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Everything posted by Jacqueline

  1. Thank you all for your replies and understanding. The pastor that I am writing about was just elected as senior pastor of our church. I didn't want to vote for him. That was based on a lot of things, for example I took a bible class with him and we were talking about saul the king of Isreal. I made a comment like saul was even afraid before he became king because they had to find him to crown him as king and he said that I was wrong saul was not afraid. That was wrong Saul was afraid in fact he was hiding. I prayed and asked God to show me in too different ways that he was the one that He wanted as senior pastor and God did so I voted for him. It's odd that the same God who told me to vote yes for him is the same God he's trying to teach me to ignore. You know I keep talking to God about this and He keeps telling me to ignore it. That I am there for Him. It's hard, but I do try. God bless you Jacqueline
  2. I attend a church that is big on saying that we are a bible believing church, but I don't know if that is really true anymore. From my view they teach a God of absolute power in all things and yet it seems at the same time they place God in a box. They don't believe that the gifts that are listed in the bible that belong to God's children is for today. I don't get it. How can you tell me that God doesn't change and yet in the same breath say that He doesn't do this or that today. Let me explain my self here a little better. When I was around seven during a church service the pastor said this is the temple of God. I remember looking around the building in complete awe. Infact after church I was still thinking about it as we walked home. On the way home I heard a voice that said to me. The temple of God is in each of you and I turned to the kid walking beside me and said what the voice had said. Ever since that day I've had dreams that came true. Some the next day, some weeks after or even months and years after. After a while the dreams became normal in my life. If it's a lesson for me I asks God to help me learn it. If it's something like my last dream I tell others about it. I've listed that dream below. I dreamt that me and my family and friends were on vacation. All the kids were running around having a good time. Some of the kids came upon a half empty pool and even though they were told to stay away from it they didn't. They fell in. some where hanging on the sides dangerously while others fell completely into the pool. We were all standing around thinking how to get them out, but we couldn't help them. All of a sudden the form of a man started to form in the pool next to the kids who had fallen in. Before He was even completely formed He was helping one kid after another to safety. I stood on the side of the pool watching the whole thing amazed. When the last kid was safely back on the ground I stood and watched the kids. They seemed so unaffected by what had happened. The Man who had helped them walked up to me and stood beside me. I glanced at Him then turned back at the kids. I asked Him why did the kids fall into the pool? He said something that really have me thinking. He said sadly, it happens because My children will not completely accept what I have already done for them. I got the impression that it would happen again and again even though I don't remember Him saying so and I knew that the kids fallen into the pool wasn't exactly what He was talking about. He was refering to the many different messes that His children get into in this world. Anyway, my pastor knows that I have these dreams and during his resent sermons he'd say things like you've ate to much pepper sauce in your food if you think these things are real all the while he's looking straight at me. I don't get it. I've lost count of how many times God would show me something and I would question if it is coming from Him only to have the pastor say the same thing a week later. If I'd told him about it then I would say okay he's going by what I'm saying to him, but I didn't. People think your crazy when you say you're hearing from God even people in the church. I want to say that I'm angre, but I'm not. I feel sad. I just need to vent about this. The comments our pastor made during his sermon on Sunday really has me down. The stupid thing is that the comments had nothing to do with the sermon and yet he made them looking straight at me. Anyway, thank you for reading. God bless you Jacqueline
  3. I have sad news. Mary Monroe, my friend who I started this post about passed last week. I find myself lost of words being that it was so unexpected. Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  4. Jacqueline

    Gold Box

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if a gold box has ever been mention in the scriptures. This box is made of gold. It is not a solid box. It's more like gold tubes joined together to form the box. There is also a wheel on the side of it near the front. Maybe wheel is not the correct thing to say. More like what you would find on a bike. The thing that pulls the chain that makes the wheel turn. Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  5. Thank you for your replies. This is all I need right now with everything else that is going wrong. God bless you Jacqueline
  6. Hi everyone, do anyone know anything about antivirus 2009? I heard that it was bad for the computer, but that of course was after I downloaded it to my computer. Any help out there? God bless you Jacqueline
  7. Last night I dreamt that me and my family and friends were on vacation. All the kids were running around having a good time. Some of the kids came upon a half empty pool and even though they were told to stay away from it they didn't. They fell in. some where hanging on the sides dangerously while others fell completely into the pool. We were all standing around thinking how to get them out, but we couldn't help them. All of a sudden the form of a man started to form in the pool next to the kids who had fallen in. Before He was even completely formed He was helping one kid after another to safety. I stood on the side of the pool watching the whole thing amazed. When the last kid was safely back on the ground I stood and watched the kids. They seemed so unaffected by what had happened. The Man who had helped them walked up to me and stood beside me. I glanced at Him then turned back at the kids. I asked Him why did the kids fall into the pool? He said something that really have me thinking. He said sadly, it happens because My children will not completely accept what I have already done for them. I got the impression that it would happen again and again even though I don't remember Him saying so and I knew that the kids fallen into the pool wasn't exactly what He was talking about. He was refering to the many different messes that His children get into in this world. I just thought I would share. God bless you Jacqueline
  8. Jacqueline


