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Karen C.

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Posts posted by Karen C.

  1. Fast and pray, my dear. I gathered dear friends around me and we fasted and prayed and listened to spiritual music, praising Jesus Christ in song, and went from room to room anointing each room---even closets and dead spaces---and announcing out loud the purpose of each room to glorify Jeuss Christ, who lives within!

    Get hold of Bondage Breakers by Neil Anderson! Read it thoroughly and apply it in your home. You will have opposition, but you are the head, not the tail. We are more than conquerors in Christ!

    I wish to remind you also, that one of my daughters, when she was at her deliverance, was given the ability to see her captors. As each was ordered out, she saw each one as a small, dark, cowering, fearful, quivering mass! I tell you this, because they make you think they are massive! They are NOT. In Jesus, we have all the power He has! Infinite!

    I am still in the early stages of understanding demonic oppression. My daughter, K, actually sees demons in form - either amorphous or individualised, dependeing on how they choose to present themselves to her at any given moment. She is usually aware of an oncoming attack by a sense of oppression folowed by a physical feeling of weight on her chest. Then they appear - as a mass but also capable of individualising themselves and coming up right into her face. When she woke me the other night she was shaking all over as well as having a pulse in her cheekbone ( I had my hands around her face at one point) that was pulsing like a butterfly wing but far more strongly. She was terrified. I mean, really, really, really, terrified. I did not have the strength to call these demons by name and command them to go - she was too terrified and I was just trying to relieve the oppression of the moment - long term delivery didn't even get a look in because the short term necessity was too great. I can't tell you how frightening this experience was - it is the third occasion when I have had to stand up against oppressive demons who are harrassing my daughter, but this last time, they were more fierce than ever - I think because she had made a deliberate choice to really go forward with the Lord and had joined this new fellowship. It's difficult to expalin, but the experience is terrifying for her and frightening for me - these spirits are nasty pieces of work and do not want to give up easily. Initially, when one prays in the name of the Lord Jesus they become angry to the extent that my daughter even begs me to stop using the name of Jesus. And when I persist, they still try to attaack her, but eventually will go, only sometines only to recede and reappear in say 5 minutes, so I have to keep praying with her and reading the Bible and belaying the Sword of the Spirit. Thing is, I've never known this kind of thing before, never even thought that such realistic manifestations were possible but now, face to face, I feel very inadequate and quite scared. That's why I feel I/we need the ministry of a man. If these demons were ever called out I believe they could be very violent.


    Sister~Just a little advice from someone who does deliverance. If you close the doors to their right to be there they leave with almost no manifestation..

    Do you want the information to close the doors or not??

    It wont take a man to bring her deliverance.. only knowledge and the name of Jesus..

    Blessings, Karen

  2. Thank you, Karen, for posting that! :whistling: I have a woman in my cell group which I lead who is a brand new believer and just in love with Jesus! I baptized her last week, and everything was just going great and she announced she was going to see that film. I was quite alarmed and cautioned her, suggesting she not see it. I felt it was cultish and ungodly, but had nothing to go on but the synopsis on the website. I told her that if she decided to go see it, she should keep a closed mind! She agreed, and said that if she had any qualms, she would excuse herself to another room of the house where they were showing it.

    Just like the devil to try to snatch away ground gotten, isn't it? Right after a baptism no less--I expected something like this!

    She saw the film last night, so I am waiting to hear her report on it tomorrow. I am glad for your post, for I have an even better understanding than before.

    Thanks again! :whistling:

    I know Sister! I see the tactics and assaults and almost feel crazy blowing the horn, but Christains are gullable and easily decieved. It is those within the body that are the scoffers about what is evil.. it absolutly astounds me the inablity to discern good from evil...

    Ministering to the drug addicts is much easier... :whistling:

  3. By the way, please ignore the post from "NONE". That post was created by a loose nut typing on a keyboard and I apologize for my "nuttieness".

    Even Paul had his nutty days. I thought we were all human but I guess some of us are "nuts"? Thank God He views me differently. I apologize for anything I said to create this opinion in you of me. I am human, though, and have very human feelings.

    Are you the same person.. none & Phil 2:12?

  4. AMEN Brother!!!

    We all want a quick fix.. Most of our chemical imbalances are from our emotional issues.

