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Posts posted by oakleaf

  1. Oak,

    God bless you dear one.

    I too struggled for a long time with the inability to forgive. Not my mother but my brother...long story...and it is in the past.

    I spent MANY hours in prayer, but still could not come to a point of forgiveness. One day I said..."Ok, Lord, I can not at this point in time forgive him, but you can. So, please forgive him for me." That was my prayer for months until one day I realized that I could forgive him.

    From all the posts I have read, there are many here will to support you, encourage you and pray for you. This is truly what family is all about.

    Anchored in Christ,


    -street military?!!!! oh, Lourdy. You want to do some damage... you damage that devil!!! you are still afraid of rejection. your anger and fear will do the very thing you are afraid of,...push people away and you will have that rejection tree fed again. You can break the cycle. Is your wife a christian.. I think she is...Get angry at those roots of rejection and tear them up. They are overgrown, they will choke the life out of any realationship you have. now for others who do not know whats happening tthis is a answer to a later day problem. I will talk to you tomorrow. Do you love yourself. you should !~ love you all patricia :wub::emot-hug::emot-hug::emot-hug::wub:

    thats right i want to rip someones throat out and i was better off being alone no wy wife aint a christian........either way ya look at it im a loser and yes street fighting hand to hand fighting 5 different martial arts boxing wrestling knife expert survival expert weapons specialist and a down right mean and nasty mind .....you figure it out if this is love i want nothing to do with it...........pain is all i know and pain is what im gonna give..........and make sure you read my hole testamony this is part 2 of 2 so you better read some more :emot-fail::wub::wub::thumbs_down::thumbsup::):emot-hug::emot-wave::emot-wave::emot-wave:

  2. Why would kicking everyone out be necessary for your mental stability? I think your doctor should stick strictly to medical advice. Whom you live with is not a medical issue.

    my doc said that because of all the fighting thats going around here im disabled and cant get away from it im everyones personal punching bag they get mad they take it out on me and yes who i live with is a major part of ones health so it is a medical issue but of course if you live the good life then you have no idea what im asking...oak

    You had said in your op that it was for your mental well being. I do agree that the issue of your grandchildren using you as a punching bag must be addressed, otherwise they do need to leave. Your wife and daughter should be watching out for your safety.

    i didnt say my grands were using me as a punching bag but my daughters and wife are.....

  3. 2 many people in one house, and too many Mommas! oak, I wasn't yelling at cha! :P THERAPY for everybody. Sounds like your wife and daughter (add in the kids) are all getting on each others nerves. You add the death of a husband/father, you being so sick............thats alot of things to try to deal with at one time!

    I lost my son 3 years ago, I'm still not over it. I can't imagine how a child loosing a parent feels, but loosing anybody you love is hard.

    I think all of you need to sit down and calmly and rationally set some ground rules, if ya'll can't work it out together then get a professional to help!

    I'm still praying for you, your family and the whole situation!

    thanks scarlet ive trie the counseling thing and my wife neither would my daughter go i went by myself maybe i will just move out or better yet call my doc and tell her i want to end it all so she will have me committed

  4. oak, how old are the grandchildren? where are their parents? i'm assuming the parents (or at least one of them) is living in your home.

    trust me, there is someone else they can leach off of. and if there isn't, there are a number of emergency shelters for those who have no place to live in your area.

    pray about this. you have two options. you move, or they move. (attempting suicide is NOT one of them... i know it bites that psych wards won't take you unless you've tried to kill yourself, but they CAN'T take you if you accidentally succeed.)

    scarlet im sorry its just im trying to express my dileema i love those kids and i cant see them hurt or in danger their father died a year ago in may so its just my daighter and the 3 girls oldest will be 7 on the 22nd 5 on the 13th and 3 yrs old.....i dont know anymore i cant drive so i cant get away i am so confused my wife aint no help she ussualy starts the fighting and yelling as soon as she walks in the door ive got kids not listening their mom is constantly yelling at them all day and night none of the kids listen and if i make them listen then they cry and whine and go to there mom who lets them do what ever they want....my wife calls me from her work just to complain about one of mydaughters for who knows what this this time then she comes home and continueswith the complaining and gets to arguing with my daughter and then they both yell at me like its my fault........better picture of my hell......the more i think about it the worse it gets ......if i leave they lose the house if they leave they got nowhere to go we live in farm country......if i die they get the house and i get peace ..........nice choices huh.........oak

