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Daniel Hoseiny

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  1. Thank you. The version of the movie at the channel 'Marcel Chis' has a better translation in my opinion.
  2. Orthodox Russian-Japanese film (thriller, drama) An Orthodox priest, Father Nikolay, the brother of a Yakuza boss, is drawn into in a mob war in Japan. He escapes to the small Russian village of Glubokoe, where he finds that war has found him again. Starring Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, a Hollywood star. Admin Note: The live link was too long to allow and was to a poorly dubbed version anyway, so I have read some reviews and specially approved this version at Orthodox Insights for our Orthodox friend @Daniel Hoseiny Copy and paste the video title into YouTube Search and it will come up. Apparently a popular movie for Christians.
  3. Do you suffer from an illness? The good way for a Christian to endure the illness is to be patient and to thank God for everything, including our personal cross (sufferings). Don't be angry at other people, it doesn't help the problem. May the Lord help you to serve Him even when you suffer.
  4. They don't even pray, it's just a recitation of Quran.
  5. Criticism of Islam by Mar Mari Emmanuel (very short informative videos)
  6. @HolytrinityFind the inspiring testimony of John Ramirez on YouTube. He used to be a high-ranking priest of satan, but he converted to Jesus. He went through the sufferings you describe and demons called him traitor as well. He wrote an interesting book about his life called 'Out of devil's cauldron.' And if I may suggest to you this, stop calling yourself Holy Trinity. Don't do such things as these, you are not God. Every subtle, small or great sin give rights to demons to torment us and abide in us, even if we don't act as possessed. [Admin Edit: Video in wrong section]
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