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Joy in the Journey

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Everything posted by Joy in the Journey

  1. I'd be cautious of Mr. Hovind. While I am a firm believer in a young Earth, and a lot of what he says is indeed in line with the Bible, Kent has some ways about him that just aren't trustworthy. And we know that a good tree can't bear bad fruit- and likewise a bad tree can't bear good fruit ( Matthew 7:15-20 ) and "Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them" ( Matthew 7:20 ) - speaking of false prophets. I think a lot of the things he says is true, but his teachings on subverting government authority ( ie. avoiding taxes ) for example are not Biblical. We are commanded to obey our leaders and to not make life hard on them ( 1 Peter 2:13-15 )...their authority comes from God and they, whether they do right or wrong, will be held to account before God...that is His call and not ours- we are simply called to honor them ( unless they order a direct violation of the Bible of course ). At any rate, just be careful of Kent- I'm not judging the man, but he is out on bail as we speak for an upcoming trial next month where he could go to prison for a few years- and to me, that's not a very good witness ( to be in unrepentant sin ) for a Christian ( we shall know a man's heart by the fruit he bears ). Cheers, Tim
  2. Actually God does forbid a lot of things- that's His nature- to forbid us to do what is sin. However you are correct in what I believe you were saying in that God doesn't compel us to keep His commands- that is an act of free will and obedience...and in that, we are richly rewarded...or richly judged into damnation if we do what He forbids That is quite true- you can't be a professing Mormon and be a Christian....they are simply incompatible with each other Cheers, Tim
  3. Yes He does- any religion that preaches a false god and a fake jesus is abhorant to God ( Exodus 20:3 ) Cheers, Tim
  4. Killing a baby dog for having medical problems will probably land you in very hot water with PETA and many other animal rights groups...Kill a baby for whatever reason behooves you- it's 100 % legal. Someone's got their priorities mixed up! Not that I'm opposed to the ethical treatment of animals; but why do the liberals dump so much time, money and energy into fighting for "animal rights" and "womens' rights" but ignore the God mandated right to life of a human- of any age... Matthew 24:12 - Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold The end is near Tim
  5. I have a question, If you were to die today and found yourself in hell - 1.) Would you want to do things ( your life ) over ? 2.) What would you do over if you could ( which you can't, but you may wish ) 3) Will you feel stupid for not taking God's free gift of eternal life when you had the chance but repeatedly turned it down ? Tim
  6. I don't know why everyone's knickers are in a knot over this So people like to talk about things- this is a discussion board; right ? If you aren't interested in a thread, maybe you could ignore it ? Just my thoughts Tim
  7. Good question T & O. I guess that would beg the question of crucifixion as well ? I'd have to say, there probably was no worse/more painful way to die than that. I look forward to some of the responses you'll get God bless, Tim
  8. *** Edited as I no longer believe the Calvinism is Biblical ***
  9. So- you repented once and that's it ? You no longer sin so you point it out in others instead huh ? Nice I think Jesus addressed such people... Luke 18:11-14 11 The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men
  10. All this to say you believe in the doctrine of sinless perfection Be blessed, Tim
  11. *** Edited as I no longer believe the Calvinism is Biblical ***
  12. *** Edited as I no longer believe the Calvinism is Biblical ***
  13. Well, I'd say you're sick ( that's a little payback for your brilliant diagnosis of my car problems in the Men's Forum All in good fun mate ) Be blessed, Tim
  14. I guess I'm thinking about times in the past mate. First it was ( I may have my chronological order mixed up here- do forgive ) West Nile Virus; then it was SARS, then it was Anthrax, then Small Pox- everyone was buying up Cipro for the big Anthrax hit- people were debating about the getting a Small Pox vaccination for the "Plague of the 21st Century" that would surely spread....everyone was SO sure Small Pox would be an issue; or Anthrax, or SARS....now this ? That's my only point. Look, I don't profess to be an expert- I'm pre-med but that doesn't mean a thing....however, I did just complete an Epidemiology course and I do know a little bit about the spread of infectious diseases....now I may be TOTALLY off base here- but really; what's the big worry ? If all else fails- be sure to wash your hands That is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of disease God bless my friend- and do keep posting- I am interested; I simply disagree with the media is all. Tim
