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Everything posted by Pax

  1. Yes, you will find out that all the early Church father and writers were Catholic......makes you think doesn't it.
  2. Yes. He's a Catholic who ridicules the case against his faith- Chickanery. I disagree. There are very many who claim to be Protestants who are Catholic entryists. Many of them are 'evangelicals' these days. He spreads truth, but in a somewhat ridiculous and uncharitable way. Because? Do be careful about making personal comments, which are off topic for one thing. Let me get this right, you think Jack Chick a professed hater of the Catholic Church is actually Catholic???? I don't think that Chick has ever declared himself a hater of anyone. You have a quote? Or wishful thinking? What Chick does is take what is blindingly obvious and overstate it in a hateful way, but if you are to justify your very serious claim of professed hater, you must quote. It is extremely unlikely that a public 'Christian' figure would admit to professing hatred of people, and any who did would immediately gain notoriety and lose credibility. It seems to me that you are at risk of legal action, poster, much reduced by the relative obscurity of this forum.
  3. Yes. He's a Catholic who ridicules the case against his faith- Chickanery. I disagree. There are very many who claim to be Protestants who are Catholic entryists. Many of them are 'evangelicals' these days. He spreads truth, but in a somewhat ridiculous and uncharitable way. Because? Do be careful about making personal comments, which are off topic for one thing. Let me get this right, you think Jack Chick a professed hater of the Catholic Church is actually Catholic???? I don't think that Chick has ever declared himself a hater of anyone. You have a quote? Or wishful thinking? What Chick does is take what is blindingly obvious and overstate it in a hateful way, but if you are to justify your very serious claim of professed hater, you must quote. It is extremely unlikely that a public 'Christian' figure would admit to professing hatred of people, and any who did would immediately gain notoriety and lose credibility. It seems to me that you are at risk of legal action, poster, much reduced by the relative obscurity of this forum.
  4. Yes. He's a Catholic who ridicules the case against his faith- Chickanery. I disagree. There are very many who claim to be Protestants who are Catholic entryists. Many of them are 'evangelicals' these days. He spreads truth, but in a somewhat ridiculous and uncharitable way. Because? Do be careful about making personal comments, which are off topic for one thing. Let me get this right, you think Jack Chick a professed hater of the Catholic Church is actually Catholic???? I don't think that Chick has ever declared himself a hater of anyone.
  5. Yes. He's a Catholic who ridicules the case against his faith- Chickanery. I disagree. There are very many who claim to be Protestants who are Catholic entryists. Many of them are 'evangelicals' these days. He spreads truth, but in a somewhat ridiculous and uncharitable way. Because? Do be careful about making personal comments, which are off topic for one thing. Let me get this right, you think Jack Chick a professed hater of the Catholic Church is actually Catholic????
  6. Yes. He's a Catholic who ridicules the case against his faith- Chickanery. Nope. He definantly isn't Catholic and has spent the better part of his life spreading falsehoods about the Church. I figured you would be very familar with him?
  7. Pointer have you ever heard of a guy named Jack Chick?
  8. The only thing that will make them happy is if the Pope embraces Islam and converts. Don't think that will happen anytime soon. Radical Islam is their own worse enemy. The world is sitting back and saying, boy this is a messed up religion.
  9. Does this refer to Saddam Hussein, whose dictatorship Wojtyla noisily declared should be left alone? Or to Adolf Hitler, whom Pacelli ('Pius XII') made a deal with? I read on Yahoo news that the Vatican is going to open all the Vatican documents from 1926-through WWII proving that Pius XII did much to help the Jews. This would also disprove recent books that were written painting Pius XII in a negative light.
  10. My name is finally blue.....thank goodness I was getting sick of Yellow.
  11. Do you believe the catholic church is His church? Man, you know me by now, how do you think I would answer this question? A simple yes or no would be good. I don't want to make any assumptions here. I await your answer. yes We'll continue this another day. I'm looking forward to it.....Man
  12. Pax

