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  1. Biden, lift the sanctions on Iran and Cuba. The people have been without for so long they do not know what it is like to have the things you need. BIDEN, as a fellow American citizen, Please lift the sanctions on Iran & Cuba, NOW!!!! Let the people see and feel what they have been denied.
  2. What is the difference between love & sex-? while I was a teenager, the term “sex” was not a term spoken among my circles. I grew up believing intercourse was for the procreation of children. I still believe this, only-------- At the same time, I had a few girlfriends. We held hands, kissed each other from time to time and continued a great relationship; but I never considered this “sex”. I eventually married and now I am a grandfather several time over. My desire to have children has long since passed; I am a grandfather several times over, but I still enjoy the company of a woman. Having said the above, I now wonder if my joy of having the company of a women; a feeling of “sex” or one of “love”; or is there a difference-? In short is it sinful to enjoy the company of a woman knowing marriage is not an option. Just asking No animosity intended or implied Just curious
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