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sheya joie

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Posts posted by sheya joie

  1. Snoods are about the easiest to use, especially for the busy woman. All you do is gather your hair up and pull in on, adjusting it around your head and allowing your hair to be gathered up in it. There are simple everyday ones and some that are very fancy for special occasions. they are comfortable to wear all day and you don't have to worry about loose ends to attrack babys eyes. :(

    Another style too is one that resembles a turban, useing a long rectangle scarf or large square one, tie it around your head like you would a towel after shampooing, if you like you can even but an nice decorative pin on the tucked in flap to secure it and add a little something. :noidea:

    The tznius site does offer many ways to tie, you just have to look around at the different links. :cool:  Under the link many wonderful styles here.  Here's the direct link to the tying stlyes  http://www.tznius.com/cgi-bin/tying.pl


    I love tznius!

    I have some scarves, where I have taken the triangular piece of cloth, measured it around my head, and sewed it so that it fits around my head without tying. I just pull it down over my head (around my neck), pull my hair out at the back, then pull the front of the scarf back up to frame my face.

  2. I can answer a few of these.

    Can a unborn baby fart or burp?

    They can definitely hiccup; I felt that many times when I was pregnant. There's no air in the womb, though, so the baby probably cannot burp. As for the other, the baby's intestines are filled with something called meconium, which is there to prevent anything from, um, leaving the intestines. So probably no, uh, gas either.

    Why don't they make Root Beer flavored ice cream? Wouldn't it be better than root beer floats?

    They DO make Root Beer flavored ice cream now. We saw it at the local Wal*Mart.

    Why do cats like to dig their paws into something before they lay down on it?

    It goes back to their kittenhood, when they would knead on their mama's tummy while nursing, to get the milk to flow.

    Whats a question with no answer called?


    If you made biscuits with chocolate milk instead of regular milk, would they taste chocolaty?

    A bit. Depends on how much chocolate milk you put in.

    Can a person with no ears wear glasses?

    Yes. Make the glasses with an elastic strap to go around the head, instead of regular ear pieces.

    Are people who are allergic to nuts allergic to coconuts too?

    I think so, yes.

    Why is there a top line on lined paper if we never use it?

    There has to be a top line somewhere . If we eliminate the top line that isn't used - then the line below it becomes the top line - which isn't used - so eliminate it, and the next line below becomes the top line - which isn't used - so eliminate it...

    Next thing you know, you'll have no lines on the page.

    Can a fire truck park in the fire lane?

    Absolutely. That's what the fire lane is for, to reserve a space for the fire engine to park in.

    What happens if you put "this side up" face down while popping microwave popcorn?

    The bag is marked 'this side up' so that the pad that heats up will be under the popcorn. I've never tried popping a bag upside-down. Maybe you could try that, and let us know what happens.

    Why is chopsticks one of the easiest songs to play on the piano, but the hardest thing to eat with?

    Once I learned to eat with chopsticks, I found them very easy to use.

    Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?

    Because very little vanilla flavoring is needed; a little goes a long way. With so little vanilla flavoring in the ice cream, the color gets diluted out.

    Why can't you get a tan on your palms?

    No melanin. Without melanin, no tanning.

    Interesting questions!

    (I totally messed up using the quote features, so I edited my response to make it easier to follow.)

  3. History shows us that people have long understood this passage to mean that a man takes off his hat when he prays. So if verse 4 means a man uncovers by removing something cloth from his head, then how can verse 5 mean anything else but that a woman should have something cloth covering her head? And for centuries, women did commonly wear something cloth over their heads, over their hair.

  4. Pay attention to the sort of things that trigger the desire in you, and stay as far away from them as you can. (This advice really goes for all sorts of sin.) Take your thoughts captive (2 Cor 10:3-5), since the thought is where the deed comes from.

    Pray, pray, pray. Get to know the LORD very closely. Not just a ritual of doing things, but a living relationship with HIM. Rev 2 talks about leaving one's First Love - so cling to the LORD - love HIM first above everything else.

    Hope that is some help.

  5. Anyone who is divorced may be remarried.  Check out Strong's Concordance for the different definitions (and original language words) regarding 'putting away' and 'divorce.'


    When I typed in 'divorc*' to try to understand what you are talking about, most of the verses that came up had both terms, putting away and divorcement.

    So, may I ask you to explain what you mean?

  6. may I ask??

    why go to a movie with the word Witch in it

    don't want to start an arguement  just want to know

    In Christ




    To read spoiler, highlight the section from here...

    The witch is the bad guy, and gets what she deserves in the end.

    ...to here.

  7. Before my late husband and I got married, we sat down together one day and talked over all the most important stuff to us: about the LORD, about child-rearing, about whether he would expect me to work outside the home once we had kids, etc, etc. It was really a bit scary, to have such a talk; I knew that if his answers and my answers did not line up together, I was going to have to call off the wedding. It didn't matter how much I loved him - I knew that I would be a fool to marry a man whose expectations of marriage were not at least 99% in line with mine.

    I wanted to be able to submit, you see, and I wanted to know going in that his expectations for me would be the same as my expectations for me.


    Now, of course, he could have been lying to me... But he wasn't.

    I think that's one of the main reasons we had such a good marriage - that we made sure ahead of time that we agreed on all the important stuff. (Not a perfect marriage, of course! But a very very very good one.)

  8. Jesus often rebuked those whose observancies were outward show without inward reality. So I think that's the important starting point - to be REAL on the inside. From that, from a genuine heart of love for the LORD and love for your neighbor (that is, the two great commandments), the actions of obedience will flow, as we marinate in HIS Word and it grows within us. As we learn the things that please HIM.

    Just some of my thoughts.

  9. Here is the reference:

    Num 15:37 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

    Num 15:38 Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue:

    Num 15:39 And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring:

    Num 15:40 That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God.

    The word fringe is:





    Feminine of H6731; a floral or wing like projection, that is, a fore lock of hair, a tassel: - fringe, lock.

    Hope that helps.

    I don't have real tzit tzit on my homemade prayer shawls - but I do usually fringe the edges some.

  10. I wear a cotton scarf. I have several, in different colors, that I made easily on the sewing machine. I'm the only woman at my church who covers.

    There are many types of coverings. You can do an online search and find lots of styles. You can also find a lot of writings, pro and con, on the subject.

    As for advice, I would say pray about it and ask your husband to pray about it also. Then do as the Holy Spirit leads.

  11. I post my stuff on various internet sites and blogs.  My own blog is http://epistolizer.blogspot.com.  I write mostly commentaries so these stories are few and far between unfortunately as it takes more effort to write original fiction than ope-ed columns.  Glad you have enjoyed them. 

    God Bless,

    Frederick Meekins


    There is a storyblogging carnival that runs every two weeks. I am a frequent host of it. The founder and I, as well as at least one of the usual contributors, are Christians; not all of the participants are, though.

    If you would be interested in participating, please contact me.

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