  5. Why would kicking everyone out be necessary for your mental stability? I think your doctor should stick strictly to medical advice. Whom you live with is not a medical issue.

    my doc said that because of all the fighting thats going around here im disabled and cant get away from it im everyones personal punching bag they get mad they take it out on me and yes who i live with is a major part of ones health so it is a medical issue but of course if you live the good life then you have no idea what im asking...oak

  6. i saw my doc yesterday because of all my falling down and my mental stability....so for my mental well being i was givin 2 choices......1) kick everyone out which would leave my grandkids with out a home or 2) i move out on my own which would mean that everyone would be out because the mortgage wouldnt get paid.......my third choice is attempting suicide and end up in a psych ward.........ive been praying and fasting for 2 days now and im not getting an answer but im compelled to come and make this post. please any advice from ya all is really needed i will continue to fast and pray until the LORD tells me what to do......oak

  7. I wonder if the smoke was from burning vehicles or a prior explosion. If it was a terrorist attack, I think it'd be easy to plant explosives underwater to try and limit the sound of an explosion. It looks like the support beams/columns of the bridge gave out and that is what concerns me.

    I don't think the beams would collapse if it was just a part of the roadway that failed, but I'm not a structural engineer. But, history is littered with thousands of remaining support beams/columns of historic buildings.

    ive seen the treet cam footage the whole spane fell at the same time and as quickly as it fell the smoke from cars and trucks could hide the smoke and explosion sounds i donr by into the non terrorist theory i definitely donot agree with it being a structural flaw i do understand them after an hour of looking at the destruction to claim it wasnt a terrorist attck to keep everyone calm but i believe this to be a mistake the worst thing you can do is make a minnesotan angry with lies. if it is an act of terrorism i really feel sorry for them because our anger will not be quenched so easily and this is one reason why i keep saying that we must continue the war or we will have more of this.....i am praying for the loss of life and for the missing and a quick heeling of the injured....im not waging fingers. im stating what i feel and know to be true. and this is the third christian site ive been to and its also the one with the least amount of posts i am ashamed of the christian unity we should be having that we are not....are we so full of our selves that we cannot pray for the dead at least?????? oak

  8. i have seen alot of pictures from the scene and i know for a fact that the bridge did not collapse due to structural damage..if it was only pieces would have fallen not the whole six lane bridge and in whole sections like that just doesnt happen and why the govenrment is covering it up i dont know. but it was not an accident......and im still praying for those dead and injured.....im also praying for the LORD to strike the ones who caused this sensless act.............oak

  9. I have travelled this road ( 35W) while in Minneapolis, how very sad. As of now ( 11:30 PM EST) there are at least 6 dead and 40 injured. Tragic.. :emot-handshake:

    latest is 70 injured 7-10 dead all but 1 bridge worker was found tomorrow they will start searching the river....im from minnesota........oak....and im praying too

  10. here we go folks, first step towards socialism under this gal...

    Jul 28, 4:04 PM (ET)


    COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton told college Democrats on Saturday she would create a national academy to train public servants.

    "I'm going to be asking a new generation to serve," she said. "I think just like our military academies, we need to give a totally all-paid education to young men and women who will serve their country in a public service position."

    An older woman carrying a sign that said "She doesn't care, all she wants is the power" yelled at Clinton while the New York senator was speaking in a ballroom on the University of South Carolina campus. Students attending the College Democrats of America convention shouted down the woman down and pushed her from the room.

    "One of the things I love about politics, you never know what the day will bring," Clinton said.

    Several people at the convention said they were inspired by Clinton's speech and her experience in public service after law school.

    Clinton was an intern with the Children's Defense Fund, which advocates for minority, poor and disabled children.

    "I loved her personal stories. ... It wasn't her generic speech," said Katelyn Porter, president of the College Democrats chapter at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island.

    Porter, who is from Boston and works for a nonprofit organization that helps low-income families, said she has not decided which Democratic candidate she will support. "But Hillary is definitely at the top of the list," she said.

    Clinton spoke about her conversion during college from a born and raised Republican to a Democrat.