    hell and mercy

    If it's not black and white, how can you call it a mortal sin? Look at your list...#2... if a person doesn't know it's a sin then it isn't a sin...correct? #3 does not apply if the person doesn't know it's a sin....correct? I repectfully disagree, but will leave it at that.....God bless you Man. You are correct, a person has to know what they are doing is a sin. An example of this is a 12 year old boy that commits a crime. Does he really know what he did? Most states say no, and that child is in juvinile hall until the age of 18 or 19 then set free. Often without a criminal record. I also posted that certain situations lower a persons culpability. This means if a person is under extreme stress of any kind, this can lower culpability. God is the ultimate judge of this not us. If a person commits suicide I am not going to say, hey he's in hell. I don't know what was going on in his life or in his head. Then how can you say that suicide is a mortal sin? If you're looking for scripture to back up your claim's...I don't think there are any. I said it has the potential to be a mortal sin. You know what else has the potential of being a mortal sin? Making stuff up and passing it off as the Truth. When we preach the word and what we preach cannot be verified through the Word, it is not the Truth. This is a very dangerous practice. There are penalties for teaching manmade doctrines. We can let this go for now but I will advise you to study your bible. I repsectfully disagree, but will leave it at that....God Bless you, Man.
  13. Pax

    hell and mercy

    If it's not black and white, how can you call it a mortal sin? Look at your list...#2... if a person doesn't know it's a sin then it isn't a sin...correct? #3 does not apply if the person doesn't know it's a sin....correct? I repectfully disagree, but will leave it at that.....God bless you Man. You are correct, a person has to know what they are doing is a sin. An example of this is a 12 year old boy that commits a crime. Does he really know what he did? Most states say no, and that child is in juvinile hall until the age of 18 or 19 then set free. Often without a criminal record. I also posted that certain situations lower a persons culpability. This means if a person is under extreme stress of any kind, this can lower culpability. God is the ultimate judge of this not us. If a person commits suicide I am not going to say, hey he's in hell. I don't know what was going on in his life or in his head. Then how can you say that suicide is a mortal sin? If you're looking for scripture to back up your claim's...I don't think there are any. I said it has the potential to be a mortal sin. You know what else has the potential of being a mortal sin? Making stuff up and passing it off as the Truth. When we preach the word and what we preach cannot be verified through the Word, it is not the Truth. This is a very dangerous practice. There are penalties for teaching manmade doctrines. We can let this go for now but I will advise you to study your bible.
  14. Pax

    hell and mercy

    If it's not black and white, how can you call it a mortal sin? Look at your list...#2... if a person doesn't know it's a sin then it isn't a sin...correct? #3 does not apply if the person doesn't know it's a sin....correct? You are correct, a person has to know what they are doing is a sin. An example of this is a 12 year old boy that commits a crime. Does he really know what he did? Most states say no, and that child is in juvinile hall until the age of 18 or 19 then set free. Often without a criminal record. I also posted that certain situations lower a persons culpability. This means if a person is under extreme stress of any kind, this can lower culpability. God is the ultimate judge of this not us. If a person commits suicide I am not going to say, hey he's in hell. I don't know what was going on in his life or in his head. Then how can you say that suicide is a mortal sin? If you're looking for scripture to back up your claim's...I don't think there are any. I said it has the potential to be a mortal sin. You know what else has the potential of being a mortal sin? Making stuff up and passing it off as the Truth. When we preach the word and what we preach cannot be verified through the Word, it is not the Truth. This is a very dangerous practice. There are penalties for teaching manmade doctrines. We can let this go for now but I will advise you to study your bible. I respectfully disagree, but will leave it at that. God bless you....Man
  15. Do you believe the catholic church is His church? Man, you know me by now, how do you think I would answer this question? A simple yes or no would be good. I don't want to make any assumptions here. I await your answer. yes
  16. Yes, the nun killed is considered a martyr for the faith, as well as her body guard that was also killed. You are correct, the Pope has to consider all the Christians around the world that will be pursecuted for his actions. You are also correct, we can't just start killing Muslims, then we are no different than the radical Islamist. But we do need to be ready to defend Christianity and ourselves. There is such a thing as justified war and this would be the case. Many times I hear people talk of the crusades and how horrible the Catholic Church was. If you really study the the history behind the crusades you will see that the Church was trying to stop the exact same thing that is happening now. Islam was moving west into Europe and converting people to Islam by the sword. The Church had to defend her people. Pope Benedicts speech that set off this uprising was from a 14 century Emporer that was dealing with the same thing we are now dealing with. Except now they are using suicide bombers, and not swords.
  17. Do you believe the catholic church is His church? Man, you know me by now, how do you think I would answer this question?
  18. Yes, that would be interesting.
  19. Pax

