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Posts posted by GymRose


    Interesting name.................... My Hubbys name is Daniel and he likes playing with fire ( Big Kid ). Sounds like you two would get along.............. You'll see him round the board his name here is Manofwork.

    Enjoy the time here, have fun and you too can be part of this fantastically wacky family.

    Be looking out for you on the board. :t2::rofl::D


    You'll know people before long no worries at all. This is one of the friendliest places on the net.

    With a name like Goldfish I'd be carefully in the fishing thread................... There are some mighty fine fishermen and women here. :oww: :oww: :oww:

    Look forward to meeting up with you on the board more.

  3. Our God is a God of the impossible, He is in control and knows where you are at Ref. If this is you link or life line He knows that too and the enemy maybe laughing or loving this......................... but really who has the last laugh.

    If this is where God wants you He WILL make a way regardless of how things look.

    I didn't really get to know you but I did enjoy reading your posts.

    I'm not saying goodbye......................... SEE YOU. :t2:;):t2:

    (((((((((((((((((( REF ))))))))))))))))))))))))

  4. You go girl. You can do it! No worries at all. :rofl::t2::rofl:

    I'm so glad you have made a change and can see & feel some of the rewards for your efforts.................. Keep going just for you Sweetie cause the more you love yourself the more you will shine through for others and wow you already shine for others think how much more you can give to yourself and others.

    I think I just contradicted myself but you know what I'm getting at Hun. :oww: :oww:



    The Adelaide Crows and boy you should see the steam pourin outta Dans ears and nostrils as he reaches over to the volume control and just about rips it off turning the sound down so he can't hear how pathetic they really are.

    YEAH RIGHT blame it on the coach......................... :oww: :oww: :oww: :oww:

  6. You know we also scream, shout and jump up and down during a ball game. Why shouldn't we do it, because we are excited that we have eternal life! :blink:

    Jesus deserves our wholehearted praise for what he did on the cross for us! Not some bound up "religious" experience.

    We have clap offerings and shout praises and then other times it is quiet and more reflective. All depends on what the Holy Spirit wants not what we THINK is appropriate in our small mindedness of the box we would like to put God in for our comfort. It is all for Gods pleasure and to tell him how wonderfully glorious we find Him not for our comfort.

    Having said that some people are not comfortable getting overly loud but it doesn't mean we have to stop others from expressing what they feel for God.

    I personally am not a yelling praise kinda person it just isn't my personality, I don't even do it at sporting events or parties or anything............... BUT ILOVE TO HEAR others praise that way and see the expressive nature toward God and feel His warmth and pressence in that and that is OK too but it is never for us to say where someones heart is and if their praise is an embarressment, which it is not unless it is unscriptural which I don't beleive for a second what this thread started about was.

  7. Have either of you done a study on dancing, clapping or raising your hands and setting it before you leaders. In a respectful manner.

    All of these things are scriptural and can easily be backed up by scripture.

    But I do whole heartedly agree that if you feel led in this way maybe God is wanting you to move house so to speak for a new season in your walk with Him.

    I too see God dancing with His children, don't we love to do things like the with our young ones. I don't want to come off disrespectful at all but some people have this image of Jesus straight faced, absolutly upright in a too great to be botherd with trivial things sort of way. I don't see Him that way at all. I see Him saying let the children come and Him being happy and joyful and laughing and playing and even dancing.

    Aren't we supposed to be becoming more Christ like in our walk. I see Him dancing before His Father. And His sacrifice was not to place us in bondage but to release us from it, to me praise is a thankfuness and celebration of His LIFE for the lessons He taught us as a man and the LIFE we have in Him through sacrifice. Aren't both of those reasons to celebrate even more so than birthdays and weddings and don't we sing and dance at those celebrations.

  8. Well finally my fitness is really getting up there again and my goals are coming into sight more and more. I'm so sure God is planting lil things in my way to inspire me to be all I can be as a PT.

    I'm getting totally enthused by study and have the energy and desire to exercise again, which was lost while I was ill.

    And I'm sorry peoples I know within a couple of these threads I have highly recomended Muscle Media and Energy magazines both put out by EAS and both great educational and inspirational tools. I'm so disappointed to say they have axed them both............... NOT HAPPY!!!! And I'm ganna write to them and tell them.

    Well anyway they did send a copy of the first BFL challenge that includes a bit of a documentry on Bill Phillips, the man behing BFL :t2: as well as a token of appreciation for purchasing their products over the years in particular the mag subscription. As I said I do believe God is planting lil inspirational pieces in my way and this will be another great tool to watch as a reminder of what can be achieved.

    So how is everyone else doing?

    Yukon sweetie how is your arm? Haven't heard much from you so I'm hoping you are out on a boat fisin to your hearts content.

    Hope everyone else is as inspired as I am right now.

  9. :D:D;)-_--_-:D:t2::D OK I'm confused.

    Is there a problem with the title of this thread?