    Hi all, I have a question regarding how God use Job to make a point to Satan. Does He still do that? Place people in situation that would break someone else only to show Satan that no matter what His child goes through they will be not turn away from Him? I'm asking this question even though I do know that God doesn't change.
  9. WayneB, thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  10. Theres a scripture that states that we are created a little lower then the angels. Can anyone tell me what scriture that is. Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  11. I picked my friend up yesterday morning for church. On our way she told me something that breaks my heart everytime I think of it. We were talking about the pastors of our church. We have seven in all. When I mentioned one by name (I'll call him Mike) she told me that she told Mike about vincent and Mike got really upset at her and told her that he didn't want her talking about things like that or he will have her put out of the church. Put out of the church for being deceived? By her telling him about vincent he should have realized that she needed prayer and guildance not the threat of being put out of a place where she thinks she safe. I love my church.... I've learned so much there.... beyond the two I believe Jesus sent me there... but.... I don't want to learn to disregard the needs of anyone even if I don't believe in what their saying. Do anyone know what I'm trying to say???? This generation of Christians has lost so much.... we've moved so far from what the bible say the Church is suppose to be. I don't know... I just don't get it. God bless you Jacqueline
  12. Yesterday I heard a pastor say that The Angel of The Lord is not God or Jesus. When I read the Old testiment I always believed that The Angel of The Lord was Jesus. Do anyone have any insight on who this Angel is? Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  13. Hi everyone, I thought I would give you all an update on this post. I wrote it so long ago. After what seemed like forever my home is almost finish. In about three weeks I'll be moving in. (God is good) Then again He is good even if I wasn't able to rebuild. It's amazing to me that right now in my life there are things that is going serverly wrong and yet as I look out at the new structure I'm reminded of how awesome our God is. What can I say.... there are times when I feel like I will go out of my mind if one more thing in my business goes wrong and yet even in the mist of that the knowledge that He is with me and is in control of everything holds me together and allows me to keep going. I love Him... with all my heart, with all my strenght, with all my mind, with all my soul. My spirit sings for Him. What an awesome God we serve. Toda Avi. God bless you all Jacqueline
  14. I went to drop off a CD player to my friend yesterday. I'm giving it to an older woman at Church who needs one. Anyway, Mary, my friend who this post is about asked me into her home and I was really afriad to go in because of the things that she's told me. I think I need to break down what she's said so that you can understand my concern. I picked her up to go to midweek service and she begain to tell me about someone named vincent. Apparently, vince has been coming to her for many years. She's now I believe to be around forty-five. Vincent has convinced her that he is God. This vincent who I believe is a familiar spirit begun having sex with her and now she believes shes pregnant with a spiritual baby. This thing tells her to go to church, to read her bible.... things that isn't wrong, but the other things is so wrong that the right things doesn't even matter. It's even taught her how to pray in away that he wants her to pray. She loves God. I've spoken with her many times, but this thing has her so twisted up that I'm afraid for her. I've prayed for and will continue to do so, but she has to be the one that releases this spirit from her life. I've told her to test every spirit. To ask vincent who is Jesus and so forth, but I don't know. I can't help her can I? God bless you Jacqueline
  15. I have a freind who I believe is being influence by one of these demons. What can I do to help her.
  16. No. That's not what I'm talking about. More like spirits thats around you and influence your thoughts and so on.
  17. If you would explain what senances is I can answer your question. THank you God bless you Jacqueline
  18. Do anyone know anything about familiar spirits. Any information will help. Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  19. Thank you all for your replies. I will pass this information on to the person I was speaking with. God bless you Jacqueline
  20. Hi 4given1, I didn't think it was because I know that you can be rich and yet have a void in your life without Christ. You can be poor and be rich in Christ and be completely happy. Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  21. Hi everyone. I was talking to someone yesterday and they told me that in Proverbs there is a scripture that say's money answers to all questions. I can't find this in Proverbs. Can anyone tells me if it's really there and where can I find it. Thank you. God bless you Jacqueline
  22. Hi everyone. I'm reading it at the moment and I find it very interesting. One of the first thing God showed me when I gave my life to Him was that the mind was the battlefield, not the situations I may be in at the time or the people around me. I've heard about this book for a long time before I actually got the book. (Asked my sister for it as my Christmas present.) I'm learning to watch what I allow to stay in my mind because it eventually end up in your heart. It's funny that what is in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth. Thank you all for your relies. God bless you Jacuqeline
  23. Hi everyone, I'm reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers and I was wondering have anyone read it and what did you think of it? Thank for your reply. God bless you Jacqueline
  24. My question is where is Christ in the action of these baptist and yet it is not my place to judge, but to pray for all concern. Let's pray for the family who lost a son and the misguilded souls who instead of showing love showered this family with hatred. At the end of the day we will all stand before Christ and give an account of what we've done in our lives. So for Christ sake, for the many times He prayed for me. For the intercession that He continues to this day on my behalf I will pray for them and intercede for them. God bless you. Your sister in Christ Jacqueline
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