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  1. RustyAngeL's post in Telling my Christian parents I accepted Jesus Christ? was marked as the answer   
    It should be the best news they can here, tell then NOW!
  2. RustyAngeL's post in Is God is doing justice? was marked as the answer   
    Greetings hary210 in the name of Jesus.  We are happy you have come to Worthy.  
    Yes everyone who seeks Jesus with their whole heart and accepts His Gift of salvation by faith will be saved.  
    We were all "bad guys" and gals... before we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives and invited Him into our hearts.  We are saved by His grace and mercy and nothing we do on our own.
    His gift is free because He did it all on the cross for us.  He took all our sin and guilt and covered it with His shed Blood.
    I hope you have come into the relationship with God through Jesus. 
    Blessings, RustyAngeL
  3. RustyAngeL's post in is God punishing me was marked as the answer   
    God is not punishing you.
    The Bible is clear about the gay lifestyle being an abomination.  However God loves you and want's you set free from what I believe to be a lie from the enemy.  
    I have a friend who is gay, and he is miserable, claiming he is under a curse.  
    God only wants freedom for you, and He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross for you and your sins just as died for my sins.  
    I would encourage you to get into the Word, and start with the book of John. 
    I would like to know if you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  He can bring you out of the darkness into His Light and set you free.  All you have to do is ask God to forgive you of your sins, the Bible tells us we are all sinners. Confess your sins to God.  Ask for His forgiveness, then ask Jesus to to be your Savior.  Ask Him to come into your heart and life to save you.  Then start confessing Him as your Savior.  Step out into His Light and know that this is not the life He wants you to live.  Are you willing to take such a leap into His care?
    Blessings, RustyAngeL
  4. RustyAngeL's post in what do i do when nothings working with the relationship was marked as the answer   
    Hi Breese,
    First off what your learning in school is wrong.  Christianity is a relationship with God.  religion is mans attempt to reach God by doing good deeds.  That is never going to work.  Christianity is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  
    It is not what you do it is what Jesus did on the Cross.  It is His finished work that gives us that standing with God.  
    Jesus desires to be the Lord and Savior of your life.  Have you made that commitment to Him?  Have you asked Him to be your personal Lord and Savior?  Do you believe that He is the one and only Son of God?  Do you believe He died on a cross and then rose again three days later to pay for your sins, that the judgement that you deserve was put on Him?
    There are not enough good deeds that you can do to get you to Heaven.  Only by the shed blood of Christ will you ever get to Heaven.  When you turn your life over to Him and ask Him to forgive you of your sins will Heaven be your eternal home.
    You said your reading your Bible.  Great... I would start in the book of John.  Get into a good solid Bible believing Church.  Get into a good Bible Study and most of all pray.  
    I"m glad your here.  Come by often. Ask questions and we will be glad to answer them.  We also have a chat room where you can visit and speak to us one on one.  
    Blessings, RustyAngeL
  5. RustyAngeL's post in Leaders and Elders was marked as the answer   
    I don't think so.  If they were not putting their hearts into worship while the worshiping was taking place then yes. 
  6. RustyAngeL's post in Judgement was marked as the answer   
    Right. Believers are forgiven.  Our sins were covered at the Cross.  Those who are not saved will face judgement because they rejected Jesus.  Their eternity is not one that is pleasant at all.   A Godless, outer darkness, flames that do not die place is what they are facing and it is  forever if you can grasp it never ending.   Don't listen to the ones like my friend who tells people that they will only be in hell according to how bad their sins are then just go out into nothing.   I heard it put this way.  When they have been there for 10 centuries they are not one second closer for it ending.  That is why  we are so passionate about the Gospel here we don't want anyone facing that.
    Blessings, RustyAngeL
  7. RustyAngeL's post in attachment disorder and knowing God was marked as the answer   
    It seems like every time we turn around there is a new mental disorder they want to tag people with.  
    No one is to damaged to know God. He is God, the creator of the universe. There is nothing He cannot do or fix.  
    You need to focus on Him totally and  not allow yourself to be told your to damaged or you have this disorder that cannot be fixed.  
    I would like to know if you are a Christian.  Have you accepted Jesus into your life and your Lord and Savior.  If you have not that needs to be your first order of business.  When you put Christ first in your life things will start to make sense and fall into place. Listen to what God has to say about you.  Get into the Bible.  Start in the book of John, then get into a good Bible believing Church that will get you grounded in the truth.
    Believe what God says about you, not what man has said.
    Blessings, RustyAngeL
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