    But instead of addressing our issues we subdue them with meds.

    Just like what illegal drug addicts do...

    We are in a dangerous time.

    I don't agree that all of us just want a quick fix. It took a total crash for me to get help and the crash was not in a positive light at all. I do not agree that most of our chemical imbalances are from our emotional issues. As chemical imbalances are physical ones I am a diabetic and most people might not know it but insulin is a hormone and my body does not make enough and this is totally hereditary as it runs in my family. My emotional issues has nothing to do with it. I have a problem with salt also as it causes a chemical reaction in my body and it causes me to swell up and I have to take medicine to counteract this chemical reaction to salt it has nothing to do with emotional issues it's just a problem I got to deal with.

    I don't think you can pass this kind of judgment upon everyone as even those with mental disorders alot of them are hereditary. But I don't see you as a qualified medical doctor in this field. Sure people have emotional issues in life but they aren't all linked to chemical imbalances that is a big stretch to say the least.


    Sorry, I disagree with you. There is a ministry in Georgia that has tremendous results dealing with all the chemical imbalances. It is by addressing emotional issues and generational (heretary) issues.

    Check out some of the testimonies on the site.


    I would reccommend you get a copy of his book, "A more excellent way" Pastor Henry Wright..



    or you can keep on believing the way you do..

    Your Choice,

    Blessings Karen

    BTW~Jesus was not a qualified physician either.

  5. It doesn't matter whether you are Baptist, Pentecostoal or Catholic, Jesus' Word is all that matters and it's His Words, not man's. I don't know if you believe The Bible (some do , some believe what they are told or taught) but, Jesus dealt with very real demons in His day. Showed and told just who and what they are. Asked them their names and they had to obey and answer. They were and are real.

    We have subjugated His Word as a society believing our medical sciences and advances have a better answer calling the very demons Jesus dealt with "medical problems" or "anomalies" fixable by our pharmacuetical and bio sciences. We could never be further from the Truth. Most "mind drugs" (and that is what they are) bend the brains synapsis and neural transmitting to abnormal waves and in-balances to correct yet, I have never seen anyone cured by these medications....addicted, controlled (at times, not always) and even died from them but, never cured by them.

    These are the last days and Jesus said satan (and his ilk) would be running and roaring more than they were back in His time. Your son needs Jesus and His deliverance. We will pray for him and put him in our Daily list. But consider finding Jesus for real and not in Religion.

    That is what your son needs.

    AMEN Brother!!!

    We all want a quick fix.. Most of our chemical imbalances are from our emotional issues.

    But instead of addressing our issues we subdue them with meds.

    Just like what illegal drug addicts do...

    We are in a dangerous time.

  6. Does anyone know anything about panic attacks? My college son has occasional very devastating panic attacks that are extremely instense. He had one today, the first one in a long time. They had to call the campus police to try to subdue him, then the paramedics, then a mental health consultant.

    He's doing better now and is going to take advantage of the free counseling they offer at the university. It was a very rocky day for him. He's a very good, conservative young man. They say it's a disorder, like a seizure disorder, only panic attacks.

    Encourage your son to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the source of torment. Address the issue the Holy Spirit reveals to him by either forgiving someone, submitting an emotional wound to God, and unresolved guilt.

    I hope I am not being to personal but is there a father issue??

    Emotional trauma is a #1 cause of panic attacks.

    Blessings, Karen

    BTW~I use to suffer panic attacks for years... Jesus set me free too!!

  7. Medically I don't know much about panic attacks, but I got them for about 3 years. I went through a very tough time in my life with extreme stress and to the point where I got muscle spasms and seizures, as a result of my tension. Being alcoholic also didn't help matters at all. I remember the very first time it happened and we were driving in the car (hubby, kids and myself) and suddenly in a split second I started panicking....but didn't know what was happening. Fear took a grip on my life and I felt like my I was loosing my mind.

    It crept up on me and the attacks got so severe, that I nearly choked my mother one day, out of fear!! You have to realise that a person who gets panic attacks are fearful and scared and helpless at that moment. You are so extremely scared at that stage that all you see is death, and torture!

