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Everything posted by artsylady

  1. Do you post just for the sake of wasting people's time, including your own? What kind of nonsense is this? I mentioned the child molestation epidemic in the catholic church, you come back with Jimmy swaggart???? and when I DO NOT COME TO HIS DEFENSE you tell me to remove the plank from my eye!???? You probably should join the Catholic church. You'd fit right in. Although it seems like switching to RC is a knee jerk reaction to hurt you felt by a Baptist or group of them. Rather than examining the issues and forgiving the person(s), you'd like to turn RC and hope whomever hurt you will suffer for being wrong. Sounds like you might turn RC out of spite. You do seem quite spiteful.
  2. Charlie: You made a wild accusation and now fail to prove it, after threatening to prove it! So prove it! You place part of a quote from someone and you call that proof????? Do you think I'm an idiot??? I'm not! That is not proof at all. I am a researcher! That's what I do for a living, but you don't have to be a researcher to know that a quote from some unknown person is not proof of molestations!!!! How does a guy having sex with hookers compare to child molestation cover ups that allow priests to roam around from place to place and reoffence, with the knowledge from higher-ups??????? You're comparing apples to oranges and not proving anything you try to assert! As you threatened earlier on a thread, PROVE YOUR WILD ACCUSATION!!!
  3. Charlie: What article???????!!! This sounds like a quote from someone? This is not research! Until you can prove this absurd statement, I won't discuss anything else with you. Yes, please do, because I refuse to waste my time researching something bogus that i 'learn' about on the net from you! So present your so-called 'facts' for everyone to see!!!! Yes, I beleive he probably is. Sad isn't it? What's your point? That there are dumb Christians out there? So what? Is that your point? Point taken. Move on and PROVE YOUR WILD ACCUSATION!
  4. Why did you bother finding that and posting it? If you did it for my benefit, please stop wasting your time and mine. It proves nothing about anything we are even discussing.
  5. Sure, things are still moving at a very slow pace. Are you basing that rate on what they're moving at presently? A worldwide flood would certainly hasten everything wouldn't it? Which one of the above do we not find? Here's a really good article if you're interested in the subject. I don't mean to keep giving you links but I hope you don't mind. If you're really interested, this explains it better than I can, since it is just an involved topic and I'm short on time. http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/...od-watersgo.asp So, answer the question. Where did all the water come from? In the 6 day creation, Genesis mentions God creating the 'firmament' - where He separated the water in the sky and on land. This is a very curious thing, but some creationists believe that the firmament was an atmosphere or layer of water around the earth, This created a greenhouse effect where it never had to rain on earth, satisfying another curiousity where it says that before NOah's flood, it never rained. QUOTE http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/...q/migration.asp The ark was humoungous - as big as a few football field and a number of stories high. Creationists do believe in evolution to an extent (as I think you already know) which is change within a kind or species. For example, Noah would have only had to taken one canine (As we also now know from recent news headlines that all dogs could have come from one original species, as Creationists have been saying all along). He also could have taken babies in the ark, as they eat less and are smaller. As for animals that only eat meat and particular plants, there is room for evolution here as well. The ability to evolve or adapt to new conditions was created by God for very good purpose and reason. QUOTE Makes more sense than the evolutionary reasoning as to why marsupials 'evolved' only in Australia. A man takes every kind of animal. One bovine, one canine etc. There is one continent and the animals come to him. They go on the ark. When the waters recede enough (after a year or so, more on that in the above links) they are let off the ark. The continents are dividing at this time. The marsupials happen to be on the peice of land that floats away and becomes Australia. How is it, in your view, that animals evolved to become marsupials only on this one continent? If your interested, there are about 250 other flood legends, outside of the Bible, that speak of a global flood. Many speak of a man who builds a boat and escapes the flood with his family and many animals. If this means anything to you, I can find you some of these legends. I think it's particularly fascinating that around the world, these stories, legends, remarkably similar have been passed down. Don't you find this even somewhat intriguing?
  6. Charlie: Saying that the Pentecostals have a child molestation problem worse than the Catholics is a blatant lie. I will not discuss anything with you until you recant this ridiculous statement.
  7. If Noah's flood had infact happened, we would find catastrophic changes to the face of the earth - the one continent (Pangea) would divide, mountains and canyons would form. There would be fossil beds found all over the world. In these fossil beds, or mass animal graves, we'd find all types of creatures, from sea to land, all quickly buried together and covered in sediment. We'd find layers of sediment. To prove these layers happened rather quickly, we'd find some creatures in the process of giving birth and we'd find trees growing through these layers. We'd find evidence for sea creatures at the top of mountains. The mountains were caused at the time of the flood. The water didn't have to cover them in the first 40 days. The changes to the earth's surface were continuous, probably over the course of years. Regarding animals and how they got to where they are, here's some good reading. http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/...q/migration.asp Makes more sense than the evolutionary reasoning as to why marsupials 'evolved' only in Australia.