    hell and mercy

    If it's not black and white, how can you call it a mortal sin? Look at your list...#2... if a person doesn't know it's a sin then it isn't a sin...correct? #3 does not apply if the person doesn't know it's a sin....correct? You are correct, a person has to know what they are doing is a sin. An example of this is a 12 year old boy that commits a crime. Does he really know what he did? Most states say no, and that child is in juvinile hall until the age of 18 or 19 then set free. Often without a criminal record. I also posted that certain situations lower a persons culpability. This means if a person is under extreme stress of any kind, this can lower culpability. God is the ultimate judge of this not us. If a person commits suicide I am not going to say, hey he's in hell. I don't know what was going on in his life or in his head. Then how can you say that suicide is a mortal sin? If you're looking for scripture to back up your claim's...I don't think there are any. I said it has the potential to be a mortal sin.
  20. Pax

    hell and mercy

    If it's not black and white, how can you call it a mortal sin? Look at your list...#2... if a person doesn't know it's a sin then it isn't a sin...correct? #3 does not apply if the person doesn't know it's a sin....correct? You are correct, a person has to know what they are doing is a sin. An example of this is a 12 year old boy that commits a crime. Does he really know what he did? Most states say no, and that child is in juvinile hall until the age of 18 or 19 then set free. Often without a criminal record. I also posted that certain situations lower a persons culpability. This means if a person is under extreme stress of any kind, this can lower culpability. God is the ultimate judge of this not us. If a person commits suicide I am not going to say, hey he's in hell. I don't know what was going on in his life or in his head.
  21. The Pope is afilliated with many Catholics in the United States, including myself. You must also understand the the Pope symbolizes Christianity to radical Islam. They would love to kill any Christian, Catholic or Non Catholic. I also haven't seen where the Pope has taken back his words, he simply apologized for the misunderstanding. Of course the Catholic Church wants peace, the last thing the Pope or anyone of us would want is another Holy War. If this does happen Christianity will unite, Catholic, Protestant, Fundamentalist, and radical Islam will be defeated. Remember what Jesus said in Mathew 16:18-19, "the Gates of Hell will not prevail against His Church."
  22. Is this evidence that Catholics are posing as Protestants? Note the unScriptural single pastor, and the capitalisation. Also the allegation that I am not a pastor. Pointer I have no idea what point you are trying to get across??? Like KD said, I'm getting dizzy trying to figure you out.
  23. Pax

    hell and mercy

    Yes. There must be three things in place to commit a mortal sin. 1.) Must be grave matter, killing ones self is definantly this 2.) One has to know that it is a sin. Not everyone might know that this is a sin 3.) One has to then freely act on this sin. This is important, mental illness, pressure, sickness can all take away ones free will. If these are all in place and then one kills themselves they could committ a mortal sin and not be around to repent. This is very bad Now that you've answered everyone else's post, would you mind replying to this one. Where is this found in scripture? 1 John 5:16-17. John makes it clear that there are two types of sin. We're not talking about 2 types of sin here. The topic is suicide. You claim it is a mortal sin. You stated that 3 things must be in place to commit a mortal sin. I simply asked where this is found in scripture. So if you could provide those verses, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Man the Bible doesn't come right out and say "if you kill yourself you have committed a mortal sin and will go straight to hell." However the Bible says "Thou shall not Kill." And the Bible also talks of two types of sin, when you put the two together a person who commits suicide had a chance of committing a mortal sin and is no long here to repent, which could be very bad for that person. However this isn't black and white.
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