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Everything posted by Catsmeow

  1. LOL, John...too funny... you young guys are always broke! Cat
  2. Oh, Geezz.. Doc...I just heard on CNN that they are concentrating their security on and around Washington DC area because the "chatter" detected through intelligence suggests that DC is a primary target...and possibly New York.. I also heard on the News that the Muslims are considering waiting to attack AFTER the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, where they estimate over 2 million Muslims are flocking right now. Once the Hajj is over and their religious holiday completed, they are prepared to attack the U.S. Hey, ya got any out of town business you need to be doing in the near future, Doc?
  3. Hmmm...you wonder why he picked next Thursday...gee, that just can't happen. I have a hair appointment. :blush: Gosh. okay, Star...sorry - I get goofy sometimes...While the world is stressing out, I'm doing the exact opposite. I figure I can either laugh or cry ??? But I'm not gonna freak out.. :lightbulb:
  4. Oh, Angel...right you are! It makes me so dizzy it makes me sick so I don't watch too many. Our brother Shadow has had some rough experiences but I have been blessed by the preaching of Joyce Meyers. I don't know about any prosperity teachings she's done - I hear a lot of ministers do get caught up in that stuff. I think she may have been but got out of it. That's what I heard anyway. I do love her teachings because she's so down to earth and has helped me. I do believe she supports many Christian charities around the world and is used mightily by the Lord. If she was into the prosperity thing...I don't think she is anymore. But I do think you can disturb your peace by listening to too many people. I don't. I listen to Charles Stanley and Joyce Meyers and sometimes Billy Graham but that's just about it. I like to read Rick Joyner's books, also and RC Sproul. I feel really uneasy about most television preachers. There's this one guy who's on all the time...I mean all the time. He really gets a ton of airtime so he must be doing well. His whole show is focused on raising money...and he even has one show called, "Tri Vita" and sells vitamins. I don't support people begging for money. I usually go to the ones who do little advertising and who are on a lean budget. Those are the ones I know are trusting God to provide their needs rather than Madison Avenue advertising gimmicks.
  5. Interesting conjecture...I saw the old movie called, "The Bible". In fact, I actually have the video. It's a classic. In the movie, Cain fell down begging God for mercy and pleading that his punishment was too great. Then there was a sudden clap of thunder and upon Cain's head was an interesting mark or scar which looked just like a tree - trunk with branches. The tree apparently symbolized the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" - the curse remaining upon Adam's family and decendents because of their disobedience. Cain was a real poster boy for the "fall of man" since he committed the first murder.
  6. Doc- my children are grown and married and live out of state from me... I can't even imagine how hard it would be to raise young or minor children right now. We are on the eve of destruction and the whole waits in peril - yet, men and women everywhere have to continue to go to work, pay the bills and calm the fears of their children. I am now beginning to understand what is meant in Matt 24 about the end times being a terrible time for nursing mothers because it's hard enough when you're alone but when there's young ones depending on you for their safety and provision, that's another story...
  7. Good! Now you'll get some more "politically incorrect" support. I have great patience and longing for the salvation of Muslims...BUT, I'd rather go to "them" {which I have} and preach the gospel. While some are fairly benign, far too many are radical in their thinking. I wish we could open our borders to all comers but it's no longer safe to do this. Times have changed. They view us as an enemy and are far too hostile towards those who disagree with their religious beliefs. I realize that president Bush is attempting to work with them. It's a tough job and I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. But I think it's time to make some serious changes. I desire goodwill among men of all stripes but now our own country is in peril. I once heard a terrorist being interviewed on television. He was very candid in mocking Americans. He snickered about how EASY it is to attack - that we're so vulnerable. They practice urban warfare right here in America. It's easy for them to do. So, why do let these people in? Go figure> I heard today the FBI state that we are now in Code Orange - and a serious threat is imminent. What gives?
  8. Angelgirl...I don't think there's anything wrong with a crucifix, (the cross with Jesus still on it)...I'm not too fond of it because it makes me sad but many people do have one and there's no sin in doing that... It's a more common practice among Roman Catholics but when I was in Indonesia, the Baptist church had a crucifix in it so I figure it's a non-issue. It's so easy to start getting caught up in this stuff and we really shouldn't. It doesn't in any way dishonor the Lord; I just prefer to see the cross without the Body of our Lord on it...but that's my preference.