  8. If the world had flooded 7 or 8 thousand years ago (let's go with young earth) what sort of phyical evidence do you think there would be today to prove this event happened?
  9. Well, why look to another religion that is full of lies? This kind of thing is an epidemic in the Catholic church. Not only does it happen, the higher-ups cover it up allowing it to continue. No protestant religion can be accused as such. You're telling blatant lies. I won't discuss this with you any more.
  10. What kind of evidence would convince you? You know about the God of the Bible, the history of the God of Abraham. What kind of evidence would convince you that this God exists? Can you give me an example, or be specific please?
  11. Fovezer: You said solid, empirical evidence. You know our belief system. You know basically what the Bible says about our God. I really need to know what kind of evidence you'd like to see? Would the God of the Bible have to speak directly to you? You know that is not in his nature to talk to an unbeliever. So, could you give me an example of the kind of evidence that might satisfy you.
  12. Fovezer: What kind of proof would you find acceptable?
  13. Personally, since you asked, I do have a bit of a grudge because my grandmother was molested by a priest. I know that the catholic church, all the way to the pope, condones this kind of behaviour, by covering it up! I'm not a Baptist but I'm pretty sure the Baptist church does not have a wide spread child molestation epidemic! I'm pretty sure Baptists were not responsible for killing and torturing thousands and thousands over hundreds of years, as the Catholics are. What ever your gripes are about the Baptist church, they're probably trivial compared to child molestation, torture and murder. I read and re-read the New Testament. There is nothing to say that Mary is holy or to be prayed to. NOTHING. There is nothing to suggest Peter was the first Pope. NOTHING. There were saints who were living people during the time of Christ so the Catholic church's rendition on what a saint is is wrong. There is nothing to say that the bread and wine changes into read flesh and blood. I've seen one scripture used to 'prove' that sperm is sacred and it doesn't compute at all. Were you hurt by someone in the Baptist church?
  14. I know a Catholic woman who wasn't allowed to take communion after a divorce? Is this an isolated case or is it a practice? If it's an isolated case, it's about as valid as the Baptist story.
  15. Charlie: What a terrible 'Baptist' story. But that doesn't mean that all Baptists believe this way. This preacher was way out of line. I'm sure the Baptist religion doesn't condone divorcing your current spouce to remarry a previous one. That is ridiculous. You found an isolated case about a preacher who went against what his church really teaches. In doing so, you've decided to slam all Baptists? The truth, I believe, about the Catholic church however, is that once you are divorced, you are no longer allowed to participate in certain catholic rituals. The Catholic church DOES condone treating the divorced as a second class citizen.
  16. Jesus taught us to pray to God, not to himself or to dead people.
  17. Since he's gone this route himself, if he can convert others, he'll be able to continue to feel that he made the right decision. He can't help himself. God was once with him and a peice of God still nags at his soul. He has no choice but to fight him for the rest of his life. Know Jesus know peace! No Jesus no peace!
  18. Fovezer: I didn't see anywhere mentioned that he was nominated for a Nobel Prize. Here's why he probably was not. http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/...cs/v16n2_aw.asp Fovezer: What kind of evidence for the God of the Bible would be acceptable to you? Why do you get so offended when people say they'll pray for you, or insinuate that you are lost. If a Muslim told me he would pray for me, I'm sure I would thank them and secretly find it very funny. I'm wondering why you're so sensitive about this.
  19. Dr Luke! What great detective work! And what a surprise! Was I right or was I right when I said that he probably frequents Christian message boards, trying to fight Christianity? QUOTE
  20. Yes, that does make a lot of sense. You heart is hardened toward God. That is obvious to every Christian debating with you.
  21. I see not much has changed in the past week. Fovezer: Regarding the Grandsons of Noah as mentioned in the Bible. All of these men were REAL, settled all over the eastern continents and the proof is that there are places NAMED after them. Isn't it most likely that these places were named after real PEOPLE? It's just another coincidence to you? Remarkable coincidence, isn't it? It's amazing at how quickly you can dismiss things. Would you only believe in God if he were visible, rather than invisible? Would you need to actually see him? You used to be a Christian, but you weren't a very good one were you?
  22. . Yes, but unfortunately, the Catholics just do not care.
  23. Hey, I'm probably the only one left here. I'm a die hard, but will only fight with someone who is being honest. You're not being honest with yourself. You've developed a hardened heart toward God and simply do not wish to belief in Him. Therefore no amount of evidence to support the Bible or anything will convince you of ANYTHING. I'm outa here too. Feel free to have the last word. Maybe when you get to heaven, God will also let you have the last word.
  24. LOL. What a surprise!!!!!! Hurry up! Dismiss it! Don't even consider what this might mean!!!
  25. http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/...cs/v16n2_aw.asp You believe life was created. I do not. Comes down to a matter of faith.
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