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Posts posted by artsylady

  1. I am done.  You can all do a collective cheer and go right back to former beliefs without have to change a thing!   Yay!  If this is you, you can stop reading now.  Thanks.

    My own personal motto is learn, change, grow and I hope to continue to do that my entire life.  I want to increase in knowledge, compassion and empathy as long as I live.  I have only one life to do so, so I have to make the best of it.

    For those who also feel this way and might just want to take an honest glimpse at another side, there are so many amazing vegan options these days - we don't need to consume the homormal secretions from other mammals.  (and we wonder why we have so many health issues!)   Some of the plant based cheeses are so close you would not even know the difference.  Plant based steaks, chicken etc are evolving every day to the point where you would not even know it was not the flesh of an animal caged and mistreated it's entire life.   I urge honest, caring, Christians to take a look at the other side.  You may do so and for whatever reason, choose not to eat less meat, but please at least give it an open minded and fair shake.  Thanks to you other wisely-silent people for listening.

  2. Thank you for your replies.   

    I am curious because I once got some kind of bad star or something because I said the words, "I am sorry you are so close minded"

    Then the other day, a thread got shut down and I don't really understand why other than some people wanted it that way. I am ok with that actually.  I have said enough on the issue.  I don't have hours all day to debate this or anything else.  If the interest of some were piqued enough to research more, then great.   However if they end up changing their mind, my best advice to them might be to keep quiet about that on this forum.  

    I came to present a Christian point of view as to why so many Christians, and non Christians are adopting a vegan or plant based and to raise awareness to the modern day farming practices, how God's creatures are being treated, and how the home (earth) God gave us is being destroyed on many levels.   Its a social issue anyone who has contact with people outside of WB might want to become informed on, so that they can communicate respectfully and understand the issues.

    As well, since the viewpoint is based mostly on the grounds of compassion, since we are supposed to the most compassionate people on the planet, I think there are some who are reading who might be interested in looking into this, and educating themselves  more on this issue.  There are also many who won't and it's clear who they are.   I can tell by the arguments they try to present that they haven't looked at the other side.  I can also tell that they will simply argue every point I try to make, rather than doing any research on their own with an open mind, in a search for truth.  

    Briefly, the part about the land ratio is interesting.  It's also a concept and an interesting one.  In order for it to ever work and be put into practice, we have to first, at least realize what this concept it.  Without asking and researching and knowing what the concept is, people just dismiss it.

    Off topic for a sec - I had a friend who was able to stop taking diabetes meds because he drastically changed his lifestyle and eating and lost 60 pounds.   Nothing to do with veganism, but if people don't know that lifestyle and food choices can help in certain diseases that they have, I am speechless.   But I shouldn't even 'whisper".   (Did someone major drama in school? )

    In some poor parts of the world, overfishing is the reason that people are going hungry.  I can't and won't debate it here.  It messes with my piece of mind, and again, most won't open mindedly consider the concept.   They want to dismiss it as quickly as it hits their brain so that they can go on thinking they are right, as they always were and always will be.   For those who do want to know more, the info is available for study.  If anyone prefers me to message them to get a hold of it, I would be happy to do so.  I don't have time to argue all day who people who will say anything, even ridiculous statements, in order to try to shut us down.

    So ya'll (you know who you are ) 'win', if that's what you want to call it.  I won't talk about it here anymore.

    Some people think they have it all right, all of the time.   I am pretty much the opposite.  If someone can convince me I am wrong, I will gladly change my mind.  "Correct a fool and he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will thank you."  


  3. She was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 30.   But this song was played.  Her mom told me later she and her would sing and dance to this song at their church.  It will always be a favorite.  I wish a great live version was available that had good audio but haven't found one yet.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Been playing a bit of Larry Norman and friends my age, in early 50's, who never grew up with it are loving it wondering why they never heard of him before.   

    Hard to nail down a favorite but this is definitely on that list.


    • Brilliant! 1
  5. 6 hours ago, walla299 said:

    I'm thinking probably not. :laugh:

    Pass the bacon, please. Because everything's better with bacon. 


    Most seem to have an idea of Old McDonald's farm, in relationship to farms.
    However, if new information was realized,  that from birth, most pigs raised today are confined to a cage small enough that they can do nothing but either lay down or stand up for their entire lives, would that make you rethink how much you like bacon?

  6. 1 hour ago, maryjayne said:

    its not the protein that the problem, its the amount of carbohydrates in plant food. Carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels. A plant food diet is high in carbohydrates.

    Not necessarily true.   
    By the way, many vegans claim to have eradicated health issues like diabetes.  You could google this if you want.  Many people who don't want to go by the term 'vegan', for understandable reasons, go for a plant based diet in order to bring them back to optimal health.

  7. 7 hours ago, Davida said:

    You're posts have felt very  harassing and that is not polite and now you are insulting. This is also not the only thread you have been harassing people for eating meat.  

    I just asked if you were able to politely discuss your views and you call that harassment?  I call that defensive.  To the extreme..  I am not harassing anyone.  I am asking if there are any who might rethink their long held beliefs on this particular issue in light of the fact of the widespread animal abuse on today's factory farms?  For you, I suspect the answer will be 'no' to reconsidering and that's fine.  You may want to bow out of the discussion then? 

  8. 36 minutes ago, Davida said:

    Some vegans can be just as overbearing as PETA. We have meat eaters , vegans and vegetarians in my extended family but somehow we all share dinner without anyone judging or proselytizing, no one would even know who was observing us. Meat eaters bring vegan dishes for the non-meat eaters. 