    "I woke up in my dorm one day and I thought, 'Well, I'm not sure I am a Republican,'" she said to enthusiastic cheers. "I was at the time, embarrassingly enough, the president of the Wellesley College young Republicans."

    Later, in Beaufort, she told supporters she was running for president "because I think we can set big goals again. There is still so much to be done."

    She mentioned universal health care, ending dependence on foreign oil, expanding early childhood education and safely withdrawing troops from Iraq.

    Helen Gilbert, a retired government worker originally from Virginia, said she believes women - especially older women - may be Clinton's biggest hurdle.

    "We're brought up to believe the men know it all," said Gilbert, 75. But Clinton's track record is what has earned Gilbert's support.

    "She knows so much and she's done so much and she's been involved so much," Gilbert said. "She's going to be the president. I think it's about time, don't you?"

    a civil service academy ruled by who her and one more link to a one global community her own private army now that is scary........oak

  11. i havent heard anything but i dont watch the news all that much its just hype and negative....if they do go to war iran will not be a neutral country anymore and may allow us to help them can anyone else sense wwIII comming soon.....more and more nations are choosing sides we need to be vigilent and more supportive to our troops over their.....oak

  12. Rules on this topic: You can't list the Bible (It's in a class all by it's self). It must be Christian, and give a quick summary of why it made your top 3.

    The Vision by Rick Joyner: Incredible insights into spiritual warfare and sanctification. He claims it was a prophetic vision. I think it's too insightful (multi-layered truths) to be fictional or a fraud.

    The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee: If you want help in crucifying your flesh, this book is a must.

    Humility by Andrew Murrey: Reveals the many faces of pride, convicted my heart in many areas, and it was a short read.

    this makes it harder because ive only read one christian book and im still reading another..the first book i read is called run baby run its about a new york gangbanger who found christ in the most unusual way...the second which i am still reading is foxes book of martyrs.......do these count?????.......oak

  13. How awful. Yes, you should sue and I hope you get a big settlement.

    My experience is not near as bad as yours, but it shows how the person hurt is the least important. In Nov. of 2005 I slipped on water in the Kroger store and fell right on my bad knee. Kroger paid for me to go to the doctor, and I didn't break anything, but when I checked with a lawyer just to be safe in case something came up later, I was told there is nothing you can do. I checked with quite a few lawyers and they all said the same thing. It seems there was a new law passed, and I don't know if it's just in Texas or nationwide, but even if I'd been hurt real bad, I couldn't have done anything. According to the law, I should have seen the water.

    im sorry about your knee,, my problem is due to several medical cinditions that make my legs weak and buckle it in my record so i should have been examine and x-rayed for breaks but this doc didnt even do anything except try to force me to bend more than i can which would have broken my back if he succeeded.....oak

  14. Ugh, I hope you DO get their butts sued for malpractice, 'cause that's what that is. Sick.

    if my doc finds something wrong and will testify for me then i can nail them with malpractice and if i dont my wife will :24::24::24: ya dont mess with the oaks........oak :noidea::)

    I will say this to all. You do not have to leave a er when a doctor discharges you. as long as you stay in there they remain responsible. Do not sign the paper a insist they page or call your doctor to the hospital.... even if you need to talk to your md he should instruct instruct the e/r md what he wants done. What he did was check your neurological stuff and that was it. I hate to say this But he may have been up 24hrs... this is trying to be stopped It is dangerous for both patient and md. It is the hospitals fault It is still no excuse. He will not be there long. Doctors get afraid in the e/r of someone coming in that they will know not much about. I had a doc who Left a italian man laying with a horrible deep long gash across his palm. he was purposely passing him by. I asked him when are you going to suture him? The e/r doc said do you think he will last til seven a.m? He was not good at suturing and this was a multilayer job. Well we both did it together. The italian guy was yelling at him in italian. doc asked me What is he saying... he was calling him a butcher :24::24::24: I finished the top Layer. You get in and get out it is a TRUE MIRACLE>>>> PRAISE THE LORD :wub:

    i know i should have had them call my doctor but i was angry and i dont like hospitals especialy ER's they have never been kind to me calling me a lier and a fake and saying im just there for attention or drugs i have grown to hate and not trust them if they say i can go i can go and now im paying for it my neck is in alot of pain and i cant move my head i just might have to go back and get better treatment if thats possible.....i like that italian guy is yelling is what i would be yelling actual i have except in stead of butcher im yelling quack quack quack get this quack away from me get this crackerjack box guy a way from me get me a real doctor not this guy who got his license from a crackerjack box quack quack quack..... :24::24::24::24: ........oak