    My heart rate was always sky high and I was admitted to hospital several times for near-strokes as a result of that. One night I got a panic attack and hubby rushed me to hospital. By the time they got to me, the panic attack was gone but my blood pressure was still hitting the rooftop and at that stage was 290/205!!!!! Believe it or not, but I lived it, and I lived to tell the story! (at that stage I was in my mid-20's with two young kids). The doctor said that my blood pressure must've been much higher than that, since it already started to drop when he got to me.... so I have no idea what it was when I got the attack.

    Seeing my blood pressure go that high didn't help much, and I got reminded of it each time I would get a panic attack, and then it would get worse, since I then realised that I may die of a stroke.

    My GP diagnosed me also with depression and I was put on medication for depression and panic attacks. It would get so out of hand, that he increased the medication every other week. Finally I was put on the strongest medication that you can get for panic attacks and I took 2 tablets three times a day and also two before I went to bed. Slowly but surely I got hooked on the medication and increased my dosage myself. By this time I was so used to the meds that I started buying my own medication on top of these.

    The panic attacks was under control, and I was addicted to prescription drugs, but still depressed and neurotic. It got so bad, that I got a panic attack when I skipped my medication and my mind was playing serious tricks on me.

    Nobody knew what I was going through and didn't understand why I was so scared and fearful. A person with panic attacks cannot explain this - it's a living hell! My husband thought I was crazy and my kids was afraid of me, since I got aggressive with the panic attacks. I used to get about 3-5 attacks daily!!

    Well, after three years being an addicted to medication alcoholic, my sister told me about this cool church that they found and I thought, "yeah right, whatever!!"

    To make a long story short.....

    I found JESUS and got delivered from alcohol and all the medication!!

    Remember, it is extremely dangerous and even fatal to be on these medication and stop using it immediately. You have to be "nursed" and slowly decrease the intake. BUT...... the Lord delivered me, and He can do that in your case as well. I woke up one morning and was ready to take my medication, when I just turned around and threw EVERYTHING in the dustbin and quit drinking ENTIRELY!

    Until today I haven't looked back once! Jesus has set me free!! Praise the Lord!! (it's been 6 years)

    My personal belief that most panic attacks are actually demonic attacks. I do however realise that some attacks are to do with chemical imbalances, but if you have a history of stress, then it's most likely spiritual.

    I pray for your family and ask God for intervention.

    If He could do it for me... He can do it for you!


    The Blood of Jesus covers you all!



    Awesome~~Last week I ministered to a Lady from a church I had spoke at. She had a similar case. The Lord had revealed that there was unresolved issues (traumas) and unforgiveness in her life that had opened the door for this torment. When she addressed these issues she was set free...

    God's Word is still doing what it says it will do... SET THE CAPTIVES FREE!!

  8. Okay, now I've deleted your post, Karen C.

    As long as you continue to post things from other sites without the proper reference, your posts will be deleted. We have a firm policy against plagiarism.

    Whatever... :whistling:You obviously did not read where I had wrote on what AUTHORITY I used the AG positional paper.. Did you??

    All web site design, text, graphics, layout and content contained in this web site are copyright
  9. Okay, now I've deleted your post, Karen C.

    As long as you continue to post things from other sites without the proper reference, your posts will be deleted. We have a firm policy against plagiarism.

    Whatever... :whistling:You obviously did not read where I had wrote on what AUTHORITY I used the AG positional paper.. Did you??

  10. I Just would like each to evaluate the whole of the scripture and take into consideration the cultural context of the times.

    These people were your un churched folks. I am sure they were a little heathen :24: and without any manners.. (seen any of those lately??) Trying to get them through the BASIC teachings required some strict guidelines. After the LEARNING process has been accomplished then those who are called move into the area of calling... teachers, pastors, evangelists, prophet...etc.

    That's all conjecture. Where is the Scriptural support for the argument that the intent was to eventually train women to teach?

    Isn't that the whole point of coming into the body of Christ.

    GO INTO ALL THE WORLD...??? teaching and making disciples.

    Sound familiar?

  11. :24: How about lets back up a few verses and address the whole of what Paul was trying to say.

    8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.

    9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

    11 A woman shouldlearn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.

    This is obviously a gathering experince Paul is referring to.

    So men according to vs 8 you should be lifting HOLY hands in prayer.. w/o anger or disputing..

    Do I hear any AMENS!!