    Well my fitness is certainly getting up there again. Back in the gym again this morning which was hard cause I was already struggling to breath when I got in the door due to panic but hey I pushed through and had the best leg and butt workout and just about feel down the stairs my legs were shaking so bad after.

    WaaaaHoooooooo............... What an awsome feeling to know I pushed myself to the end limit. You know it is a good workout when ya shake that much.

    Hittin the bag so to speak with Daniels cousin tonight for a 30-45 min intense cardio workout. Getting closer to my goal lil by lil.

  10. what are the kwal ifE kashuns to abe a mod dude?

    Well, first ....you have to look REALLY GOOD in PURPLE.

    Also you have to swear allegiance to PURPLE.

    There's also that little bribe thing....but we don't talk about that.... :x: :oww:

    Hey I look good in purple, that is the colour of most things I wear cause it is my favarite colour.................... Can anyone tell.

    So can I be a mod?????? :oww: :oww:

    Just jokes :oww: :oww: :oww: :oww: . Kinda like being the man of the house really cause Dan has to front up our house hold before God.

    WOW what a responsibility :rofl::D;) & you guys do a fantastic job.

  11. Is that because of safety in numbers issues or because time goes quicker whilst talking?

    I can certainly understand if it is either issue but if it is more liking a chat while you walk, chat with God, like silent prayer if you talk it out loud someone might think you've been dinkin or something LOL. Dan quite often prays whilst walking and I do the same on the airwalker when no one is around.

  12. Wow it got busy here all of a sudden WAY COOL :t2:;):t2:

    Any chance ya get to have someone cook quality meals for you, go for it!!

    Any time a friendly gym has really good membership specials, go for it!!

    Anyway you can cook up food and get it in the freezer sos not to slip up, go for it!!

    Yup BBQ or barbie here in Australia. We also have a gas out door cooker that Daniels Granfather made years ago that I use during summer. If ya ganna do it on the barbie just be sure it isn't covered in oil, I don't know how vegies would go but I always cook up heaps on a barbie to freeze.

    It has been freezing here so I haven't minded the the oven being on all day at all. I'll do a huge cook up of cakes and biscuits for Sunday School when I have cheat day on Saturday.

    Well I'm hitting the books again today to get this certificate. I despratley want to get it all done but I have this 1 hour practicle assessment I have to have in which I have to take a client through a full 1 hour training session which includes ~~ taking blood pressure, do a full postural analysis, warm up, weight train, assisted stretching and cool down. The training session is no problem at all.............. having someone watch me is a huge problem. I suffer panic attacks whilst being in public so much so that for years I rarely went out and even had attacks before going to church or going to the shop, real paranoia.......... feeling like people were pointing and laughing at me, stupid I know......... irrational? You bet but very real and scary to me.

    Thing is these feelings keep me from studying cause I start getting paniced about this assessment which in turn stops me wanting to study............ Like I say I know it really is irrational but it still doesn't stop the attacks and I know that I know this is the direction God wants me going in............ I have the knowledge and have trained clients before but I have to get my certificates to go out on my own as a fully fledged, insured, Personal Trainer. Just this one assessment. God has opened up many doors for me and I don't want to let my fears hold me back from this dream I have as a Personal Trainer or creating a bodybuilders physique......... With the fears I begin to comfort eat thus gaining size but not the size I want to gain............ I want muscle not fat.

    I really would appreciate prayer to help me focus with my study today if any of you have a few moments to spare, firstly to overcome fear and get all my study done and secondly to overcome the comfort food issue because that causes great strain on me health wise as much as mentally and lets face it who wants to train with a PT who needs to lose 20kg.

    Thanks guys I really do appreciate it.

  13. I've looked at quite a few that have been mentioned here before but I also find WB the friendliest and not only that but some other boards are SOOOOOOOOO SLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW when trying to post or confusing in their set up Christianity.Com is another good one but I haven't been there much.

  14. Oh WOW what a day boy did I work and boy did my fingers get an itchin to get on here.

    CAA sounds good to me Andrew................ Beth I don't know about AAA ya gotta love sweetie.

    I am so glad to find it is not just me who doesn't get the banking up to date or has to go out woop woop to get away from the computer.

  15. OK I admit it Worthy Boards are too addictive for me so now comes drastic messures.

    As of today on Wednesdays and Fridays I am resorting to sending the mouse to work with Daniel just so I can get some work done around the house.

    Does anyone else here ever feel the need for such drastic messures................... anyway I suppose I'll have to find out the answer to that question tonight as Dan is about to leave for work. :rolleyes::blink::):P

  16. Yesterday or last night rather I did a big cook up of healthy meals and packed the freezer for the week so there is no room to slip up with foods. Did up a couple of casseroles, big pots full, and mixed up a huge amount of patty mince with veg in them which I will cook up today and freeze.

    Fitness is finally increasing since my health is starting to improve and almost all my symptoms of my illness are totally gone. Miraculously without having to go on medication. WAHOOOOOOOOOOO what a blessing. :rolleyes::blink::)

    Where is everyone and how is it all going?

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