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Everything posted by NITE OWL

  1. I agree.If it's sin in the name of entertainment then it is still sin. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you watch movies or own a TV? If so, please name some of the movies or TV programs you watch. Thanks.
  2. There are better ways to accept defeat. But I guess if you're a maker of idols, what else can you do but try and laugh it off.
  3. So I guess we ought to burn every Bible and Middle Age manuscript that was a depicition of Jesu or God in it? And just about every Church as well? And you STILL haven't explained what you meant to imply by this....
  4. He's just like air, you can't see it but you know it's there.
  5. As I respect yours. ( almost ) As always...in His name.


    Leonard Read the original post....then read my reply. The first thing I said was "I'm not a pacifist" and the last thing I said was "I'm not a pacifist". This person wanted some scripture ref., I gave him two. Then you came along and showed me that passage in Luke, now he has more. I don't know why you're so angry. Super Jew You explained that far better than I ever could. Thanks.
  7. As I said before, any form of art, secular or christian, that depicts the image of God is wrong. If you would like scripture to back this up, I will do that for you. As for worshiping them, I'm not even going down that road. I've made my stance on idols known, so it's only fair to assume... I'm not bad mouthing artists, just some of there creations.
  8. If you're not serious about this, there's no point in going on. All your christian artwork? You can believe what you want to believe. I can back up my beliefs, can you?
  9. I'm sure you'll do just fine. You know if it gets really bad, there's nothing wrong with going to a counselor. And it doesn't have to be a christian counselor. The one I saw wasn't and I'm glad. I didn't want to have to worry about someone judging me about my lifestyle. Most of all prayer. It's the key to this whole situation. Humble yourself before the Lord, admit to the things you know are wrong and ask Him to forgive the things that you don't. Pray the Lords prayer in Jesus name before asking Him for anything. That is so important. Lords prayer first then your's. He will listen and grant your wishes. ( within reason of course ) so never hesitate to go to Him. Remember...someones always here.
  10. I went trick or treating when I was a child. Am I evil? By turning out your lights you are celebrating Halloween. Or do you sit around with your lights out all the time? If this is the only night of the year that you sit in darkness, you are acknowledging Halloween. Say what you will, but that's what you are doing. The same goes for anyone who alters their schedule around that day.
  11. The spark that breaths life into Adam? So you believe his image of Christ was given to him by God? Why would He do that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any form of art reflects the beliefs of the artist. Thus, paintings and such made by Believers reflect their impression of what God, the Father and Jesus look like. Yet, you never see any paintings of the Holy Spirit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You didn't answer my question. Do you really believe that God gave us this image of Himself? If you look hard enough, you will find pictures that portray the Holy Spirit. If you would be so kind, please reply to my question. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did answer your question. You just evidently misunderstood the answer. Any Believer who, for example, paints a picture of God, is reflecting whatever image the Holy spirit has given him or her. NOW. Would you answer a question of mine? Where is there a "picture that portrays the Holy Spirit"? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's not true. The artwork and statues we see today that depict God were not inspired by the Holy Spirit. If you truly believe that, you are walking a very dangerous path. Now for the pictures of the Holy Spirit. The only descriptions we have of the Holy Spirit are those of a dove. Google Holy Spirit pictures and you'll find thousands of them. You might want to rethink your views on christian art where God is concerned. Or you can just blow it off. your choice.
  12. You shouldn't speak of yourself in the third person. It makes you look arrogant. I'm not bashing you, but when you elevate yourself above those you are talking too, the message gets lost. Something to ponder.
  13. NITE OWL


    Luke 22:36. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks...can't believe I never saw that...but then again there's a lot of things I don't see. The reason Christ wanted a sword is so that He could show compassion to the ones who were basically taking Him to His death. He showed them a miracle that night and yet they still killed Him. Matt. 26:52 But Jesus said to him, "Put your sword in it's place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword". Also when Christ told them to go buy a sword, He didn't say "swords" He said "sword". Just one. And when He was informed that they had two, He said "that is enough". Only one sword was needed to cut off that ear. And once that was accomplished He told them to put it away. That's what I see. If you see something different, maybe I'm wrong, explain it to me. Anyway...you all have nice weekend.
  14. NITE OWL