  15. Why does the media try to scare the public like this ? I'm not coming down on you Keith for posting this- you're just printing a story already written...but really- if there's nothing that can be done to prevent said pandemic ? Why scare everyone And for what it's worth, I don't think we're gonna be impacted by this at all- this is just another "media scare" Tim
  16. I know my friend- that's why I put the I knew you were joking- I hope you know I was joking...seems we were both joking and both didn't know it was a joke I need to take a break I'm dizzy now Love in Christ, Tim
  17. You want me to beg ? I said I was sorry mate I don't know what you look like - but I mixed the names up- they both start with "G"... Again, my fault Tim
  18. I am SO sorry mate - I thought I was quoting Giaour...totally my fault I apologize my friend Tim
  19. Well, I agree sis - But, God also has ordained weather to be- well, weather...right ? How many Cat 2 Hurricanes do you know of that just "fizzle" over night ? Hurricanes tend to follow a [ somewhat ] predictable path just like any other weather pattern ( just as God created them to ). Now, I'm NOT saying God can't do it- but what I'm saying is, whilst God is indeed in control, He also ordained things to work a certain way...and if this storm follows it's path into the Gulf ( where I believe it is now ), generally speaking- it will make landfall somewhere. And I really truly do not believe that a "lack of faith" will be the cause- I believe the cause will be due to nature following her preordained plans that God designed her to follow ( like physics, etc. ). Again, just my opinion God bless, Tim
  20. Please- don't take this the wrong way okay ? But where do you propose we pray the storm does go then ? Somewhere, someone's loved ones are going to be hit and be affected. Is "anyplace but here" really the right thing to pray for ? You are praying for destruction of your neighbour then; aren't you ? I'm not trying to "stir the pot" - I'm sincerely wondering/asking if it's right to pray that a storm hits some other city to spare your own. What about the people who live in the "other" said city ( that you are praying the storm hits instead ) Just something to think about Tim P.S. Instead of praying for the storm to hit elsewhere- maybe we should just pray for those who are going to be affected by this storm ? And let God work out the details Just my opinion
  21. *** Edited as I no longer believe the Calvinism is Biblical ***
  22. Oh boy...here we go again; huh Giaour
  23. I got them all right Honest I did But I do admit- I had a bit of an advantage. I've been doing a LOT of research on hurricanes since Katrina hit and there's been all the controversy in the News Forum and the Controversial Forum about it being God's wrath ? Yeah....so I've read all about them seeing what makes them tick ( didn't have many hurricanes in England And now that I'm living in the U.S. I thought I should know a bit more about them ) Great link Sister Zayit Thanks God bless, Tim
  24. What Bible believing Christian would think such a thing? I know many who believe the Scriptures in that we can not become "unsaved", but yet know NO ONE who believes it's a license to sin without consequence. No Bible believing Christian indwelt by the Holy Spirit would believe that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are SO right Work In Progress - I was thinking the same thing when I read that reply. I really don't know where people get that idea that those of us who believe in OSAS think we can sin all we want That's a strawman argument ( I've been DYING to use that term for 6 weeks now! ) and it holds NO truth at all. I'm sure there are a few out there who believe that, but to lump EVERY believer in OSAS into being "frequent, unremorseful sinners who indulge in the lusts of their flesh" or whatever our label is- well, that's just not fair and it's totally inaccurate. Thanks for setting the record straight Be blessed, Tim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> First of all.. nobody has set the record straight. 19% of all pastors use pornography and 37% of all male church members.. Im sure most of these consider themselves saved yet persist in such behaviors. If you think that born again christians don't have persistent sinful skeletons in their closets, better guess again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since you quoted me, I guess I'll respond So what ? Are you their judge ? And....are you without sin ? I guarantee you, that you have skeletons in your closet too! And if you say you don't- you'd better open your Bible to 1 John 1:10 my friend! I know I'm not perfect- but I DO know I'm forgiven ( 1 John 1:9 ) That's not an excuse- but it IS my assurance Be blessed, Tim
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