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Not of the World

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Everything posted by Not of the World

  1. You won't even answer simple questions, let alone questions of any "depth".
  2. Proverbs 14:29 English Standard Version 29 Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.
  3. Folks here have been much nicer to you than you have been to them. I find no love or compassion in you. I hope that you will examine the fruits that you are producing and consider if those fruits are pleasing to Jesus.
  4. You're welcome but I did not actually see anything about a 5-year sentence. I was told that elsewhere but I cannot confirm if that is accurate. Forbidding citizens from making unpopular statements is reminiscent of North Korea.
  5. https://www.williamfry.com/newsandinsights/publications-article/2022/11/24/new-bill-on-hate-speech-and-hate-crimes-should-lead-to-improved-outcomes-for-victims?utm_source=Mondaq&utm_medium=syndication&utm_campaign=LinkedIn-integration
  6. Yea, that's a slippery slope. Political leftists have been banning speech and people for most of human history. What Ireland is doing is reminiscent of the gulags and concentration camps.
  7. In other news, Ireland passed a law that includes up to 5 years in prison for expressing an opinion deemed "hateful" by the Irish regime.
  8. It seems that the Roman Catholic Church believes the Bible to be incomplete based on all of the things that they have added that are not found in the original Bible.
  9. I am apparently mistaken. I thought I had posed the question but apparently not as I cannot locate it either. My mistake. Sorry.
  10. Killing is killing and it's either moral or immoral. In any event, you and I will simply have to disagree on the concept of permitting child rapists and serial killers to escape, but I do appreciate your perspective and thank you for sharing it.
  11. Interesting. I too speak a little. My wife is Mexican. I have a son and a daughter that are both bilingual gringos.
  12. I would like one that uses modern language so that it is easier to understand. Thanks in advance.
  13. Someone once told me that Satan is the greatest counterfeiter of all time. I think they were right. Since Jesus was a Jew, might the anti-Christ also be a Jew? I have no idea but it would certainly align with Satan's efforts at counterfeiting God.
  14. So if a child rapist or a serial killer is running away and the only way to stop them from escaping and continuing their crimes is to shoot them, you believe that doing so is both illegal and immoral? I'll ask you again, since you declined to answer previously, do you believe it was immoral to kill Osama Bin Laden?
  15. Many government officials in the CDC and the NIH are paid commissions by pharmaceuticals (and others) and it's all perfectly legal and they're not required to disclose who is paying them and how much they're being paid. Why did Fauci (and others) approve MILLIONS being given to a Chinese military bioweapons lab? And why do they continue to do so? And how much is Fauci (and others) being paid in return for those substantial, financial, gift to the Chinese Communist Party?
  16. Perhaps he is not a Christian. I too have noticed that he is quite aggressive and hostile to others. He seems more interested in "winning an argument" than in engaging in honest, friendly, give-and-take, discussion. If he is a Christian, he should do a Bible search for "pride" and "humility".
  17. I have absolutely NO WAY to know if the Covid vaccines are causing harm to those who have received them. I do know that, if they are, our government will NEVER tell us.
  18. Do you believe that medical professionals should legally be able to prescribe puberty blockers and give hysterectomies to little girls that believe that they are male? That's already happening. Where is the "measure of safety built into the medical system" that you speak of?
  19. I'm not talking about "revenge". I'm talking about letting a child rapist escape. You apparently would let them escape. I would not.
  20. There is also a fair share of quality, Christian, content. One needs to discern the tares from the wheat.
  21. I'm happy and blessed to be a part of this amazing community so that I can learn from learned and Godly people such as yourself. Thank you and God bless you!
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