  9. Dear Georgia - I don't quite agree. That is, we WOULD stand in the way of the globalists IF George W Bush was in office. Agreed there. But if you got in a flaming New Ager, like Al Gore or a globalist like Bill Clinton...it'd be a cake walk. There are men who can be very easily manipulated to do the work of the AntiChrist. You just need the right puppet in office.
  10. AMEN, Traveller...You go, girl! :thumb:
  11. I think we should look at the context of the scripture in reference to "graven images"...Back then the people would use these graven images to substitute for God. They'd pray to them and bow down before them and honor them.... When we have a lovely painting hanging up on our walls or a cross or a scripture in beautiful calligraphic style on the wall... I can't even imagine that being a sin. Can anybody?
  12. Uh, I'm probably gonna get skinned alive here but oh, well... I have a handcarved cross made in Indonesia hanging on the wall. I also have some lovely Christian artwork, including beautiful pictures with scriptures written underneath them. Maybe some think it's pagan or something but I haven't felt a teeny bit of conviction by the Holy Spirit yet. I also have a wooden handcarved saying, "Jesus Is Lord" on my wall. Why is there so much controversy? Does this mean my salvation is under scrutiny?
  13. God is under no obligation to supply a "spirit" to the thing which man has created in his own image. God was certainly not obligated to honor pagan rituals which exalted their idols of worship. They were an abomination to Him and He repeatedly disciplined his own people who chose to follow the pagan practices. Likewise, if we choose - as a human race, to reject God's plan for creation ... how can man expect Him to sanction such rebellion and supply a mortal "host" with a living spirit? God is spirit. It is God who creates life...Our problem as a human race is about what "is" life? I believe from God's perspective, life is what He and He alone creates. A body without a spirit is of no value. It's end is death. Jesus said to one man, "Let the dead bury their dead." I'm sure that man had no clue what Jesus meant by it. A body without a spirit is dead. Only the flesh lives and then, only briefly - for a season. I am of the firm conviction that the creation of clones is the creation of a "master race" like Hitler wanted - an army of physically superior beings devoid of conscience or a soul.
  14. The elder man in the robe is portrayed as a "magician" - draped in a long robe and moving his hands as if to cast spells or do enchantments. Sounds like someone performing counterfeit signs, miracles and wonders... Possibly the one who comes before the AntiChrist.
  15. The two men are the two witnesses spoken of in the book of Revelation. The man behind the mask is their opposition. The Lion is the King of all Kings who holds all power and dominion - including what is to happen in this war in the forthcoming war.
  16. He reminds me of C.S. Lewis...that amazing logic - blows my mind... -Cat
  17. FHA: While he is a great and powerful speaker, I bought a book he wrote and it was so over my head...I need a few more points of IQ to comprehend it...
  18. FHA: You go, girl!!! Ravi Zacharias is so awesome - what a powerful speaker... :thumb: and a brilliant man of God. You're absolutely right...the "old master" himself...Billy Graham. He's really been through so much with his struggle with Parkinson's disease but how I admire him. I am not real familiar with World Vision. Are they like Compassion Intl? I know Compassion does share the gospel with the kids and their families. Right now we sponsor two kids from Kenya... a little girl who's family is Christian and a little boy, who comes from a Muslim family. Yet, that little guy gets a Christian education - and you know his family hears the gospel truth. Yay! God loves that little guy and his family and I know that He'll bring them into the Kingdom of His beloved Son...NO DOUBT! Oh, the little girl sounds like she and her family are on fire for Christ...I even got a pic of her and her parents together and they look so happy and at peace. It's so funny...no matter where in the world you are...when Jesus is with you...you are NEVER alone.
  19. I don't think Joyce Meyers has anything to do with Copeland... I am not a Copeland fan, to be honest. I get a bad feeling. I'm not saying anything - he's not my cup of tea, that's all. But J. Meyers is soooo awesome. I watch her almost every morning. I also have many of her tapes.
  20. YOD: Right on, brother! It IS better than criticizing. Amen to that... Hey, Joyce Meyers is great for anyone...male or female. If anyone wants to know a wonderful ministry to support, I strongly recommend Compassion International. We have two kids in Kenya - Missy's got a couple in South America, I believe. They do such an awesome job of caring for the children and teaching them the love of Jesus Christ. Voice of the Martyrs is also a wonderful ministry..they do a lot toward helping the Sudanese Christians facing horrendous persecution for their faith. Great post, YOD! What is the "Joseph" Fund?
  21. Angel: Do you mean "aliens" or people who are into "aliens"? :???:
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