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Posts posted by oakleaf

  1. I don't know what to tell you about your dreams, but I'll pray too... It says in the Bible, in Joel 2:28... And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions... KJV I don't know if this scripture has anything to do with your dreams or not, but I believe we're in the end times...

    i understand that what im looking for is an interpratation of this dream is it about me fighting my own demons or am I the LORD warrior fight the last battle?????.......thank you for your advice....oak

    I put up a new post unawares their already was a post. I dream and dream and dream. The gift usually needs the ability to discern which is from is coming from the Lord Jesus, some their is no mistaking. Then asking Jesus for the Wisdom to know what He wants you to do. If its a dream concerning me i need to call some who has greater objectivity do I am not decieved. I am taught in my dreams....give prophecies concerning the world, person as individuals as well. Coming disasters as well . Always record them down with the dates. Some are to keep still about and some are to be shared. I to had them as a child but I was not a christian in upbringing. Later I had to ask God to filter through what was coming from him. most of the tormenting ones left... I will pray about your dream and get back to you if its real personal I will p.m you patrish

    thank you and well ive tried to keep a log but i have a few medical problems and i forget to write them down and i lost the note book i was writting them in maybe one of my grands got a hold of it perhaps i shuold ask my wife for a diary so i can not only write my dreams down but to also write how im feeling medically as well........GOD bless you .....oak :whistling:

  2. Php 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

    Php 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    Php 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

    Php 4:9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me--practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

    :( thank you i needed that piece of scipture for my own problems bless you for posting it....oak

  3. How do you put the past behind you? How do you take the pain that causes so much hurt to you away? How do you truly forgive the sinners and move on?

    How do you not picture things and wonder and ask yourself questions? How do you be a strong person and let things go? How do you stop hating and start living?

    Why does the pain hurt so much that it control your everyday, every thought, every breath? How do you stop crying and start smiling?

    How do I start having good days and not just good moments? How do you look into your lovers eyes and see him and not what he has done?

    ryal, my testamony may help you i got 2 posted and im sure they will help you....and all you can do is live the moment eventually the moment will become days then weeks then the memories will fade..pray to GOD everyday, read the bible everyday, thats what helped me...oak

  4. I don't know what to tell you about your dreams, but I'll pray too... It says in the Bible, in Joel 2:28... And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions... KJV I don't know if this scripture has anything to do with your dreams or not, but I believe we're in the end times...

    i understand that what im looking for is an interpratation of this dream is it about me fighting my own demons or am I the LORD warrior fight the last battle?????.......thank you for your advice....oak

  5. Hello there Oak, I would like to talk with you about your posting in the prayer section today. Please, if you are the one who posted about your wife no longer helping you, write to me at janey_cobb@yahoo.com and we can look for a solution together. I, too, have many ailments, but I would rather not list them here. I thank God for all the blessings in my life, and I want to help Oak. So, write me.

    angel pm me right away its kinda urgent......oak and yes im the one and i will talk with you.....oak

  6. Hello Oak,

    Your list is overwhelming to say the least. All I know is that God is greater. God is greater than it all. May you be divinely touched by the comforting healing presence of the LORD.


    yes it is overwhelming most of the time and im losing my family because of it...but with my brother and sister in CHRIST our LORD and my support group i will get better

  7. maybe someone out there may have one or more of the disease or conditions i have that we can help each other thru the rough times...here is my list and what they are doing to me......

    Ankylosing Spondylitis- means spine fusion-my spine is fusing together and its effecting other parts of my body, hips,knees, ankles, shoulders, teeth(all pulled now), neck

    Rheumatoid Arthritis-my hands and toes are effected

    Fibromyalgia-muscular pain,

    Restless Leg Syndrome-my legs will not stop moving around due to discomfort

    these i just named are auto-immune diseases which means i have no immune system anymore and that my body is attacking its self im in pain 24/7

    i also have:

    chronic back, tremors/spasms(neurological), osteoporosis(im male), high cholesterol, depression, lyme disease, scoliosis, and more i cannot write here.....

    ive had these most of my life and didnt know it all the doctors said i was faking it all until 2002 when i went in for a physical, thats when i started getting names to all my medical problems....

    i'm on 11 different medications which some of the side effects of a few can kill me, my pain is down and my mobility has slightly increased due to the meds so i put my life into GODs hands and praise HIS name every day i wake up....

    right now i need leg braces to walk or i will constantly fall down which can break my neck,hips, and spine....i can only walk for short distances 100ft ot less other wise i have to use my motorized chair to get around.