    According to vs 9 there is no need to wear expensive clothes or over do the hair...

    how many we have here fall in this catagory???

    According to vs 11 the learning of the woman should be done in quietness.. Don't overthrow what is being taught. I guess she was unable to shout out her opinion in the middle of service.. :24: ...

    Usurping authority. If I come out from my denominations held positions and teach doctrine contrary to what held as fundamental truths, then I am treading on dangerous ground...

    Untill then I am accountable(responsible) to teach what I have been taught by men...

    I Just would like each to evaluate the whole of the scripture and take into consideration the cultural context of the times.

    These people were your un churched folks. I am sure they were a little heathen :emot-hug: and without any manners.. (seen any of those lately??) Trying to get them through the BASIC teachings required some strict guidelines. After the LEARNING process has been accomplished then those who are called move into the area of calling... teachers, pastors, evangelists, prophet...etc.

    So you negate scripture because of culture. :24: Where do you stop then????

    Not negating scripture..

  12. :24: How about lets back up a few verses and address the whole of what Paul was trying to say.

    8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.

    9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

    11 A woman shouldlearn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.

    This is obviously a gathering experince Paul is referring to.

    So men according to vs 8 you should be lifting HOLY hands in prayer.. w/o anger or disputing..

    Do I hear any AMENS!!

    According to vs 9 there is no need to wear expensive clothes or over do the hair...

    how many we have here fall in this catagory???

    According to vs 11 the learning of the woman should be done in quietness.. Don't overthrow what is being taught. I guess she was unable to shout out her opinion in the middle of service.. :24: ...

    Usurping authority. If I come out from my denominations held positions and teach doctrine contrary to what held as fundamental truths, then I am treading on dangerous ground...

    Untill then I am accountable(responsible) to teach what I have been taught by men...

    I Just would like each to evaluate the whole of the scripture and take into consideration the cultural context of the times.

    These people were your un churched folks. I am sure they were a little heathen :24: and without any manners.. (seen any of those lately??) Trying to get them through the BASIC teachings required some strict guidelines. After the LEARNING process has been accomplished then those who are called move into the area of calling... teachers, pastors, evangelists, prophet...etc.

  13. thank you for your warning. i'dlike to also add to warn all, that McDonald's "happy meal" toys have had demonic figures bowing down and spell and chant cards to slip inside of the demon. please pray for all the children.

    WOW~I heard someone else speaking about this last night..

    We need to watch all avenues of attack..

    devil is busy cuz he knows his time is short... :emot-crying:

  14. Here is some more news on this topic. Looks to be one of the fastest selling books. :whistling:

    what could be the fastest-selling book of its kind in the history of publishing with 1.75 million copies projected to be in print by March 2, just over three months since it came out, plus 1.5 million DVDs sold.

    These people have no idea the price they are gonna pay for falling into this deception. I truly beleive we have pierced thru the veil into the darkness and we are going to see more demonic manifestations like never before.. except pre-flood. Gen 6... :whistling:

    5 The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.

    We seem to think that God was only suggesting we steer clear of tampering in the "other god" spirit realm... Because it is the same withcraft that was so destructive to the Israelites that this is representing..

    Look at our warning from Jesus..


  15. Chruch we need to be aware of all the tactics the devil is using to appeal and lead people to their destruction.

    I have always said that the end times has a relavance to the times of Noah. That being a spiritual door was opened for the demonic to bring such evil that God used the flood to clease the world. We are facing the same time and event.. except this cleansing will be by FIRE.. It is coming soon... We need to be about our Fathers business..

    This story only confirms what the Lord has been telling me the last few years what was coming..

    By Berit Kjos

    February 25, 2007


    "'As above, so below!' The Emerald Tablet, circa 3000 BC."[1] Introductory page of The Secret.

    "This phrase [above] ... embraces the entire system of traditional and modern magic which was inscribed upon the tablet in cryptic wording by Hermes Trismegistus. The significance of this phrase is that it is believed to hold the key to all mysteries. All systems of magic are claimed to function by this formula. 'That which is above is the same as that which is below.'"[2]

    "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:8

    Cheered by Oprah Winfrey and Larry King, an enticing little book and corresponding DVD have stirred widespread enthusiasm. "It's making headlines around the world," announced Oprah's website, "and buzz just keeps building. Some say it's the secret to creating the life you truly want

  16. My thoughts are that it is another demonic ruse to discredit the foundational principle of Christianity, the resurrection.