  15. thanks to all my friends and my brothers and sisters in CHRIST who prayed for me and had GOD make my wife remember our wedding vows she is not goingto divorce me or kick me out and i praise GOD for HIS wisdom......and my brother that had a dark spot near his colon it was biopsied and utra sounded and it came up as water sacks and sists nothing dangerous or cancerous i praise GOD for healing my brother and bringing him closer to YOU LORD he is not a full believer yet but he is getting there and i praise and pray to the LORD everyday to constantly work on opening his heart and let him see the true light of GOD...amen.....oak

  16. :noidea: for your as well Oak, :)

    berribear my friend it is i who should be praying for you and yours.....yeppers i am prayin for ya all......please pray for a cure so noone else has to go thru what thousands of us are going thru.....www.kickas.org is my support group on the net join us and learn even more terrible things of these diseases and what they all can cause......please pray for them i do not deserve your prayers.......oak

  17. thank you anita but please dont pray for me but pray that they find cures for others who might have or get these diseases some sre genetis and some are triggered by other diseases.........im prayin too........oak

    Forget it oaks we are praying to you too!

    all your caring and kindness can and does make this grown man cry GOD bless you all....oak

  18. things get really bad up here in Canada too. like about a month ago, a woman was completely ignored by hospital staff. several nurses passed her, other patients tried to get help for that woman who was, after not getting help, lying on the floor. there were several 911 calls made but the 911 people said they couldnt do anything since the person was already in a hospital. the woman died.

    i said no just give me the papers to sign so i can get the hell out of this quacksville hospital.....


    that is so sad i hope the family sues for everything they got the whole staff that day the hospital and each person nurse and doc individually for wrongful death and malpractice......i just hope my neck aint broken or i just might not wake up......i'll keep ya updated and if ya dont hear from me i'll be right beside our LORD in heaven..... :wub::24::24: .......oak

  19. Thats terrible! Who ever that Doctor was he was a poor example of one! I hope everythings okay oak!

    i dont know if im ok or not last few times i fell i heard and felt my neck crack and my back crack or pop which aint good my legs ar so unstable i cant stand on my own at all...its possible i may have broken my neck and back its hard to say with my spine fusing so quickly its possible that someextra bine broke, i am having a hard time moving my head around, my hip and knee got twisted and they are very painful right now and both my shoulders i may have torrn the rotator cuff again and/or seperated my shoulders again i will have to wait till i can get in and see my doc...i will keep ya updated.....oak

  20. :24:i went to the ER today. because ive been falling down all week and i twisted my hip and knee and heard my neck and back crack i almost fell in the ER lobby the nurses got me a wheelchair. doc came in with out my chart which had a copy of my meds and my dx's which he never looked at. he had me stand and wanted me to bend forward so i did and he tried to force me to bend more but as soon as he touch my spine i dropped right to the floor, he would not help me up or let my daughter help me up. so with bad shoulders i muscled my way back up to the bed and he asked about the leg braces which i had told him 3 times that they are to help me from falling but will not stop me from falling but will slow me down so i can catch my self 3 times i told him and my daughter told him...he said that i need to get 5-10#barbell weights and exercise more and i am not to wear my braces anymore then he left and i was sent home. it seems i always get the quacks for doctors because they never listen to me or my family they think im in there just for the drugs, but this one neverexamined me never checked my shoulders or hip and knee nor did he do any blood work or x-rays what he told me to do will only make me worse not better when the nurse came in with discharge papers my daughter lit into her about my lousy care and the nurse said to you want me to have the doctor come back in and i said no just give me the papers to sign so i can get the hell out of this quacksville hospital.....im gonna try to get into see my GP and i hope she blows the roof off with the mistreatment i got....just because they were busy doesnt mean to hurry up and misdiagnose people just to get them out of there... if i fall anymore and if my doc has x-rays done and i got damage im going to sue the doc and the hospital for malpractice. im always sent home with out exams x-rays and nothing just sign here bye.......im am angry......sorry for my language.....oak :24::24::24::rolleyes:
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