    Have you ever been able to politely discuss your views with each other?

  9. If there is a moderator who doesn't hate me like posters here do, can you help me change my signature please?  lol    Good thing I am not concerned with popularity contests.  hahaha.


    I would like my signature to read the following .  I have it down to 4 lines, as follows, but it won't let me change it.

    "Am I trying to win the approval of human beings, God? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."  Galations 1:10

    "...Without love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.... without love, I am nothing"  1 Corinthians 13:2

    "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."  Proverbs 16:18

    "Come let us reason together"  Isaiah 1:18                           



  10. 12 minutes ago, Omegaman 3.0 said:

    Yeah, from PETAs staand point, I think even guide dogs might be animal cruelty. I was thoughtful enough one year to see if they had a humane solution for a rat infestation we had, their suggest was to get live traps, capture the animals and turn them loose in my yard.

    They are not bit on anything derived from animals, and even pets are not called pets, but companion animals (pets is demeaning, and makes animals seem less that equal). I wonder it they are against antibiotics, which indiscriminately kill protozoa (microscopic animals) in your body! 

    Most vegans don't like peta, fyi.

  11. 21 minutes ago, maryjayne said:

    I suppose this isnt the moment to mention that I eat a mainly protein diet to control my type 2 diabetes (very successfully, I dont need any meds) and have done for many years?

    I wonder how vegan type 1  or insulin using type 2 diabetics manage their condition? human derived insulin is rare and possibly still considered meat?


    Some plant foods have more protein than meat.  I am sorry to hear of your health issues.

  12. The thread was closed but I was asked a question about how the world could be fed with acreage and I didn't get to answer.   However, if anyone wants to know they can pm me.  I won't discuss this. It's too controversial of a topic really and people would rather not think about it.  

  13. Yes it is a fallen world.  God said eating meat was ok.  Yes he did.  No argument here.   However, in the beginning, it was clear we were supposed to eat plants and seeds.  It's the result of the fallen world that God allowed us to eat meat.  Just like it was the result that the lion can no longer lay down with the lamb.  It WAS perfection and the fall tainted things. It's NOT the ideal.  And then for centuries after century, eating meat would have been fine, just like for centuries it was fine to have 10 wives.  But things have changed.....  in a time when humans were told to "go forth and multiply" God allowed polygamy. 

    Maybe, just maybe, in these times when animals are being so badly mistreated, more than half the world is starving (can get into how meat consumption is a a majory cause), when our part of the world has access to fruits, vegetables, nutrients from around the world and can get all of our nutrients from them,  maybe just maybe, the Christians of today should exhibit extreme compassion and decide to refrain from contributing to this animal cruelty that exists on a massive scale?   

    I am just asking, is it something that should be considered?  I know many will just say 'no'.  I don't understand that, but that is between God and them.   I don't judge them, although I am being accused of that.  I am just here to ask if anyone wants to see the other side of the coin and why people find the massive breeding and killing of animals for consumption is deplorable in this day and age we live in.   I'm sure most of us have non Christian vegan friends who need to be saved.  I can tell you, the thing they will relate to is our compassion.  But do we have compassion for the way we are treating God's creatures in the day and age we live?


  14. 1 minute ago, Cobalt1959 said:

    Dead Thread Revival Warning.

    Let's look at some scripture.

    Genesis 9:1-3  1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.  2 The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands.  3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

    I've heard vegans say that this verse does not mean exactly what it says.  But they can never explain why.  There is nothing provisional at all about it.  As with all things, balance is the key.  It is harmful to the body to eat nothing but vegetables.  It is harmful to the body to consume too much meat.  The flood corrupted the world and mankind incurred physiological changes over time as a result.  This is why God made this adjustment.  Mankind had broken His original design and He had to install a patch to fix things until Christ could set things right with the Creation at the end.  It's a fallen world and there are bad consequences as a result.  What does Paul say about it?

    1 Timothy 4:1-6 1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.   2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.  3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.  4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,  5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.  6 If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.

    Curious.  Paul doesn't seem to know we are all supposed to be vegans.  Comparing human physiology to animal physiology is always a huge mistake.  This is exactly the same logic people who defend homosexuality use.

    I know you're just getting here but hopefully when you see my post about hermeneutics you will understand better what I mean.

    As far as the comparison point, you are comparing apples to oranges.   You're comparing behaviours, (I think) as opposed to anatomy. 

    Does the design of human anatomy look like a man's parts were made to be used for a woman's parts and that the reproduction of the human depends on that?  Of course.    So, on that same token, does the human look like it's intensines and teeth look like we are carnivores or herbivores, when you look at comparables?


  15. 2 minutes ago, 1sheep said:

     You need to stop judging! I have reported your insults and insinuations. 

    You need to calm down.  I hope you do.  I am not insulting you. I am saying that clearly, you have a vested interest in proving me wrong. 

    And personally, I don't mind being proven wrong. If you can, kudos to you.   I want to be as right as I can be in this lifetime and if you can change my mind, then that's great.  This world is filled with confusion and people are at polar opposite viewpoints with each other.    In any case, we should be able to speak with respect.  If nothing else, if you want to learn how to talk to other vegans who are not Christian, I am at least letting you know that they are compassionate people who don't want to see animals suffering needlessly.  I hope you don't jump down their throats like you have with me.   

    Peace out.

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