    Of how easy it will be to buy into this lie for those who have little or no knowledge of Jesus..

    I am not presenting this as anything in the least that can be found factual...

    Just as info on what is going on out there in the world to discredit our LORD.. we should all the more be out speading the Gospel as time is truly getting short..

    Blessings, karen

  17. by Gary Stearman

    The headline was riveting: "Revealed: Israel Plans Nuclear Strike On Iran." This top-featured article appeared in the London Sunday Times Online, on January 7, 2007. Writers Uzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter clearly claimed to have inside information, allowing them to access classified Israeli plans:

    "Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons.

    "Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear

  18. I've posted 10 things that make a sermon boing on my blog this morning. I'm curious to know what you thing makes a sermon boring.

    As a preacher ... I need to know this stuff :)

    If you want, check mine out then add to it...




    My SIN. . . That's what makes me bored with hearing the Word of God preached. Satan sits on my shoulder and tells me, "You've heard all this before." "You've been saved for 30 years, what else could this guy teach you?" When I start to listen to him that is when I start getting bored, it has nothing to do with what the Pastor is doing, or saying, it's ME!

    It is the Pastor's responsibility to bring God's word to me. It's MY respoinsibility to prepare my heart for what The Lord wishes me to learn from that. The responsibility is mine, all mine. He's not up there to entertain me! He does not preach from a stage, he preaches from a pulpit. I do not go to the Theater to hear The Gosple, I go to Church. My tithe is not the price of admission.

    The apostles didn't have anecdotes or funny stories to tell, they didn't use power point, they certainly didn't spend entire sermons trying to explain what Jeasus meant. They simply preached the Word. The Truth. This is church:

    Acts 2:41-47 41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

    AMEN!! :huh:

  19. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not the same as Salvation.

    AMEN Sister~That is where they confuse being Baptised unto salvation.. (I call it Johns Baptism for the remission of sin) and the baptism with the Holy Spirit with POWER to witness and go out and do the "Great Commission" with signs following...

    There is a difference..

    Blessings Karen

  20. Ya, I realized that, It's sad cause this has been a topic for a month now that I have tried to avoid yet always comes up. It did cause me to study the history of the corinthian church though, crazy, Basicly, the passage about woman being quiet in Church refers to a situation that was happening then, the temple prostitutes would come and interupt the sermon and start arguing in the middle of the church. Also they would shave their heads and pretend to be a prophetess, serving foreign gods.

    Ya, on this whole subject, I plead the 5th and I'll pass on it, lol if there is no 5th I'll plead the 10th. :24::emot-highfive:

    :thumbsup: You can plead them all if you need to... Blessings bro...


  21. lol Not stepping into the woman preacher thing again, I do believe that a woman and man pastor can have multiple gifts, I do believe many can have multiple gifts, and I don't believe that a woman who is a pasture can't be a woman of God, I believe God is in all and uses all, I do believe how ever that woman can't be pastors, but who am I to question the woman pastors heart.....

    You did not go there!!! :wub:

    Need a V8 moment I would think!?!? :P

    :P Rev Karen C

  22. Karen hold steadfast in what the Holy Spirit has called you into doing. :)

    I've seen this work done first hand with my own family member and rest assure even though some may not grasp it...it is the work of the Holy Spirit. After seeing the change in this person's life (who was a Christian even before the deliverance) I can assure others, it is God's calling for some to work in this area and help others who struggle in their spiritual battle. The person is now praising and thanking God daily for the help in removing what was hindering him from drawing closer to the Lord. I've watched the doors open up to blessings and spiritual knowledge being poured out upon this person's life...I've witnessed God answer a prayer that I've been asking for many years.

    Some people have the image of heads spinning around, people clawing themselves, and the sorts stuck in their mind when someone mentions 'demon'. :24: An unclean spirit that is hindering one from repenting of a certain sin comes from the same source. :24:

    Thanks.. I was feeling a little wore down here.. :24:

    I really would like everyone to grasp the spiritual realities.. then the Church can step UP to the higher calling we should all be walking in... That would be awesome wouldn't it??

    Blessings, Karen :24:

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