    I cant drive anymore because my legs go numb/dead after 20 minutes in the car...

    so i am strong in faith and i keep my eyes on JESUS every day.

    most of my diseases mainly the 1st for listed have no cure and are disabling diseases compounded, which means im only going to get worse. i have neurological issues too but the neurologists wont test me......oak

    Oak, I have some of those same things that you listed plus different disease symptoms. I know how hard it is. I'm praying for you. Pray for me and my son. We are still doing real bad and needing Jesus to heal us.

    pm me if ya wanna talk...im praying for ya......oak

  8. You're not a wreck. You're a train wreck!

    Just kiddin' oak; you know I love you. We're praying for you, my friend. Please know that regardless of how you feel, G-d is greater and He is able to bring about the miraculous in your life.

    [G-d] is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Eph. 1:19

    marnie, i do feel like a train wreck most of the time, and im am worse and getting worse but with my eyes on the LORD and JESUS lifting me up and holding me i know i will persevere....oak

  9. maybe someone out there may have one or more of the disease or conditions i have that we can help each other thru the rough times...here is my list and what they are doing to me......

    Ankylosing Spondylitis- means spine fusion-my spine is fusing together and its effecting other parts of my body, hips,knees, ankles, shoulders, teeth(all pulled now), neck

    Rheumatoid Arthritis-my hands and toes are effected

    Fibromyalgia-muscular pain,

    Restless Leg Syndrome-my legs will not stop moving around due to discomfort

    these i just named are auto-immune diseases which means i have no immune system anymore and that my body is attacking its self im in pain 24/7

    i also have:

    chronic back, tremors/spasms(neurological), osteoporosis(im male), high cholesterol, depression, lyme disease, scoliosis, and more i cannot write here.....

    ive had these most of my life and didnt know it all the doctors said i was faking it all until 2002 when i went in for a physical, thats when i started getting names to all my medical problems....

    i'm on 11 different medications which some of the side effects of a few can kill me, my pain is down and my mobility has slightly increased due to the meds so i put my life into GODs hands and praise HIS name every day i wake up....

    right now i need leg braces to walk or i will constantly fall down which can break my neck,hips, and spine....i can only walk for short distances 100ft ot less other wise i have to use my motorized chair to get around.

    I cant drive anymore because my legs go numb/dead after 20 minutes in the car...

    so i am strong in faith and i keep my eyes on JESUS every day.

    most of my diseases mainly the 1st for listed have no cure and are disabling diseases compounded, which means im only going to get worse. i have neurological issues too but the neurologists wont test me......oak

  10. i have had several dreams of late about the when the rapture is called in my dream i am always left behind and now i know why......after weeks of praying meditating and fasting the LORD revealed to me in a dream HE said "Dennis i have showed you what is to come, you will be left behind to minister to those who do not believe and you will guide them to me so that they maybe saved when I come". .....all i could do was say yes LORD i am your humble servant and i will do as YOU say for YOU are my LORD. i praise the LORDS name most high and i thank HIM for answering my prayer and for giving me a chance to minister HIS word to those who dont believe.........oak

    That is very beautiful... If indeed this is fact... I commend you on your openness.. You must then be one of the 144,000 sealed, and we are closer than we think... For A>B>&C happens before the rapture... Do you think this was the seal of God then? Are you Jewish,(If you dont mind my asking)... Even so, it is great to know I could chat with one of God's chosen leaders of the word!!!!! :noidea:

    i wouldnt jump to any conclusions yet like the others i believe its satan that has made that dream.....i have rebuked that dream and put full trust into GOD and sine i cried out for GODs help the dream has not come back which make me think that it did come from satan and thats why i posted it so that i wouldnt be deceived......thank you LORD......and thank all of you blessings to you all.......oak

  11. I preferred the books as well but the movie conveyed their personalities better.

    I liked the part where Buck is asking a guy if he was going to heaven.

    The guy goes on to say that he was a good person.

    Buck asks him if he ever stole anything, like a piece of gum or newspaper. The guy says well yeah, but everyone has. It's not like I killed someone.

    Buck asks him if he ever looked at a fine lady and wanted her for his own.The guy says well yeah but he didnt act on it.

    Buck asks him if he ever told a little fib.

    The guys says well yeah but they were harmless.

    So Buck goes on to tell him that he is a self confessed liar, theif and adulterer.

    So much for being a good person.

    But then Buck says it's okay because Jesus forgives us if we only ask.

