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Posts posted by Lisha4JC4Eva

  1. well.. itd be nice if i lived with my parents..but oh well..... uummm... i found the picture somewhere..lol

    i think if u right click it and save it then ull have it...

    anyhoo..how r ya'll today? im not good... this morning my g-pa fell in the kitchen and knoced over this,...umm.. well i dont know what they are.. but they kinda seperate the living room from the kitchen i guess.. anyhoo.. hes really sick..and im really scared... then.... i had to go to my orthodontist today.....it was soo sad.. cuz my orthodontist died 2 fridays ago.. so ..that jus made my day worse.. but oh well i guess.....

    -Lisha :t2:

  2. hi..... well i messed up my comp... deleted the system thing that runs the whole comp. .....um...i am on web tv right now....but cant get on much...cuz its in my g-parents room....ummm....i could hve my comp. workin today or even in a few months...ya never know....jus depends on how bad i messed it up......so ya...love u all....


  3. my mom is better now!!! she had severe anemia.. and the doctors said she might die.. but God said ...nope not her time! hehe and shes better :wub: im soo happy!!!!:wub: jus wish i lived with my parents :unsure:


  4. i dont know if anyof you guys even noticed.. but i have not been in here for bout a week now.... ive really been thinking...and ya.... in someways ive gotten alot worse... cuz i cut alot.. only i started peeling my skin of my legs and stufff..... anyway....but other ways i have changed alot....i havent been really praying.....but.. its like i can feel God.. you know.... well... in this time..through all my "struggles" i guess u could say... ive been helping people.....um... like a while ago.. i helped my friend....shes 42... having some friend problems.. and i bet u she ddint think i could help her...what shes going throught is tough....how do i know?...ive been there.....and its crazy...people underestimate me all the time... they criticize me they pass judgment on me... when they dont know me ...even grown ups... people say.. ur suicidal.... u cant help me.. u cant help anyone.... then i also hear... sweetie im older than u...u couldnt help me.. ur only 15....ya...so maybe i cut.. and want to die.. and ya so im young... but i have seen and gone through some of the same and worse things than some grown ups have... im not trying to "make me look better than you" im jus saying.. no1 gives me credit... i mean finally a 42 year old AWESOME woman...she opened up to me.... and u know what shocked her?! is that i went throught the same exact situation as her... only mine was a lil worse.. cuz i went through both sides of it.. her friends side and her side... its hard to explain..but i understand both of them.....anyway....i guess this whole thing.. was jus to say...that i care bout people... and u know ...just because im hurting.... doesnt mean i cant help people.... i love to help people...but its not me helping them... its GOd working through me..and in the same way Gods showing me his love.... like i told someone who was really depressed and wished she could change her past... i told her alot of stuff.. all true.... but things...you wouldnt think would come out of me.. seeing how i feel the same way..and u know ...it was all God talkin to her.. jus using me to do it.. and also in that incident...i went back and read what i wrote.. and i was like WOW!! and u know.. im trying to take in what i wrote to.. like part of it was.. you cant change the past.. as much as wed like to we cant.. but u know what... u can change your future...and so on.. that is jus a lil bit of what i said....but ya... Gods pretty awesome huh! well im gunna go now... but one question... do you guys believe that i care? u always ask me if i believe u...but do u believe me? would u ever talkto me if u were hurting? cuz u know... id listen.... i love you guys...

    neb., nana, faith..donna.... i miss you guys and i love you!! and every1 else same to you!

    -love always

    -ur lil lisha

  5. hehe its crazy...these past 2 days well yesterday and today...lol ive been in a "love" mood...lol like i tell every1 i love em and stuff.. it feels awesome to be happy:D hehe...i dont know why.. i was feeling soo horrible.. and all of a sudden im in like the best mood!!! like i started listening to secular music and stuff... cuz i used to do it..and i loved it then...but that was also when i was atheist... well this time when i went to listen to it... i had it on for like 10 min. and then all of a sudden i got this horrible feeling.. and i changed it back to my christian music...and like ive been happy since then! anyway wow.. im boring LOL hahah anyway jus wanted to say i love you guys!!!

    -love your lil sister

    -Lisha :unsure::blink::t2::blink: :t: :t: :t: :t: :t:

  6. hi..i was told by some1 to tell ya'll what happened today...

    i svaed some1 from killing herself..but shes mad she doesnt know that i told on her, and well she thinks that i didnt......so that makes me sad ...but i know i did the right thing,i had to tell...cuz what if she woulda died and i knew about it?! that would drive me nuts! she was trying to suffocate herself.. she was putting BIG weights on her neck

    -lisha :blink::t2::t2:

  7. no..this is looking bad..and plus some more fires are starting too...one right by my uncles house ...ahh i cant member where he lives.. it will come to me soon....but it i have a day or 2 to know if ill be leaving...so i can stay that long...im soo scared u guys...its already taken my friends houses and stuff..

  8. well we are packing our stuff up.... if it gets anycloser we are going to arizona till the fire stops.....um.... i guess this is bye.. cuz i wont have a comp. for a while...but u know God does work miracles and maybe the fire will never reach us :rofl:... but ya never know... any way i jus wanted to let u know my new e-mail is lesleysbabysis4eva@hotmail.com but please only e-mail me if its like an e-mail...i hate forwards they clutter up my e-mail space and i dont have room for my important e-mails.....if u wanna send me forwards then send those to philipians413rokz@yahoo.com


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