    No. We are to obey those who have authority over us in this world. You're a soldier. Your job is to protect this country. If one of your duties is to pick up arms, then that's what you do. I'm not arguing with you. I spent many years in the military. I've had to look down those sights on more than one occassion. I'm not attacking you. so put that out of your head. The original question was...is there any scripture that tells us that war is wrong? I gave him two. All I did was answer this guys question. Nothing more, nothing less.
  15. The spark that breaths life into Adam? So you believe his image of Christ was given to him by God? Why would He do that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any form of art reflects the beliefs of the artist. Thus, paintings and such made by Believers reflect their impression of what God, the Father and Jesus look like. Yet, you never see any paintings of the Holy Spirit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You didn't answer my question. Do you really believe that God gave us this image of Himself? If you look hard enough, you will find pictures that portray the Holy Spirit. If you would be so kind, please reply to my question.
  16. She asked for opinions. She got some. The ball's in her court. It's her turn. She got what she wanted, now what about us? Her style is that she usually paints herself into a corner, and when she can't back up her words it's our fault. We are the ones who are attacking her. She becomes the martyr. I see her behavior as childish. She starts an argument and then runs away. Her style is that of a playground bully.
  17. If anyone alters their behavior because of Halloween, you are observing that holiday. I don't care how you try to explain it, you are still celebrating Halloween. Some of you sit in your homes with the lights out. Some of you simply refuse to answer the door. Some of you go to your church and celebrate whatever. While others just simply leave home for the night. Those behaviors are worst than actually passing out candy to children. Your behavior is your witness and your witness tells those who celebrate Halloween that you are better then they are. I don't understand, you're running away from the ones you should be witnessing to. How is anyone going to see the Light of the Lord if you're sitting in the dark. Not answering the door is just simply rude. You have the opportunity to witness and you choose not to. Strange. Most children are not thinking about God when their out Trick or Treating. Their looking for candy. Many of you who hide from these children were Trick or Treaters at one time. You can tell these children about God without even mentioning God. A good supply of candy and those little Chick comic books will get the job done. When these little curtain climbers come knocking, the first thing you do is tell them how great their costumes are. Then you give each of them a hand full of candy. They're going to remember you because you gave them more candy then anyone else. Then you give them one of those little comic books. Let them see that it came from you. If one of the parents is with, invite them to your church or some other church activity. You don't have to bring up God, all of your actions will do that for you. Be a living witness. When children come to your door they're looking for candy. They're not looking for pencils, or pennies, or nickles, or pieces of paper with God written on them. They want candy. To some children this is their first exposure to God. What kind of impression will they have if they came for candy and only got paper or a pencil? The same goes for the parents who are with these children. How will they walk away from this experience? How many of you who don't celebrate Halloween, celebrate Christmas? How many of you let your children hunt for eggs on Easter? How many of you have pictures of Christ in your homes? The world has enough reasons to hate us. We shouldn't have to add to that list. We are no better than they are. We sin countless sins everyday, just as they do. There is nothing that makes us better then them. By turning our backs on them, we are not only being rude, we are passing up an opportunity to share the Word. To some of those people that could be the only opportunity they will ever get. Anyway...just something to think about.
  18. Your question was answered. Why do you refuse to answer ours?
  19. The fact that these things even exist...can anyone justify them? Are there any teachings that promote idolatry? There are many that teach against it.
  20. NITE OWL


    I don't like disagreeing with you, but... We live in New Testament times, not Old. I'm not saying we should throw it out or disregard it, there's an abundance of knowledge there. I don't see in the New Testament where we are instructed to or given the freedom to pick up arms against our fellow man. It simply goes against His commandments. Not trying to be difficult, it's just what I see. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jesus told His disciples if they didn't have a sword, they should even go to the extremes of selling their winter clothes to buy one. What do you think they used swords for.....backscratchers??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Where is that passage? I don't doubt you, I just don't recall seeing it.
  21. The practice of putting heads on stakes was to intimidate. I don't think Herod would have done that. He feared the multitudes. The only reason he killed him was that oath. I'm sure the head was simply thrown away.
  22. NITE OWL


    I don't like disagreeing with you, but... We live in New Testament times, not Old. I'm not saying we should throw it out or disregard it, there's an abundance of knowledge there. I don't see in the New Testament where we are instructed to or given the freedom to pick up arms against our fellow man. It simply goes against His commandments. Not trying to be difficult, it's just what I see.
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