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Mars Hill
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  1. Light isn't a part of nature. It can never be physical. It doesn't have mass. I'm well aware that this balance of Good and Evil is a trick of Satan to generate false god's and religions. We only have this view while were are here in this fallen reality. There won't be a balance after this is over. You are being hypercritical for no reason.
  2. I support the God is Light guy, but that isn't me personally. You can find me making Atheist's mad here
  3. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2 Corinthians 5%3A21&version=ESV 2 Corinthians 5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. When it says "to be sin", could it mean physical?
  4. Yes, I should burn for suggesting God created the universe spiritually first ..even when "physical" isn't used anywhere.
  5. You either get an interference pattern or you don't. When you don't, the wave collapsed into our fallen reality of decoherence. When you do, the wave remained coherent until the final panel. Waves don't have entropy. They don't have disorder. Sounds like what God would use for a spiritual universe.
  6. You know it will be delivered to us ..just not through me? I'm not saying I'm someone special .but, uhh could you at least consider what I'm saying just-in-case? I think scalar and its quantities are all part of the fall. https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/vectors.html
  7. Are local objects that can remain local on their own, closed scalar volumes that have entropy? Is entropy disorder? Is sin disorder? Is God's Kingdom orderly? Is it Coherent? Is this reality of the fallen Decoherent?
  8. This is all very pointless for Christians as they already believe. I'm trying to get feedback on it before taking it to the unbelievers. Anything that wakes them up is welcome.
  9. Do you think a spiritual being in a spiritual universe has any idea they are not physical? Interference patterns are proof of God. God is all possible paths of the EM Vector Field ..Light. Interference requires all possible paths to taken same time, virtually. We know this happens because we can get the pattern sending one wave at a time. This physical reality of the fallen is an infinite sum of local waves. Disorder.
  10. There was a spiritual death ..not a physical one. Would you prefer we didn't have scientific evidence of sin?
  11. Quantum Coherence is infinite order of the Vector Field. Anything physical is finite and disordered with entropy. You make a good point, but maybe the two environments are similar when you are made out of the same stuff. The physical reality is the view of the fallen. Considering someone naked goes with lust which they didn't have before.
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