got on board with the Lord in the matter. And... the Lord wanted me to do it with a good heart. At first it was hard. All I could do was accept his letter over mine without complaining or without causing problems, or trying to correct him. I was not smiling, but I was at least working with him (with the Lord's heart in the matter to submit to him). Later, I learned the pleasure of the whole matter. What does it matter if the letter is a million words or just ten? To God, it matters. In the ways of the world and in a hundred years it does not matter. The thing is ... I changed. I can see now how I have gained by being humbleized. <--- new word. Here is another way the Lord has used my boss, the one whom the Lord has me submitted to. How about a simple question being put to you? Anyone can answer, but when we enter school, remember, we give up our rights to have our own opinions, we must secure the Lord's opinion.. that is the only answer. So, your boss asks you a simple question, like how much should you charge for this or that. With me, this seems to happen all the time. Again, humility is offered to me to accept and learn by. So, the boss says, "how much do we charge for this thing?" First off, I have no clue. I have no experience in pricing this item. So, quickly, I rush to the Lord and say, "Lord, how much is the right price?" I hear nothing. The Lord is right there just as silent as can be. The boss is there sitting across from me, eyes glued to my eyes, (and my eyes are reading, "lost, no answer, no clue." ) Then I start the bidding with the Lord. "Lord, is it one. Give me one Lord. Is is one? How about two Lord, maybe it is two. Are you going for two Lord? Okay Lord, going up.. lets go four, is it four Lord.. are we going for four? " The boss is still staring at me. The Lord is quiet. Then the boss smiles cause he already had the answer in mind. He says, "15." And I start the bidding again, sounding just like an auctioneer. "Is it 15 Lord, have we got a go on 15. Going once Lord, going twice Lord, is it a go? Is this okay with you? Should I say "No" Lord, or "it is too much" ? So, there I sat, nothing to say. No word from the Lord. And no answer for the boss. At first and for a long time, I felt like a big dummy. At times, I even thought the devil was hitting me with 'dumbness' and cast before work each day. But, that was not the case. The Lord is having me submit and support my boss. And, time after time, the Lord has blessed these types of situations. And, I have been blessed to. Little miss me has learned that I know all things.. In Christ.. and in Him only. Not only that, but that there is a peace in it. The Lord works through my boss all the time to find those little prides, little controlling elements of my personality, and on and on. You see, if we can not submit to those the Lord puts us under for training, then how will we submit to HIm in our own Kingdom business that we are being trained for. What you think? Shalom stacie
  12. I asked the Lord about our spheres of authority. He gave me the illustration of a billiard game. (Pool game for some of us) (or is there a difference? lol) A pool game has a set of small colored and numbered balls. There is a cue ball, the white one, and there is a cue stick. The Lord is the cue stick. The messenger He is sending is the cue ball. The balls on the table about to be whacked are the issues in our lives or people (proper English might say, "the people, places and things"). The force that happens when the cue stick hits the cue ball is the power of the Holy Spirit. Thus.. the hand of the Lord (as in Ezekiel, 'the hand of the Lord was upon me') takes the cue stick and hits the cue ball.. The Lord takes the messenger by His hand and sends the messenger The cue ball hits the colored and numbered balls .. thus coming in contact and moving them from one position to another.. The messenger makes contact with people, places, and things and creates some type of change in the situation, life, or issue. And, in turn, they affect others in one way or another. Everything that comes in contact with the cue ball is directly or indirectly affected in the sphere of authority the Lord puts the cue ball in (that cue ball is us). Sometimes, a ball may not involve a person and may be left untouched, but is being held for another play, but always is considered a player. No ball sits on the table useless. What ya think? shalom Stacie If I Keep My Eyes On Jesus I Can Walk On Water
  13. Hey I battle with this kind of thing too. I would love to say the word "battled" as in Past Tense, but I still have to stay on top of it. One thing that has really helped is that I know the 'conviction of the Holy Spirit' when I really do wrong. One time I really did wrong by not following through with my responsibility for the Lord. The Lord brought this to my attention. I cried and cried like a baby for messing up.. yet at the same time, I praised Him so much for caring enough to advise me, to correct me. Oh oh oh.. there was so much love in the correction. Anyway, if I will make myself limit my hearing to His correction, I am fine and never have guilt. But, somehow, I give in and listen to the adversary tell me how awful I am, how short I have fallen.. ect. Lord help us to hear You shalom stacie
  14. This is really a neat thread. I wish we could hear about this more, it might help us more to know there is more around us (II Kings 6) than what we can see with our natural eyes. Thank you shalom stacie
  15. Thank you for sharing this. May the love of the Lord Jesus go deep within our hearts.. that our hearts beat as His heart does. Pray for one another. shalom stacie
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