    (Something like that)

    Haven't the movies or read the books - but I'm familiar with Cameron's "Way of the Master". This is actually one of the key techniques they suggest using as an ice breaker for evangelism.

    is there anyway i can learn about kirk camerons ministry its sounds so fasinating...oak

  12. Hey, Oakleaf -

    Please don't take this wrong, but would you mind re-explaining that? :) It's a bit of a run-on sentence, and I'm having a hard-time understanding what you just said.

    sorry my grammer aint real good.....what i do even before i pick up the bible to read it, i pray. i pray that the lord give me knowledge to understand what i am reading....i pray for guidance on what HE wants me to read. and i pray that HE fills me with the holy spirit so that i may learn from what i read....and when i read i thank GOD for teahing me HIS word...and when GOD thinks im done learning HE makes me stop reading...and I start to praise HIS name and glorify HIM for showing me the truth.....and what the LORD has us read will mean something different to someone else that reads the same passage or verse..and if we are new to the faith wil have a different meaning then someone who has a stronger relationship with GOD.......does this help.....oak

  13. i am wondering and ive been trying to find it in the bible without success maybe ya all can help.....the armor of GOD what are they what are the pieces and what symbolism to they represent when it come to fighting satan.........oak

  14. yes i go to several www.thinkhope.com. www.raptureme.com. and a few that are support groups for my diseases one is christian based the other aint but they both have loving and caring people inthem one is wwwkickas.org. and www.godkicksas.proboards107.com feel free to check them out you are more than welcome....oak

  15. :emot-highfive: OK, would you two please explain to me how you got all of this out of that Psalm?

    before i even start reading the bible i pray for knowledge and understanding of waht i read and then i start reading where the spirit moves me to read and im gien the gift of understanding and since my faith is growing what i read will mean something to me but differently who is newer to the faith and to smeone more stronger in the faith each word each verse will have a different understanding to each individual reading it....oak :thumbsup:

  16. ive seen all 3 movies i didnt like them all that much but the books im still trying to get them all i think i got 1-5 now and i hope to get the rest soon now thaat buck and rayford are in hiding with cloe just giving birth its beutifully written and it has me wanting to read the word even more expecially the book of revelations more closely.......i hope to see you all there when GOD calls his church together amen......oak

  17. I think you need to exercise your spiritual gifts a little further. If you have come to know, and understand the faults that lie in relationships. And you are able to avoid them consistently. Your spirit may be ready to rebuke those negative spirits entirely. It' s something to pray and supplicate over.

    Tts 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;



    Moon over Key Biscayne

    my dreams have changed a bit im still battling an unseen enemy and its numbers are uncountable im fighting for my very life or souls i am severely wounded i cry out for help and then I feel a presence beside me and my enemies flee and my wounds are healed then the enemy attacks even more aggressively......i know that the presence is JESUS helping me because the enemy fled before HIM and my wounds were healed..and i think that the enemy are satans demons trying to kill my soul and when i cried out for help our LORD and SAVIOR came to my aide.....if this is a true interpretation well even if it aint I thank and praise our LORD most high in the name of JESUS CHRIST may the we all fight just as hard if not harder to save our souls amen

  18. The coming of the son of man or Rapture as it has been called is going to be a catastrophic event with great loss of life on Earth. How or when the religions started teaching the Taken or Left Behind concept I will never understand.

    I always had a hard time with this scripture. At the coming of the son of man or the Rapture as it has been called will actually be the second Rapture the only difference this time will be that it signals the return of the son of man. The first Rapture occurred during the days of Noah.

    I hear people state that they want to be taken and not left behind during this time. I prefer to stay in the Boat with Noah that would be considered left behind and not taken.

    The Rapture is the signal of the coming of the son of man. Everyone agrees on that issue.

    When you read Luke 17:26 and 17:27 people miss the catastrophic event and its description of what is actually taking place. They think that the ones that are taken are going to go and be with the son of man. Not true.

    Want to know where they were taken read Luke 27:37 it tells you to look to where the Eagles gather. The Old World vultures found in Africa, Asia and Europe also includes eagles, kites, buzzards and hawks.

    The rapture is another cleansing of the earth as it was in the days of Noah.

    The people taken during the time of Noah did not go and be with God.

    I invite comments on this issue.

    i would post this in general discussion or in bible study for more of a response but you are wrong for in revelations it say that before JESUS come down to claim HIS world that GOD will call HIS church to him these people are the faithful believers it also says that it would be world wide and people will look and will not find them except there clothing in piles....that is the rapture written in revelations......oak

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